• Graduation Quotes To Lead You Into The Next Chapter

    Every spring, graduates of colleges and universities around the US are awarded their degrees at commencement ceremonies. “Pomp and Circumstance” will be played, mortarboard caps will be thrown, and a commencement address will be given by a notable figure. The goal of a commencement address is to give advice that can be taken into the “real world” after graduation. It’s an opportunity to reflect on what values are truly meaningful, the importance of education, and how to make a difference. Graduate or not, we can all stand to learn from the words of writers, politicians, musicians, and others. These 12 quotes from some of the most impactful or notable commencement addresses will inspire you, challenge you, and give you a new sense of purpose.

    1. “The really important kind of freedom involves attention, and awareness, and discipline, and effort, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them, over and over, in myriad petty little unsexy ways, every day.”
    —David Foster Wallace, 2005 Kenyon College commencement


    In one of the most famous commencement addresses of all time, “This is Water,” writer David Foster Wallace encouraged graduates to rethink their ideas about freedom. The word myriad [ mir-ee-uhd ] means “of an indefinitely great number; innumerable.” Myriad comes from the Greek for “ten thousand,” and can be used in English to mean the same, but DFW didn’t have this meaning in mind here.

    2. “I don’t know what your future is, but if you are willing to take the harder way, the more complicated one, the one with more failures at first than successes, the one that has ultimately proven to have more meaning, more victory, more glory then you will not regret it.”
    —Chadwick Boseman, 2018 Howard University commencement


    The actor Chadwick Boseman died tragically at a young age from colon cancer. Knowing this makes his words to graduates at his alma mater, Howard, even more poignant. He shares his ideas about how one can achieve glory, “very great praise, honor, or distinction bestowed by common consent; renown.” While today glory has a very positive connotation, this wasn’t always the case. In its earliest uses, glory was used more in the sense of vainglory, “excessive elation or pride over one’s own achievements.”

    3. “As every past generation has had to disenthrall itself from an inheritance of truisms and stereotypes, so in our own time we must move on from the reassuring repetition of stale phrases to a new, difficult, but essential confrontation with reality. For the great enemy of truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived, and dishonest—but the myth—persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.”
    —President John F. Kennedy, 1962 Yale University commencement


    President John F. Kennedy spent most of his 1962 commencement speech at Yale talking about his vision of government, but he also took time to give advice to the graduates. He says young people need to disenthrall themselves from old myths and stereotypes. Disenthrall is a verb meaning “to free from bondage; liberate.” Thrall is an old word meaning “a person who is morally or mentally enslaved by some power” or, more simply, “slavery.”

    4. “[T]hough it’s crucial to make a living, that shouldn’t be your inspiration or your aspiration. Do it for yourself, your highest self, for your own pride, joy, ego, gratification, expression, love, fulfillment, happiness—whatever you want to call it.”
    —Billy Joel, 1993 Berklee College of Music commencement


    Activist and musician Billy Joel, addressing graduates of the prestigious music school Berklee College, gave advice on how to direct creative energies to making the world a better place. He encourages them to do work for their own fulfillment, “the state or act of bringing something to realization.” Fulfillment is often used to describe the feeling one has when one accomplishes something of personal significance.

    5. “I want you all to stay true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves. I want you to ask those basic questions: Who do you want to be? What inspires you? How do you want to give back?”
    —First Lady Michelle Obama, 2015 Tuskegee University commencement


    On a similar note as Billy Joel, former First Lady Michelle Obama exhorts students to be authentic, which here means “representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself.” The word authentic comes from the Greek authentikós, meaning “original, primary, at first hand.”

    6. “I hope you are never victims, but I hope you have no power over other people. And when you fail, and are defeated, and in pain, and in the dark, then I hope you will remember that darkness is your country, where you live, where no wars are fought and no wars are won, but where the future is.”
    —Ursula K. Le Guin, 1983 Mills College commencement


    Science fiction writer Ursula K. Le Guin was no stranger to imagining new worlds and possibilities. So it makes sense that she talked to graduates about the future, “time that is to be or come hereafter.” While today we use future as a noun and adjective, in the mid-1600s, future was also used as a verb to mean “to put off to a future day,” as in They future their work because they are lazy.

    7. “As you approach your future, there will be ample opportunity to becomejadedand cynical, but I urge you to resist cynicism—the world is still a beautiful place and change is possible.”
    —Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, 2011 Harvard University commencement


    Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the former president of Liberia and was the first woman to lead an African nation. She spoke at her alma mater, Harvard, about the importance of advocating for change. She notes that many people become jaded as they age, a word that here means “worn out or wearied, as by overwork or overuse.” This sense of jaded comes from the Middle English jade, “a worn-out, broken-down, worthless, or vicious horse.”

    8. “Everything meaningful about this moment, and these four years, will be meaningful inside you, not outside you … As long as you store it inside yourself, it’s not going anywhere—or it’s going everywhere with you.”
    —Margaret Edson, 2008 Smith College commencement


    Educator and playwright Margaret Edson told graduates at Smith College that they will carry what is meaningful about their experience with them throughout their lives. Meaningful means “full of meaning, significance, purpose, or value.” Meaningful is formed from a combination of meaning and the suffix -ful, meaning “full of” or “characterized by.” It’s one of many suffixes from Old English that is still present in our language today.

    9. “If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion. Honor your calling. Everyone has one.”
    —Oprah Winfrey, 2008 Stanford commencement


    Television host Oprah Winfrey is known for being an inspiration, and her commencement speech at Stanford University in 2008 was certainly inspirational. She urged students to “harness [their] power to [their] passion.” Harness here is being used figuratively and as a verb to mean “to bring under conditions for effective use; gain control over for a particular end.” Harness comes from the Old Norse *hernest meaning “provisions for an armed force.” The word’s meaning has changed quite a lot since! [checking]

    10. “When things are going sweetly and peacefully, please pause a moment, and then say out loud, “If this isn’t nice, what is?””
    —Kurt Vonnegut, 1999 Agnes Scott College commencement


    The writer Kurt Vonnegut wanted graduates to take time to reflect on the goodness in life. He describes this as “when things are going sweetly,” a word commonly associated with sugar but that can also describe anything “pleasing or agreeable; delightful.” Sweet is an interesting word that is closely related to its ancient Proto-Indo-European original. You can learn more about the history of the word at our entry for sweet.

    11. “From my point of view, which is that of a storyteller, I see your life as already artful, waiting, just waiting and ready for you to make it art.”
    —Toni Morrison, 2004 Wellesley College commencement


    Novelist Toni Morrison in her commencement address at Wellesley College told graduates she saw their lives as artful. While this word can mean “slyly crafty or cunning; deceitful; tricky,” it is clear from the context that Morrison meant it in the sense of “done with or characterized by art or skill.” In other words, the graduates have the skills, power, and beauty to create a good life.

    12. “If I must give any of you advice it would be Say Yes. Say Yes, And … and create your own destiny.”
    —Maya Rudolph, 2015 Tulane University commencement


    Graduation is a time to think about the future and one’s destiny, in the sense of “something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing; lot or fortune.” Destiny is often taken to be something that is “predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible.” But actor Maya Rudolph takes this word in a different direction, saying graduates should “create [their] own destiny.”

    Graduation season is a time to consider our own futures, destinies, passions, and desires. We hope these inspiring words give you something to chew on as you go forth into the “real world.”

    Copyright 2025, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    Graduation Quotes To Lead You Into The Next Chapter Every spring, graduates of colleges and universities around the US are awarded their degrees at commencement ceremonies. “Pomp and Circumstance” will be played, mortarboard caps will be thrown, and a commencement address will be given by a notable figure. The goal of a commencement address is to give advice that can be taken into the “real world” after graduation. It’s an opportunity to reflect on what values are truly meaningful, the importance of education, and how to make a difference. Graduate or not, we can all stand to learn from the words of writers, politicians, musicians, and others. These 12 quotes from some of the most impactful or notable commencement addresses will inspire you, challenge you, and give you a new sense of purpose. 1. “The really important kind of freedom involves attention, and awareness, and discipline, and effort, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them, over and over, in myriad petty little unsexy ways, every day.” —David Foster Wallace, 2005 Kenyon College commencement myriad In one of the most famous commencement addresses of all time, “This is Water,” writer David Foster Wallace encouraged graduates to rethink their ideas about freedom. The word myriad [ mir-ee-uhd ] means “of an indefinitely great number; innumerable.” Myriad comes from the Greek for “ten thousand,” and can be used in English to mean the same, but DFW didn’t have this meaning in mind here. 2. “I don’t know what your future is, but if you are willing to take the harder way, the more complicated one, the one with more failures at first than successes, the one that has ultimately proven to have more meaning, more victory, more glory then you will not regret it.” —Chadwick Boseman, 2018 Howard University commencement glory The actor Chadwick Boseman died tragically at a young age from colon cancer. Knowing this makes his words to graduates at his alma mater, Howard, even more poignant. He shares his ideas about how one can achieve glory, “very great praise, honor, or distinction bestowed by common consent; renown.” While today glory has a very positive connotation, this wasn’t always the case. In its earliest uses, glory was used more in the sense of vainglory, “excessive elation or pride over one’s own achievements.” 3. “As every past generation has had to disenthrall itself from an inheritance of truisms and stereotypes, so in our own time we must move on from the reassuring repetition of stale phrases to a new, difficult, but essential confrontation with reality. For the great enemy of truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived, and dishonest—but the myth—persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.” —President John F. Kennedy, 1962 Yale University commencement disenthrall President John F. Kennedy spent most of his 1962 commencement speech at Yale talking about his vision of government, but he also took time to give advice to the graduates. He says young people need to disenthrall themselves from old myths and stereotypes. Disenthrall is a verb meaning “to free from bondage; liberate.” Thrall is an old word meaning “a person who is morally or mentally enslaved by some power” or, more simply, “slavery.” 4. “[T]hough it’s crucial to make a living, that shouldn’t be your inspiration or your aspiration. Do it for yourself, your highest self, for your own pride, joy, ego, gratification, expression, love, fulfillment, happiness—whatever you want to call it.” —Billy Joel, 1993 Berklee College of Music commencement fulfillment Activist and musician Billy Joel, addressing graduates of the prestigious music school Berklee College, gave advice on how to direct creative energies to making the world a better place. He encourages them to do work for their own fulfillment, “the state or act of bringing something to realization.” Fulfillment is often used to describe the feeling one has when one accomplishes something of personal significance. 5. “I want you all to stay true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves. I want you to ask those basic questions: Who do you want to be? What inspires you? How do you want to give back?” —First Lady Michelle Obama, 2015 Tuskegee University commencement authentic On a similar note as Billy Joel, former First Lady Michelle Obama exhorts students to be authentic, which here means “representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself.” The word authentic comes from the Greek authentikós, meaning “original, primary, at first hand.” 6. “I hope you are never victims, but I hope you have no power over other people. And when you fail, and are defeated, and in pain, and in the dark, then I hope you will remember that darkness is your country, where you live, where no wars are fought and no wars are won, but where the future is.” —Ursula K. Le Guin, 1983 Mills College commencement future Science fiction writer Ursula K. Le Guin was no stranger to imagining new worlds and possibilities. So it makes sense that she talked to graduates about the future, “time that is to be or come hereafter.” While today we use future as a noun and adjective, in the mid-1600s, future was also used as a verb to mean “to put off to a future day,” as in They future their work because they are lazy. 7. “As you approach your future, there will be ample opportunity to becomejadedand cynical, but I urge you to resist cynicism—the world is still a beautiful place and change is possible.” —Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, 2011 Harvard University commencement jaded Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the former president of Liberia and was the first woman to lead an African nation. She spoke at her alma mater, Harvard, about the importance of advocating for change. She notes that many people become jaded as they age, a word that here means “worn out or wearied, as by overwork or overuse.” This sense of jaded comes from the Middle English jade, “a worn-out, broken-down, worthless, or vicious horse.” 8. “Everything meaningful about this moment, and these four years, will be meaningful inside you, not outside you … As long as you store it inside yourself, it’s not going anywhere—or it’s going everywhere with you.” —Margaret Edson, 2008 Smith College commencement meaningful Educator and playwright Margaret Edson told graduates at Smith College that they will carry what is meaningful about their experience with them throughout their lives. Meaningful means “full of meaning, significance, purpose, or value.” Meaningful is formed from a combination of meaning and the suffix -ful, meaning “full of” or “characterized by.” It’s one of many suffixes from Old English that is still present in our language today. 9. “If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion. Honor your calling. Everyone has one.” —Oprah Winfrey, 2008 Stanford commencement harness Television host Oprah Winfrey is known for being an inspiration, and her commencement speech at Stanford University in 2008 was certainly inspirational. She urged students to “harness [their] power to [their] passion.” Harness here is being used figuratively and as a verb to mean “to bring under conditions for effective use; gain control over for a particular end.” Harness comes from the Old Norse *hernest meaning “provisions for an armed force.” The word’s meaning has changed quite a lot since! [checking] 10. “When things are going sweetly and peacefully, please pause a moment, and then say out loud, “If this isn’t nice, what is?”” —Kurt Vonnegut, 1999 Agnes Scott College commencement sweetly The writer Kurt Vonnegut wanted graduates to take time to reflect on the goodness in life. He describes this as “when things are going sweetly,” a word commonly associated with sugar but that can also describe anything “pleasing or agreeable; delightful.” Sweet is an interesting word that is closely related to its ancient Proto-Indo-European original. You can learn more about the history of the word at our entry for sweet. 11. “From my point of view, which is that of a storyteller, I see your life as already artful, waiting, just waiting and ready for you to make it art.” —Toni Morrison, 2004 Wellesley College commencement artful Novelist Toni Morrison in her commencement address at Wellesley College told graduates she saw their lives as artful. While this word can mean “slyly crafty or cunning; deceitful; tricky,” it is clear from the context that Morrison meant it in the sense of “done with or characterized by art or skill.” In other words, the graduates have the skills, power, and beauty to create a good life. 12. “If I must give any of you advice it would be Say Yes. Say Yes, And … and create your own destiny.” —Maya Rudolph, 2015 Tulane University commencement destiny Graduation is a time to think about the future and one’s destiny, in the sense of “something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing; lot or fortune.” Destiny is often taken to be something that is “predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible.” But actor Maya Rudolph takes this word in a different direction, saying graduates should “create [their] own destiny.” Graduation season is a time to consider our own futures, destinies, passions, and desires. We hope these inspiring words give you something to chew on as you go forth into the “real world.” Copyright 2025, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
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    นอกเหนือจากนี้ยังมีการเพิ่มฟีเจอร์ AI ที่ชื่อว่า "Awesome Intelligence" ที่ช่วยให้ผู้ใช้สามารถค้นหาได้อย่างรวดเร็วด้วยการวงล้อมุมหน้าจอ, เครื่องมือ Eraser ที่ช่วยลบวัตถุที่ไม่ต้องการออกจากรูปภาพ และฟิลเตอร์ที่ผู้ใช้สามารถสร้างได้เอง นอกจากนี้ รุ่น A56 ยังมีฟีเจอร์ Best Face ที่ช่วยให้ผู้ใช้สามารถสลับสีหน้าของบุคคลในรูปกลุ่มให้ดูดีขึ้นได้

    Galaxy A36 5G มีการปรับปรุงที่สำคัญเช่น กล้องหลังสามตัวที่ประกอบด้วยเลนส์หลัก 50MP OIS, เลนส์กว้างพิเศษ 8MP, และเลนส์มาโคร 5MP กล้องหน้าก็ได้อัปเกรดเป็น 12MP จอแสดงผล Super AMOLED ขนาด 6.7 นิ้ว พร้อมอัตราการรีเฟรช 120Hz และความสว่างสูงสุด 1200 นิต แบตเตอรี่ขนาด 5,000mAh รองรับการชาร์จไว 45W และมีความสามารถในการกันน้ำและฝุ่นตามมาตรฐาน IP67

    Galaxy A26 5G แม้จะเป็นรุ่นที่มีราคาต่ำกว่า แต่ยังคงมีฟีเจอร์ AI อันทรงพลังและกล้องที่ดีเลิศประกอบด้วยกล้องหลัก 50MP, เลนส์กว้างพิเศษ 8MP, และเลนส์มาโคร 2MP จอแสดงผล Super AMOLED ขนาด 6.7 นิ้ว พร้อมอัตราการรีเฟรช 120Hz และกันน้ำฝุ่นตามมาตรฐาน IP67 เช่นเดียวกับรุ่น A36

    Samsung เปิดตัว Samsung Galaxy A36 รุ่นใหม่ที่มีราคา $399 ที่เป็นเครื่องมือที่แข็งแกร่งในตลาดมือถือระดับกลาง โดย Galaxy A36 และ A26 ได้รับการอัปเกรดใหม่หลายด้านเช่น การปรับปรุงกล้องเสียงจอแสดงผล และแบตเตอรี่ที่ดีขึ้น นอกเหนือจากนี้ยังมีการเพิ่มฟีเจอร์ AI ที่ชื่อว่า "Awesome Intelligence" ที่ช่วยให้ผู้ใช้สามารถค้นหาได้อย่างรวดเร็วด้วยการวงล้อมุมหน้าจอ, เครื่องมือ Eraser ที่ช่วยลบวัตถุที่ไม่ต้องการออกจากรูปภาพ และฟิลเตอร์ที่ผู้ใช้สามารถสร้างได้เอง นอกจากนี้ รุ่น A56 ยังมีฟีเจอร์ Best Face ที่ช่วยให้ผู้ใช้สามารถสลับสีหน้าของบุคคลในรูปกลุ่มให้ดูดีขึ้นได้ Galaxy A36 5G มีการปรับปรุงที่สำคัญเช่น กล้องหลังสามตัวที่ประกอบด้วยเลนส์หลัก 50MP OIS, เลนส์กว้างพิเศษ 8MP, และเลนส์มาโคร 5MP กล้องหน้าก็ได้อัปเกรดเป็น 12MP จอแสดงผล Super AMOLED ขนาด 6.7 นิ้ว พร้อมอัตราการรีเฟรช 120Hz และความสว่างสูงสุด 1200 นิต แบตเตอรี่ขนาด 5,000mAh รองรับการชาร์จไว 45W และมีความสามารถในการกันน้ำและฝุ่นตามมาตรฐาน IP67 Galaxy A26 5G แม้จะเป็นรุ่นที่มีราคาต่ำกว่า แต่ยังคงมีฟีเจอร์ AI อันทรงพลังและกล้องที่ดีเลิศประกอบด้วยกล้องหลัก 50MP, เลนส์กว้างพิเศษ 8MP, และเลนส์มาโคร 2MP จอแสดงผล Super AMOLED ขนาด 6.7 นิ้ว พร้อมอัตราการรีเฟรช 120Hz และกันน้ำฝุ่นตามมาตรฐาน IP67 เช่นเดียวกับรุ่น A36 https://www.zdnet.com/article/forget-iphone-16e-samsungs-399-galaxy-a36-is-the-mid-ranger-to-beat/
    Forget iPhone 16e: Samsung's $399 Galaxy A36 is the mid-ranger to beat
    The A36 5G is being released alongside the A26, both of which feature AI enhancements and improvements to the camera, audio, display, and battery.
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 214 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • How To Spell W And Other Letters Of The Alphabet

    No doubt you know your ABCs, but do you know how to spell the names of the letters themselves? For example, how would you spell the name of the letter W? In this article, we are going to take a look at how to spell out the different consonants of the alphabet. Why just the consonants? Well, spelling the names of the vowels is unusual, and the spellings vary widely.

    We don’t often have a reason to spell out the names of letters. They show up in some words or phrases, like tee-shirt or em-dash. Knowing how to spell out the letters is a good trick to have in your back pocket when playing word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends. Mostly though, the spelled-out names of the consonants are fun trivia any word lover will enjoy.

    B – bee
    The letter B is spelled just like the insect: b-e-e. The plural is bees, like something you might find in a hive. Before it was bee, the letter B was part of the Phoenician alphabet and was known as beth.

    C – cee
    The spelling of the letter C might surprise you. It isn’t spelled with an S but a C: c-e-e. The spelling cee might come in handy especially when writing about something “shaped or formed like the letter C,” as in she was curled in a cee, holding her pillow.

    D – dee
    You might be picking up on a pattern here. Like B and C, the letter D is spelled out with -ee: d-e-e. Like the letter B, dee originally had another name in the Phoenician alphabet: daleth.

    F – ef
    The letter F is spelled e-f. The spelled out name ef is occasionally used as an abbreviation for much saltier language.

    G – gee
    With the exception of ef, the letter G is spelled like the other letters we have seen so far: gee. Particularly in American slang, the spelled out name gee is used as an abbreviation for grand, in the sense of “thousand dollars.”

    H – aitch
    The letter H has a tricky spelling and pronunciation. It is spelled aitch, but the pronunciation of its name is [ eych ]. The letter comes from Northern Semitic languages and its modern corollary is the Hebrew letter heth.

    J – jay
    The letter J has a long and complicated history—it began as a swash, a typographical embellishment for the already existing I—but its spelling is relatively straightforward: jay. Like C, the spelling jay can be useful when describing something in the shape of the letter.

    K – kay
    You may already be familiar with the spelling of the letter K from the expression okay, or OK. Just like in okay, K is typically spelled k-a-y. Okay is a unique Americanism that you can read more about here.

    L – el
    El is most easily recognizable as the common abbreviation for elevated railroad. However, it is also the spelling for the letter L.

    M – em
    The spelling of the letter M, em, can be found in the name of the punctuation mark em dash (—). The name of the punctuation mark comes from the fact that it is the width of the letter M when printed.

    N – en
    Much like the letters em and en themselves, the em-dash and en-dash are often mixed up. The en dash is, you guessed it, the width of the letter N when printed. The en dash (–) is shorter than an em dash (—).

    P – pee
    The most scatological letter name is pee (P). The use of pee as a verb and noun to refer to urination actually comes from a euphemism for the vulgar piss, using the spelling of the initial letter in piss: P.

    Q – cue
    The letter Q has the honor of being one of two letters that is not included in the spelling of its own name: cue. The use of cue as a verb or noun to refer to “anything that excites to action” comes from another abbreviation related to the letter itself. In acting scripts, the Latin quandō, meaning “when” was abbreviated q, which later came to be spelled cue.

    R – ar
    The name of the letter R sounds like something a pirate might say: ar. The letter R was called by the Roman poet Persius littera canina or “the canine letter.” It was so named because pronouncing ar sounds like a dog’s growl.

    S – ess
    The snake-like S is spelled ess, with two terminal -s‘s. Along with cee and jay, ess can also be used to describe “something shaped like an S,” as in The roads were laid out nested double esses along the riverbank.

    T – tee
    A letter whose spelling you are more likely to be familiar with is T or tee, because it often appears in spellings of T-shirt (e.g., tee-shirt). The tee shirt is so named because it is a shirt in the shape of a T.

    V – vee
    Another letter that pops up in fashion is V or vee. You see this most often when describing certain clothing elements, such as a vee neckline or a vee-shaped dart.

    W – double-u
    The letter W is one of the stranger letters in the alphabet, and so is its spelling. As we noted already, we don’t usually spell vowels out, so we end up with the awkward double-u. The plural spelling is double-ues. Before it was merged into one letter (W), the sound was represented with the the digraph -uu- or double-u.

    X – ex
    The spelling of the letter X, ex, might seem foreboding. That’s because we often equate it with the prefix ex-, meaning “out of” or “without.” We also use ex as a verb to mean putting an X over something, literally or metaphorically, as in I exed out the name on the list. The letter X has found use as we explore new ways of describing gender identity and expression, which you can read about here.

    Y – wye
    The letter Y is spelled wye, like the river in Great Britain. Wye has been adopted into electrical and railroad terminology to describe circuits and track arrangements, respectively, that are in the shape of a Y. Interestingly, the letter Y replaced an Old English letter called thorn.

    Z – zee
    In American English, the letter Z is spelled and pronounced zee, patterned off of other consonants like dee and gee. However, in British English, the letter Z is named zed. Zed comes from the Middle French zede, itself from the ancient Greek zêta.

    Copyright 2025, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    How To Spell W And Other Letters Of The Alphabet No doubt you know your ABCs, but do you know how to spell the names of the letters themselves? For example, how would you spell the name of the letter W? In this article, we are going to take a look at how to spell out the different consonants of the alphabet. Why just the consonants? Well, spelling the names of the vowels is unusual, and the spellings vary widely. We don’t often have a reason to spell out the names of letters. They show up in some words or phrases, like tee-shirt or em-dash. Knowing how to spell out the letters is a good trick to have in your back pocket when playing word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends. Mostly though, the spelled-out names of the consonants are fun trivia any word lover will enjoy. B – bee The letter B is spelled just like the insect: b-e-e. The plural is bees, like something you might find in a hive. Before it was bee, the letter B was part of the Phoenician alphabet and was known as beth. C – cee The spelling of the letter C might surprise you. It isn’t spelled with an S but a C: c-e-e. The spelling cee might come in handy especially when writing about something “shaped or formed like the letter C,” as in she was curled in a cee, holding her pillow. D – dee You might be picking up on a pattern here. Like B and C, the letter D is spelled out with -ee: d-e-e. Like the letter B, dee originally had another name in the Phoenician alphabet: daleth. F – ef The letter F is spelled e-f. The spelled out name ef is occasionally used as an abbreviation for much saltier language. G – gee With the exception of ef, the letter G is spelled like the other letters we have seen so far: gee. Particularly in American slang, the spelled out name gee is used as an abbreviation for grand, in the sense of “thousand dollars.” H – aitch The letter H has a tricky spelling and pronunciation. It is spelled aitch, but the pronunciation of its name is [ eych ]. The letter comes from Northern Semitic languages and its modern corollary is the Hebrew letter heth. J – jay The letter J has a long and complicated history—it began as a swash, a typographical embellishment for the already existing I—but its spelling is relatively straightforward: jay. Like C, the spelling jay can be useful when describing something in the shape of the letter. K – kay You may already be familiar with the spelling of the letter K from the expression okay, or OK. Just like in okay, K is typically spelled k-a-y. Okay is a unique Americanism that you can read more about here. L – el El is most easily recognizable as the common abbreviation for elevated railroad. However, it is also the spelling for the letter L. M – em The spelling of the letter M, em, can be found in the name of the punctuation mark em dash (—). The name of the punctuation mark comes from the fact that it is the width of the letter M when printed. N – en Much like the letters em and en themselves, the em-dash and en-dash are often mixed up. The en dash is, you guessed it, the width of the letter N when printed. The en dash (–) is shorter than an em dash (—). P – pee The most scatological letter name is pee (P). The use of pee as a verb and noun to refer to urination actually comes from a euphemism for the vulgar piss, using the spelling of the initial letter in piss: P. Q – cue The letter Q has the honor of being one of two letters that is not included in the spelling of its own name: cue. The use of cue as a verb or noun to refer to “anything that excites to action” comes from another abbreviation related to the letter itself. In acting scripts, the Latin quandō, meaning “when” was abbreviated q, which later came to be spelled cue. R – ar The name of the letter R sounds like something a pirate might say: ar. The letter R was called by the Roman poet Persius littera canina or “the canine letter.” It was so named because pronouncing ar sounds like a dog’s growl. S – ess The snake-like S is spelled ess, with two terminal -s‘s. Along with cee and jay, ess can also be used to describe “something shaped like an S,” as in The roads were laid out nested double esses along the riverbank. T – tee A letter whose spelling you are more likely to be familiar with is T or tee, because it often appears in spellings of T-shirt (e.g., tee-shirt). The tee shirt is so named because it is a shirt in the shape of a T. V – vee Another letter that pops up in fashion is V or vee. You see this most often when describing certain clothing elements, such as a vee neckline or a vee-shaped dart. W – double-u The letter W is one of the stranger letters in the alphabet, and so is its spelling. As we noted already, we don’t usually spell vowels out, so we end up with the awkward double-u. The plural spelling is double-ues. Before it was merged into one letter (W), the sound was represented with the the digraph -uu- or double-u. X – ex The spelling of the letter X, ex, might seem foreboding. That’s because we often equate it with the prefix ex-, meaning “out of” or “without.” We also use ex as a verb to mean putting an X over something, literally or metaphorically, as in I exed out the name on the list. The letter X has found use as we explore new ways of describing gender identity and expression, which you can read about here. Y – wye The letter Y is spelled wye, like the river in Great Britain. Wye has been adopted into electrical and railroad terminology to describe circuits and track arrangements, respectively, that are in the shape of a Y. Interestingly, the letter Y replaced an Old English letter called thorn. Z – zee In American English, the letter Z is spelled and pronounced zee, patterned off of other consonants like dee and gee. However, in British English, the letter Z is named zed. Zed comes from the Middle French zede, itself from the ancient Greek zêta. Copyright 2025, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 875 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • Words From The 2010s So Lit We Should Bring Them Back

    The 2010s were the era of Instagram, Beyonce’s Lemonade album, and arguing about whether a viral photo showed a blue dress or a white one. The decade may not seem like that long ago, but a lot has changed since then, including many parts of our language.

    Vocabulary evolves quickly, especially when you’re talking about the words associated with slang and pop culture. Take yeet, for example. One minute, everyone was saying it. The next? Well, it might be hard to recall the last time you’ve heard it.

    The good news is that the coolest things from previous decades almost always come back in style again. 2010s nostalgia is having a moment, and we’re taking that opportunity to look back at some of the defining words of the decade. Here are 16 2010s slang words that might be ready for a comeback.


    Remember bae? In the 2010s, this term of endearment was all over the place. The word, which is “an affectionate term used to address or refer to one’s girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, etc.,” gained popularity in 2012, thanks to a viral tweet. The term originated in Black culture, most likely as a shortened form of babe or baby. It went on to achieve meme status before fading into the background at the start of the next decade.


    Catfish isn’t just a type of fish. It’s also a verb that means “to deceive, swindle, etc., by assuming a false identity or personality online.” This slang meaning of catfish took over in 2010 with the release of Catfish by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman. The documentary told the story of a man who was romantically duped by a stranger online. Catfish is still used to describe this kind of trickery, but the word is less common than it used to be, perhaps because knowledge of this type of dishonesty is more widespread.

    first world problem

    Oh, your favorite slang went out of style? Sounds like a first world problem. (Just kidding.) In the 2010s, first world problem emerged as a facetious way of pointing out a “fairly minor problem, frustration, or complaint associated with a relatively high standard of living, as opposed to serious problems associated with poverty.” The phrase dates back to the late ’70s, but it wasn’t seen online until around 2005. It got its start as a hashtag on Twitter and later became one of the go-to phrases of the 2010s.


    Yeet began as the name of a popular dance in Black internet culture. By the mid-2010s, its use in viral videos had solidified its place as “an exclamation of excitement, approval, surprise, or all-around energy.” In 2018, yeet was voted the American Dialect Society’s 2018 Slang/Informal Word of the Year. Perhaps it’s because life during a pandemic hasn’t given us many reasons to say it, but yeet hasn’t held the same level of popularity in the years since its peak.


    These days, it’s popular for fans of musicians or actors to assume a group name related to their favorite celebrity, like Taylor Swift’s “swifties.” But in the 2010s, these groups were usually called stans. A stan is “an overly enthusiastic fan, especially of a celebrity.” The term originated in the early 2000s as a blend of stalker and fan, influenced by the rapper Eminem’s 2000 song “Stan.” Luckily, the term is mostly used in a lighthearted way.


    We don’t mean to humblebrag, but we just have so many classic 2010s words to share with you. A humblebrag is “a statement intended as a boast or brag but disguised by a humble apology, complaint, etc.” The term is credited to writer and TV producer Harris Wittels, who created the Twitter account @Humblebrag in 2010 to showcase real-life examples of the act. It’s likely that many people still humblebrag online, so maybe it’s time to bring back the term.


    If you say “this slaps” when you hear an awesome new song, you probably picked up your slang during the 2010s. Slaps is a slang verb meaning “to be excellent or amazing.” Believe it or not, slaps has been used to mean “first-rate” since at least the mid-1800s. It may not be as popular at the moment, but we have a feeling it will come back around again.

    on fleek

    For a brief moment in time, anything impressive or stylish was said to be on fleek. Now? Well, on fleek isn’t quite as on fleek as it used to be. Fleek means “flawlessly styled, groomed, etc.; looking great.” It’s typically used to describe someone’s clothing or appearance. The word was coined in its current sense by internet user Kayla Newman in 2014, and quickly became one of the most popular slang terms of the 2010s. Like a lot of popular slang, it may have existed in Black culture before it became widespread.


    Looking for a word that means “amazing, awesome, or cool.” How about lit? This 2010s word joined the ranks of cool, rad, and other terms to describe things people find great. Though its slang usage was most popular in the 2010s, lit has existed since at least 1895 as a way of saying “intoxicated.” It may not be new and trending, but this word isn’t likely to go away any time soon.

    milkshake duck

    Before canceled became everyone’s go-to word for internet controversies, there was milkshake duck. This phrase describes “a person (or thing) who becomes popular on the internet for a positive reason, but as their popularity takes off and people dig into their past, they become an object of outrage.” Milkshake duck is taken from a 2016 tweet by Australian cartoonist Ben Ward. The phrase may be less common than it once was, but the phenomenon it describes is still a major part of life online.


    Are we finally ready to slay some more? Slay means “to do something spectacularly well, especially when it comes to fashion, artistic performance, or self-confidence.” Slay being used as a way of saying “looking fashionable” can be traced back to the 1800s, but its usage in the 2010s is more closely linked to Black, Latinx, and queer ball culture. Whether it’s great clothes, hair, dancing, or something else, slay is a way of saying someone is killing it.


    In the 2010s, fire was frequently used as an adjective. Saying something was fire meant it was “cool, excellent, exciting, etc.” Fire can also be shortened to fya or fiyah, the origins of which can be traced to Black English. The term may have burned out towards the end of the decade, but we’re still holding a torch for this one. See what we did there?


    There’s nothing we love more than reminiscing about words with the fam. That’s you, of course. Fam means “a close friend or group of friends thought of as family.” Though the word is a shortened form of family, it generally describes chosen friends rather than actual family members. It became popular on Twitter and other social media platforms in the mid-2010s.


    A glass of water won’t cure this type of thirst. Those who were teens and young adults in the 2010s might remember thirst as a slang term meaning “to have a strong desire.” In other words, thirsting for someone means you find them attractive. This usage also spawned other phrases, such as thirst trap, which is a social media post shared to elicit sexual attention. Mostly, we’re just thirsty for this word to make a comeback.


    TFW stands for that feeling when. It was the basis of a popular 2010s meme that people used to express their emotions in relatable or unrelatable situations. For example, “TFW you just got cozy in bed but you need to use the bathroom.” The exact origins of the meme and corresponding phrase aren’t known, but it’s been in use on the internet since before 2018.


    Can we get a yaaas for this final word? This interjection is an alternative form of yes, and it indicates ”a strong expression of excitement, approval, agreement, etc.” Most often, it’s accompanied by queen or kween, as in yaaas kween, but it can also be used on its own. This phrase originates in drag culture, where it’s commonly said in response to someone’s excellent style.

    Copyright 2025, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    Words From The 2010s So Lit We Should Bring Them Back The 2010s were the era of Instagram, Beyonce’s Lemonade album, and arguing about whether a viral photo showed a blue dress or a white one. The decade may not seem like that long ago, but a lot has changed since then, including many parts of our language. Vocabulary evolves quickly, especially when you’re talking about the words associated with slang and pop culture. Take yeet, for example. One minute, everyone was saying it. The next? Well, it might be hard to recall the last time you’ve heard it. The good news is that the coolest things from previous decades almost always come back in style again. 2010s nostalgia is having a moment, and we’re taking that opportunity to look back at some of the defining words of the decade. Here are 16 2010s slang words that might be ready for a comeback. bae Remember bae? In the 2010s, this term of endearment was all over the place. The word, which is “an affectionate term used to address or refer to one’s girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, etc.,” gained popularity in 2012, thanks to a viral tweet. The term originated in Black culture, most likely as a shortened form of babe or baby. It went on to achieve meme status before fading into the background at the start of the next decade. catfish Catfish isn’t just a type of fish. It’s also a verb that means “to deceive, swindle, etc., by assuming a false identity or personality online.” This slang meaning of catfish took over in 2010 with the release of Catfish by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman. The documentary told the story of a man who was romantically duped by a stranger online. Catfish is still used to describe this kind of trickery, but the word is less common than it used to be, perhaps because knowledge of this type of dishonesty is more widespread. first world problem Oh, your favorite slang went out of style? Sounds like a first world problem. (Just kidding.) In the 2010s, first world problem emerged as a facetious way of pointing out a “fairly minor problem, frustration, or complaint associated with a relatively high standard of living, as opposed to serious problems associated with poverty.” The phrase dates back to the late ’70s, but it wasn’t seen online until around 2005. It got its start as a hashtag on Twitter and later became one of the go-to phrases of the 2010s. yeet Yeet began as the name of a popular dance in Black internet culture. By the mid-2010s, its use in viral videos had solidified its place as “an exclamation of excitement, approval, surprise, or all-around energy.” In 2018, yeet was voted the American Dialect Society’s 2018 Slang/Informal Word of the Year. Perhaps it’s because life during a pandemic hasn’t given us many reasons to say it, but yeet hasn’t held the same level of popularity in the years since its peak. stan These days, it’s popular for fans of musicians or actors to assume a group name related to their favorite celebrity, like Taylor Swift’s “swifties.” But in the 2010s, these groups were usually called stans. A stan is “an overly enthusiastic fan, especially of a celebrity.” The term originated in the early 2000s as a blend of stalker and fan, influenced by the rapper Eminem’s 2000 song “Stan.” Luckily, the term is mostly used in a lighthearted way. humblebrag We don’t mean to humblebrag, but we just have so many classic 2010s words to share with you. A humblebrag is “a statement intended as a boast or brag but disguised by a humble apology, complaint, etc.” The term is credited to writer and TV producer Harris Wittels, who created the Twitter account @Humblebrag in 2010 to showcase real-life examples of the act. It’s likely that many people still humblebrag online, so maybe it’s time to bring back the term. slaps If you say “this slaps” when you hear an awesome new song, you probably picked up your slang during the 2010s. Slaps is a slang verb meaning “to be excellent or amazing.” Believe it or not, slaps has been used to mean “first-rate” since at least the mid-1800s. It may not be as popular at the moment, but we have a feeling it will come back around again. on fleek For a brief moment in time, anything impressive or stylish was said to be on fleek. Now? Well, on fleek isn’t quite as on fleek as it used to be. Fleek means “flawlessly styled, groomed, etc.; looking great.” It’s typically used to describe someone’s clothing or appearance. The word was coined in its current sense by internet user Kayla Newman in 2014, and quickly became one of the most popular slang terms of the 2010s. Like a lot of popular slang, it may have existed in Black culture before it became widespread. lit Looking for a word that means “amazing, awesome, or cool.” How about lit? This 2010s word joined the ranks of cool, rad, and other terms to describe things people find great. Though its slang usage was most popular in the 2010s, lit has existed since at least 1895 as a way of saying “intoxicated.” It may not be new and trending, but this word isn’t likely to go away any time soon. milkshake duck Before canceled became everyone’s go-to word for internet controversies, there was milkshake duck. This phrase describes “a person (or thing) who becomes popular on the internet for a positive reason, but as their popularity takes off and people dig into their past, they become an object of outrage.” Milkshake duck is taken from a 2016 tweet by Australian cartoonist Ben Ward. The phrase may be less common than it once was, but the phenomenon it describes is still a major part of life online. slay Are we finally ready to slay some more? Slay means “to do something spectacularly well, especially when it comes to fashion, artistic performance, or self-confidence.” Slay being used as a way of saying “looking fashionable” can be traced back to the 1800s, but its usage in the 2010s is more closely linked to Black, Latinx, and queer ball culture. Whether it’s great clothes, hair, dancing, or something else, slay is a way of saying someone is killing it. fire In the 2010s, fire was frequently used as an adjective. Saying something was fire meant it was “cool, excellent, exciting, etc.” Fire can also be shortened to fya or fiyah, the origins of which can be traced to Black English. The term may have burned out towards the end of the decade, but we’re still holding a torch for this one. See what we did there? fam There’s nothing we love more than reminiscing about words with the fam. That’s you, of course. Fam means “a close friend or group of friends thought of as family.” Though the word is a shortened form of family, it generally describes chosen friends rather than actual family members. It became popular on Twitter and other social media platforms in the mid-2010s. thirst A glass of water won’t cure this type of thirst. Those who were teens and young adults in the 2010s might remember thirst as a slang term meaning “to have a strong desire.” In other words, thirsting for someone means you find them attractive. This usage also spawned other phrases, such as thirst trap, which is a social media post shared to elicit sexual attention. Mostly, we’re just thirsty for this word to make a comeback. TFW TFW stands for that feeling when. It was the basis of a popular 2010s meme that people used to express their emotions in relatable or unrelatable situations. For example, “TFW you just got cozy in bed but you need to use the bathroom.” The exact origins of the meme and corresponding phrase aren’t known, but it’s been in use on the internet since before 2018. yaass Can we get a yaaas for this final word? This interjection is an alternative form of yes, and it indicates ”a strong expression of excitement, approval, agreement, etc.” Most often, it’s accompanied by queen or kween, as in yaaas kween, but it can also be used on its own. This phrase originates in drag culture, where it’s commonly said in response to someone’s excellent style. Copyright 2025, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 1222 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • 10 Conversational Tips That Take The Stress Out Of Small Talk

    We’ve all been there: you’re at a party and trying to find an “in” to start an engaging conversation with someone you just met. Or, maybe it’s a professional conference, and you want to make an impression on a new contact you’d love to have in your network. You want to say the right thing, but your mind feels blank, like you’ve completely forgotten how to communicate with other human beings.

    Making small talk is a skill, and it’s not easy, but the good news is that there’s always time to learn. Think about the conversations you have with the people you like and know well. When talking with these people, you likely practice good conversational skills without even realizing it, like:

    Listening attentively.
    Being present.
    Trying not to repeat yourself.
    Showing interest.
    Going with the flow.

    The trick to making great small talk is to find ways to call upon those same friendly conversational skills, even when you’re speaking with someone you don’t know well, in a brand-new environment, or in an awkward or high-pressure situation. How do you do that? We’ve got your back. Here are 10 tips to improve your small talk game and make it look easy.

    1. Start with an introduction. Sometimes the best way to break the ice is simply to introduce yourself.

    “Hi, I’m Pete, the groom’s brother. How do you know the couple?”
    “I’m Allison Smith, the head of sales at Office Corp. What company are you representing?”
    “My name’s Lupita. I’m in the theater program here at NYU. What’s your major?”
    It seems easy, but you’d be surprised how quickly people can forget a simple introduction when they’re fumbling for the best thing to say. If you start with your name and some information related to the event or something you might have in common, you create opportunities to learn something about them, which can help you launch effortlessly into a longer conversation.

    2. Have some topics in the bank.

    It’s easy for your mind to go blank when you’re asked a question about yourself or trying to pull topics out of thin air, so make sure you always show up prepared. Think of three to five interesting things you’ve done recently that might make good conversation starters, such as:

    A new restaurant you’ve tried.
    A book you loved.
    A movie you’re really excited about.
    The last trip you took.
    What you did over the weekend.
    Your most recent professional development opportunity.
    Your favorite hobby.
    The unique origins of pasta names. (Well, we like dictionary talk …)
    While you’re at it, brush up on current events that might be interesting to discuss. If you’re attending a work event, make sure you’re up-to-date on the latest industry news and goings-on at your company.

    3. Use open-ended questions.

    Asking a “yes or no” question is one of the fastest ways to kill a conversation because it doesn’t give you anything to build on. Instead, try to ask open-ended questions. These are questions that can’t be answered with a single word, and that means the other person has to expand on what they’re saying, giving you plenty of opportunities to latch onto something they say and keep the words flowing.

    4. Agree, then add something.

    If you’re at an event and someone makes an observation about your surroundings, the host, or even something totally unrelated, go with it. Their statement can be a good opportunity to add your own observations, establish a connection, and move forward into a conversation. First, affirm what they’ve said, then add your own take, and follow it up with an open-ended question that leaves room to move to a new topic. Here’s how it might look in action:

    Them: “This signature cocktail is pretty good, huh?”
    You: “It is. It really complements the appetizers. Have you tried them yet?”

    If you don’t happen to agree with what they’ve said, that’s okay! You can still politely acknowledge it and forge ahead.

    Them: “This signature cocktail is pretty good, huh?”
    You: “It’s very unique. My attention has been on the appetizers. Have you tried them yet?”

    5. Be complimentary.

    If you want to seem friendly and approachable, find nice things to say about others. (We happen to have some helpful synonyms for the word nice and tips for delivering sincere compliments.) People are more likely to be drawn to you if you’re open about pointing out how funny something they said was, how much you admire their sense of style, or how interested you are in their work. Compliments can also be a way to begin a conversation. Try something like this:

    “I just had to tell you, I love that tie! It’s so bold. I’m Eric, by the way. What’s your name?”
    “Dr. Stein, I’m Lexi Jones. I’m so thrilled to meet you. Your book was fascinating. Are you studying anything new?”
    “I’m Shawn. My sister said you’re an amazing artist. I’m so glad we ended up at the same table. Tell me about your work.”

    6. Let them teach you something.

    No one is an expert on every topic. If they mention something you don’t know much about, don’t let the conversation die there. Use it as an opportunity for conversation. People love to talk about themselves and things they’re passionate about, so express your curiosity and allow them to share more knowledge with you. Here are some ideas for how to do this:

    “I’ve never been fly-fishing before. What is it like?”
    “I’m not familiar with that program yet. Is it difficult to learn?”
    “I’ve been meaning to check out that band. Which album should I start with?”

    7. Use the ARE method.

    If you’re the kind of person who wishes there was an easy equation for small talk, we have good news. Some psychologists recommend the ARE method. ARE stands for anchor, reveal, and encourage.

    First, anchor yourself and the other person in the moment by making an observation about your shared location or experience. Next, reveal something about yourself in relation to the anchor, like how it makes you feel, something you’ve noticed, or something you’re interested in or excited about. Lastly, encourage participation from the other person by asking a related question. It will look like this:

    Anchor: “There are so many new faces at the conference this year.”
    Reveal: “I’m really inspired by all of the talent here.”
    Encourage: “Have you met anyone interesting so far?”

    8. Be real with it.

    If you’re feeling rusty at small talk, guess what? You are not alone. Most people struggle with talking to and getting to know new people, and it’s okay to admit that it’s hard. If you express that you’re not very good at small talk or feeling nervous in the situation, many people will find this relatable and it can start the conversation—which is the goal! It can be as simple as saying something like:

    “I’m terrible at small talk, but I’m really interested in speaking with you.”
    “I apologize in advance for any awkwardness. Small talk isn’t my strong suit, but I’m really curious about your work.”
    “Nothing like trying to make small talk with a table full of strangers, huh? How’s your night going?”

    9. Have an exit strategy.

    Sometimes you just need to get away. That’s okay. Making a smooth exit is also a part of being skilled at small talk. You could excuse yourself to the restroom or the buffet, but the easiest way to get out of a conversation is to be polite and direct. Let them know you enjoyed speaking with them and that you’re going to direct your attention to something else now.

    “It was lovely meeting you. I’m going to refresh my drink and check in with the host.”
    “Excuse me, but I just saw someone I need to speak with. It was nice chatting with you.”
    “I’m so glad we met. I hope to run into you again later on.”

    10. Practice often.

    For many of us, hating small talk also means avoiding it at all costs. The only problem is, this makes small talk harder when it can’t be avoided. Instead of fleeing from every situation that might require you to banter with strangers, try to see those as opportunities for more practice.

    Most small talk conversations have fairly low stakes. Practice introducing yourself, asking a few questions about the other person, and politely excusing yourself after a few moments. Before you know it, you’ll be a pro, and awkward silences will be a thing of the past.

    Copyright 2024, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    10 Conversational Tips That Take The Stress Out Of Small Talk We’ve all been there: you’re at a party and trying to find an “in” to start an engaging conversation with someone you just met. Or, maybe it’s a professional conference, and you want to make an impression on a new contact you’d love to have in your network. You want to say the right thing, but your mind feels blank, like you’ve completely forgotten how to communicate with other human beings. Making small talk is a skill, and it’s not easy, but the good news is that there’s always time to learn. Think about the conversations you have with the people you like and know well. When talking with these people, you likely practice good conversational skills without even realizing it, like: Listening attentively. Being present. Trying not to repeat yourself. Showing interest. Going with the flow. The trick to making great small talk is to find ways to call upon those same friendly conversational skills, even when you’re speaking with someone you don’t know well, in a brand-new environment, or in an awkward or high-pressure situation. How do you do that? We’ve got your back. Here are 10 tips to improve your small talk game and make it look easy. 1. Start with an introduction. Sometimes the best way to break the ice is simply to introduce yourself. “Hi, I’m Pete, the groom’s brother. How do you know the couple?” “I’m Allison Smith, the head of sales at Office Corp. What company are you representing?” “My name’s Lupita. I’m in the theater program here at NYU. What’s your major?” It seems easy, but you’d be surprised how quickly people can forget a simple introduction when they’re fumbling for the best thing to say. If you start with your name and some information related to the event or something you might have in common, you create opportunities to learn something about them, which can help you launch effortlessly into a longer conversation. 2. Have some topics in the bank. It’s easy for your mind to go blank when you’re asked a question about yourself or trying to pull topics out of thin air, so make sure you always show up prepared. Think of three to five interesting things you’ve done recently that might make good conversation starters, such as: A new restaurant you’ve tried. A book you loved. A movie you’re really excited about. The last trip you took. What you did over the weekend. Your most recent professional development opportunity. Your favorite hobby. The unique origins of pasta names. (Well, we like dictionary talk …) While you’re at it, brush up on current events that might be interesting to discuss. If you’re attending a work event, make sure you’re up-to-date on the latest industry news and goings-on at your company. 3. Use open-ended questions. Asking a “yes or no” question is one of the fastest ways to kill a conversation because it doesn’t give you anything to build on. Instead, try to ask open-ended questions. These are questions that can’t be answered with a single word, and that means the other person has to expand on what they’re saying, giving you plenty of opportunities to latch onto something they say and keep the words flowing. 4. Agree, then add something. If you’re at an event and someone makes an observation about your surroundings, the host, or even something totally unrelated, go with it. Their statement can be a good opportunity to add your own observations, establish a connection, and move forward into a conversation. First, affirm what they’ve said, then add your own take, and follow it up with an open-ended question that leaves room to move to a new topic. Here’s how it might look in action: Them: “This signature cocktail is pretty good, huh?” You: “It is. It really complements the appetizers. Have you tried them yet?” If you don’t happen to agree with what they’ve said, that’s okay! You can still politely acknowledge it and forge ahead. Them: “This signature cocktail is pretty good, huh?” You: “It’s very unique. My attention has been on the appetizers. Have you tried them yet?” 5. Be complimentary. If you want to seem friendly and approachable, find nice things to say about others. (We happen to have some helpful synonyms for the word nice and tips for delivering sincere compliments.) People are more likely to be drawn to you if you’re open about pointing out how funny something they said was, how much you admire their sense of style, or how interested you are in their work. Compliments can also be a way to begin a conversation. Try something like this: “I just had to tell you, I love that tie! It’s so bold. I’m Eric, by the way. What’s your name?” “Dr. Stein, I’m Lexi Jones. I’m so thrilled to meet you. Your book was fascinating. Are you studying anything new?” “I’m Shawn. My sister said you’re an amazing artist. I’m so glad we ended up at the same table. Tell me about your work.” 6. Let them teach you something. No one is an expert on every topic. If they mention something you don’t know much about, don’t let the conversation die there. Use it as an opportunity for conversation. People love to talk about themselves and things they’re passionate about, so express your curiosity and allow them to share more knowledge with you. Here are some ideas for how to do this: “I’ve never been fly-fishing before. What is it like?” “I’m not familiar with that program yet. Is it difficult to learn?” “I’ve been meaning to check out that band. Which album should I start with?” 7. Use the ARE method. If you’re the kind of person who wishes there was an easy equation for small talk, we have good news. Some psychologists recommend the ARE method. ARE stands for anchor, reveal, and encourage. First, anchor yourself and the other person in the moment by making an observation about your shared location or experience. Next, reveal something about yourself in relation to the anchor, like how it makes you feel, something you’ve noticed, or something you’re interested in or excited about. Lastly, encourage participation from the other person by asking a related question. It will look like this: Anchor: “There are so many new faces at the conference this year.” Reveal: “I’m really inspired by all of the talent here.” Encourage: “Have you met anyone interesting so far?” 8. Be real with it. If you’re feeling rusty at small talk, guess what? You are not alone. Most people struggle with talking to and getting to know new people, and it’s okay to admit that it’s hard. If you express that you’re not very good at small talk or feeling nervous in the situation, many people will find this relatable and it can start the conversation—which is the goal! It can be as simple as saying something like: “I’m terrible at small talk, but I’m really interested in speaking with you.” “I apologize in advance for any awkwardness. Small talk isn’t my strong suit, but I’m really curious about your work.” “Nothing like trying to make small talk with a table full of strangers, huh? How’s your night going?” 9. Have an exit strategy. Sometimes you just need to get away. That’s okay. Making a smooth exit is also a part of being skilled at small talk. You could excuse yourself to the restroom or the buffet, but the easiest way to get out of a conversation is to be polite and direct. Let them know you enjoyed speaking with them and that you’re going to direct your attention to something else now. “It was lovely meeting you. I’m going to refresh my drink and check in with the host.” “Excuse me, but I just saw someone I need to speak with. It was nice chatting with you.” “I’m so glad we met. I hope to run into you again later on.” 10. Practice often. For many of us, hating small talk also means avoiding it at all costs. The only problem is, this makes small talk harder when it can’t be avoided. Instead of fleeing from every situation that might require you to banter with strangers, try to see those as opportunities for more practice. Most small talk conversations have fairly low stakes. Practice introducing yourself, asking a few questions about the other person, and politely excusing yourself after a few moments. Before you know it, you’ll be a pro, and awkward silences will be a thing of the past. Copyright 2024, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 997 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • Ready To Make Small Talk? Here Are 10 Different Kinds To Try!

    If the term small talk sends a pang of dread shooting through your chest, you aren’t alone. That very word may have you picturing yourself stranded with a group of strangers, desperately trying to think of questions to ask while everyone stares at you awkwardly. Luckily, small talk doesn’t have to be that way. There are plenty of ways to improve your small talk skills. It also helps to remember that different situations call for different kinds of small talk. Small talk can be used to connect with old friends, make new ones, banter with potential dates, and network with clients and connections. Here’s a guide to the many different kinds of small talk and some fun facts about each type. Think of this as a cheat sheet you can carry with you into your next great conversation!


    If you’ve ever made “light conversation, casual talk, or gossip” with someone, then you’ve engaged in chitchat. It’s a form of small talk that might occur between acquaintances and usually doesn’t delve into heavy or serious topics. People have been chitchatting for a lot longer than you might think. The word is a duplicate form of chat that’s been in use in English since the early 1700s.

    table talk

    Table talk is called that because, well, it happens most often at a table. Defined as “informal conversation at meals,” table talk is what you might expect at a dinner party or an after-work happy hour meetup. Sometimes it can take a turn for the serious (see: awkward family dinners during Thanksgiving), but topics are usually lighthearted and meant to keep guests engaged. The phrase table talk has been in use since the mid-1500s.

    exchanging pleasantries

    If you don’t know someone well, the first step to talking with them is exchanging pleasantries. A pleasantry is “a courteous social remark used to initiate or facilitate a conversation,” such as complimenting the decor at a new acquaintance’s house or commenting on the weather as you and a new neighbor both check your mailboxes. The word pleasantry has been in use in English since the 1600s.

    shooting the breeze

    To shoot the breeze means “to talk idly, chat.” The word breeze sometimes means “an easy task; something done or carried on without difficulty.” In this sense, you can think of shooting the breeze as engaging in easy conversation, like the ones had when lounging around at a party or other relaxed gathering. This phrase may have originated as a variant of shooting the bull, in which bull means “empty talk or lies.” Shooting the breeze has been in use in English since at least 1919.


    Causerie sounds like it might refer to something formal or serious, but it actually means “an informal talk or chat.” You might engage in a causerie while gathered around the buffet table or mingling with other attendees at a conference. First recorded in the 1820s, causerie comes from the French causer, meaning “to chat.”


    If you wish to “chat idly or gossip” with an acquaintance, you might pop by for a chinwag. Chinwag is a 19th-century word that is likely borrowed from British English, though the exact origins of the phrase are unknown. Chinwag likely refers to the physical act of talking, as in the way a chin wags, or “moves from side to side or up and down” when one speaks. Chinwagging is something you can do with a friend or with people you don’t know well.


    Schmoozing is the kind of small talk that often happens when people are trying to make connections. It means “idle conversation; chatter,” but it’s often used to describe situations in which that idle chatter is intended to help you get “in” with a certain person or group. You might schmooze with the boss at the holiday party or schmooze with the other PTA parents you’re trying to get to know. The word schmooze is an Americanism, but it has roots in Yiddish. The verb schmues, from the Hebrew shəmūʿōth, means “reports, gossip.”


    The kind of frivolous, easy small talk you might make at a party can also be called persiflage. This word, meaning “light, bantering talk or writing,” comes from the French persifler, meaning “to banter” or “to tease.” Persiflage, then, describes small talk that is fun. It might include jokes, witticisms, and clever repartee. Who knows? You might even end up with a new friend. The word persiflage was first recorded in English in the 1750s.


    Banter is “an exchange of light, playful, teasing remarks; good-natured raillery.” It’s what can happen when small talk is going well. Often, you might engage in banter with a new acquaintance with whom you get along particularly well. Banter might also be the preferred type of small talk on a first date or when you’re really connecting with someone new on a dating app. The origin of the word banter is unknown, but English speakers have been using it since at least the 1660s.


    Gossip technically counts as a form of small talk, but proceed with caution: depending on the subject of the gossip, this one could land you in hot water. Gossip is defined as “idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others,” and the concept has been around for a very long time. First recorded before 1050, gossip can be traced to the Old English godsibb, a term that initially meant “godparent,” but later came to be applied to familiar friends, especially a woman’s female friends. This is likely due to the outdated belief that women were more fond of “light talk” or gossip.

    Copyright 2024, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    Ready To Make Small Talk? Here Are 10 Different Kinds To Try! If the term small talk sends a pang of dread shooting through your chest, you aren’t alone. That very word may have you picturing yourself stranded with a group of strangers, desperately trying to think of questions to ask while everyone stares at you awkwardly. Luckily, small talk doesn’t have to be that way. There are plenty of ways to improve your small talk skills. It also helps to remember that different situations call for different kinds of small talk. Small talk can be used to connect with old friends, make new ones, banter with potential dates, and network with clients and connections. Here’s a guide to the many different kinds of small talk and some fun facts about each type. Think of this as a cheat sheet you can carry with you into your next great conversation! chitchat If you’ve ever made “light conversation, casual talk, or gossip” with someone, then you’ve engaged in chitchat. It’s a form of small talk that might occur between acquaintances and usually doesn’t delve into heavy or serious topics. People have been chitchatting for a lot longer than you might think. The word is a duplicate form of chat that’s been in use in English since the early 1700s. table talk Table talk is called that because, well, it happens most often at a table. Defined as “informal conversation at meals,” table talk is what you might expect at a dinner party or an after-work happy hour meetup. Sometimes it can take a turn for the serious (see: awkward family dinners during Thanksgiving), but topics are usually lighthearted and meant to keep guests engaged. The phrase table talk has been in use since the mid-1500s. exchanging pleasantries If you don’t know someone well, the first step to talking with them is exchanging pleasantries. A pleasantry is “a courteous social remark used to initiate or facilitate a conversation,” such as complimenting the decor at a new acquaintance’s house or commenting on the weather as you and a new neighbor both check your mailboxes. The word pleasantry has been in use in English since the 1600s. shooting the breeze To shoot the breeze means “to talk idly, chat.” The word breeze sometimes means “an easy task; something done or carried on without difficulty.” In this sense, you can think of shooting the breeze as engaging in easy conversation, like the ones had when lounging around at a party or other relaxed gathering. This phrase may have originated as a variant of shooting the bull, in which bull means “empty talk or lies.” Shooting the breeze has been in use in English since at least 1919. causerie Causerie sounds like it might refer to something formal or serious, but it actually means “an informal talk or chat.” You might engage in a causerie while gathered around the buffet table or mingling with other attendees at a conference. First recorded in the 1820s, causerie comes from the French causer, meaning “to chat.” chinwag If you wish to “chat idly or gossip” with an acquaintance, you might pop by for a chinwag. Chinwag is a 19th-century word that is likely borrowed from British English, though the exact origins of the phrase are unknown. Chinwag likely refers to the physical act of talking, as in the way a chin wags, or “moves from side to side or up and down” when one speaks. Chinwagging is something you can do with a friend or with people you don’t know well. schmoozing Schmoozing is the kind of small talk that often happens when people are trying to make connections. It means “idle conversation; chatter,” but it’s often used to describe situations in which that idle chatter is intended to help you get “in” with a certain person or group. You might schmooze with the boss at the holiday party or schmooze with the other PTA parents you’re trying to get to know. The word schmooze is an Americanism, but it has roots in Yiddish. The verb schmues, from the Hebrew shəmūʿōth, means “reports, gossip.” persiflage The kind of frivolous, easy small talk you might make at a party can also be called persiflage. This word, meaning “light, bantering talk or writing,” comes from the French persifler, meaning “to banter” or “to tease.” Persiflage, then, describes small talk that is fun. It might include jokes, witticisms, and clever repartee. Who knows? You might even end up with a new friend. The word persiflage was first recorded in English in the 1750s. banter Banter is “an exchange of light, playful, teasing remarks; good-natured raillery.” It’s what can happen when small talk is going well. Often, you might engage in banter with a new acquaintance with whom you get along particularly well. Banter might also be the preferred type of small talk on a first date or when you’re really connecting with someone new on a dating app. The origin of the word banter is unknown, but English speakers have been using it since at least the 1660s. gossip Gossip technically counts as a form of small talk, but proceed with caution: depending on the subject of the gossip, this one could land you in hot water. Gossip is defined as “idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others,” and the concept has been around for a very long time. First recorded before 1050, gossip can be traced to the Old English godsibb, a term that initially meant “godparent,” but later came to be applied to familiar friends, especially a woman’s female friends. This is likely due to the outdated belief that women were more fond of “light talk” or gossip. Copyright 2024, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 812 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • “Disaster” Synonyms For When Things Don’t Go As Planned

    Most of the time, we like to keep things positive around here and provide you with plenty of inspiring, motivational words to brighten up your day. This … this is not that list.

    Are you done setting intentions? Are you through repeating mantras into the mirror? Do you just need a perfectly wretched word to capture what’s not working right now? Then this is the list for you. We’ve traveled through hell and goat rodeos to bring you the words that will describe the snafus and fiascos of your life or the world around you.

    If your desperate times call for desperate words, here are 20 provocative synonyms for the word disaster and some example sentences to inspire use.


    We begin our list with a disaster of Biblical proportions. The word apocalypse originally comes from the Greek apokálypsis, meaning “revelation.” Since at least the 1100s, the word apocalypse has been used to refer to the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible, which tells how the world will be nearly destroyed when good finally defeats evil. Today, the word apocalypse is often used generally (and ominously) to refer to a doomsday-level scenario.

    Example: You’d think, by the mess in the kitchen, that we were witnessing a true apocalypse.


    The word bloodbath is often used to describe violent slaughters or massacres. The word creates the mental image of a carnage so intense that someone could take a bath in the spilled blood. Figuratively, though, bloodbath is used to describe disastrous events or severe instances of bad fortune. While this word came to English in the 1800s, a similar term, blodbad (literally “bath in blood”), was recorded in the 1500s in Swedish.

    Example: If our star player can’t play, the opening game is going to be a bloodbath.


    Cataclysm is a word so disastrous that it rocks the entire Earth to its core. The word cataclysm means “a violent upheaval” and is used in geography to refer to violent events that manage to alter the surface of Earth. This is the word you need if you want to literally or figuratively describe something as earth-shaking.

    Example: Barring an unforeseen cataclysm, this family is finally going on vacation this summer.


    The word fiasco means “a complete and ignominious failure” and has a bit of a strange history. Fiasco is an Italian word that literally translates to “bottle,” and it is related to the word flask. The English meaning of “failure” comes from the Italian idiom fare fiasco which means “to fail” (though it literally translates to “make a bottle”).

    Example: My spouse somehow managed to salvage the dessert fiasco I haphazardly concocted.


    We go from a strange Italian word to an even stranger (or at least longer) French one. The word bouleversement means “an overturning” or “turmoil.” This is the one you want if you really need to bring out the twenty-dollar word.

    Example: The rebel leader said that the country would emerge from the bouleversement stronger than it had ever been.


    Get the tissues ready, because our next word is calamity. Calamity is a synonym of disaster, but it indicates that a horrific event specifically caused misery and lots of tears—so, like a dentist appointment?

    Example: I’ve been beset with calamity after calamity since the pandemic started, and I’m losing it.


    Catastrophe is a synonym that can highlight the destruction and loss brought about by a tremendous event. If nothing is left standing or a disaster will continue to cause pain and suffering for the foreseeable future, we might label it a catastrophe.

    Example: Did you see the bathroom after the pipe burst? What a catastrophe!


    Things have gone to hell in a hand basket thanks to our next word: pandemonium. Pandemonium refers to a wild state of disorder, noise, and chaos. This disastrous word actually comes from Pandaemonium, the name that John Milton used for the capital of hell in Paradise Lost.

    Example: The muddy dogs tore through the living room, knocking over two lamps, and pandemonium ensued.


    The word debacle is one of several that implies a failure was caused by failure or incompetence, especially ones that result from disorganization. Its original meaning in the 1800s, however, referred to a “breaking up of ice in a river” or rush of water “which breaks down opposing barriers, and carries before it blocks of stone and other debris.” That does sound like a mess.

    Example: With half the students out sick, the class performance devolved into a total debacle.


    The word blunder is a synonym of the word mistake and is often used to describe an error resulting from severe incompetence or stupidity. Unlike most of the other words on this list, blunder can also be used as a verb (“to make a careless or stupid mistake”).

    Example: The clumsy waiter spilled wine on the mayor and was later fired for this horrible blunder.

    epic fail

    LOL! The slang term epic fail is used to describe particularly humiliating mistakes. Our disastrous list of words has been bad so far, but epic fail might just be the worst of the bunch. Why? Because this is the phrase to use when that embarrassing mistake has been broadcast on social media! (And once that happens, only an especially clever cat meme can save you.)

    Example: ROFL My brother just fell into the pool! #epicfail


    With our next word, our disaster has just gone nuclear. Meltdown is a word used to refer to severe nuclear reactor accidents. It’s figuratively used to describe sudden situations that quickly spiral out of control.

    Example: The guitarist’s meltdown surprised no one, given tensions have been high between band members.

    kick in the teeth

    Ouch! The idiom kick in the teeth refers to a sudden and humiliating setback. Why a kick? In the English language, slang phrases like kick in the head and kick in the pants rely on the image of a kick (instead of punches) to describe particularly humiliating blows.

    Example: The terrible reviews were a real kick in the teeth for the young Broadway star.

    goat rodeo

    Giddyup, cowboys and cowgirls, because it’s time to wrangle some … goats? Goat rodeo is an example of one of several goat-related slang terms for monumental screwups. A relatively new term from the 2000s, it creates a good mental image of a wild rodeo full of screaming goats. You may have heard the term goat-roping (used similarly) and other more obscene versions, but goat rodeo is considered the most extreme of all. We repeat, a goat rodeo is as disastrous as a situation can get.

    Example: This is no concert. It’s a goat rodeo of drunk performers and technical difficulties!

    dog’s breakfast

    This list has really gone to the dogs. The slang term dog’s breakfast, mainly used in Canada and the UK, describes a confused, disorderly mess. The phrase most likely refers to the fact that many dogs will eat pretty much anything you put in front of them. In any case, dog’s breakfast is a fun word to use when everything has gone to “Shih Tzu.”

    Example: The drive was an absolute dog’s breakfast. We arrived two hours late after being stuck in traffic and getting lost.


    Disarray describes a situation that is especially chaotic, disorganized, or marred by confusion. Disarray is a word you can use when you’ve got a disorderly mess or a comedy of errors on your hands.

    Example: Hyped up on cake and sugar, the children left the room in a state of total disarray.


    Turmoil is another word to convey that you’re in the midst of great confusion or disorder. Fittingly, we are not actually sure where this verb-turned-noun originates from.

    Example: Without enough employees to cover the day’s shift, the company was thrown into turmoil.

    dumpster fire

    The slang term dumpster fire means something is so disastrously bad it is beyond all hope of saving. Often, the dumpster fire is result of terribly bad decisions or extraordinary levels of incompetence. It’s best to stay the heck away from a dumpster fire because, as its name implies, it is likely to just keep getting worse.

    Example: The movie was a complete dumpster fire that didn’t get a single positive review.


    The not-very-nice word shitshow is used to describe essentially the same situation as a dumpster fire: a mess that is completely unsalvageable. To go the extra mile, shitshow throws in a swear word to capture the magnitude of a truly unbelievable disaster.

    Example: Last year was a real shitshow but I’m hoping things turn around soon.

    snafu and fubar

    It might be time for reinforcements. Snafu and fubar are two abbreviations that can be traced back to military jargon and have some … colorful meanings. Snafu stands for “situation normal: all f–ed up” and fubar stands for “f–ed up beyond all reason.” Now fix the disaster, cadet, and then drop and give us twenty!

    Example: The trip started with a series of major snafus, like when the luggage arrived in the wrong city.

    Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    “Disaster” Synonyms For When Things Don’t Go As Planned Most of the time, we like to keep things positive around here and provide you with plenty of inspiring, motivational words to brighten up your day. This … this is not that list. Are you done setting intentions? Are you through repeating mantras into the mirror? Do you just need a perfectly wretched word to capture what’s not working right now? Then this is the list for you. We’ve traveled through hell and goat rodeos to bring you the words that will describe the snafus and fiascos of your life or the world around you. If your desperate times call for desperate words, here are 20 provocative synonyms for the word disaster and some example sentences to inspire use. apocalypse We begin our list with a disaster of Biblical proportions. The word apocalypse originally comes from the Greek apokálypsis, meaning “revelation.” Since at least the 1100s, the word apocalypse has been used to refer to the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible, which tells how the world will be nearly destroyed when good finally defeats evil. Today, the word apocalypse is often used generally (and ominously) to refer to a doomsday-level scenario. Example: You’d think, by the mess in the kitchen, that we were witnessing a true apocalypse. bloodbath The word bloodbath is often used to describe violent slaughters or massacres. The word creates the mental image of a carnage so intense that someone could take a bath in the spilled blood. Figuratively, though, bloodbath is used to describe disastrous events or severe instances of bad fortune. While this word came to English in the 1800s, a similar term, blodbad (literally “bath in blood”), was recorded in the 1500s in Swedish. Example: If our star player can’t play, the opening game is going to be a bloodbath. cataclysm Cataclysm is a word so disastrous that it rocks the entire Earth to its core. The word cataclysm means “a violent upheaval” and is used in geography to refer to violent events that manage to alter the surface of Earth. This is the word you need if you want to literally or figuratively describe something as earth-shaking. Example: Barring an unforeseen cataclysm, this family is finally going on vacation this summer. fiasco The word fiasco means “a complete and ignominious failure” and has a bit of a strange history. Fiasco is an Italian word that literally translates to “bottle,” and it is related to the word flask. The English meaning of “failure” comes from the Italian idiom fare fiasco which means “to fail” (though it literally translates to “make a bottle”). Example: My spouse somehow managed to salvage the dessert fiasco I haphazardly concocted. bouleversement We go from a strange Italian word to an even stranger (or at least longer) French one. The word bouleversement means “an overturning” or “turmoil.” This is the one you want if you really need to bring out the twenty-dollar word. Example: The rebel leader said that the country would emerge from the bouleversement stronger than it had ever been. calamity Get the tissues ready, because our next word is calamity. Calamity is a synonym of disaster, but it indicates that a horrific event specifically caused misery and lots of tears—so, like a dentist appointment? Example: I’ve been beset with calamity after calamity since the pandemic started, and I’m losing it. catastrophe Catastrophe is a synonym that can highlight the destruction and loss brought about by a tremendous event. If nothing is left standing or a disaster will continue to cause pain and suffering for the foreseeable future, we might label it a catastrophe. Example: Did you see the bathroom after the pipe burst? What a catastrophe! pandemonium Things have gone to hell in a hand basket thanks to our next word: pandemonium. Pandemonium refers to a wild state of disorder, noise, and chaos. This disastrous word actually comes from Pandaemonium, the name that John Milton used for the capital of hell in Paradise Lost. Example: The muddy dogs tore through the living room, knocking over two lamps, and pandemonium ensued. debacle The word debacle is one of several that implies a failure was caused by failure or incompetence, especially ones that result from disorganization. Its original meaning in the 1800s, however, referred to a “breaking up of ice in a river” or rush of water “which breaks down opposing barriers, and carries before it blocks of stone and other debris.” That does sound like a mess. Example: With half the students out sick, the class performance devolved into a total debacle. blunder The word blunder is a synonym of the word mistake and is often used to describe an error resulting from severe incompetence or stupidity. Unlike most of the other words on this list, blunder can also be used as a verb (“to make a careless or stupid mistake”). Example: The clumsy waiter spilled wine on the mayor and was later fired for this horrible blunder. epic fail LOL! The slang term epic fail is used to describe particularly humiliating mistakes. Our disastrous list of words has been bad so far, but epic fail might just be the worst of the bunch. Why? Because this is the phrase to use when that embarrassing mistake has been broadcast on social media! (And once that happens, only an especially clever cat meme can save you.) Example: ROFL My brother just fell into the pool! #epicfail meltdown With our next word, our disaster has just gone nuclear. Meltdown is a word used to refer to severe nuclear reactor accidents. It’s figuratively used to describe sudden situations that quickly spiral out of control. Example: The guitarist’s meltdown surprised no one, given tensions have been high between band members. kick in the teeth Ouch! The idiom kick in the teeth refers to a sudden and humiliating setback. Why a kick? In the English language, slang phrases like kick in the head and kick in the pants rely on the image of a kick (instead of punches) to describe particularly humiliating blows. Example: The terrible reviews were a real kick in the teeth for the young Broadway star. goat rodeo Giddyup, cowboys and cowgirls, because it’s time to wrangle some … goats? Goat rodeo is an example of one of several goat-related slang terms for monumental screwups. A relatively new term from the 2000s, it creates a good mental image of a wild rodeo full of screaming goats. You may have heard the term goat-roping (used similarly) and other more obscene versions, but goat rodeo is considered the most extreme of all. We repeat, a goat rodeo is as disastrous as a situation can get. Example: This is no concert. It’s a goat rodeo of drunk performers and technical difficulties! dog’s breakfast This list has really gone to the dogs. The slang term dog’s breakfast, mainly used in Canada and the UK, describes a confused, disorderly mess. The phrase most likely refers to the fact that many dogs will eat pretty much anything you put in front of them. In any case, dog’s breakfast is a fun word to use when everything has gone to “Shih Tzu.” Example: The drive was an absolute dog’s breakfast. We arrived two hours late after being stuck in traffic and getting lost. disarray Disarray describes a situation that is especially chaotic, disorganized, or marred by confusion. Disarray is a word you can use when you’ve got a disorderly mess or a comedy of errors on your hands. Example: Hyped up on cake and sugar, the children left the room in a state of total disarray. turmoil Turmoil is another word to convey that you’re in the midst of great confusion or disorder. Fittingly, we are not actually sure where this verb-turned-noun originates from. Example: Without enough employees to cover the day’s shift, the company was thrown into turmoil. dumpster fire The slang term dumpster fire means something is so disastrously bad it is beyond all hope of saving. Often, the dumpster fire is result of terribly bad decisions or extraordinary levels of incompetence. It’s best to stay the heck away from a dumpster fire because, as its name implies, it is likely to just keep getting worse. Example: The movie was a complete dumpster fire that didn’t get a single positive review. shitshow The not-very-nice word shitshow is used to describe essentially the same situation as a dumpster fire: a mess that is completely unsalvageable. To go the extra mile, shitshow throws in a swear word to capture the magnitude of a truly unbelievable disaster. Example: Last year was a real shitshow but I’m hoping things turn around soon. snafu and fubar It might be time for reinforcements. Snafu and fubar are two abbreviations that can be traced back to military jargon and have some … colorful meanings. Snafu stands for “situation normal: all f–ed up” and fubar stands for “f–ed up beyond all reason.” Now fix the disaster, cadet, and then drop and give us twenty! Example: The trip started with a series of major snafus, like when the luggage arrived in the wrong city. Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 1234 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • หน่วยงาน FSB ของรัสเซีย เผยแพร่ภาพวิดีโออาวุธประเภทต่างๆที่เป็นของศัตรู ที่พยายามบุกรุกพรมแดนรัฐรัสเซียในภูมิภาค Bryansk

    นอกจากนี้ FSB ยังแสดงภาพทหารที่เสียชีวิตพร้อมรอยสักของทหารพรานที่ 75 แห่งกองกำลังพิเศษสหรัฐ (Ranger)
    หน่วยงาน FSB ของรัสเซีย เผยแพร่ภาพวิดีโออาวุธประเภทต่างๆที่เป็นของศัตรู ที่พยายามบุกรุกพรมแดนรัฐรัสเซียในภูมิภาค Bryansk นอกจากนี้ FSB ยังแสดงภาพทหารที่เสียชีวิตพร้อมรอยสักของทหารพรานที่ 75 แห่งกองกำลังพิเศษสหรัฐ (Ranger)
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 224 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • Greek Words For Love That Will Make Your Heart Soar

    What is love? People have had a hard time answering that question for a lot longer than you might think. In Ancient Greece, love was a concept pondered over by some of history’s most famous philosophers, including Plato and Aristotle. Greek philosophers attempted to explain love rationally and often categorized the different kinds of love people could feel. Because we love them so much, we brought together some Greek words—and a Latin one, for good measure—for the different kinds of love you might find out there.

    Original Greek: ἔρως (érōs)

    Eros is physical love or sexual desire. Eros is the type of love that involves passion, lust, and/or romance.

    Examples of eros would be the love felt between, well, lovers. Eros is the sensual love between people who are sexually attracted to each other. In the Bible, eros was synonymous with “marital love” because husbands and wives were supposed to be the only people having sex. Eros was also the name of a love god in Greek mythology—better known by his Roman name, Cupid—and was the guy responsible for shooting magic arrows at people to make them fall in love.

    The word eros is still used in psychology today to refer to sexual desire or the libido. The words erotic and erogenous, which both have to do with sexual desire or arousal, are derived from eros.

    Original Greek: ϕιλία (philía)

    Philia is affectionate love. Philia is the type of love that involves friendship.

    Philia is the kind of love that strong friends feel toward each other. However, it doesn’t stop there. The Greek philosopher Plato thought that philia was an even greater love than eros and that the strongest loving relationships were ones where philia led to eros: a “friends become lovers” situation. Our concept of platonic love—love that isn’t based on physical attraction—comes from this Platonic philosophy.

    The word philia is related to the word philosophy through the combining form philo-. Philia itself is the source of the combining forms -philia, -phile, and -phily, all three of which are used to indicate a figurative love or affinity for something.

    Original Greek: ἀγάπη (agápē)

    Agape is often defined as unconditional, sacrificial love. Agape is the kind of love that is felt by a person willing to do anything for another, including sacrificing themselves, without expecting anything in return. Philosophically, agape has also been defined as the selfless love that a person feels for strangers and humanity as a whole. Agape is the love that allows heroic people to sacrifice themselves to save strangers they have never met.

    Did you know ... ?
    Agape is a major term in the Christian Bible, which is why it is often defined as “Christian love.” In the New Testament, agape is the word used to describe the love that God has for humanity and the love humanity has for God. Agape was also the love that Jesus Christ felt for humanity, which explains why he was willing to sacrifice himself.

    Original Greek: στοργή (storgé)

    Storge is familial love. Storge is the natural love that family members have for one another.

    Of all of the types of love, storge might be the easiest to understand. It is the type of love that parents feel toward their children and vice versa. Storge also describes the love that siblings feel towards each other, and the love felt by even more distant kin relationships, such as a grandparent for a grandchild or an uncle toward a niece.

    Original Greek: μανία (manía)

    Mania is obsessive love. Mania is the kind of “love” that a stalker feels toward their victim.

    As a type of love, mania is not good, and the Greeks knew this as well as we do. Mania is excessive love that reaches the point of obsession or madness. Mania describes what a jilted lover feels when they are extremely jealous of a rival or the unhealthy obsession that can result from mental illness.

    The Greek mania is the source of the English word mania and similar words like maniac and manic. It is also the source of the combining form -mania, which is often used in words that refer to obsessive behavior such as pyromania and egomania.

    Original Latin: Bucking the trend, the word ludus comes from Latin rather than Greek. In Latin, lūdus means “game” or “play,” which fits with the type of love it refers to. One possible Greek equivalent is the word ερωτοτροπία, meaning “courtship.”

    Ludus is playful, noncommittal love. Ludus covers things like flirting, seduction, and casual sex.

    Ludus means “play” or “game” in Latin, and that pretty much explains what ludus is: love as a game. When it comes to ludus, a person is not looking for a committed relationship. People who are after ludus are just looking to have fun or view sex as a prize to be won. A “friends with benefits” situation would be an example of a relationship built on ludus: neither partner is interested in commitment. Of course, ludus may eventually result in eros—and hopefully not mania—if feelings of passion or romance emerge during the relationship.

    The Latin lūdus is related to the playful words ludic and ludicrous.

    Original Greek: πράγμα (prágma)

    Pragma is practical love. Pragma is love based on duty, obligation, or logic.

    Pragma is the unsexy love that you might find in the political, arranged marriages throughout history. This businesslike love is seen in relationships where practicality takes precedence over sex and romance. For example, two people may be in a relationship because of financial reasons or because they have more to lose by breaking up than staying together.

    Pragma may even involve a person tolerating or ignoring their partner’s infidelity, as was common in politically motivated royal marriages in much of world history. Pragma may not sound all that great to many, but it is possible for pragma to coexist alongside other types of love, such as ludus or even eros.

    As you might have guessed, pragma is related to pragmatic, a word that is all about practicality.

    Original Greek: ϕιλαυτία (philautía)

    Philautia is self-love. No, not that kind. Philautia refers to how a person views themselves and how they feel about their own body and mind.

    The modern equivalent of philautia would be something like self-esteem (good) or hubris (bad). People with high self-esteem, pride in themselves, or a positive body image practice a healthy version of philautia. Of course, philautia has a dark side, too. Egomaniacal narcissists who think they are better than everybody else are also an example of philautia, but not in a healthy way. The duality of philautia just goes to show that love, even self-love, can often get pretty complicated.

    Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    Greek Words For Love That Will Make Your Heart Soar What is love? People have had a hard time answering that question for a lot longer than you might think. In Ancient Greece, love was a concept pondered over by some of history’s most famous philosophers, including Plato and Aristotle. Greek philosophers attempted to explain love rationally and often categorized the different kinds of love people could feel. Because we love them so much, we brought together some Greek words—and a Latin one, for good measure—for the different kinds of love you might find out there. eros Original Greek: ἔρως (érōs) Eros is physical love or sexual desire. Eros is the type of love that involves passion, lust, and/or romance. Examples of eros would be the love felt between, well, lovers. Eros is the sensual love between people who are sexually attracted to each other. In the Bible, eros was synonymous with “marital love” because husbands and wives were supposed to be the only people having sex. Eros was also the name of a love god in Greek mythology—better known by his Roman name, Cupid—and was the guy responsible for shooting magic arrows at people to make them fall in love. The word eros is still used in psychology today to refer to sexual desire or the libido. The words erotic and erogenous, which both have to do with sexual desire or arousal, are derived from eros. philia Original Greek: ϕιλία (philía) Philia is affectionate love. Philia is the type of love that involves friendship. Philia is the kind of love that strong friends feel toward each other. However, it doesn’t stop there. The Greek philosopher Plato thought that philia was an even greater love than eros and that the strongest loving relationships were ones where philia led to eros: a “friends become lovers” situation. Our concept of platonic love—love that isn’t based on physical attraction—comes from this Platonic philosophy. The word philia is related to the word philosophy through the combining form philo-. Philia itself is the source of the combining forms -philia, -phile, and -phily, all three of which are used to indicate a figurative love or affinity for something. agape Original Greek: ἀγάπη (agápē) Agape is often defined as unconditional, sacrificial love. Agape is the kind of love that is felt by a person willing to do anything for another, including sacrificing themselves, without expecting anything in return. Philosophically, agape has also been defined as the selfless love that a person feels for strangers and humanity as a whole. Agape is the love that allows heroic people to sacrifice themselves to save strangers they have never met. Did you know ... ? Agape is a major term in the Christian Bible, which is why it is often defined as “Christian love.” In the New Testament, agape is the word used to describe the love that God has for humanity and the love humanity has for God. Agape was also the love that Jesus Christ felt for humanity, which explains why he was willing to sacrifice himself. storge Original Greek: στοργή (storgé) Storge is familial love. Storge is the natural love that family members have for one another. Of all of the types of love, storge might be the easiest to understand. It is the type of love that parents feel toward their children and vice versa. Storge also describes the love that siblings feel towards each other, and the love felt by even more distant kin relationships, such as a grandparent for a grandchild or an uncle toward a niece. mania Original Greek: μανία (manía) Mania is obsessive love. Mania is the kind of “love” that a stalker feels toward their victim. As a type of love, mania is not good, and the Greeks knew this as well as we do. Mania is excessive love that reaches the point of obsession or madness. Mania describes what a jilted lover feels when they are extremely jealous of a rival or the unhealthy obsession that can result from mental illness. The Greek mania is the source of the English word mania and similar words like maniac and manic. It is also the source of the combining form -mania, which is often used in words that refer to obsessive behavior such as pyromania and egomania. ludus Original Latin: Bucking the trend, the word ludus comes from Latin rather than Greek. In Latin, lūdus means “game” or “play,” which fits with the type of love it refers to. One possible Greek equivalent is the word ερωτοτροπία, meaning “courtship.” Ludus is playful, noncommittal love. Ludus covers things like flirting, seduction, and casual sex. Ludus means “play” or “game” in Latin, and that pretty much explains what ludus is: love as a game. When it comes to ludus, a person is not looking for a committed relationship. People who are after ludus are just looking to have fun or view sex as a prize to be won. A “friends with benefits” situation would be an example of a relationship built on ludus: neither partner is interested in commitment. Of course, ludus may eventually result in eros—and hopefully not mania—if feelings of passion or romance emerge during the relationship. The Latin lūdus is related to the playful words ludic and ludicrous. pragma Original Greek: πράγμα (prágma) Pragma is practical love. Pragma is love based on duty, obligation, or logic. Pragma is the unsexy love that you might find in the political, arranged marriages throughout history. This businesslike love is seen in relationships where practicality takes precedence over sex and romance. For example, two people may be in a relationship because of financial reasons or because they have more to lose by breaking up than staying together. Pragma may even involve a person tolerating or ignoring their partner’s infidelity, as was common in politically motivated royal marriages in much of world history. Pragma may not sound all that great to many, but it is possible for pragma to coexist alongside other types of love, such as ludus or even eros. As you might have guessed, pragma is related to pragmatic, a word that is all about practicality. philautia Original Greek: ϕιλαυτία (philautía) Philautia is self-love. No, not that kind. Philautia refers to how a person views themselves and how they feel about their own body and mind. The modern equivalent of philautia would be something like self-esteem (good) or hubris (bad). People with high self-esteem, pride in themselves, or a positive body image practice a healthy version of philautia. Of course, philautia has a dark side, too. Egomaniacal narcissists who think they are better than everybody else are also an example of philautia, but not in a healthy way. The duality of philautia just goes to show that love, even self-love, can often get pretty complicated. Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 860 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • ภาพที่เห็นนี้เป็นแบบจำลองของทองคำก้อน WELCOME STRANGER NUGGET
    “Welcome Stranger” เป็นทองคำก้อนที่ใหญ่ที่สุดเท่าที่เคยพบมา
    ได้ถูกค้นพบโดย John Deason และ Richard Oates เมื่อวันที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ 1869 ที่เมือง Moliagul รัฐวิกตอเรีย ประเทศออสเตรเลีย โดยอยู่ลึกลงไปจากพื้นดินไม่ถึง 3 ซม. ทองคำก้อนนี้มีขนาด 61 x 31 ซม. และมีน้ำหนัก 109.60 กก. เมื่อแยกออกจากเมทริกซ์ควอตซ์แล้ว ทองคำก้อนนี้ซึ่งประกอบด้วยทองคำบริสุทธิ์ยังคงมีน้ำหนัก 72 กก.
    ทองคำก้อนนี้ถูกหลอมและแปรรูปเป็นทองแท่ง ซึ่งนำออกเดินทางจากออสเตรเลียไปยังธนาคารแห่งอังกฤษในวันที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ สองสัปดาห์หลังจากการค้นพบ นักสำรวจผู้โชคดีทั้งสองคนได้รับเงินที่ถูกประเมินทองคำที่นำมา เป็นเงินโดยประมาณจำนวน 9,381 ปอนด์อังกฤษ ( ในยุคนั้น)
    ภาพที่เห็นนี้เป็นแบบจำลองของทองคำก้อน WELCOME STRANGER NUGGET “Welcome Stranger” เป็นทองคำก้อนที่ใหญ่ที่สุดเท่าที่เคยพบมา ได้ถูกค้นพบโดย John Deason และ Richard Oates เมื่อวันที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ 1869 ที่เมือง Moliagul รัฐวิกตอเรีย ประเทศออสเตรเลีย โดยอยู่ลึกลงไปจากพื้นดินไม่ถึง 3 ซม. ทองคำก้อนนี้มีขนาด 61 x 31 ซม. และมีน้ำหนัก 109.60 กก. เมื่อแยกออกจากเมทริกซ์ควอตซ์แล้ว ทองคำก้อนนี้ซึ่งประกอบด้วยทองคำบริสุทธิ์ยังคงมีน้ำหนัก 72 กก. ทองคำก้อนนี้ถูกหลอมและแปรรูปเป็นทองแท่ง ซึ่งนำออกเดินทางจากออสเตรเลียไปยังธนาคารแห่งอังกฤษในวันที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ สองสัปดาห์หลังจากการค้นพบ นักสำรวจผู้โชคดีทั้งสองคนได้รับเงินที่ถูกประเมินทองคำที่นำมา เป็นเงินโดยประมาณจำนวน 9,381 ปอนด์อังกฤษ ( ในยุคนั้น)
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 354 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • New Words We Created Because Of Coronavirus

    We’re rounding out 2020, and the coronavirus continues to shape our lives and language. While we once hoped we could toss the year’s coronacoinages out the door, that’s clearly not going to be the case right now: the coronavirus continues to surge to new levels.

    It seems like years (not months) ago that we learned our first COVID-19 terms, like social distancing and flatten the curve. We had to process so much, in so little time; we had to become experts about important differences: epidemic vs. pandemic, quarantine vs. isolation, and respirator vs. ventilators. The conversation continued with contagious vs. infectious and what antibodies do.

    Many of the words we’ve continued to add to our vocabularies address the ongoing nature of our situation. Maybe we long for the Before Times or have embraced cluttercore as we cope. The ups and downs of this life haven’t been easy (it’s a coronacoaster, to be honest), but the new vocabulary has helped us stay safe and informed during these scary times. And what better way to bring some welcome humor and humility to our lives in the bunker than some wordplay?

    Here’s our ongoing roundup of some of the new slang terms born of this unique, unprecedented time in modern life—a time of upheaval that some more jokingly call the coronapocalypse (corona apocalypse) or coronageddon (corona armageddon).

    the Before Times

    Are you walking around in a constant state of nostalgia? Then the term Before Times is for you. This humorous (and yes, dark) take on life pre-pandemic makes it clear that we’ve lived through an apocalyptic rupture point that separates old and new.

    The Before Times has long been a trope in science fiction, and linguist Ben Zimmer traces this specific phrase back to 1960s Star Trek, though some variations (beforetime) appear in early texts like the Bible.

    Example: Remember in the Before Times, when we packed together in movie theaters for a fun time? Seems like a different world now!


    Rona—often in the phrase the rona—is an informal shortening of coronavirus. Coronavirus is popularly shortened to corona, which was apparently further clipped to rona.

    Rona is often used as a playful or ironic way to refer to COVID-19, especially when commenting on more relatable, humorous challenges of social distancing during the pandemic.

    It is generally not meant, however, to be flippant about the very serious loss and disruption COVID-19 has wreaked—nor diminish the life-saving service of so many essential workers, from grocery clerks to nurses. It’s a bit of gallows humor.

    Some people have personified the virus as Miss Rona or Aunt Rona. And la rona (meant as “the rona”) has emerged in some Spanish-language contexts.

    Other informal shortenings? Just as coronavirus has been shortened to corona and rona, so quarantine has been shortened to quar—and even pandemic to panny.

    Example: Yeah, I don’t know about you, but homeschooling my kids during the rona ends up in a lot of Frozen 2.


    Cornteen is an intentional misspelling of quarantine, often used in ironic commentary on what it’s like to be at home during the coronavirus pandemic. It may have originated as an actual misspelling of quarantine. (Hey, quarantine wasn’t exactly a word most of us used every day until COVID-19.)

    Cornteen is occasionally used to joke about how quarantine is pronounced in various regional accents. Some people visually pun on cornteen by substituting the corn emoji, 🌽, for the corn- part of the word; others pun on the -teen to mean “teenager.”


    Life under the rona has meant that it’s even harder to peel our eyes away from our phones and computers, constantly refreshing our feeds for the latest news about the pandemic.

    At least there’s a word for that: doomscrolling, also doomscrolling. The term has been notably used—and popularized in part by her exhortations to a take a break from doing it—by Quartz reporter Karen K. Ho.

    Scrolling refers to scrolling down on our smartphones for the latest posts on social media. And doom … well, a lot of the news we’re seeing online feels full of gloom and doom.

    Example: I was up to 2 a.m. last night doomscrolling about coronavirus news in my state.

    A related slang term is doomsurfing, or compulsively surfing the internet for upsetting news.


    Staying up late, again? Waking up at 4am to doomscroll? Can’t remember your last good night of sleep? You’re not the only one. The term coronasomnia refers to—what else?—the insomnia that’s afflicting so many of us during the pandemic.

    Doctors and pharmacists have seen a measurable increase in the number of people suffering symptoms of insomnia or whose symptoms have worsened since the quarantine began. Some estimates suggest some 20 to 30 percent of the population—including children—may be impacted.

    One doctor coined the term “FED UP” to describe the worries of this stressful time. It stands for “financial stress, emotional stress, distance from others, unpredictability, and personal and professional concerns.” Yikes. Sounds like that’s another term for the dictionary.


    If you’re suffering from coronasomnia, you’ll likely understand this next word without much of an explanation.

    Coronacoaster is one of the many new COVID-inspired coinages that use corona (short for coronavirus) as a kind of combining form. It blends corona and rollercoaster to describe the emotional experience of life during the pandemic. Did you bake cookies and then sob like a baby while masking up for the 10,000th time? You’re on the coaster!

    Example: The coronacoaster has been exhausting this week. I started crying during my weekly family Zoom and couldn’t stop.


    The hilariously bad haircut we give ourselves under lockdown.

    This was one of the first coronacoinages out there—proving that sometimes we worry most about the little things … or that we’re all pretty vain.

    It feels like so long ago since we first heard this term, which only goes to show how slang changes as our experience of the pandemic changes.


    A “messy aesthetic,” especially in terms of embracing one’s books, knickknacks, and other stuff at home and sharing it on social media.

    While coronacut reminds us of our struggles during the earliest days of the pandemic, this term reflects the ongoing evolution of quarantine life.

    Cluttercore emerged as a maximalist, anti-Kondo approach in early 2020 before any lockdowns, but the pandemic really helped popularize the term. (As of October, videos with the hashtag #cluttercore had more than two million views.) This combining form blends clutter (“a disorderly heap or assemblage”) with -core, which names a kind of aesthetic, social movement, or lifestyle. Cluttercore is similar to terms like cottagecore, normcore, and gorpcore.

    “The pandemic has forced us to reevaluate what we have, make better use of objects and space … and also see their value, often for the first time,” says Jennifer Howard, author of Clutter: An Untidy History.


    A blend of COVID-19 and idiot, covidiot is a slang insult for someone who disregards healthy and safety guidelines about the novel coronavirus.

    Some signs of covidiocy are: not washing your hands regularly, hanging out in groups of people, standing within six feet of a stranger at the grocery, hoarding items like toilet paper and hand sanitizer all to yourself.

    Example: Don’t be a covidiot by visiting the beach today! It’s super crowded.


    The (very limited) group of people you see during self-isolation; one of the many slang terms that plays on quarantine.

    Whether you call it a germ pod, a COVID bubble, or your quaranteam, this is the group of people you voluntarily choose to socialize with or even live with during the quarantine. Basically, your pod chooses to isolate together, promising not to have close contact (within six feet) with anyone outside the pod. This form of contact clustering (yet another term used by epidemiologists to describe the situation) allows you to socialize while also staying safe.

    Quaranteam is a blend of quarantine and team, and sounds like quarantine—it’s a punning blend, as we’ve seen throughout this slideshow

    Example: Our quaranteam is going camping next weekend. We’re tired of all the binge-watching and baking.


    Another term for a covidiot. The wordplay, here, centers on the word moron.

    Example: My roommate is being such a moronavirus. He went down to the beach with a huge group of friends.

    Calling someone a covidiot or moronavirus is a form of quarantine shaming. That’s slang for publicly criticizing someone for not following health and safety guidelines (quarantine being a shorthand for policies in place requiring people to stay at home except where necessary in many places across the country and world).


    How do you take your quarantini? Dirty, dry? Shaken, stirred? Vodka, gin?

    Quarantini is a slang term for a cocktail people drink at home while under quarantine during—and because of—the coronavirus.

    The term is a blend of quarantine and martini, a cocktail made with gin or vodka and dry vermouth, usually served with a green olive or a twist of lemon peel.

    The original quarantini referred to a martini-like cocktail mixed with vitamin C-based dietary supplements—a concoction that predates the novel coronavirus.

    Quarantini has spread as a more general term for alcoholic beverages consumed at home during the pandemic.

    Example: Frozen pizza in the oven? Paw Patrol queued up? Think it’s time for a quarantini.


    The margarita answer to a quarantini—served with, what else, a Corona-brand beer.

    A margarita is a cocktail made of tequila, lime or lemon juice, and an orange-flavored liqueur, usually served in a salt-rimmed glass.

    virtual happy hour

    When someone might drink a quarantini or coronarita.

    Because many people are working from home to help, they are letting off steam at the end of a long day of doomscrolling by holding virtual happy hours over Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and other video conferencing or chat applications.

    Happy hour is a cocktail hour or longer period at a bar, during which drinks are served at reduced prices or with free snacks. It’s also used as a shorthand for drinks, generally with colleagues or friends, at the end of the workday, especially near the end of the work week.


    When you want to take your quarantini or coronita outside on a walk (not that we’re condoning that), then you’d have a walktail.

    With so many quarantining at home with nothing to do—and nowhere to drink with the bars closed—some people have taken to swigging while sauntering, according to a New York Times article that identified this new trend. A walktail combines the words walk and cocktail, and bar owners are reporting increased alcohol to-go sales as a result. People are drinking and walking their neighborhoods, walking their pets, or just hosting happy hours in the backyard.

    Now, readers, do keep in mind: almost everywhere in the US it’s illegal to carry an “open container,” so most people disguise their walktails in discreet containers. Or you can also go bold, like the woman who dressed up in her bridal gown to dance in the street.


    This one’s a more serious entry. When using Zoom or similar services, be wary of Zoom-bombing. This is when uninvited guests to a virtual meeting disrupt it with various obscene, violent, or offensive images or words.

    Bombing, here, is based on photobombing, or when people ruin a photograph by appearing in the image without the photographer’s knowledge, often in some dramatic or comical way.

    Zoom mom

    A demographic of moms who are constantly using Zoom.

    They used to be called soccer moms, but COVID-19 changed that. Now, these so-called Zoom moms are described as spending a lot of time using Zoom for work, their children’s schooling, or simply to chat with their friends who are also stuck at home. In a May 22 article, Zoom moms were identified as a potentially powerful voting bloc that could influence the 2020 elections.

    Example: If the updated back to school plans aren’t released soon, the Zoom moms may revolt.

    Zoom fatigue

    The exhaustion that sets in while living life over Zoom.

    Fatigue is a “weariness from bodily or mental exertion,” and people began to cling to the term Zoom fatigue pretty quickly in April. Experts note that this sense of exhaustion is a real phenomenon caused by the amount of information processed face-to-face on Zoom without any non-verbal cues. Conversations and meetings cause conflicting emotions, without allowing people to relax as they would in person.

    Zoom fatigue ties into the larger phenomenon of “pandemic fatigue”: months into the pandemic and we are feeling the emotional, social, and psychological toll even as we try to grasp the loss of our lives and livelihood.

    Zoom town

    A place where housing sales are booming due to buyers who work remotely and are willing to live farther from the office.

    Example: The realtor convinced us to look at several homes in a nearby Zoom town, and I couldn’t help but imagine an idyllic life in the suburbs—complete with backyard barbecues and a two-car garage.

    Competition for homes in Zoom towns in suburbs and areas surrounding city centers is heating up as workers embrace remote work and ditch their commutes. Prices in these areas are often lower than in tighter urban markets. Zoom town is a play on Zoom (which of course, can also mean “to move quickly”) and boom town, a noun meaning “a town that has grown very rapidly as a result of sudden prosperity.”

    quarantine and chill

    Netflix and chill, but for the coronavirus era.

    Quarantine and chill is used for various ways people are hunkering down and spending free time at home during the coronavirus, especially with a romantic partner while marathoning streaming services.

    Be careful when you search for quarantine and chill on social media, though: some people use the phrase when posting revealing selfies.

    Example: My hubby and I are in an epic tournament of Rummy 500. Winner each night gets to pick the movie. #Quarantineandchill

    coronials, quaranteens, coronababies

    When two people get really cozy while quarantine-and-chilling, they may, you know …

    Babies being conceived while people are cooped up at home during the coronavirus have been dubbed coronababies. And when these babies get older, they will become the quaranteens, a pun on quarantine and teen(ager).

    The hypothetical new generation of children conceived during COVID-19 has cleverly been crowned the coronials, a play on corona(virus) and millennials.


    The experience for other couples under COVID-19 quarantine may not be so snuggly. Being in extended isolation with loved ones can strain a relationship.

    Enter covidivorce, or divorces filed as a result of a couple’s experience during COVID-19.


    The experience of COVID-19 isn’t just taxing on couples who live together. People who are dating are also reconsidering their relationships during the pandemic—and sometimes zumping each other.

    A blend of dump and Zoom (the popular video service), zumping is when you break up with someone over a video conferencing service. At least they didn’t just text? (Hey, you can do better, anyways).

    turbo relationship

    While some people are breaking up over Zoom due to quarantining, sheltering in place means others are turbocharging their relationship.

    The quarantine required couples to face a tough choice: break up or, er, shack up. According to some therapists, many couples who sped up the traditional courtship to live together during these conditions are reporting positive relationships and strong levels of commitment.

    Turbo ultimately derives from a Latin word meaning “whirlwind”—and turbo relationships may certainly get people’s minds, and hearts, spinning?


    For some, quarantining at home during COVID-19 may result in a less movement—and more snacking—than they are used to.

    COVID-10, also referred to as the COVID-15 or even the COVID-19, is a riff on the numerals of COVID-19 and the freshman 15, an expression for the weight some people (are said to) gain during their first year of college. (Hey, gotta stock up on some supplies to help flatten the curve. And gotta take up delicious hobbies to stay engaged!)

    See also the German Coronaspeck, weight gained during the coronavirus pandemic, a play on Kummerspeck, or weight gained as a result of emotional eating.


    Coronavirus-compelled staycations, due to cancelled classes, shifts, and the like. It’s usually an ironic term—just ask parents working from home while teaching their kids.

    Example: My teen thinks he’s getting a coronacation since his school has moved online. Oh, wait until he sees how I am going to keep him busy with the Learning At Home resources.

    drive-by, drive-in

    So if you can’t take that dream vacation you’d always wanted … how about a drive-by birthday party instead?

    Social distancing has inspired a lot of creative adaptations for our celebrations—and equally unique terms for them. We’ve been introduced to drive-by graduations, weddings, and birthdays, as well as drive-in concerts and campaign rallies during the lead up to the election.

    Generally drive-in refers to “a place of business or public facility designed to accommodate patrons who sit in their automobiles.” The adjective is “relating to, or characteristic of such an establishment.” Drive-by is “occurring while driving past a person, object, etc.”

    Example: The four friends jumped in the car and barely made it to the drive-in concert on time.

    Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    New Words We Created Because Of Coronavirus We’re rounding out 2020, and the coronavirus continues to shape our lives and language. While we once hoped we could toss the year’s coronacoinages out the door, that’s clearly not going to be the case right now: the coronavirus continues to surge to new levels. It seems like years (not months) ago that we learned our first COVID-19 terms, like social distancing and flatten the curve. We had to process so much, in so little time; we had to become experts about important differences: epidemic vs. pandemic, quarantine vs. isolation, and respirator vs. ventilators. The conversation continued with contagious vs. infectious and what antibodies do. Many of the words we’ve continued to add to our vocabularies address the ongoing nature of our situation. Maybe we long for the Before Times or have embraced cluttercore as we cope. The ups and downs of this life haven’t been easy (it’s a coronacoaster, to be honest), but the new vocabulary has helped us stay safe and informed during these scary times. And what better way to bring some welcome humor and humility to our lives in the bunker than some wordplay? Here’s our ongoing roundup of some of the new slang terms born of this unique, unprecedented time in modern life—a time of upheaval that some more jokingly call the coronapocalypse (corona apocalypse) or coronageddon (corona armageddon). the Before Times Are you walking around in a constant state of nostalgia? Then the term Before Times is for you. This humorous (and yes, dark) take on life pre-pandemic makes it clear that we’ve lived through an apocalyptic rupture point that separates old and new. The Before Times has long been a trope in science fiction, and linguist Ben Zimmer traces this specific phrase back to 1960s Star Trek, though some variations (beforetime) appear in early texts like the Bible. Example: Remember in the Before Times, when we packed together in movie theaters for a fun time? Seems like a different world now! rona Rona—often in the phrase the rona—is an informal shortening of coronavirus. Coronavirus is popularly shortened to corona, which was apparently further clipped to rona. Rona is often used as a playful or ironic way to refer to COVID-19, especially when commenting on more relatable, humorous challenges of social distancing during the pandemic. It is generally not meant, however, to be flippant about the very serious loss and disruption COVID-19 has wreaked—nor diminish the life-saving service of so many essential workers, from grocery clerks to nurses. It’s a bit of gallows humor. Some people have personified the virus as Miss Rona or Aunt Rona. And la rona (meant as “the rona”) has emerged in some Spanish-language contexts. Other informal shortenings? Just as coronavirus has been shortened to corona and rona, so quarantine has been shortened to quar—and even pandemic to panny. Example: Yeah, I don’t know about you, but homeschooling my kids during the rona ends up in a lot of Frozen 2. cornteen Cornteen is an intentional misspelling of quarantine, often used in ironic commentary on what it’s like to be at home during the coronavirus pandemic. It may have originated as an actual misspelling of quarantine. (Hey, quarantine wasn’t exactly a word most of us used every day until COVID-19.) Cornteen is occasionally used to joke about how quarantine is pronounced in various regional accents. Some people visually pun on cornteen by substituting the corn emoji, 🌽, for the corn- part of the word; others pun on the -teen to mean “teenager.” doomscrolling Life under the rona has meant that it’s even harder to peel our eyes away from our phones and computers, constantly refreshing our feeds for the latest news about the pandemic. At least there’s a word for that: doomscrolling, also doomscrolling. The term has been notably used—and popularized in part by her exhortations to a take a break from doing it—by Quartz reporter Karen K. Ho. Scrolling refers to scrolling down on our smartphones for the latest posts on social media. And doom … well, a lot of the news we’re seeing online feels full of gloom and doom. Example: I was up to 2 a.m. last night doomscrolling about coronavirus news in my state. A related slang term is doomsurfing, or compulsively surfing the internet for upsetting news. coronasomnia Staying up late, again? Waking up at 4am to doomscroll? Can’t remember your last good night of sleep? You’re not the only one. The term coronasomnia refers to—what else?—the insomnia that’s afflicting so many of us during the pandemic. Doctors and pharmacists have seen a measurable increase in the number of people suffering symptoms of insomnia or whose symptoms have worsened since the quarantine began. Some estimates suggest some 20 to 30 percent of the population—including children—may be impacted. One doctor coined the term “FED UP” to describe the worries of this stressful time. It stands for “financial stress, emotional stress, distance from others, unpredictability, and personal and professional concerns.” Yikes. Sounds like that’s another term for the dictionary. coronacoaster If you’re suffering from coronasomnia, you’ll likely understand this next word without much of an explanation. Coronacoaster is one of the many new COVID-inspired coinages that use corona (short for coronavirus) as a kind of combining form. It blends corona and rollercoaster to describe the emotional experience of life during the pandemic. Did you bake cookies and then sob like a baby while masking up for the 10,000th time? You’re on the coaster! Example: The coronacoaster has been exhausting this week. I started crying during my weekly family Zoom and couldn’t stop. coronacut The hilariously bad haircut we give ourselves under lockdown. This was one of the first coronacoinages out there—proving that sometimes we worry most about the little things … or that we’re all pretty vain. It feels like so long ago since we first heard this term, which only goes to show how slang changes as our experience of the pandemic changes. cluttercore A “messy aesthetic,” especially in terms of embracing one’s books, knickknacks, and other stuff at home and sharing it on social media. While coronacut reminds us of our struggles during the earliest days of the pandemic, this term reflects the ongoing evolution of quarantine life. Cluttercore emerged as a maximalist, anti-Kondo approach in early 2020 before any lockdowns, but the pandemic really helped popularize the term. (As of October, videos with the hashtag #cluttercore had more than two million views.) This combining form blends clutter (“a disorderly heap or assemblage”) with -core, which names a kind of aesthetic, social movement, or lifestyle. Cluttercore is similar to terms like cottagecore, normcore, and gorpcore. “The pandemic has forced us to reevaluate what we have, make better use of objects and space … and also see their value, often for the first time,” says Jennifer Howard, author of Clutter: An Untidy History. covidiot A blend of COVID-19 and idiot, covidiot is a slang insult for someone who disregards healthy and safety guidelines about the novel coronavirus. Some signs of covidiocy are: not washing your hands regularly, hanging out in groups of people, standing within six feet of a stranger at the grocery, hoarding items like toilet paper and hand sanitizer all to yourself. Example: Don’t be a covidiot by visiting the beach today! It’s super crowded. quaranteam The (very limited) group of people you see during self-isolation; one of the many slang terms that plays on quarantine. Whether you call it a germ pod, a COVID bubble, or your quaranteam, this is the group of people you voluntarily choose to socialize with or even live with during the quarantine. Basically, your pod chooses to isolate together, promising not to have close contact (within six feet) with anyone outside the pod. This form of contact clustering (yet another term used by epidemiologists to describe the situation) allows you to socialize while also staying safe. Quaranteam is a blend of quarantine and team, and sounds like quarantine—it’s a punning blend, as we’ve seen throughout this slideshow Example: Our quaranteam is going camping next weekend. We’re tired of all the binge-watching and baking. moronavirus Another term for a covidiot. The wordplay, here, centers on the word moron. Example: My roommate is being such a moronavirus. He went down to the beach with a huge group of friends. Calling someone a covidiot or moronavirus is a form of quarantine shaming. That’s slang for publicly criticizing someone for not following health and safety guidelines (quarantine being a shorthand for policies in place requiring people to stay at home except where necessary in many places across the country and world). quarantini How do you take your quarantini? Dirty, dry? Shaken, stirred? Vodka, gin? Quarantini is a slang term for a cocktail people drink at home while under quarantine during—and because of—the coronavirus. The term is a blend of quarantine and martini, a cocktail made with gin or vodka and dry vermouth, usually served with a green olive or a twist of lemon peel. The original quarantini referred to a martini-like cocktail mixed with vitamin C-based dietary supplements—a concoction that predates the novel coronavirus. Quarantini has spread as a more general term for alcoholic beverages consumed at home during the pandemic. Example: Frozen pizza in the oven? Paw Patrol queued up? Think it’s time for a quarantini. coronarita The margarita answer to a quarantini—served with, what else, a Corona-brand beer. A margarita is a cocktail made of tequila, lime or lemon juice, and an orange-flavored liqueur, usually served in a salt-rimmed glass. virtual happy hour When someone might drink a quarantini or coronarita. Because many people are working from home to help, they are letting off steam at the end of a long day of doomscrolling by holding virtual happy hours over Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and other video conferencing or chat applications. Happy hour is a cocktail hour or longer period at a bar, during which drinks are served at reduced prices or with free snacks. It’s also used as a shorthand for drinks, generally with colleagues or friends, at the end of the workday, especially near the end of the work week. walktail When you want to take your quarantini or coronita outside on a walk (not that we’re condoning that), then you’d have a walktail. With so many quarantining at home with nothing to do—and nowhere to drink with the bars closed—some people have taken to swigging while sauntering, according to a New York Times article that identified this new trend. A walktail combines the words walk and cocktail, and bar owners are reporting increased alcohol to-go sales as a result. People are drinking and walking their neighborhoods, walking their pets, or just hosting happy hours in the backyard. Now, readers, do keep in mind: almost everywhere in the US it’s illegal to carry an “open container,” so most people disguise their walktails in discreet containers. Or you can also go bold, like the woman who dressed up in her bridal gown to dance in the street. Zoom-bombing This one’s a more serious entry. When using Zoom or similar services, be wary of Zoom-bombing. This is when uninvited guests to a virtual meeting disrupt it with various obscene, violent, or offensive images or words. Bombing, here, is based on photobombing, or when people ruin a photograph by appearing in the image without the photographer’s knowledge, often in some dramatic or comical way. Zoom mom A demographic of moms who are constantly using Zoom. They used to be called soccer moms, but COVID-19 changed that. Now, these so-called Zoom moms are described as spending a lot of time using Zoom for work, their children’s schooling, or simply to chat with their friends who are also stuck at home. In a May 22 article, Zoom moms were identified as a potentially powerful voting bloc that could influence the 2020 elections. Example: If the updated back to school plans aren’t released soon, the Zoom moms may revolt. Zoom fatigue The exhaustion that sets in while living life over Zoom. Fatigue is a “weariness from bodily or mental exertion,” and people began to cling to the term Zoom fatigue pretty quickly in April. Experts note that this sense of exhaustion is a real phenomenon caused by the amount of information processed face-to-face on Zoom without any non-verbal cues. Conversations and meetings cause conflicting emotions, without allowing people to relax as they would in person. Zoom fatigue ties into the larger phenomenon of “pandemic fatigue”: months into the pandemic and we are feeling the emotional, social, and psychological toll even as we try to grasp the loss of our lives and livelihood. Zoom town A place where housing sales are booming due to buyers who work remotely and are willing to live farther from the office. Example: The realtor convinced us to look at several homes in a nearby Zoom town, and I couldn’t help but imagine an idyllic life in the suburbs—complete with backyard barbecues and a two-car garage. Competition for homes in Zoom towns in suburbs and areas surrounding city centers is heating up as workers embrace remote work and ditch their commutes. Prices in these areas are often lower than in tighter urban markets. Zoom town is a play on Zoom (which of course, can also mean “to move quickly”) and boom town, a noun meaning “a town that has grown very rapidly as a result of sudden prosperity.” quarantine and chill Netflix and chill, but for the coronavirus era. Quarantine and chill is used for various ways people are hunkering down and spending free time at home during the coronavirus, especially with a romantic partner while marathoning streaming services. Be careful when you search for quarantine and chill on social media, though: some people use the phrase when posting revealing selfies. Example: My hubby and I are in an epic tournament of Rummy 500. Winner each night gets to pick the movie. #Quarantineandchill coronials, quaranteens, coronababies When two people get really cozy while quarantine-and-chilling, they may, you know … Babies being conceived while people are cooped up at home during the coronavirus have been dubbed coronababies. And when these babies get older, they will become the quaranteens, a pun on quarantine and teen(ager). The hypothetical new generation of children conceived during COVID-19 has cleverly been crowned the coronials, a play on corona(virus) and millennials. covidivorce The experience for other couples under COVID-19 quarantine may not be so snuggly. Being in extended isolation with loved ones can strain a relationship. Enter covidivorce, or divorces filed as a result of a couple’s experience during COVID-19. zumping The experience of COVID-19 isn’t just taxing on couples who live together. People who are dating are also reconsidering their relationships during the pandemic—and sometimes zumping each other. A blend of dump and Zoom (the popular video service), zumping is when you break up with someone over a video conferencing service. At least they didn’t just text? (Hey, you can do better, anyways). turbo relationship While some people are breaking up over Zoom due to quarantining, sheltering in place means others are turbocharging their relationship. The quarantine required couples to face a tough choice: break up or, er, shack up. According to some therapists, many couples who sped up the traditional courtship to live together during these conditions are reporting positive relationships and strong levels of commitment. Turbo ultimately derives from a Latin word meaning “whirlwind”—and turbo relationships may certainly get people’s minds, and hearts, spinning? COVID-10 For some, quarantining at home during COVID-19 may result in a less movement—and more snacking—than they are used to. COVID-10, also referred to as the COVID-15 or even the COVID-19, is a riff on the numerals of COVID-19 and the freshman 15, an expression for the weight some people (are said to) gain during their first year of college. (Hey, gotta stock up on some supplies to help flatten the curve. And gotta take up delicious hobbies to stay engaged!) See also the German Coronaspeck, weight gained during the coronavirus pandemic, a play on Kummerspeck, or weight gained as a result of emotional eating. coronacation Coronavirus-compelled staycations, due to cancelled classes, shifts, and the like. It’s usually an ironic term—just ask parents working from home while teaching their kids. Example: My teen thinks he’s getting a coronacation since his school has moved online. Oh, wait until he sees how I am going to keep him busy with the Learning At Home resources. drive-by, drive-in So if you can’t take that dream vacation you’d always wanted … how about a drive-by birthday party instead? Social distancing has inspired a lot of creative adaptations for our celebrations—and equally unique terms for them. We’ve been introduced to drive-by graduations, weddings, and birthdays, as well as drive-in concerts and campaign rallies during the lead up to the election. Generally drive-in refers to “a place of business or public facility designed to accommodate patrons who sit in their automobiles.” The adjective is “relating to, or characteristic of such an establishment.” Drive-by is “occurring while driving past a person, object, etc.” Example: The four friends jumped in the car and barely made it to the drive-in concert on time. Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
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