• คณะผู้แทนหลายคณะออกจากห้องประชุมสมัชชาใหญ่แห่งสหประชาชาติเพื่อประท้วงในช่วงเริ่มต้นการกล่าวสุนทรพจน์ของนายกรัฐมนตรีอิสราเอล เนทันยาฮู
    Several delegations left the UN General Assembly hall in protest at the start of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech.
    9:24 PM · Sep 27, 2024 · 7,690 Views
    คณะผู้แทนหลายคณะออกจากห้องประชุมสมัชชาใหญ่แห่งสหประชาชาติเพื่อประท้วงในช่วงเริ่มต้นการกล่าวสุนทรพจน์ของนายกรัฐมนตรีอิสราเอล เนทันยาฮู . Several delegations left the UN General Assembly hall in protest at the start of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech. . 9:24 PM · Sep 27, 2024 · 7,690 Views https://x.com/SputnikInt/status/1839672522846982338
    0 Comments 0 Shares 80 Views 63 0 Reviews
  • Words That Capture The Beauty And Charm Of English

    What makes a word beautiful? Often, it’s a combination of factors. It might be that the word is especially fun to say, or maybe it evokes a feeling or image that is particularly pleasing. The meaning of the word itself might also be beautiful, or it could refer to a beautiful idea. And, of course, sometimes you just really like a word for reasons that can’t be entirely explained.

    The author Henry James once said that summer afternoon was the most beautiful phrase in the English language. Ray Bradbury liked the word cinnamon. Tessa Hadley has expressed admiration for cochineal. Which words strike your fancy? Keep reading to learn more about 15 of the most beautiful words in English. Who knows? You might even find a new favorite.

    Ephemeral means “lasting a very short time; short-lived; transitory.” It’s both a lovely sounding word and one that’s frequently used to describe things that are beautiful or wonderful, but short lived.

    The painter tried to capture the ephemeral beauty of the autumn leaves.
    The word comes from the Greek word ephḗmeros, meaning “short-lived, lasting but a day.” Lucky for us, the word itself has lasted much longer than that. It’s been in use in English since the late 1500s.

    If you need a word for something beautiful and quaint, idyllic is here for you. Idyllic means “suitable for or suggestive of an idyll; charmingly simple or rustic.” An idyll is a poem or prose describing pastoral or appealingly simple scenes.

    She returned home to the idyllic small town where she grew up.
    The word was first recorded in English in the late 1800s, though the noun form, idyll, has been in use since the 1590s. They derive from Greek eidýllion, or “a short pastoral poem.”

    How fortunate that serendipity just happens to be on this list. Serendipity is “an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.”

    The pirate knew that finding the treasure would require hard work and a bit of serendipity.
    This word was coined by author Horace Walpole. Serendipity is the ability possessed by the heroes of The Three Princes of Serendip, a fairytale he published in 1754. Fun fact: one of Walpole’s other stories, The Castle of Otranto, is believed to be the first Gothic novel. Seems Walpole was working with a bit of serendipity himself.

    Gossamer has a lovely sound and is used to describe lovely things. It means “something extremely light, flimsy, or delicate.”

    The butterfly fluttered on gossamer wings.
    Gossamer was first recorded in English in the late 1200s from the Middle English gos(s)esomer or gossummer, which means “a filmy substance made of cobwebs; fine filament; something trivial.” It’s still frequently used to describe delicate spider webs, like those seen covered in dew on a crisp fall morning.

    Incandescent means “intensely bright; brilliant,” and it’s been lighting up the English language since at least 1785.

    The night sky glittered with incandescent stars.
    Incandescent comes from the Latin incandēscere, or “to glow.” Of course, incandescent doesn’t have to something literally glows or is intensely bright. It can also be used to describe someone or something that has a brilliant, electrifying presence.

    With its bright long i- sound and its soft ph-, diaphanous is one of those words that just feels nice to say. Diaphanous means “very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent.”

    The morning sunrise glowed through the diaphanous curtains.
    The word has been in use since the 17th century, and it works especially well for describing fabric or textures that are so thin and sheer they almost seem to glow with the light passing through them.

    Sibilance is one of the more pleasant-sounding words to say, and it’s used to describe sound. It means “a hissing quality of sound, or the hissing sound itself.”

    I dozed in the hammock to the ocean’s gentle sibilance.
    You could use this word to describe unpleasant hissing sounds, like malfunctioning electronics, or for something more beautiful, like in the example above. Plus, the word itself has a gentle hissing quality. Say it with us three times: sibilance, sibilance, sibilance. Ah, so soft and soothing.

    Gloaming is another word for “twilight; dusk,” and not only does it describe one of the most beautiful times of the day, but the word itself is also nice to say. It sounds very similar to glowing, and it has a magical quality.

    We walked through the forest and watched fireflies twinkle in the gloaming.
    The magical quality might have something to do with its age and origin. The word has been in use since before the year 1000, and it’s believed to be related to Old Norse glāmr, meaning “moon.”

    If you’re gazing out over a tranquil lake, halcyon might be the word that comes to mind. It means “calm; peaceful; tranquil,” and this word has a fascinating origin story.

    The halcyon weather made for a perfect day at the beach.
    Halcyon can be traced back to the Greek halkyṓn, a variant of alkyṓn, or “kingfisher.” In Greek mythology, Alkyone, or Alcyone, is the daughter of the God of the winds, Aeolus, and she was transformed into a kingfisher after throwing herself into the sea.

    Some things are just too wonderful to be contained. Ebullient is an adjective that means “overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited,” and it’s a word that practically sounds as joyful as its meaning.

    The ebullient young scientist couldn’t wait to share their latest discovery.
    Ebullient was first recorded in English in the late 1590s. It is associated with happiness and optimism. What’s not to love about a happy word like that?

    Quixotic is a charming word that means “extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable.” It comes from Miguel de Cervantes’ novel Don Quixote about a noble from La Mancha, Spain, who reads so many heroic romances that he becomes obsessed with the idea of being a knight.

    Her actions may seem quixotic, but they also speak to her courage and passion.
    By 1644, Quixote was used to describe “a person inspired by lofty and chivalrous but impractical ideals.” By the 18th century, the derivative adjective quixotic, which applies to both persons and actions, appeared.

    It’s infectious when someone has great enthusiasm and a zest for life. The word vivacity is similarly attractive. It means “liveliness; animation; sprightliness.”

    The legendary Julie Andrews may be best known for her inexhaustible vivacity.
    Vivacity is also a word English speakers have enjoyed for a very long time. It was first recorded in English in the 1400s.

    Scintilla doesn’t have the most beautiful meaning, but it’s certainly a satisfying and pretty word to say. The beginning syllable makes a hissing sound that is both soft and soothing, and the rest of the word seems to roll off the tongue.

    We don’t have a scintilla of doubt that words are powerful.
    Scintilla means “a minute particle, spark, trace.” It is a loan word from Latin, in which it means “spark.” It was first recorded in English in the late 1600s.

    A lilt is a “rhythmic swing or cadence,” and the word has a soft, musical quality that matches its meaning. The origins of this word are unclear. It’s thought to come from the Middle English lulte, perhaps akin to the Dutch lul, meaning “pipe,” or lullen, “to lull.”

    She spoke with a soft Southern lilt that put me at ease.
    Lilt first appeared in English as early as 1300, and we’ve been swaying along ever since.

    Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    Words That Capture The Beauty And Charm Of English What makes a word beautiful? Often, it’s a combination of factors. It might be that the word is especially fun to say, or maybe it evokes a feeling or image that is particularly pleasing. The meaning of the word itself might also be beautiful, or it could refer to a beautiful idea. And, of course, sometimes you just really like a word for reasons that can’t be entirely explained. The author Henry James once said that summer afternoon was the most beautiful phrase in the English language. Ray Bradbury liked the word cinnamon. Tessa Hadley has expressed admiration for cochineal. Which words strike your fancy? Keep reading to learn more about 15 of the most beautiful words in English. Who knows? You might even find a new favorite. ephemeral Ephemeral means “lasting a very short time; short-lived; transitory.” It’s both a lovely sounding word and one that’s frequently used to describe things that are beautiful or wonderful, but short lived. The painter tried to capture the ephemeral beauty of the autumn leaves. The word comes from the Greek word ephḗmeros, meaning “short-lived, lasting but a day.” Lucky for us, the word itself has lasted much longer than that. It’s been in use in English since the late 1500s. idyllic If you need a word for something beautiful and quaint, idyllic is here for you. Idyllic means “suitable for or suggestive of an idyll; charmingly simple or rustic.” An idyll is a poem or prose describing pastoral or appealingly simple scenes. She returned home to the idyllic small town where she grew up. The word was first recorded in English in the late 1800s, though the noun form, idyll, has been in use since the 1590s. They derive from Greek eidýllion, or “a short pastoral poem.” serendipity How fortunate that serendipity just happens to be on this list. Serendipity is “an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.” The pirate knew that finding the treasure would require hard work and a bit of serendipity. This word was coined by author Horace Walpole. Serendipity is the ability possessed by the heroes of The Three Princes of Serendip, a fairytale he published in 1754. Fun fact: one of Walpole’s other stories, The Castle of Otranto, is believed to be the first Gothic novel. Seems Walpole was working with a bit of serendipity himself. gossamer Gossamer has a lovely sound and is used to describe lovely things. It means “something extremely light, flimsy, or delicate.” The butterfly fluttered on gossamer wings. Gossamer was first recorded in English in the late 1200s from the Middle English gos(s)esomer or gossummer, which means “a filmy substance made of cobwebs; fine filament; something trivial.” It’s still frequently used to describe delicate spider webs, like those seen covered in dew on a crisp fall morning. incandescent Incandescent means “intensely bright; brilliant,” and it’s been lighting up the English language since at least 1785. The night sky glittered with incandescent stars. Incandescent comes from the Latin incandēscere, or “to glow.” Of course, incandescent doesn’t have to something literally glows or is intensely bright. It can also be used to describe someone or something that has a brilliant, electrifying presence. diaphanous With its bright long i- sound and its soft ph-, diaphanous is one of those words that just feels nice to say. Diaphanous means “very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent.” The morning sunrise glowed through the diaphanous curtains. The word has been in use since the 17th century, and it works especially well for describing fabric or textures that are so thin and sheer they almost seem to glow with the light passing through them. sibilance Sibilance is one of the more pleasant-sounding words to say, and it’s used to describe sound. It means “a hissing quality of sound, or the hissing sound itself.” I dozed in the hammock to the ocean’s gentle sibilance. You could use this word to describe unpleasant hissing sounds, like malfunctioning electronics, or for something more beautiful, like in the example above. Plus, the word itself has a gentle hissing quality. Say it with us three times: sibilance, sibilance, sibilance. Ah, so soft and soothing. gloaming Gloaming is another word for “twilight; dusk,” and not only does it describe one of the most beautiful times of the day, but the word itself is also nice to say. It sounds very similar to glowing, and it has a magical quality. We walked through the forest and watched fireflies twinkle in the gloaming. The magical quality might have something to do with its age and origin. The word has been in use since before the year 1000, and it’s believed to be related to Old Norse glāmr, meaning “moon.” halcyon If you’re gazing out over a tranquil lake, halcyon might be the word that comes to mind. It means “calm; peaceful; tranquil,” and this word has a fascinating origin story. The halcyon weather made for a perfect day at the beach. Halcyon can be traced back to the Greek halkyṓn, a variant of alkyṓn, or “kingfisher.” In Greek mythology, Alkyone, or Alcyone, is the daughter of the God of the winds, Aeolus, and she was transformed into a kingfisher after throwing herself into the sea. ebullient Some things are just too wonderful to be contained. Ebullient is an adjective that means “overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited,” and it’s a word that practically sounds as joyful as its meaning. The ebullient young scientist couldn’t wait to share their latest discovery. Ebullient was first recorded in English in the late 1590s. It is associated with happiness and optimism. What’s not to love about a happy word like that? quixotic Quixotic is a charming word that means “extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable.” It comes from Miguel de Cervantes’ novel Don Quixote about a noble from La Mancha, Spain, who reads so many heroic romances that he becomes obsessed with the idea of being a knight. Her actions may seem quixotic, but they also speak to her courage and passion. By 1644, Quixote was used to describe “a person inspired by lofty and chivalrous but impractical ideals.” By the 18th century, the derivative adjective quixotic, which applies to both persons and actions, appeared. vivacity It’s infectious when someone has great enthusiasm and a zest for life. The word vivacity is similarly attractive. It means “liveliness; animation; sprightliness.” The legendary Julie Andrews may be best known for her inexhaustible vivacity. Vivacity is also a word English speakers have enjoyed for a very long time. It was first recorded in English in the 1400s. scintilla Scintilla doesn’t have the most beautiful meaning, but it’s certainly a satisfying and pretty word to say. The beginning syllable makes a hissing sound that is both soft and soothing, and the rest of the word seems to roll off the tongue. We don’t have a scintilla of doubt that words are powerful. Scintilla means “a minute particle, spark, trace.” It is a loan word from Latin, in which it means “spark.” It was first recorded in English in the late 1600s. lilt A lilt is a “rhythmic swing or cadence,” and the word has a soft, musical quality that matches its meaning. The origins of this word are unclear. It’s thought to come from the Middle English lulte, perhaps akin to the Dutch lul, meaning “pipe,” or lullen, “to lull.” She spoke with a soft Southern lilt that put me at ease. Lilt first appeared in English as early as 1300, and we’ve been swaying along ever since. Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 93 Views 0 Reviews
  • Testing การลองเข้ามาใช้เป็นครั้งแรกค่ะ งงอยู่ว่าทำไมโหลดวิดีโอสั้นๆที่ถ่ายเองไม่ได้อะค่ะ
    Testing การลองเข้ามาใช้เป็นครั้งแรกค่ะ งงอยู่ว่าทำไมโหลดวิดีโอสั้นๆที่ถ่ายเองไม่ได้อะค่ะ
    0 Comments 0 Shares 191 Views 62 0 Reviews
  • Testing
    0 Comments 0 Shares 115 Views 0 Reviews
  • Photos Testing
    Photos Testing
    1 Comments 1 Shares 114 Views 0 Reviews
  • Test
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10 Views 0 Reviews
  • If a person from any country has recent history with modern processed foods, high fructose or high carbohydrates...

    Metabolic problems are very normal for people with modern diet...

    Diabetes, SIBO, IBS, Leaky Gut and NAFLD... the metabolic pandemic.

    At least 80% of people with diabetes also have fatty liver, warns endocrinologist

    Obesity an indicator of fatty liver disease

    But there is one potential indicator of NAFLD. Cusi recently conducted a study of overweight or obese Latinos and non-Hispanic whites to find out whether Latinos are more likely to develop insulin resistance and liver disease. Past studies showed that this group is more likely to have Type 2 diabetes than most other racial groups.

    “Because Hispanics get more Type 2 diabetes, there was a thought that they get more fatty liver disease,” said Cusi.

    But the results indicated that ethnicity has little correlation with NAFLD. The most prominent factor was obesity.

    But many diabetics with a fatty liver are not aware that they have the condition. Cusi said NAFLD is typically undiagnosed due to a lack of awareness among some physicians, as well as the hidden nature of the disease.

    Fatty liver often causes no observable symptoms until the disease has progressed into cirrhosis, the late stage of liver scarring. The most reliable way to diagnose it is through a liver biopsy, an invasive and expensive procedure. Other options such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound scans are cheaper but less precise. Physical exams and blood tests are wholly inaccurate.
    If a person from any country has recent history with modern processed foods, high fructose or high carbohydrates... Metabolic problems are very normal for people with modern diet... Diabetes, SIBO, IBS, Leaky Gut and NAFLD... the metabolic pandemic. At least 80% of people with diabetes also have fatty liver, warns endocrinologist Obesity an indicator of fatty liver disease But there is one potential indicator of NAFLD. Cusi recently conducted a study of overweight or obese Latinos and non-Hispanic whites to find out whether Latinos are more likely to develop insulin resistance and liver disease. Past studies showed that this group is more likely to have Type 2 diabetes than most other racial groups. “Because Hispanics get more Type 2 diabetes, there was a thought that they get more fatty liver disease,” said Cusi. But the results indicated that ethnicity has little correlation with NAFLD. The most prominent factor was obesity. But many diabetics with a fatty liver are not aware that they have the condition. Cusi said NAFLD is typically undiagnosed due to a lack of awareness among some physicians, as well as the hidden nature of the disease. Fatty liver often causes no observable symptoms until the disease has progressed into cirrhosis, the late stage of liver scarring. The most reliable way to diagnose it is through a liver biopsy, an invasive and expensive procedure. Other options such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound scans are cheaper but less precise. Physical exams and blood tests are wholly inaccurate.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 140 Views 0 Reviews
  • If a person from any country has recent history with modern processed foods, high fructose or high carbohydrates...

    Metabolic problems are very normal for people with modern diet...

    Diabetes, SIBO, IBS, Leaky Gut and NAFLD... the metabolic pandemic.

    At least 80% of people with diabetes also have fatty liver, warns endocrinologist

    Obesity an indicator of fatty liver disease

    But there is one potential indicator of NAFLD. Cusi recently conducted a study of overweight or obese Latinos and non-Hispanic whites to find out whether Latinos are more likely to develop insulin resistance and liver disease. Past studies showed that this group is more likely to have Type 2 diabetes than most other racial groups.

    “Because Hispanics get more Type 2 diabetes, there was a thought that they get more fatty liver disease,” said Cusi.

    But the results indicated that ethnicity has little correlation with NAFLD. The most prominent factor was obesity.

    But many diabetics with a fatty liver are not aware that they have the condition. Cusi said NAFLD is typically undiagnosed due to a lack of awareness among some physicians, as well as the hidden nature of the disease.

    Fatty liver often causes no observable symptoms until the disease has progressed into cirrhosis, the late stage of liver scarring. The most reliable way to diagnose it is through a liver biopsy, an invasive and expensive procedure. Other options such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound scans are cheaper but less precise. Physical exams and blood tests are wholly inaccurate.
    If a person from any country has recent history with modern processed foods, high fructose or high carbohydrates... Metabolic problems are very normal for people with modern diet... Diabetes, SIBO, IBS, Leaky Gut and NAFLD... the metabolic pandemic. At least 80% of people with diabetes also have fatty liver, warns endocrinologist Obesity an indicator of fatty liver disease But there is one potential indicator of NAFLD. Cusi recently conducted a study of overweight or obese Latinos and non-Hispanic whites to find out whether Latinos are more likely to develop insulin resistance and liver disease. Past studies showed that this group is more likely to have Type 2 diabetes than most other racial groups. “Because Hispanics get more Type 2 diabetes, there was a thought that they get more fatty liver disease,” said Cusi. But the results indicated that ethnicity has little correlation with NAFLD. The most prominent factor was obesity. But many diabetics with a fatty liver are not aware that they have the condition. Cusi said NAFLD is typically undiagnosed due to a lack of awareness among some physicians, as well as the hidden nature of the disease. Fatty liver often causes no observable symptoms until the disease has progressed into cirrhosis, the late stage of liver scarring. The most reliable way to diagnose it is through a liver biopsy, an invasive and expensive procedure. Other options such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound scans are cheaper but less precise. Physical exams and blood tests are wholly inaccurate.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 137 Views 0 Reviews
  • Mango is one of the better fruits 🙏😌

    More fibre than: Apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries

    One cup (165 grams) of
    sliced mango provides:

    Calories: 99
    Protein: 1.4 grams
    Carbs: 24.7 grams
    Fat: 0.6 grams
    Dietary fiber: 2.6 grams
    Vitamin C: 67% of the RDI
    Copper: 20% of the RDI
    Folate: 18% of the RDI
    Vitamin B6: 11.6% of the RDI
    Vitamin A: 10% of the RDI
    Vitamin E: 9.7% of the RDI
    Vitamin B5: 6.5% of the RDI
    Vitamin K: 6% of the RDI
    Niacin: 7% of the RDI
    Potassium: 6% of the RDI
    Riboflavin: 5% of the RDI
    Manganese: 4.5% of the RDI
    Thiamine: 4% of the RDI
    Magnesium: 4% of the RDI

    It also contains small amounts of phosphorus, pantothenic acid, calcium, selenium and iron.

    High in Antioxidants

    Mango is packed with polyphenols🤗 — plant compounds that function as antioxidants.

    It has over a dozen different types, including mangiferin, catechins, anthocyanins, quercetin, kaempferol, rhamnetin, benzoic acid and many others.

    Antioxidants are important as they protect your cells against free radical damage. Free radicals are highly reactive compounds that can bind to and damage your cells.

    Research has linked free radical damage to signs of aging and chronic diseases.

    Amongst the polyphenols, mangiferin has gained the most interest and is sometimes called a “super antioxidant” since it’s especially powerful.

    Test-tube and animal studies have found that mangiferin may counter free radical damage linked to cancers, diabetes and other illnesses.
    Mango is one of the better fruits 🙏😌 More fibre than: Apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries One cup (165 grams) of sliced mango provides: Calories: 99 Protein: 1.4 grams Carbs: 24.7 grams Fat: 0.6 grams Dietary fiber: 2.6 grams Vitamin C: 67% of the RDI Copper: 20% of the RDI Folate: 18% of the RDI Vitamin B6: 11.6% of the RDI Vitamin A: 10% of the RDI Vitamin E: 9.7% of the RDI Vitamin B5: 6.5% of the RDI Vitamin K: 6% of the RDI Niacin: 7% of the RDI Potassium: 6% of the RDI Riboflavin: 5% of the RDI Manganese: 4.5% of the RDI Thiamine: 4% of the RDI Magnesium: 4% of the RDI It also contains small amounts of phosphorus, pantothenic acid, calcium, selenium and iron. High in Antioxidants Mango is packed with polyphenols🤗 — plant compounds that function as antioxidants. It has over a dozen different types, including mangiferin, catechins, anthocyanins, quercetin, kaempferol, rhamnetin, benzoic acid and many others. Antioxidants are important as they protect your cells against free radical damage. Free radicals are highly reactive compounds that can bind to and damage your cells. Research has linked free radical damage to signs of aging and chronic diseases. Amongst the polyphenols, mangiferin has gained the most interest and is sometimes called a “super antioxidant” since it’s especially powerful. Test-tube and animal studies have found that mangiferin may counter free radical damage linked to cancers, diabetes and other illnesses. #สังคมสุขภาพดี#
    0 Comments 0 Shares 115 Views 0 Reviews
  • These type of products I would never buy, particularly calcium, people should never take a calcium pill... In reality we can only get calcium from food...

    These fancy packages, are only big marketing, crazy expensive and not very good quality

    This one for example, zinc always have to go together with copper.

    Zinc : Copper ... approximately 10 : 2

    Too much of one or the other, can make deficiencies, proper metabolic absorption happens in this ratio 😑

    Any calcium pill, from Germany or anywhere is not a good idea...

    20 years ago calcium pills very popular, and 20 year history show us the calcium pill does nothing for strong bones... In fact calcium is making hard arteries, and this is absolutely no good

    If people want calcium, milk is not a good choice, chia seeds are high in calcium, but they are a nightshade, the vegetable called collard green, is very common vegetable and very high in calcium and potassium, much better choice than any milk or pill

    Any calcium pill, from Germany or anywhere is not a good idea...

    20 years ago calcium pills very popular, and 20 year history show us the calcium pill does nothing for strong bones... In fact calcium is making hard arteries, and this is absolutely no good

    If people want calcium, milk is not a good choice, chia seeds are high in calcium, but they are a nightshade, the vegetable called collard green, is very common vegetable and very high in calcium and potassium, much better choice than any milk or pill

    And this is John Hopkins University, very respectable, and is not only their opinion, many clinical studies about calcium supplements have the same bad result

    Calcium Supplements: Should You Take Them? | Johns Hopkins Medicine


    Multiple studies have found that there’s little to no benefit to taking calcium supplements for the prevention of hip fractures. On the other hand, recent studies have linked calcium supplements with an increased risk of colon polyps (small growths in the large intestine that can become cancerous) and kidney stones, which are hard masses usually formed in the kidneys from an accumulation of calcium and other substances. Additionally, a 2016 study by Michos and her colleagues suggested that calcium supplements may increase the risk of calcium buildup in the heart’s arteries.
    These type of products I would never buy, particularly calcium, people should never take a calcium pill... In reality we can only get calcium from food... These fancy packages, are only big marketing, crazy expensive and not very good quality This one for example, zinc always have to go together with copper. Zinc : Copper ... approximately 10 : 2 Too much of one or the other, can make deficiencies, proper metabolic absorption happens in this ratio 😑 Any calcium pill, from Germany or anywhere is not a good idea... 20 years ago calcium pills very popular, and 20 year history show us the calcium pill does nothing for strong bones... In fact calcium is making hard arteries, and this is absolutely no good If people want calcium, milk is not a good choice, chia seeds are high in calcium, but they are a nightshade, the vegetable called collard green, is very common vegetable and very high in calcium and potassium, much better choice than any milk or pill Any calcium pill, from Germany or anywhere is not a good idea... 20 years ago calcium pills very popular, and 20 year history show us the calcium pill does nothing for strong bones... In fact calcium is making hard arteries, and this is absolutely no good If people want calcium, milk is not a good choice, chia seeds are high in calcium, but they are a nightshade, the vegetable called collard green, is very common vegetable and very high in calcium and potassium, much better choice than any milk or pill And this is John Hopkins University, very respectable, and is not only their opinion, many clinical studies about calcium supplements have the same bad result Calcium Supplements: Should You Take Them? | Johns Hopkins Medicine https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/calcium-supplements-should-you-take-them Multiple studies have found that there’s little to no benefit to taking calcium supplements for the prevention of hip fractures. On the other hand, recent studies have linked calcium supplements with an increased risk of colon polyps (small growths in the large intestine that can become cancerous) and kidney stones, which are hard masses usually formed in the kidneys from an accumulation of calcium and other substances. Additionally, a 2016 study by Michos and her colleagues suggested that calcium supplements may increase the risk of calcium buildup in the heart’s arteries.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 116 Views 0 Reviews
  • Rules of correct water consumption

    1. Drink water only BEFORE meals
    Not later than 30 minutes before a meal and not earlier than an hour and a half after. So that water doesn't interfere with the digestion of food and doesn't dissolve gastric juice.

    2. Drink lukewarm water instead of cold one
    Ice-cold water freezes the enzymes in the gut, preventing it from properly digesting food.

    3. Drink water in small portions (2-3 sips)
    To avoid putting a strain on the kidneys.

    4. After each sip, hold water in your mouth so that it is mixed with saliva and better absorbed.

    5. Drink a glass of warm water immediately after waking up
    This is how you flush your body and get it running.

    6. Drink water only while sitting down
    This way it will be completely absorbed in the intestine into the blood, otherwise it will just be excreted.
    Rules of correct water consumption 1. Drink water only BEFORE meals Not later than 30 minutes before a meal and not earlier than an hour and a half after. So that water doesn't interfere with the digestion of food and doesn't dissolve gastric juice. 2. Drink lukewarm water instead of cold one Ice-cold water freezes the enzymes in the gut, preventing it from properly digesting food. 3. Drink water in small portions (2-3 sips) To avoid putting a strain on the kidneys. 4. After each sip, hold water in your mouth so that it is mixed with saliva and better absorbed. 5. Drink a glass of warm water immediately after waking up This is how you flush your body and get it running. 6. Drink water only while sitting down This way it will be completely absorbed in the intestine into the blood, otherwise it will just be excreted.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 137 Views 0 Reviews
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  • Do You Know What These Gen Z Slang Terms Mean—And Where They Really Come From?

    Language is constantly evolving, but there’s one type of language that so often changes even faster than the rest: slang. Every generation has its own unique slang words, and these terms seem to spring up faster than many people can keep up with. The popularity of TikTok and other social media trends has only made it easier for new slang to take hold, and if you aren’t keeping up with the latest trends, you might be left scratching your head.

    These terms may be new to you, but it’s essential to remember that so many of the slang terms that seem suddenly brand new in the dominant, mainstream culture actually have origins and long histories of use in Black culture, the LGBTQ+ community, the drag community, and other marginalized groups and subcultures. From there, the creativity, appeal and just plain usefulness of these terms frequently leads to them being adopted by youth culture at large (including by white people and those who are not part of the communities where the terms originated), from where they may spread into the general population. This adoption, in many cases, involves appropriation that ignores, obscures, or erases the terms’ origins and originators.

    If you need to brush up on the latest “cool” words so you don’t seem so cheugy, here are the meanings and likely origins of 16 essential Gen Z slang words to know—at least for the moment.

    1. no cap
    You’ve likely seen cap and no cap used on social media, but these terms actually pre-date social media and Gen Z by several decades. In Black slang, to cap about something means “to brag, exaggerate, or lie” about it. This meaning dates all the way back to at least the early 1900s. No cap, then, has evolved as another way of saying “no lie” or “for real.” Though it’s currently popular with Gen Z, no cap was mostly influenced by hip-hop culture.

    2. cheugy
    Are you cool or are you cheugy? This word, used to describe “uncool” things that are either out of style or trying too hard to be in style, is believed to have been coined in 2013. According to New York Times reporter Taylor Lorenz, Californian Gaby Rasson started using cheugy then to describe people who unsuccessfully try to be trendy. The term got a great deal of exposure in a viral TikTok video in 2021. By May 2021, the hashtag #cheugy had over 10 million views on TikTok. Cheugyness or cheuginess are noun variations of the word, and a person who is cheugy is sometimes referred to as a cheug. Beware: Slang changes fast, and some may consider cheugy itself to be cheugy already.

    3. drip
    During previous generations, drip was slang for “an unattractive, boring, or colorless person.” Now, if someone mentions your drip, it’s actually a good thing. Drip refers to your look or style, particularly when it’s considered extremely fashionable or sexy (kind of like a newer version of swag). The origins of this usage are the subject of some debate. Many credit the early 2000s hip-hop scene in Atlanta, while others think drip may have evolved from slang used on the teen comedy Zoey 101. Either way, if someone mentions your drip, now you know that you can take it as a compliment.

    4. hits different
    Sometimes something is so awesome that it impacts you or inspires you on a whole new level. The proper Gen Z term for this is hits different. In this sense, hit means “to have a marked effect or influence on; affect severely.” For example: That new Adele album just hits different.

    This usage is believed to have originated in the LGBTQ community with popular YouTubers Daniel Howell and Phil Lester. In 2019, it gained popularity thanks to social media apps like TikTok and Twitter. Now, hits different has achieved widespread usage in a variety of situations.

    5. main character
    Do you ever wish you could be the main character in your favorite movie? Main character, for Gen Z, originated from a TikTok trend in which people post either a montage of their life featuring themselves as the main character or they reenact popular scenes from favorite movies and TV shows. Main character can also refer to someone who is the subject of viral outrage on social media. For example: I checked Twitter to see who the main character is today.

    6. snatched
    RuPaul’s Drag Race may well have been the vehicle that brought this slang term to the mainstream. For Gen Z, snatched means “fierce” or “on point,” particularly when it comes to someone’s hair, makeup, and physical appearance. Historically, snatched is slang from the Black drag community, in which performers often wear artificial hair called weaves. In the drag community, snatched is slang for saying something is so amazing it snatched your weave off.

    7. bet
    Are you ready to learn the next slang word? Bet! As you may have guessed from the previous sentence, bet is a term of affirmation, agreement, or approval along the lines of “Cool!” or “I’m down!” It can also be used to express doubt or disbelief. This usage likely originated in Black slang. It’s also even more proof that Gen Z appears to love recycling trends from the ’90s, since bet can be traced back to that decade.

    8. skrrt
    Does slang become less cool if we tell you it’s also an onomatopoeia? Skrrt is supposed to mimic the sound of screeching tires, and it’s used as an interjection. For example, if someone is sharing some juicy gossip, their friend might respond with a skrrt to get them to stop and repeat something exciting they just said. The term has been in use since at least 2015, and it’s closely linked to the rising popularity of trap music.

    9. understood the assignment
    If you spend time on Twitter, you’ve probably seen tweets about actors who understood the assignment, or were perfectly suited for the role they were playing. This slang phrase is used to mean that someone was successful at or totally nailed something they needed to do. This isn’t limited to famous people. Someone who’s well-dressed or has the exact right comeback may also have understood the assignment. Saying this about someone is like giving them a gold star.

    10. OK boomer
    Gen Z and Millennials are two distinct groups, but they found something to agree on with the term OK boomer. Both generations helped popularize the phrase starting in 2019, and it’s still going strong today. OK boomer is used as a clapback when people from older generations post condescending or out-of-touch things about younger generations online. It’s also used in a humorous or ironic way to dismiss out-of-touch commentary from people of any age group.

    11. say less
    Say less may come off as rude to some because it’s essentially a request to stop talking. It’s an abrupt, often funny way of saying “I understand” or “I’ve got the point.” Say less is the title of a 2019 song by R&B artist Ashanti. It’s also the name of a 2017 album by Canadian musician Roy Woods. It appeared online as early as 2011, but it may have reached its current level of popularity thanks to a 2021 Saturday Night Live skit.

    12. slaps
    This next word really slaps. It essentially means “to be excellent or amazing.” You’ve most likely heard slap in reference to music, as in “This song really slaps.” This slang word is also a total blast from the past. It was an adjective for “first-rate” in the mid-1800s and an adverb, meaning “excellently,” even earlier, in the mid-1700s. By at least the early 2000s, slaps was being used to celebrate everything from great music to good food. The musical slap is often credited to Bay Area hip-hop slang. There are many other slang terms that draw on force and motion to characterize great music, including bops, whips, and smacks. A track that slaps can be called a banger.

    13. low-key/high-key
    Low-key generally means “quiet,” “restrained,” “moderate,” or “easygoing.” In the slang sense, it’s more about a subtle feeling or something you want to keep on the downlow, such as low-key being excited about a cheesy new movie coming out or having a low-key crush on a celebrity. Alternatively, high-key is used to express open excitement about something, like being high-key invested in the ongoing drama between Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal. Fun fact: while low-key originates as an adjective, it is also widely used as an adverb, as our examples show above.

    14. bussin’
    If something is really, really good, you might describe it as bussin’. This term originates in African American Vernacular English (AAVE), likely based on various senses of bust meaning “to explode, do well, enjoy.” Many say it’s been appropriated by Gen Z in a way that changes the original meaning. While younger generations use the term for everything from a great outfit to good music, in AAVE, bussin’ typically refers to delicious food.

    15. simp
    Gen Z didn’t invent simp, but they’ve found a way to make it their own. Simp is used—often, it’s important to note, in sexist ways—as an insult for men who are seen as being too submissive to women, especially under the guise of trying to win sexual attention from them. It’s controversial, though, as many say the term is degrading to women and a way of bullying men. Though the term found viral fame among TikTok influencers in 2019 and early 2020, rappers like Ice-T and DJ Evil E were using the term as far back as 1987.

    16. vibing
    Back in the day, kids used to chill out. Now, you might find them vibing instead. Vibing means relaxing, tapping into good feelings, and just generally enjoying the atmosphere. It’s closely related to vibe, which is an older slang term—from the late 1960s—that means “a feeling or flavor of the kind specified.” Vibing is used in many situations, but especially when someone is losing themselves in great music or conversation.

    Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    Do You Know What These Gen Z Slang Terms Mean—And Where They Really Come From? Language is constantly evolving, but there’s one type of language that so often changes even faster than the rest: slang. Every generation has its own unique slang words, and these terms seem to spring up faster than many people can keep up with. The popularity of TikTok and other social media trends has only made it easier for new slang to take hold, and if you aren’t keeping up with the latest trends, you might be left scratching your head. These terms may be new to you, but it’s essential to remember that so many of the slang terms that seem suddenly brand new in the dominant, mainstream culture actually have origins and long histories of use in Black culture, the LGBTQ+ community, the drag community, and other marginalized groups and subcultures. From there, the creativity, appeal and just plain usefulness of these terms frequently leads to them being adopted by youth culture at large (including by white people and those who are not part of the communities where the terms originated), from where they may spread into the general population. This adoption, in many cases, involves appropriation that ignores, obscures, or erases the terms’ origins and originators. If you need to brush up on the latest “cool” words so you don’t seem so cheugy, here are the meanings and likely origins of 16 essential Gen Z slang words to know—at least for the moment. 1. no cap You’ve likely seen cap and no cap used on social media, but these terms actually pre-date social media and Gen Z by several decades. In Black slang, to cap about something means “to brag, exaggerate, or lie” about it. This meaning dates all the way back to at least the early 1900s. No cap, then, has evolved as another way of saying “no lie” or “for real.” Though it’s currently popular with Gen Z, no cap was mostly influenced by hip-hop culture. 2. cheugy Are you cool or are you cheugy? This word, used to describe “uncool” things that are either out of style or trying too hard to be in style, is believed to have been coined in 2013. According to New York Times reporter Taylor Lorenz, Californian Gaby Rasson started using cheugy then to describe people who unsuccessfully try to be trendy. The term got a great deal of exposure in a viral TikTok video in 2021. By May 2021, the hashtag #cheugy had over 10 million views on TikTok. Cheugyness or cheuginess are noun variations of the word, and a person who is cheugy is sometimes referred to as a cheug. Beware: Slang changes fast, and some may consider cheugy itself to be cheugy already. 3. drip During previous generations, drip was slang for “an unattractive, boring, or colorless person.” Now, if someone mentions your drip, it’s actually a good thing. Drip refers to your look or style, particularly when it’s considered extremely fashionable or sexy (kind of like a newer version of swag). The origins of this usage are the subject of some debate. Many credit the early 2000s hip-hop scene in Atlanta, while others think drip may have evolved from slang used on the teen comedy Zoey 101. Either way, if someone mentions your drip, now you know that you can take it as a compliment. 4. hits different Sometimes something is so awesome that it impacts you or inspires you on a whole new level. The proper Gen Z term for this is hits different. In this sense, hit means “to have a marked effect or influence on; affect severely.” For example: That new Adele album just hits different. This usage is believed to have originated in the LGBTQ community with popular YouTubers Daniel Howell and Phil Lester. In 2019, it gained popularity thanks to social media apps like TikTok and Twitter. Now, hits different has achieved widespread usage in a variety of situations. 5. main character Do you ever wish you could be the main character in your favorite movie? Main character, for Gen Z, originated from a TikTok trend in which people post either a montage of their life featuring themselves as the main character or they reenact popular scenes from favorite movies and TV shows. Main character can also refer to someone who is the subject of viral outrage on social media. For example: I checked Twitter to see who the main character is today. 6. snatched RuPaul’s Drag Race may well have been the vehicle that brought this slang term to the mainstream. For Gen Z, snatched means “fierce” or “on point,” particularly when it comes to someone’s hair, makeup, and physical appearance. Historically, snatched is slang from the Black drag community, in which performers often wear artificial hair called weaves. In the drag community, snatched is slang for saying something is so amazing it snatched your weave off. 7. bet Are you ready to learn the next slang word? Bet! As you may have guessed from the previous sentence, bet is a term of affirmation, agreement, or approval along the lines of “Cool!” or “I’m down!” It can also be used to express doubt or disbelief. This usage likely originated in Black slang. It’s also even more proof that Gen Z appears to love recycling trends from the ’90s, since bet can be traced back to that decade. 8. skrrt Does slang become less cool if we tell you it’s also an onomatopoeia? Skrrt is supposed to mimic the sound of screeching tires, and it’s used as an interjection. For example, if someone is sharing some juicy gossip, their friend might respond with a skrrt to get them to stop and repeat something exciting they just said. The term has been in use since at least 2015, and it’s closely linked to the rising popularity of trap music. 9. understood the assignment If you spend time on Twitter, you’ve probably seen tweets about actors who understood the assignment, or were perfectly suited for the role they were playing. This slang phrase is used to mean that someone was successful at or totally nailed something they needed to do. This isn’t limited to famous people. Someone who’s well-dressed or has the exact right comeback may also have understood the assignment. Saying this about someone is like giving them a gold star. 10. OK boomer Gen Z and Millennials are two distinct groups, but they found something to agree on with the term OK boomer. Both generations helped popularize the phrase starting in 2019, and it’s still going strong today. OK boomer is used as a clapback when people from older generations post condescending or out-of-touch things about younger generations online. It’s also used in a humorous or ironic way to dismiss out-of-touch commentary from people of any age group. 11. say less Say less may come off as rude to some because it’s essentially a request to stop talking. It’s an abrupt, often funny way of saying “I understand” or “I’ve got the point.” Say less is the title of a 2019 song by R&B artist Ashanti. It’s also the name of a 2017 album by Canadian musician Roy Woods. It appeared online as early as 2011, but it may have reached its current level of popularity thanks to a 2021 Saturday Night Live skit. 12. slaps This next word really slaps. It essentially means “to be excellent or amazing.” You’ve most likely heard slap in reference to music, as in “This song really slaps.” This slang word is also a total blast from the past. It was an adjective for “first-rate” in the mid-1800s and an adverb, meaning “excellently,” even earlier, in the mid-1700s. By at least the early 2000s, slaps was being used to celebrate everything from great music to good food. The musical slap is often credited to Bay Area hip-hop slang. There are many other slang terms that draw on force and motion to characterize great music, including bops, whips, and smacks. A track that slaps can be called a banger. 13. low-key/high-key Low-key generally means “quiet,” “restrained,” “moderate,” or “easygoing.” In the slang sense, it’s more about a subtle feeling or something you want to keep on the downlow, such as low-key being excited about a cheesy new movie coming out or having a low-key crush on a celebrity. Alternatively, high-key is used to express open excitement about something, like being high-key invested in the ongoing drama between Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal. Fun fact: while low-key originates as an adjective, it is also widely used as an adverb, as our examples show above. 14. bussin’ If something is really, really good, you might describe it as bussin’. This term originates in African American Vernacular English (AAVE), likely based on various senses of bust meaning “to explode, do well, enjoy.” Many say it’s been appropriated by Gen Z in a way that changes the original meaning. While younger generations use the term for everything from a great outfit to good music, in AAVE, bussin’ typically refers to delicious food. 15. simp Gen Z didn’t invent simp, but they’ve found a way to make it their own. Simp is used—often, it’s important to note, in sexist ways—as an insult for men who are seen as being too submissive to women, especially under the guise of trying to win sexual attention from them. It’s controversial, though, as many say the term is degrading to women and a way of bullying men. Though the term found viral fame among TikTok influencers in 2019 and early 2020, rappers like Ice-T and DJ Evil E were using the term as far back as 1987. 16. vibing Back in the day, kids used to chill out. Now, you might find them vibing instead. Vibing means relaxing, tapping into good feelings, and just generally enjoying the atmosphere. It’s closely related to vibe, which is an older slang term—from the late 1960s—that means “a feeling or flavor of the kind specified.” Vibing is used in many situations, but especially when someone is losing themselves in great music or conversation. Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
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  • What’s The Difference Between “Anytime” vs. “Any Time”?

    Anytime or any time? The two tend to be used in the same exact contexts, but that one little space can make a lot of grammatical difference.

    In this article, we’ll discuss how and when to use each form and explain which one is an adverb and why. Don’t know what that means? Read on to find out!

    Quick summary
    Any time is a noun phrase that is commonly used after the preposition at (Please call at any time) or by itself (Any time you choose for the appointment is fine). Anytime is an adverb that can replace (or be replaced with) “at any time” or “whenever,” as in Please call anytime or They won’t arrive anytime soon. The phrase that means “you’re welcome” is any time.

    Anytime vs. any time
    Any time is a common and straightforward noun phrase that means exactly what it seems like it does based on its component parts. Importantly, it functions as a noun, often in prepositional phrases with the preposition at, as in Feel free to call at any time. But it also commonly appears by itself (without at), as in Any time is a good time for cake.

    Anytime is an adverb meaning “at any time; regardless of hour, date, etc.; whenever.” Because it’s an adverb, it modifies a verb, as in Feel free to call anytime or I won’t finish anytime soon.

    A more recent use of anytime is as an informal adjective that means something like “suitable for any time or occasion.” It’s typically used in a prepositive position (meaning it comes before the noun it modifies) and in contrast with a similar grammatical use of sometimes, as in Cookies are a sometimes snack, but carrots are an anytime snack.

    The phrase any time is also used as an informal response to a person expressing thanks, similar to you’re welcome. For example, when someone thanks you for helping them, you might respond by saying Any time! Glad to help.

    In English, it’s pretty common for two-word noun phrases to be pushed together for use as other parts of speech. For example, the noun phrase every day becomes the adjective everyday. Other examples are so common that you might not even realize they were formed from noun phrases, such as sometimes. When a term is spelled as two words as opposed to one, it’s often a clue that it’s used as a noun.

    Anytime or any time: when to use each one
    Anytime can be used in the same places that you can use another adverb, especially whenever. You can often test whether it’s appropriate to use anytime by seeing if you can substitute whenever or at any time.

    In contrast, if the term follows the preposition at, it should be the noun phrase any time. When any time is used with at, it can be followed by extra information that specifies the time (at any time of day; at any time of night; at any time of year). This is another sign that you want any time.

    Similarly, if it’s the subject of the sentence, it should be any time (as in Any time is a good time for cake). In other words, any time is always used as a noun.

    Remember, anytime essentially exists to be used in place of the phrase at any time. Ultimately, most sentences can be rewritten to use one or the other and still have the same exact meaning. When in doubt, build the sentence around the phrase at any time.

    Examples of anytime and any time used in a sentence

    - If you need help, call this number anytime.
    - If you need help, call this number at any time.
    - You can’t just show up anytime—you need an appointment.
    - You can’t just show up at any time—you need an appointment.
    - The flight is expected to land anytime now.
    - The flight is expected to land at any time now.
    - You may hear kids playing at any time of day now that summer vacation has started.
    - You may hear kids playing anytime now that summer vacation has started.
    - Anytime you’re around, call me and we’ll hang out.
    - Any time is a good time for tea.
    - I can drink tea anytime.
    - Anytime I see Kate, she’s reading a book.
    - Dave: “Thanks for helping me with the repairs.” Sarah: “Any time! I enjoy it.”

    Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    What’s The Difference Between “Anytime” vs. “Any Time”? Anytime or any time? The two tend to be used in the same exact contexts, but that one little space can make a lot of grammatical difference. In this article, we’ll discuss how and when to use each form and explain which one is an adverb and why. Don’t know what that means? Read on to find out! Quick summary Any time is a noun phrase that is commonly used after the preposition at (Please call at any time) or by itself (Any time you choose for the appointment is fine). Anytime is an adverb that can replace (or be replaced with) “at any time” or “whenever,” as in Please call anytime or They won’t arrive anytime soon. The phrase that means “you’re welcome” is any time. Anytime vs. any time Any time is a common and straightforward noun phrase that means exactly what it seems like it does based on its component parts. Importantly, it functions as a noun, often in prepositional phrases with the preposition at, as in Feel free to call at any time. But it also commonly appears by itself (without at), as in Any time is a good time for cake. Anytime is an adverb meaning “at any time; regardless of hour, date, etc.; whenever.” Because it’s an adverb, it modifies a verb, as in Feel free to call anytime or I won’t finish anytime soon. A more recent use of anytime is as an informal adjective that means something like “suitable for any time or occasion.” It’s typically used in a prepositive position (meaning it comes before the noun it modifies) and in contrast with a similar grammatical use of sometimes, as in Cookies are a sometimes snack, but carrots are an anytime snack. The phrase any time is also used as an informal response to a person expressing thanks, similar to you’re welcome. For example, when someone thanks you for helping them, you might respond by saying Any time! Glad to help. In English, it’s pretty common for two-word noun phrases to be pushed together for use as other parts of speech. For example, the noun phrase every day becomes the adjective everyday. Other examples are so common that you might not even realize they were formed from noun phrases, such as sometimes. When a term is spelled as two words as opposed to one, it’s often a clue that it’s used as a noun. Anytime or any time: when to use each one Anytime can be used in the same places that you can use another adverb, especially whenever. You can often test whether it’s appropriate to use anytime by seeing if you can substitute whenever or at any time. In contrast, if the term follows the preposition at, it should be the noun phrase any time. When any time is used with at, it can be followed by extra information that specifies the time (at any time of day; at any time of night; at any time of year). This is another sign that you want any time. Similarly, if it’s the subject of the sentence, it should be any time (as in Any time is a good time for cake). In other words, any time is always used as a noun. Remember, anytime essentially exists to be used in place of the phrase at any time. Ultimately, most sentences can be rewritten to use one or the other and still have the same exact meaning. When in doubt, build the sentence around the phrase at any time. Examples of anytime and any time used in a sentence - If you need help, call this number anytime. - If you need help, call this number at any time. - You can’t just show up anytime—you need an appointment. - You can’t just show up at any time—you need an appointment. - The flight is expected to land anytime now. - The flight is expected to land at any time now. - You may hear kids playing at any time of day now that summer vacation has started. - You may hear kids playing anytime now that summer vacation has started. - Anytime you’re around, call me and we’ll hang out. - Any time is a good time for tea. - I can drink tea anytime. - Anytime I see Kate, she’s reading a book. - Dave: “Thanks for helping me with the repairs.” Sarah: “Any time! I enjoy it.” Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
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  • #testinguser
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  • การฝึกซ้อมร่วมของรัสเซีย-จีน Pacific Patrol -๒๐๒๔ ประสบความสำเร็จเกินความคาดหมาย และจะกลายเป็นกิจกรรมประจำปี

    การฝึกซ้อมร่วม Pacific Patrol-๒๐๒๔ โดยเรือรัสเซียและจีนในอ่าวปีเตอร์มหาราชในภูมิภาคปรีมอร์สกีของรัสเซีย เริ่มขึ้นเมื่อวันที่ ๑๘ กันยายน

    ในระหว่างการฝึกซ้อม, เจ้าหน้าที่รักษาชายฝั่งของรัสเซียและจีนได้ฝึกซ้อมร่วมกันในการค้นหาและกักขังเรือที่ละเมิดกฎจากทะเลและอากาศ


    ความสำเร็จของการฝึกซ้อมทำให้ทั้งสองฝ่ายตัดสินใจจัดการฝึกซ้อมดังกล่าวเป็นประจำทุกปี, ซึ่งเพิ่มความซับซ้อนและความเข้มข้น

    "ปีหนึ่ง [หน่วยรักษาชายฝั่งของจีน] มาหาเรา [รัสเซีย], ปีหน้า เราจะไปที่ท่าเรือแห่งหนึ่งของสาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีนตามคำเชิญของพวกเขา และพบปะเพื่อนและเพื่อนร่วมงานของเราที่นั่น, พลเรือเอกโรมัน โทล็อก หัวหน้าแผนกหน่วยรักษาชายฝั่งของหน่วยงานป้องกันชายแดนของรัสเซียกล่าว การฝึกซ้อมเป็นอย่างไรบ้าง?


    🔸ตามข้อมูลปฏิบัติการจำลอง, ลูกเรือเคยลักลอบขนอาวุธ, กระสุน และอุปกรณ์ทางการทหารมาก่อน นอกจากนี้ยังมี “หลักฐาน” ว่าเรือลำดังกล่าวเป็นเรือที่ไม่มีคนโดยสาร;


    🔸จากนั้นเรือหน่วยยามชายฝั่งของรัสเซีย ๓ ลำ และของจีน ๒ ลำ ได้จัดตั้งทีมปฏิบัติการเพื่อหยุดยั้ง “อาชญากร” จากโอเชียเนีย
    Russian-Chinese Pacific Patrol-2024 drills beat expectations and will become annual event

    The active phase of the Pacific Patrol-2024 joint drills by Russian and Chinese ships in the Peter the Great Gulf in Russia’s Primorsky region started on September 18.

    During the exercises, Russian and Chinese coast guards practiced joint the search and detention of a rogue vessel from sea and air.

    The participants also performed joint artillery firing and tested their crew’ readiness to carry out rescue operations for vessels in distress.

    The drills’ success prompted both sides to decide to hold such exercises on an annual basis, increasing their complexity and intensity.

    “One year they [Chinese coast guard] come to us [Russia], next year we go to one of the ports of the People's Republic of China at their invitation and meet our friends and colleagues there,” said Admiral Roman Tolok, head of the Coast Guard Department of Russia’s Border Guard Service. How did the drills go?

    🔸China’s coast guard received information that a vessel under a made-up country of Oceania flag had entered the Sea of Japan through the Korean Strait and was approaching Vladivostok;

    🔸According to mock operational data, its crew members had been previously involved in smuggling weapons, ammunition and military equipment. There was also “evidence” that the vessel had uncrewed boats;

    🔸Russia and China decided to conduct a joint air and ship search for the vessel suspected of illicit activity;

    🔸Three Russian and two Chinese coast guard ships then formed an operational team to stop the “criminals” from Oceania.
    3:29 AM · Sep 19, 2024 · 1,995 Views
    การฝึกซ้อมร่วมของรัสเซีย-จีน Pacific Patrol -๒๐๒๔ ประสบความสำเร็จเกินความคาดหมาย และจะกลายเป็นกิจกรรมประจำปี การฝึกซ้อมร่วม Pacific Patrol-๒๐๒๔ โดยเรือรัสเซียและจีนในอ่าวปีเตอร์มหาราชในภูมิภาคปรีมอร์สกีของรัสเซีย เริ่มขึ้นเมื่อวันที่ ๑๘ กันยายน ในระหว่างการฝึกซ้อม, เจ้าหน้าที่รักษาชายฝั่งของรัสเซียและจีนได้ฝึกซ้อมร่วมกันในการค้นหาและกักขังเรือที่ละเมิดกฎจากทะเลและอากาศ ผู้เข้าร่วมยังได้ยิงปืนใหญ่ร่วมกันและทดสอบความพร้อมของลูกเรือในการปฏิบัติการกู้ภัยสำหรับเรือที่ประสบภัย ความสำเร็จของการฝึกซ้อมทำให้ทั้งสองฝ่ายตัดสินใจจัดการฝึกซ้อมดังกล่าวเป็นประจำทุกปี, ซึ่งเพิ่มความซับซ้อนและความเข้มข้น "ปีหนึ่ง [หน่วยรักษาชายฝั่งของจีน] มาหาเรา [รัสเซีย], ปีหน้า เราจะไปที่ท่าเรือแห่งหนึ่งของสาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีนตามคำเชิญของพวกเขา และพบปะเพื่อนและเพื่อนร่วมงานของเราที่นั่น, พลเรือเอกโรมัน โทล็อก หัวหน้าแผนกหน่วยรักษาชายฝั่งของหน่วยงานป้องกันชายแดนของรัสเซียกล่าว การฝึกซ้อมเป็นอย่างไรบ้าง? 🔸หน่วยยามชายฝั่งของจีนได้รับข้อมูลว่าเรือที่ชักธงประเทศโอเชียเนียได้เข้าสู่ทะเลญี่ปุ่นผ่านช่องแคบเกาหลีและกำลังเข้าใกล้เมืองวลาดิวอสต็อก; 🔸ตามข้อมูลปฏิบัติการจำลอง, ลูกเรือเคยลักลอบขนอาวุธ, กระสุน และอุปกรณ์ทางการทหารมาก่อน นอกจากนี้ยังมี “หลักฐาน” ว่าเรือลำดังกล่าวเป็นเรือที่ไม่มีคนโดยสาร; 🔸รัสเซียและจีนตัดสินใจร่วมกันค้นหาเรือลำดังกล่าวโดยเครื่องบินและเรือ 🔸จากนั้นเรือหน่วยยามชายฝั่งของรัสเซีย ๓ ลำ และของจีน ๒ ลำ ได้จัดตั้งทีมปฏิบัติการเพื่อหยุดยั้ง “อาชญากร” จากโอเชียเนีย . Russian-Chinese Pacific Patrol-2024 drills beat expectations and will become annual event The active phase of the Pacific Patrol-2024 joint drills by Russian and Chinese ships in the Peter the Great Gulf in Russia’s Primorsky region started on September 18. During the exercises, Russian and Chinese coast guards practiced joint the search and detention of a rogue vessel from sea and air. The participants also performed joint artillery firing and tested their crew’ readiness to carry out rescue operations for vessels in distress. The drills’ success prompted both sides to decide to hold such exercises on an annual basis, increasing their complexity and intensity. “One year they [Chinese coast guard] come to us [Russia], next year we go to one of the ports of the People's Republic of China at their invitation and meet our friends and colleagues there,” said Admiral Roman Tolok, head of the Coast Guard Department of Russia’s Border Guard Service. How did the drills go? 🔸China’s coast guard received information that a vessel under a made-up country of Oceania flag had entered the Sea of Japan through the Korean Strait and was approaching Vladivostok; 🔸According to mock operational data, its crew members had been previously involved in smuggling weapons, ammunition and military equipment. There was also “evidence” that the vessel had uncrewed boats; 🔸Russia and China decided to conduct a joint air and ship search for the vessel suspected of illicit activity; 🔸Three Russian and two Chinese coast guard ships then formed an operational team to stop the “criminals” from Oceania. . 3:29 AM · Sep 19, 2024 · 1,995 Views https://x.com/SputnikInt/status/1836502794850775462
    0 Comments 0 Shares 501 Views 62 0 Reviews
  • อุปกรณ์สื่อสารระเบิดมากขึ้นทั่วเลบานอน: เท่าที่ทราบตอนนี้คืออะไร?

    หลังจากเกิดการระเบิดด้วยเพจเจอร์จำนวนมากในเมืองต่างๆของเลบานอนเมื่อวันอังคาร, การระเบิดอุปกรณ์สื่อสารระลอกใหม่ก็เกิดขึ้นทั่วประเทศ นี่คือข้อมูลอัปเดตล่าสุด:

    ▪️จนถึงขณะนี้มีรายงานว่ามีผู้เสียชีวิตจากการระเบิดในหุบเขาเบก้าอย่างน้อย ๓ ราย, สำนักข่าว NNA ของเลบานอนรายงาน;

    ▪️จนถึงขณะนี้มีผู้ได้รับบาดเจ็บมากกว่า ๑๐๐ ราย, อัล ฮาดาธ รายงาน;


    ▪️อุปกรณ์ที่ระเบิด, ตามรายงานต่างๆ, รวมถึง: เพจเจอร์, วิทยุสื่อสาร, โทรศัพท์ และเครื่องสแกนลายนิ้วมือ สปุตนิกไม่สามารถยืนยันข้อมูลในรายการอุปกรณ์ระเบิดทั้งหมดได้

    ▪️วิทยุสื่อสารที่จุดชนวนระเบิดถูกซื้อโดยกลุ่มฮิซบอลเลาะห์เมื่อประมาณ ๕ เดือนที่แล้ว, ซึ่งเป็นช่วงเวลาเดียวกันกับเพจเจอร์, สื่อเลบานอนอ้าง;

    ▪️อุปกรณ์สื่อสาร BAOFENG อยู่ในกลุ่มที่ระเบิดด้วย, การระเบิดดังกล่าวทำให้มีผู้เสียชีวิตในหลายพื้นที่ของเลบานอน;

    ▪️รถพยาบาลของสภากาชาดเลบานอนมากกว่า ๓๐ คัน กำลังให้ความช่วยเหลือและอพยพผู้ประสบภัยจากการระเบิดดังกล่าว
    More communication devices explode across Lebanon: What is known so far?

    Following Tuesday’s mass pager explosions in Lebanese cities, a new wave of detonations of communication devices has occurred across the country. Here are latest updates:

    ▪️At least three people so far are reported dead as a result of explosions in the Beqaa Valley, Lebanon's NNA news agency reports;

    ▪️More than 100 are injured so far, Al Hadath reports;

    ▪️One of the explosions occurred at a funeral ceremony for killed Hezbollah members near Beirut;

    ▪️The detonated devices, according to various reports, include: pagers, walkie-talkies, phones and fingerprint scanner. Sputnik cannot verify the information on the full list of exploding devices.

    ▪️The detonated walkie-talkies were purchased by Hezbollah about five months ago, around the same time as the pagers, Lebanese media claimed;

    ▪️BAOFENG communication devices were among those exploding, their detonation caused casualties in several Lebanese regions;

    ▪️More than 30 Lebanese Red Cross ambulances are involved in assisting and evacuating victims of the explosions.
    10:52 PM · Sep 18, 2024 · 2,453 Views
    อุปกรณ์สื่อสารระเบิดมากขึ้นทั่วเลบานอน: เท่าที่ทราบตอนนี้คืออะไร? หลังจากเกิดการระเบิดด้วยเพจเจอร์จำนวนมากในเมืองต่างๆของเลบานอนเมื่อวันอังคาร, การระเบิดอุปกรณ์สื่อสารระลอกใหม่ก็เกิดขึ้นทั่วประเทศ นี่คือข้อมูลอัปเดตล่าสุด: ▪️จนถึงขณะนี้มีรายงานว่ามีผู้เสียชีวิตจากการระเบิดในหุบเขาเบก้าอย่างน้อย ๓ ราย, สำนักข่าว NNA ของเลบานอนรายงาน; ▪️จนถึงขณะนี้มีผู้ได้รับบาดเจ็บมากกว่า ๑๐๐ ราย, อัล ฮาดาธ รายงาน; ▪️หนึ่งในการระเบิดเกิดขึ้นที่พิธีศพของสมาชิกกลุ่มฮิซบอลเลาะห์ที่เสียชีวิตใกล้กรุงเบรุต; ▪️อุปกรณ์ที่ระเบิด, ตามรายงานต่างๆ, รวมถึง: เพจเจอร์, วิทยุสื่อสาร, โทรศัพท์ และเครื่องสแกนลายนิ้วมือ สปุตนิกไม่สามารถยืนยันข้อมูลในรายการอุปกรณ์ระเบิดทั้งหมดได้ ▪️วิทยุสื่อสารที่จุดชนวนระเบิดถูกซื้อโดยกลุ่มฮิซบอลเลาะห์เมื่อประมาณ ๕ เดือนที่แล้ว, ซึ่งเป็นช่วงเวลาเดียวกันกับเพจเจอร์, สื่อเลบานอนอ้าง; ▪️อุปกรณ์สื่อสาร BAOFENG อยู่ในกลุ่มที่ระเบิดด้วย, การระเบิดดังกล่าวทำให้มีผู้เสียชีวิตในหลายพื้นที่ของเลบานอน; ▪️รถพยาบาลของสภากาชาดเลบานอนมากกว่า ๓๐ คัน กำลังให้ความช่วยเหลือและอพยพผู้ประสบภัยจากการระเบิดดังกล่าว . More communication devices explode across Lebanon: What is known so far? Following Tuesday’s mass pager explosions in Lebanese cities, a new wave of detonations of communication devices has occurred across the country. Here are latest updates: ▪️At least three people so far are reported dead as a result of explosions in the Beqaa Valley, Lebanon's NNA news agency reports; ▪️More than 100 are injured so far, Al Hadath reports; ▪️One of the explosions occurred at a funeral ceremony for killed Hezbollah members near Beirut; ▪️The detonated devices, according to various reports, include: pagers, walkie-talkies, phones and fingerprint scanner. Sputnik cannot verify the information on the full list of exploding devices. ▪️The detonated walkie-talkies were purchased by Hezbollah about five months ago, around the same time as the pagers, Lebanese media claimed; ▪️BAOFENG communication devices were among those exploding, their detonation caused casualties in several Lebanese regions; ▪️More than 30 Lebanese Red Cross ambulances are involved in assisting and evacuating victims of the explosions. . 10:52 PM · Sep 18, 2024 · 2,453 Views https://x.com/SputnikInt/status/1836433070762680785
    0 Comments 0 Shares 303 Views 0 Reviews
  • Ray Dalio ผู้จัดการกองทุนเฮดจ์ฟันด์ผู้ทรงอิทธิพลของโลก หวั่นเศรษฐกิจสหรัฐอเมริกาเสี่ยงเจอวิกฤตหนัก 5 ประการ ปัญหาหนี้ที่เพิ่มขึ้นรุมเร้าและการเมืองภายในแตกแยก ขณะที่ความตึงเครียดระหว่างสหรัฐกับจีนทวีความรุนแรงเป็นสงครามการค้าตั้งกำแพงภาษี ท่ามกลางภัยธรรมชาติรุนแรงสร้างความเสียหายแก่ชีวิตและทรัพย์สินยิ่งกว่าสงคราม

    ในการประชุมสุดยอดเอเชียของ Milken Institute ที่สิงคโปร์ เรย์ ดาลิโอ ผู้จัดการกองทุนเฮดจ์ฟันด์ระดับมหาเศรษฐี ได้ระบุถึงแรงขับเคลื่อนสำคัญ 5 ประการที่ขับเคลื่อนเศรษฐกิจโลกในปัจจุบัน โดยระบุถึงลักษณะเป็นวัฏจักรและเชื่อมโยงกัน ตามรายงานของลี อิง ชาน นักข่าว CNBC

    ในการพูดก่อนที่ธนาคารกลางสหรัฐฯ จะตัดสินใจเรื่องอัตราดอกเบี้ยที่ทุกคนรอคอยมานาน ดาลิโอได้เน้นย้ำถึงความกังวลเกี่ยวกับวิธีการที่สหรัฐฯ จะจัดการหนี้ที่เพิ่มขึ้น โดยที่อัตราดอกเบี้ยอ้างอิงอยู่ที่ระดับสูงสุดในรอบกว่า 2 ทศวรรษ ปัจจุบันรัฐบาลสหรัฐฯ ใช้จ่ายเงิน 1.049 ล้านล้านดอลลาร์ในการชำระหนี้ ซึ่งเพิ่มขึ้น 30% เมื่อเทียบเป็นรายปี ดาลิโอตั้งคำถามว่าหนี้ที่เพิ่มขึ้นนี้จะส่งผลกระทบต่อมูลค่าทรัพย์สินของสหรัฐฯ และบทบาทของสินทรัพย์ของสหรัฐฯ ในฐานะแหล่งเก็บความมั่งคั่งที่เชื่อถือได้อย่างไร

    ตามรายงานของ CNBC ดาลิโอยังได้ดึงความสนใจไปที่สิ่งที่เขาเรียกว่า "ความไม่สงบภายใน" ในสหรัฐฯ โดยเฉพาะความแตกแยกทางการเมืองที่ขยายตัวก่อนการเลือกตั้งประธานาธิบดีในปี 2024 เขาเตือนว่าความแตกต่างที่ไม่อาจปรองดองได้ระหว่างฝ่ายขวาและฝ่ายซ้ายทางการเมือง ซึ่งทวีความรุนแรงขึ้นจากความไม่เท่าเทียมกันของความมั่งคั่ง อาจขัดขวางการถ่ายโอนอำนาจอย่างสันติ แม้ว่ารองประธานาธิบดีกมลา แฮร์ริสจะถูกมองว่าเป็นผู้นำ แต่ดาลิโอแนะนำว่าความไม่มั่นคงทางการเมืองอาจก่อให้เกิดความเสี่ยงต่อเศรษฐกิจของประเทศมากกว่านโยบายของผู้สมัครคนใด ๆ

    บนเวทีระหว่างประเทศ ดาลิโออ้างถึงความตึงเครียดที่ทวีความรุนแรงขึ้นระหว่างสหรัฐฯ และจีนว่าเป็นแหล่งความกังวลที่สำคัญ ดาลิโอกล่าวว่าปัญหาเช่นสถานะทางการเมืองของไต้หวันและภาษีศุลกากรทางเศรษฐกิจได้ทำให้ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างมหาอำนาจทั้งสองตึงเครียด ในขณะที่ดาลิโอตั้งข้อสังเกตว่าความกลัวต่อการทำลายล้างซึ่งกันและกันอาจป้องกันไม่ให้เกิดความขัดแย้งโดยตรง เขากล่าวว่าความตึงเครียดทางภูมิรัฐศาสตร์เหล่านี้เป็นปัจจัยสำคัญที่ทำให้เกิดความวุ่นวายทั่วโลก

    ดาลิโอเน้นย้ำถึงผลกระทบที่เพิ่มมากขึ้นของปัญหาสิ่งแวดล้อม โดยระบุว่า "ภัยธรรมชาติ" เช่น ภัยแล้ง น้ำท่วม และโรคระบาด มักก่อให้เกิดการหยุดชะงักทางสังคมมากกว่าสงคราม CNBC เน้นย้ำถึงคำเตือนของเขาว่าการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศอาจสร้างต้นทุนทางเศรษฐกิจที่สูงกว่าในไม่ช้านี้ โดยคาดว่า GDP ทั่วโลกจะหดตัวลง 12% ต่ออุณหภูมิที่เพิ่มขึ้น 1 องศาเซลเซียส

    สุดท้าย Dalio เน้นย้ำถึงพลังการเปลี่ยนแปลงของเทคโนโลยี เขาแนะนำว่าผู้ที่สามารถใช้ประโยชน์จากความก้าวหน้าทางเทคโนโลยีได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพจะได้รับประโยชน์อย่างมาก ในขณะเดียวกันก็เตือนด้วยว่าเทคโนโลยีอาจทำให้ความไม่เท่าเทียมกันทางเศรษฐกิจรุนแรงขึ้น การประเมินโดยรวมของ Dalio นั้นระมัดระวัง โดยคำพูดสุดท้ายของเขาบ่งชี้ว่าเศรษฐกิจโลกเผชิญกับความเสี่ยงด้านลบมากกว่าโอกาสด้านบวก

    ที่มา : https://www.cryptoglobe.com/latest/2024/09/billionaire-ray-dalio-warns-of-soaring-u-s-debt-geopolitical-tensions-and-tech-wars-between-nations/

    Ray Dalio ผู้จัดการกองทุนเฮดจ์ฟันด์ผู้ทรงอิทธิพลของโลก หวั่นเศรษฐกิจสหรัฐอเมริกาเสี่ยงเจอวิกฤตหนัก 5 ประการ ปัญหาหนี้ที่เพิ่มขึ้นรุมเร้าและการเมืองภายในแตกแยก ขณะที่ความตึงเครียดระหว่างสหรัฐกับจีนทวีความรุนแรงเป็นสงครามการค้าตั้งกำแพงภาษี ท่ามกลางภัยธรรมชาติรุนแรงสร้างความเสียหายแก่ชีวิตและทรัพย์สินยิ่งกว่าสงคราม ในการประชุมสุดยอดเอเชียของ Milken Institute ที่สิงคโปร์ เรย์ ดาลิโอ ผู้จัดการกองทุนเฮดจ์ฟันด์ระดับมหาเศรษฐี ได้ระบุถึงแรงขับเคลื่อนสำคัญ 5 ประการที่ขับเคลื่อนเศรษฐกิจโลกในปัจจุบัน โดยระบุถึงลักษณะเป็นวัฏจักรและเชื่อมโยงกัน ตามรายงานของลี อิง ชาน นักข่าว CNBC ในการพูดก่อนที่ธนาคารกลางสหรัฐฯ จะตัดสินใจเรื่องอัตราดอกเบี้ยที่ทุกคนรอคอยมานาน ดาลิโอได้เน้นย้ำถึงความกังวลเกี่ยวกับวิธีการที่สหรัฐฯ จะจัดการหนี้ที่เพิ่มขึ้น โดยที่อัตราดอกเบี้ยอ้างอิงอยู่ที่ระดับสูงสุดในรอบกว่า 2 ทศวรรษ ปัจจุบันรัฐบาลสหรัฐฯ ใช้จ่ายเงิน 1.049 ล้านล้านดอลลาร์ในการชำระหนี้ ซึ่งเพิ่มขึ้น 30% เมื่อเทียบเป็นรายปี ดาลิโอตั้งคำถามว่าหนี้ที่เพิ่มขึ้นนี้จะส่งผลกระทบต่อมูลค่าทรัพย์สินของสหรัฐฯ และบทบาทของสินทรัพย์ของสหรัฐฯ ในฐานะแหล่งเก็บความมั่งคั่งที่เชื่อถือได้อย่างไร ตามรายงานของ CNBC ดาลิโอยังได้ดึงความสนใจไปที่สิ่งที่เขาเรียกว่า "ความไม่สงบภายใน" ในสหรัฐฯ โดยเฉพาะความแตกแยกทางการเมืองที่ขยายตัวก่อนการเลือกตั้งประธานาธิบดีในปี 2024 เขาเตือนว่าความแตกต่างที่ไม่อาจปรองดองได้ระหว่างฝ่ายขวาและฝ่ายซ้ายทางการเมือง ซึ่งทวีความรุนแรงขึ้นจากความไม่เท่าเทียมกันของความมั่งคั่ง อาจขัดขวางการถ่ายโอนอำนาจอย่างสันติ แม้ว่ารองประธานาธิบดีกมลา แฮร์ริสจะถูกมองว่าเป็นผู้นำ แต่ดาลิโอแนะนำว่าความไม่มั่นคงทางการเมืองอาจก่อให้เกิดความเสี่ยงต่อเศรษฐกิจของประเทศมากกว่านโยบายของผู้สมัครคนใด ๆ บนเวทีระหว่างประเทศ ดาลิโออ้างถึงความตึงเครียดที่ทวีความรุนแรงขึ้นระหว่างสหรัฐฯ และจีนว่าเป็นแหล่งความกังวลที่สำคัญ ดาลิโอกล่าวว่าปัญหาเช่นสถานะทางการเมืองของไต้หวันและภาษีศุลกากรทางเศรษฐกิจได้ทำให้ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างมหาอำนาจทั้งสองตึงเครียด ในขณะที่ดาลิโอตั้งข้อสังเกตว่าความกลัวต่อการทำลายล้างซึ่งกันและกันอาจป้องกันไม่ให้เกิดความขัดแย้งโดยตรง เขากล่าวว่าความตึงเครียดทางภูมิรัฐศาสตร์เหล่านี้เป็นปัจจัยสำคัญที่ทำให้เกิดความวุ่นวายทั่วโลก ดาลิโอเน้นย้ำถึงผลกระทบที่เพิ่มมากขึ้นของปัญหาสิ่งแวดล้อม โดยระบุว่า "ภัยธรรมชาติ" เช่น ภัยแล้ง น้ำท่วม และโรคระบาด มักก่อให้เกิดการหยุดชะงักทางสังคมมากกว่าสงคราม CNBC เน้นย้ำถึงคำเตือนของเขาว่าการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศอาจสร้างต้นทุนทางเศรษฐกิจที่สูงกว่าในไม่ช้านี้ โดยคาดว่า GDP ทั่วโลกจะหดตัวลง 12% ต่ออุณหภูมิที่เพิ่มขึ้น 1 องศาเซลเซียส สุดท้าย Dalio เน้นย้ำถึงพลังการเปลี่ยนแปลงของเทคโนโลยี เขาแนะนำว่าผู้ที่สามารถใช้ประโยชน์จากความก้าวหน้าทางเทคโนโลยีได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพจะได้รับประโยชน์อย่างมาก ในขณะเดียวกันก็เตือนด้วยว่าเทคโนโลยีอาจทำให้ความไม่เท่าเทียมกันทางเศรษฐกิจรุนแรงขึ้น การประเมินโดยรวมของ Dalio นั้นระมัดระวัง โดยคำพูดสุดท้ายของเขาบ่งชี้ว่าเศรษฐกิจโลกเผชิญกับความเสี่ยงด้านลบมากกว่าโอกาสด้านบวก ที่มา : https://www.cryptoglobe.com/latest/2024/09/billionaire-ray-dalio-warns-of-soaring-u-s-debt-geopolitical-tensions-and-tech-wars-between-nations/ #Thaitimes
    Ray Dalio Reveals the Top Five Forces Influencing the Global Economy
    Ray Dalio foresees a dangerous convergence of forces that could reshape the global order.
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  • กลุ่มฮูตีกินโดรน Reaper ของสหรัฐฯเป็นอาหารเช้า: พวกเขาได้ทำลายโดรนไปแล้วกี่ลำ?

    กองกำลังติดอาวุธฮูตีในเยเมนได้ยิงโดรน MQ-9 Reaper ของ General Atomics มูลค่ากว่า ๒๕๐ ล้านดอลลาร์ตกแล้ว – โดรนที่กระทรวงกลาโหมสหรัฐฯเลือกใช้โจมตีคนผิวสีที่ยากจน การยิงโดรน Reaper ครั้งล่าสุดเกิดขึ้นเมื่อวันเสาร์ที่ผ่านมา ขณะที่กำลังทำกิจกรรมรวบรวมข้อมูลข่าวกรองเหนือจังหวัดมาริบในเยเมนตอนกลาง, ตามคำกล่าวของกลุ่มฮูตี

    กองทัพสหรัฐฯปฏิเสธที่จะยืนยันความสูญเสียดังกล่าวจนกระทั่งวันศุกร์, เมื่อเจ้าหน้าที่กระทรวงกลาโหมที่ไม่เปิดเผยชื่อคนหนึ่งกล่าวว่า MQ-9 ของกองทัพอากาศถูก "โจมตี แต่ลงจอดได้อย่างปลอดภัย และกองกำลังพันธมิตรของสหรัฐฯยึดคืนได้เมื่อวันที่ ๙ กันยายน" ที่ไหนสักแห่งในตะวันออกกลาง กระทรวงกลาโหมสหรัฐฯ ไม่ได้ให้รายละเอียดว่าโดรนดังกล่าวลงจอดที่ไหน, ใครเป็นผู้กู้ หรือโดรนดังกล่าวมีรูปร่างอย่างไร

    ▪️โดรน Reaper ที่ได้รับความเสียหายนั้นเป็นโดรนลำที่ ๘ มูลค่า ๓๒ ล้านเหรียญสหรัฐฯต่อลำ ที่ถูกกลุ่มฮูตีโจมตีตั้งแต่เดือนพฤศจิกายนปีที่แล้ว

    ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๔ สิงหาคม, กลุ่มฮูตีได้ยิงโดรน Reaper ลงมาจากท้องฟ้าเหนือเมืองซาดา, ทางตะวันตกเฉียงเหนือของเยเมน แหล่งข่าวที่ให้ข้อมูลได้บอกกับสปุตนิกว่า กองกำลังติดอาวุธใช้ระบบป้องกันภัยทางอากาศ Kub 2K12 ของโซเวียตที่ได้รับการปรับปรุงใหม่ในการทำเช่นนั้น เป็นที่ทราบกันดีว่ากลุ่มฮูตีได้นำระบบ Kub มาใช้ในการยิงขีปนาวุธสกัดกั้น Fater-1 ที่ผลิตในเยเมน

    ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๒๙ พฤษภาคม, กลุ่มฮูตีได้ทำลายโดรน Reaper ที่ไม่มีเครื่องหมาย, ซึ่งอาจเป็นของ CIA, เหนือเมืองมาริบ, ทำให้มีการเผยแพร่ภาพของนักรบสวมรองเท้าแตะยืนอยู่บนโดรนที่ถูกยิงตก

    ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๒๔ พฤษภาคม, กลุ่มฮูตีได้ยิง MQ-9 ตกเหนือเมืองซานา, เมืองหลวงของเยเมน

    ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๑๗ พฤษภาคม, โดรน Reaper อีกลำหนึ่งถูกทำลายเหนือเมืองมาริบ

    ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๒๗ เมษายน, กลุ่มฮูตีได้ยิง MQ-9 ตกในจังหวัดซาดา, ทางตะวันตกเฉียงเหนือของเยเมน

    ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๑๙ กุมภาพันธ์, โดรน Reaper ลำหนึ่งถูกทำลายเหนือเมืองอัลฮุดัยดาห์ ทางตะวันตกของเยเมน

    ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๘ พฤศจิกายน ๒๐๒๓, โดรน Reaper ของกองทัพอากาศสหรัฐฯถูกยิงตกเหนือทะเลแดง

    กลุ่มฮูตีได้ยิงโดรน Reaper ตกอีก ๓ ลำระหว่างปี ๒๐๑๗ ถึง ๒๐๑๙ พร้อมด้วยอาวุธอื่นๆที่ผลิตโดยนาโต้อีกมากมาย ในระหว่างที่สหรัฐฯพยายามช่วยเหลือกองกำลังผสมในอ่าวเปอร์เซียขับไล่กองกำลังติดอาวุธเหล่านี้ให้พ้นจากอำนาจ
    Houthis eating US Reaper drones for breakfast: how many have they destroyed so far?

    Yemen’s Houthi militia has now downed over a quarter billion dollars’ worth of General Atomics MQ-9 Reapers – the Pentagon’s drone of choice for the bombing of poor brown people. The latest Reaper shootdown took place last Saturday while it was carrying out intelligence-gathering activities over Marib province in central Yemen, according to the Houthis.

    The US military refused to confirm the loss until Friday, when an anonymous DoD official said an Air Force MQ-9 had been “struck but then landed safely and was recovered by US partner forces on September 9” somewhere in the Middle East. The Pentagon did not elaborate on where the drone touched down, who recovered it or what shape it was in.

    ▪️The damaged Reaper is at least the eighth $32 million-apiece US UAV struck by the Houthis since last November.

    ▪️On August 4, the Houthis blew a Reaper out of the sky over Saada, northwestern Yemen. An informed source told Sputnik the militia used a modernized Soviet 2K12 Kub air defense system to do. The Houthis are known to have adopted the Kub to fire Yemeni-made Fater-1 interceptor missiles.

    ▪️On May 29, the Houthis destroyed an unmarked Reaper, possibly belonging to the CIA, over Marib, releasing footage of warriors wearing sandals standing on top of the downed drone.

    ▪️On May 24, the Houthis shot down an MQ-9 over Sanaa, Yemen’s capital.

    ▪️On May 17, another Reaper was destroyed over Marib.

    ▪️On April 27, the Houthis shot down an MQ-9 in Sadaa province in northwestern Yemen.

    ▪️On February 19, a Reaper was destroyed over al-Hudaydah city in western Yemen.

    ▪️On November 8, 2023, a US Air Force Reaper was downed over the Red Sea.

    The Houthis shot down three more Reapers between 2017 and 2019 along with an array of other NATO-made weaponry during the US’s attempts to help a Gulf coalition oust the militia from power.
    5:36 PM · Sep 15, 2024 · 13.8K Views
    กลุ่มฮูตีกินโดรน Reaper ของสหรัฐฯเป็นอาหารเช้า: พวกเขาได้ทำลายโดรนไปแล้วกี่ลำ? กองกำลังติดอาวุธฮูตีในเยเมนได้ยิงโดรน MQ-9 Reaper ของ General Atomics มูลค่ากว่า ๒๕๐ ล้านดอลลาร์ตกแล้ว – โดรนที่กระทรวงกลาโหมสหรัฐฯเลือกใช้โจมตีคนผิวสีที่ยากจน การยิงโดรน Reaper ครั้งล่าสุดเกิดขึ้นเมื่อวันเสาร์ที่ผ่านมา ขณะที่กำลังทำกิจกรรมรวบรวมข้อมูลข่าวกรองเหนือจังหวัดมาริบในเยเมนตอนกลาง, ตามคำกล่าวของกลุ่มฮูตี กองทัพสหรัฐฯปฏิเสธที่จะยืนยันความสูญเสียดังกล่าวจนกระทั่งวันศุกร์, เมื่อเจ้าหน้าที่กระทรวงกลาโหมที่ไม่เปิดเผยชื่อคนหนึ่งกล่าวว่า MQ-9 ของกองทัพอากาศถูก "โจมตี แต่ลงจอดได้อย่างปลอดภัย และกองกำลังพันธมิตรของสหรัฐฯยึดคืนได้เมื่อวันที่ ๙ กันยายน" ที่ไหนสักแห่งในตะวันออกกลาง กระทรวงกลาโหมสหรัฐฯ ไม่ได้ให้รายละเอียดว่าโดรนดังกล่าวลงจอดที่ไหน, ใครเป็นผู้กู้ หรือโดรนดังกล่าวมีรูปร่างอย่างไร ▪️โดรน Reaper ที่ได้รับความเสียหายนั้นเป็นโดรนลำที่ ๘ มูลค่า ๓๒ ล้านเหรียญสหรัฐฯต่อลำ ที่ถูกกลุ่มฮูตีโจมตีตั้งแต่เดือนพฤศจิกายนปีที่แล้ว ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๔ สิงหาคม, กลุ่มฮูตีได้ยิงโดรน Reaper ลงมาจากท้องฟ้าเหนือเมืองซาดา, ทางตะวันตกเฉียงเหนือของเยเมน แหล่งข่าวที่ให้ข้อมูลได้บอกกับสปุตนิกว่า กองกำลังติดอาวุธใช้ระบบป้องกันภัยทางอากาศ Kub 2K12 ของโซเวียตที่ได้รับการปรับปรุงใหม่ในการทำเช่นนั้น เป็นที่ทราบกันดีว่ากลุ่มฮูตีได้นำระบบ Kub มาใช้ในการยิงขีปนาวุธสกัดกั้น Fater-1 ที่ผลิตในเยเมน ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๒๙ พฤษภาคม, กลุ่มฮูตีได้ทำลายโดรน Reaper ที่ไม่มีเครื่องหมาย, ซึ่งอาจเป็นของ CIA, เหนือเมืองมาริบ, ทำให้มีการเผยแพร่ภาพของนักรบสวมรองเท้าแตะยืนอยู่บนโดรนที่ถูกยิงตก ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๒๔ พฤษภาคม, กลุ่มฮูตีได้ยิง MQ-9 ตกเหนือเมืองซานา, เมืองหลวงของเยเมน ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๑๗ พฤษภาคม, โดรน Reaper อีกลำหนึ่งถูกทำลายเหนือเมืองมาริบ ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๒๗ เมษายน, กลุ่มฮูตีได้ยิง MQ-9 ตกในจังหวัดซาดา, ทางตะวันตกเฉียงเหนือของเยเมน ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๑๙ กุมภาพันธ์, โดรน Reaper ลำหนึ่งถูกทำลายเหนือเมืองอัลฮุดัยดาห์ ทางตะวันตกของเยเมน ▪️เมื่อวันที่ ๘ พฤศจิกายน ๒๐๒๓, โดรน Reaper ของกองทัพอากาศสหรัฐฯถูกยิงตกเหนือทะเลแดง กลุ่มฮูตีได้ยิงโดรน Reaper ตกอีก ๓ ลำระหว่างปี ๒๐๑๗ ถึง ๒๐๑๙ พร้อมด้วยอาวุธอื่นๆที่ผลิตโดยนาโต้อีกมากมาย ในระหว่างที่สหรัฐฯพยายามช่วยเหลือกองกำลังผสมในอ่าวเปอร์เซียขับไล่กองกำลังติดอาวุธเหล่านี้ให้พ้นจากอำนาจ . Houthis eating US Reaper drones for breakfast: how many have they destroyed so far? Yemen’s Houthi militia has now downed over a quarter billion dollars’ worth of General Atomics MQ-9 Reapers – the Pentagon’s drone of choice for the bombing of poor brown people. The latest Reaper shootdown took place last Saturday while it was carrying out intelligence-gathering activities over Marib province in central Yemen, according to the Houthis. The US military refused to confirm the loss until Friday, when an anonymous DoD official said an Air Force MQ-9 had been “struck but then landed safely and was recovered by US partner forces on September 9” somewhere in the Middle East. The Pentagon did not elaborate on where the drone touched down, who recovered it or what shape it was in. ▪️The damaged Reaper is at least the eighth $32 million-apiece US UAV struck by the Houthis since last November. ▪️On August 4, the Houthis blew a Reaper out of the sky over Saada, northwestern Yemen. An informed source told Sputnik the militia used a modernized Soviet 2K12 Kub air defense system to do. The Houthis are known to have adopted the Kub to fire Yemeni-made Fater-1 interceptor missiles. ▪️On May 29, the Houthis destroyed an unmarked Reaper, possibly belonging to the CIA, over Marib, releasing footage of warriors wearing sandals standing on top of the downed drone. ▪️On May 24, the Houthis shot down an MQ-9 over Sanaa, Yemen’s capital. ▪️On May 17, another Reaper was destroyed over Marib. ▪️On April 27, the Houthis shot down an MQ-9 in Sadaa province in northwestern Yemen. ▪️On February 19, a Reaper was destroyed over al-Hudaydah city in western Yemen. ▪️On November 8, 2023, a US Air Force Reaper was downed over the Red Sea. The Houthis shot down three more Reapers between 2017 and 2019 along with an array of other NATO-made weaponry during the US’s attempts to help a Gulf coalition oust the militia from power. . 5:36 PM · Sep 15, 2024 · 13.8K Views https://x.com/SputnikInt/status/1835266483821105195
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  • กองทัพอังกฤษกำลังเผชิญกับปัญหาอะไรบ้าง?

    นายกรัฐมนตรีอังกฤษ เซอร์ คีร์ สตาร์เมอร์ ยังไม่ตัดทิ้งความเป็นไปได้ที่จะอนุญาตให้ยูเครนใช้ขีปนาวุธร่อนสตอร์มแชโดว์พิสัยไกลโจมตีเป้าหมายภายในรัสเซีย อย่างไรก็ตาม ความกล้าหาญในการก่อสงครามของอังกฤษเกิดขึ้นในขณะที่กองทัพอังกฤษเองก็กำลังเผชิญวิกฤต


    ◻️ ตัวเลขแสดงให้เห็นว่ากองทัพอังกฤษมีจำนวนน้อย โดยการรับทหารใหม่ในช่วง ๑๒ เดือนจนถึงเดือนมีนาคม ๒๐๒๓ ลดลง ๒๒.๑% ในกองทัพเรือ, เกือบ ๑๗% ในกองทัพอากาศ, และเกือบ ๑๕% ในกองทัพบก, ตามสถิติอย่างเป็นทางการ

    ◻️ ปัจจุบันกองทัพบกอังกฤษมีกำลังพลประจำการ ๗๕,๑๖๖ นาย เมื่อเทียบกับ ๑๐๐,๐๐๐ นายในปี ๒๐๑๐

    ◻️ วิกฤตกำลังพลในกองทัพเรืออังกฤษมีรายงานว่าทำให้เรือหลายลำต้องปลดประจำการ


    ◻️ เรือบรรทุกเครื่องบินเรือธงของกองทัพเรืออังกฤษ HMS Queen Elizabeth และ HMS Prince of Wales ประสบปัญหาทางเทคนิคบางประการ, เนื่องจากเรือลำแรกถูกบังคับให้ถอนตัวจากการฝึกซ้อม Steadfast Defender ของ NATO ในเดือนกุมภาพันธ์ ๒๐๒๔ หลังจากเกิดขัดข้อง

    ◻️ การนำเรือฟริเกต Type ๒๖ ลำใหม่เข้าประจำการถูกเลื่อนออกไป, โดยคาดว่าขีดความสามารถในการปฏิบัติงานเบื้องต้นจะเริ่มขึ้นในปี ๒๐๒๘

    ◻️ การทดสอบปล่อยขีปนาวุธข้ามทวีปติดอาวุธนิวเคลียร์ (SLBM) ของอังกฤษบนเรือ HMS Vanguard เมื่อเดือนมกราคมที่ล้มเหลว ซึ่งถือเป็นความล้มเหลวครั้งที่สองติดต่อกัน รองจาก HMS Vengeance ที่เคยประสบความล้มเหลวในปี ๒๐๑๖


    ◻️ กระทรวงกลาโหมของสหราชอาณาจักร (MoD) เผชิญกับการขาดดุล ๑๖,๙๐๐ ล้านปอนด์ (๒๒,๑๗๐ ล้านดอลลาร์) สำนักงานตรวจสอบแห่งชาติ (NAO) เปิดเผยในปี ๒๐๒๓ คณะกรรมการตรวจสอบบัญชีสาธารณะ (PAC) เตือนว่าการขาดดุลที่แท้จริงอาจใกล้เคียงกับ ๒๙,๐๐๐ ล้านปอนด์ (๓๘,๐๕๐ ล้านดอลลาร์) ในรายงานเดือนมีนาคม ๒๐๒๔

    ◻️ กระบวนการจัดซื้อและส่งมอบของกระทรวงกลาโหมติดหล่มอยู่ในความล่าช้า ส.ส. อังกฤษกล่าวเมื่อเดือนมีนาคมว่ามีเพียง ๒ โครงการจาก ๔๖ โครงการที่ "มีแนวโน้มสูง" ที่จะส่งมอบตรงเวลา, งบประมาณ, และคุณภาพ

    ◻️ การส่งมอบโครงการพอร์ตโฟลิโอโครงการสำคัญของรัฐบาล ๕ โครงการสำเร็จ, ซึ่งรวมถึงเครื่องปฏิกรณ์นิวเคลียร์ใต้น้ำ, ถูกกำหนดให้ "ไม่สามารถทำได้" โดยรายงานของคณะกรรมการสภาสามัญในเดือนมีนาคม
    What problems are Britain’s armed forces grappling with?

    UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has not ruled out allowing Ukraine to use long-range Storm Shadow cruise missiles on targets inside Russia. Yet the UK’s warmongering bravado comes as its own armed forces are mired in crisis.

    Lack of manpower

    ◻️ Britain’s armed forces are stretched thin, figures show. The intake of recruits in the 12 months to March 2023 dropped by 22.1% in the Royal Navy, almost 17% in the RAF, and nearly 15% in the army, according to official statistics.

    ◻️ The professional ranks of the British Army currently number 75,166 regular forces personnel, compared with around 100,000 in 2010.

    ◻️ A manpower crisis in the Royal Navy reportedly prompted the decommissioning of a number of ships.

    Technical issues

    ◻️ The Royal Navy’s flagship aircraft carriers the HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales have faced some technical issues, as the former was forced to pull out from NATO’s Exercise Steadfast Defender drills in February 2024 after a malfunction.

    ◻️ Commissioning new Type 26 frigates has been postponed, with initial operational capability anticipated from 2028.

    ◻️ January’s failed HMS Vanguard sea-launch test of the UK’s nuclear-armed submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) system, the Trident II D-5, was the second successive failure, following one in 2016 involving the HMS Vengeance.

    Lack of money and surplus of bureaucracy

    ◻️ The UK Ministry of Defense (MoD) is facing a £16.9 billion ($22.17 billion) deficit, the National Audit Office (NAO) revealed in 2023. The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) warned that the actual deficit could be closer to £29 billion ($38.05 billion) in a March 2024 report.

    ◻️ The MoD's procurement and delivery processes are mired in delays. Just two of its 46 equipment programs are "highly likely" to be delivered to time, budget, and quality, British MPs said in March.

    ◻️ Successful delivery of five Government Major Projects Portfolio schemes, including nuclear submarine reactors, was determined “unachievable” by a House of Commons Committee report in March.
    4:37 PM · Sep 14, 2024 · 2,949 Views
    กองทัพอังกฤษกำลังเผชิญกับปัญหาอะไรบ้าง? นายกรัฐมนตรีอังกฤษ เซอร์ คีร์ สตาร์เมอร์ ยังไม่ตัดทิ้งความเป็นไปได้ที่จะอนุญาตให้ยูเครนใช้ขีปนาวุธร่อนสตอร์มแชโดว์พิสัยไกลโจมตีเป้าหมายภายในรัสเซีย อย่างไรก็ตาม ความกล้าหาญในการก่อสงครามของอังกฤษเกิดขึ้นในขณะที่กองทัพอังกฤษเองก็กำลังเผชิญวิกฤต ขาดแคลนกำลังพล ◻️ ตัวเลขแสดงให้เห็นว่ากองทัพอังกฤษมีจำนวนน้อย โดยการรับทหารใหม่ในช่วง ๑๒ เดือนจนถึงเดือนมีนาคม ๒๐๒๓ ลดลง ๒๒.๑% ในกองทัพเรือ, เกือบ ๑๗% ในกองทัพอากาศ, และเกือบ ๑๕% ในกองทัพบก, ตามสถิติอย่างเป็นทางการ ◻️ ปัจจุบันกองทัพบกอังกฤษมีกำลังพลประจำการ ๗๕,๑๖๖ นาย เมื่อเทียบกับ ๑๐๐,๐๐๐ นายในปี ๒๐๑๐ ◻️ วิกฤตกำลังพลในกองทัพเรืออังกฤษมีรายงานว่าทำให้เรือหลายลำต้องปลดประจำการ ปัญหาทางเทคนิค ◻️ เรือบรรทุกเครื่องบินเรือธงของกองทัพเรืออังกฤษ HMS Queen Elizabeth และ HMS Prince of Wales ประสบปัญหาทางเทคนิคบางประการ, เนื่องจากเรือลำแรกถูกบังคับให้ถอนตัวจากการฝึกซ้อม Steadfast Defender ของ NATO ในเดือนกุมภาพันธ์ ๒๐๒๔ หลังจากเกิดขัดข้อง ◻️ การนำเรือฟริเกต Type ๒๖ ลำใหม่เข้าประจำการถูกเลื่อนออกไป, โดยคาดว่าขีดความสามารถในการปฏิบัติงานเบื้องต้นจะเริ่มขึ้นในปี ๒๐๒๘ ◻️ การทดสอบปล่อยขีปนาวุธข้ามทวีปติดอาวุธนิวเคลียร์ (SLBM) ของอังกฤษบนเรือ HMS Vanguard เมื่อเดือนมกราคมที่ล้มเหลว ซึ่งถือเป็นความล้มเหลวครั้งที่สองติดต่อกัน รองจาก HMS Vengeance ที่เคยประสบความล้มเหลวในปี ๒๐๑๖ ขาดเงินและมีระบบราชการเกินดุล ◻️ กระทรวงกลาโหมของสหราชอาณาจักร (MoD) เผชิญกับการขาดดุล ๑๖,๙๐๐ ล้านปอนด์ (๒๒,๑๗๐ ล้านดอลลาร์) สำนักงานตรวจสอบแห่งชาติ (NAO) เปิดเผยในปี ๒๐๒๓ คณะกรรมการตรวจสอบบัญชีสาธารณะ (PAC) เตือนว่าการขาดดุลที่แท้จริงอาจใกล้เคียงกับ ๒๙,๐๐๐ ล้านปอนด์ (๓๘,๐๕๐ ล้านดอลลาร์) ในรายงานเดือนมีนาคม ๒๐๒๔ ◻️ กระบวนการจัดซื้อและส่งมอบของกระทรวงกลาโหมติดหล่มอยู่ในความล่าช้า ส.ส. อังกฤษกล่าวเมื่อเดือนมีนาคมว่ามีเพียง ๒ โครงการจาก ๔๖ โครงการที่ "มีแนวโน้มสูง" ที่จะส่งมอบตรงเวลา, งบประมาณ, และคุณภาพ ◻️ การส่งมอบโครงการพอร์ตโฟลิโอโครงการสำคัญของรัฐบาล ๕ โครงการสำเร็จ, ซึ่งรวมถึงเครื่องปฏิกรณ์นิวเคลียร์ใต้น้ำ, ถูกกำหนดให้ "ไม่สามารถทำได้" โดยรายงานของคณะกรรมการสภาสามัญในเดือนมีนาคม . What problems are Britain’s armed forces grappling with? UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has not ruled out allowing Ukraine to use long-range Storm Shadow cruise missiles on targets inside Russia. Yet the UK’s warmongering bravado comes as its own armed forces are mired in crisis. Lack of manpower ◻️ Britain’s armed forces are stretched thin, figures show. The intake of recruits in the 12 months to March 2023 dropped by 22.1% in the Royal Navy, almost 17% in the RAF, and nearly 15% in the army, according to official statistics. ◻️ The professional ranks of the British Army currently number 75,166 regular forces personnel, compared with around 100,000 in 2010. ◻️ A manpower crisis in the Royal Navy reportedly prompted the decommissioning of a number of ships. Technical issues ◻️ The Royal Navy’s flagship aircraft carriers the HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales have faced some technical issues, as the former was forced to pull out from NATO’s Exercise Steadfast Defender drills in February 2024 after a malfunction. ◻️ Commissioning new Type 26 frigates has been postponed, with initial operational capability anticipated from 2028. ◻️ January’s failed HMS Vanguard sea-launch test of the UK’s nuclear-armed submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) system, the Trident II D-5, was the second successive failure, following one in 2016 involving the HMS Vengeance. Lack of money and surplus of bureaucracy ◻️ The UK Ministry of Defense (MoD) is facing a £16.9 billion ($22.17 billion) deficit, the National Audit Office (NAO) revealed in 2023. The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) warned that the actual deficit could be closer to £29 billion ($38.05 billion) in a March 2024 report. ◻️ The MoD's procurement and delivery processes are mired in delays. Just two of its 46 equipment programs are "highly likely" to be delivered to time, budget, and quality, British MPs said in March. ◻️ Successful delivery of five Government Major Projects Portfolio schemes, including nuclear submarine reactors, was determined “unachievable” by a House of Commons Committee report in March. . 4:37 PM · Sep 14, 2024 · 2,949 Views https://x.com/SputnikInt/status/1834889141047173363
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  • มาร์การิตา ซิโมนยาน เล่าถึงคำพูดอันทรงพลังของอดีตประธานาธิบดีสหรัฐฯ จอห์น เอฟ. เคนเนดี ขณะที่สหรัฐฯประกาศมาตรการลงโทษใหม่ต่อบริษัทสื่อของรัสเซีย

    “เราไม่กลัวที่จะมอบความไว้วางใจให้ชาวอเมริกันรับเอาข้อเท็จจริงที่ไม่น่าพอใจ, แนวคิดจากต่างประเทศ, ปรัชญาที่แปลกใหม่, และค่านิยมที่แข่งขันกัน สำหรับประเทศที่กลัวที่จะปล่อยให้ประชาชนของตนตัดสินความจริงและความเท็จในตลาดเปิด ประเทศนั้นก็คือประเทศที่กลัวประชาชนของตนเอง,” บรรณาธิการบริหารของ Rossiya Segodnya กลุ่มสื่อแม่ของสปุตนิกกล่าว โดยอ้างคำพูดของนักการเมืองที่ถูกสังหาร

    “พวกเขาไม่ได้ฆ่าเขาโดยไม่มีเหตุผล เขากำลังคิดในทางที่ผิด” ซิโมนยาน กล่าว, โดยแสดงความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับการเคลื่อนไหวล่าสุดในการเซ็นเซอร์บริษัทสื่อของรัสเซีย
    Margarita Simonyan recalled the powerful words of former US President John F. Kennedy as the US announced new punitive measures against Russian media companies

    “We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people,” said the editor-in-chief of Rossiya Segodnya, Sputnik's parent media group, quoting the slain politician.

    “They haven’t killed him for nothing. He was thinking the wrong way,” said Simonyan, commenting on the latest move towards censorship of Russian media companies.
    3:45 AM · Sep 14, 2024 · 4,802 Views
    มาร์การิตา ซิโมนยาน เล่าถึงคำพูดอันทรงพลังของอดีตประธานาธิบดีสหรัฐฯ จอห์น เอฟ. เคนเนดี ขณะที่สหรัฐฯประกาศมาตรการลงโทษใหม่ต่อบริษัทสื่อของรัสเซีย “เราไม่กลัวที่จะมอบความไว้วางใจให้ชาวอเมริกันรับเอาข้อเท็จจริงที่ไม่น่าพอใจ, แนวคิดจากต่างประเทศ, ปรัชญาที่แปลกใหม่, และค่านิยมที่แข่งขันกัน สำหรับประเทศที่กลัวที่จะปล่อยให้ประชาชนของตนตัดสินความจริงและความเท็จในตลาดเปิด ประเทศนั้นก็คือประเทศที่กลัวประชาชนของตนเอง,” บรรณาธิการบริหารของ Rossiya Segodnya กลุ่มสื่อแม่ของสปุตนิกกล่าว โดยอ้างคำพูดของนักการเมืองที่ถูกสังหาร “พวกเขาไม่ได้ฆ่าเขาโดยไม่มีเหตุผล เขากำลังคิดในทางที่ผิด” ซิโมนยาน กล่าว, โดยแสดงความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับการเคลื่อนไหวล่าสุดในการเซ็นเซอร์บริษัทสื่อของรัสเซีย . Margarita Simonyan recalled the powerful words of former US President John F. Kennedy as the US announced new punitive measures against Russian media companies “We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people,” said the editor-in-chief of Rossiya Segodnya, Sputnik's parent media group, quoting the slain politician. “They haven’t killed him for nothing. He was thinking the wrong way,” said Simonyan, commenting on the latest move towards censorship of Russian media companies. . 3:45 AM · Sep 14, 2024 · 4,802 Views https://x.com/SputnikInt/status/1834694981019484594
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    Hello Earth 💖 #test
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  • Our Software Quality Assurance Engineers are the unsung heroes behind the scenes, ensuring our software meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. Their meticulous testing and attention to detail help us deliver a flawless user experience. A big thank you to our QA team for their dedication and hard work!

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    Our Software Quality Assurance Engineers are the unsung heroes behind the scenes, ensuring our software meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. Their meticulous testing and attention to detail help us deliver a flawless user experience. A big thank you to our QA team for their dedication and hard work! #QualityAssurance #SoftwareTesting #TechTalent
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  • Greek Words For Love That Will Make Your Heart Soar

    What is love? People have had a hard time answering that question for a lot longer than you might think. In Ancient Greece, love was a concept pondered over by some of history’s most famous philosophers, including Plato and Aristotle. Greek philosophers attempted to explain love rationally and often categorized the different kinds of love people could feel. Because we love them so much, we brought together some Greek words—and a Latin one, for good measure—for the different kinds of love you might find out there.

    Original Greek: ἔρως (érōs)

    Eros is physical love or sexual desire. Eros is the type of love that involves passion, lust, and/or romance.

    Examples of eros would be the love felt between, well, lovers. Eros is the sensual love between people who are sexually attracted to each other. In the Bible, eros was synonymous with “marital love” because husbands and wives were supposed to be the only people having sex. Eros was also the name of a love god in Greek mythology—better known by his Roman name, Cupid—and was the guy responsible for shooting magic arrows at people to make them fall in love.

    The word eros is still used in psychology today to refer to sexual desire or the libido. The words erotic and erogenous, which both have to do with sexual desire or arousal, are derived from eros.

    Original Greek: ϕιλία (philía)

    Philia is affectionate love. Philia is the type of love that involves friendship.

    Philia is the kind of love that strong friends feel toward each other. However, it doesn’t stop there. The Greek philosopher Plato thought that philia was an even greater love than eros and that the strongest loving relationships were ones where philia led to eros: a “friends become lovers” situation. Our concept of platonic love—love that isn’t based on physical attraction—comes from this Platonic philosophy.

    The word philia is related to the word philosophy through the combining form philo-. Philia itself is the source of the combining forms -philia, -phile, and -phily, all three of which are used to indicate a figurative love or affinity for something.

    Original Greek: ἀγάπη (agápē)

    Agape is often defined as unconditional, sacrificial love. Agape is the kind of love that is felt by a person willing to do anything for another, including sacrificing themselves, without expecting anything in return. Philosophically, agape has also been defined as the selfless love that a person feels for strangers and humanity as a whole. Agape is the love that allows heroic people to sacrifice themselves to save strangers they have never met.

    Did you know ... ?
    Agape is a major term in the Christian Bible, which is why it is often defined as “Christian love.” In the New Testament, agape is the word used to describe the love that God has for humanity and the love humanity has for God. Agape was also the love that Jesus Christ felt for humanity, which explains why he was willing to sacrifice himself.

    Original Greek: στοργή (storgé)

    Storge is familial love. Storge is the natural love that family members have for one another.

    Of all of the types of love, storge might be the easiest to understand. It is the type of love that parents feel toward their children and vice versa. Storge also describes the love that siblings feel towards each other, and the love felt by even more distant kin relationships, such as a grandparent for a grandchild or an uncle toward a niece.

    Original Greek: μανία (manía)

    Mania is obsessive love. Mania is the kind of “love” that a stalker feels toward their victim.

    As a type of love, mania is not good, and the Greeks knew this as well as we do. Mania is excessive love that reaches the point of obsession or madness. Mania describes what a jilted lover feels when they are extremely jealous of a rival or the unhealthy obsession that can result from mental illness.

    The Greek mania is the source of the English word mania and similar words like maniac and manic. It is also the source of the combining form -mania, which is often used in words that refer to obsessive behavior such as pyromania and egomania.

    Original Latin: Bucking the trend, the word ludus comes from Latin rather than Greek. In Latin, lūdus means “game” or “play,” which fits with the type of love it refers to. One possible Greek equivalent is the word ερωτοτροπία, meaning “courtship.”

    Ludus is playful, noncommittal love. Ludus covers things like flirting, seduction, and casual sex.

    Ludus means “play” or “game” in Latin, and that pretty much explains what ludus is: love as a game. When it comes to ludus, a person is not looking for a committed relationship. People who are after ludus are just looking to have fun or view sex as a prize to be won. A “friends with benefits” situation would be an example of a relationship built on ludus: neither partner is interested in commitment. Of course, ludus may eventually result in eros—and hopefully not mania—if feelings of passion or romance emerge during the relationship.

    The Latin lūdus is related to the playful words ludic and ludicrous.

    Original Greek: πράγμα (prágma)

    Pragma is practical love. Pragma is love based on duty, obligation, or logic.

    Pragma is the unsexy love that you might find in the political, arranged marriages throughout history. This businesslike love is seen in relationships where practicality takes precedence over sex and romance. For example, two people may be in a relationship because of financial reasons or because they have more to lose by breaking up than staying together.

    Pragma may even involve a person tolerating or ignoring their partner’s infidelity, as was common in politically motivated royal marriages in much of world history. Pragma may not sound all that great to many, but it is possible for pragma to coexist alongside other types of love, such as ludus or even eros.

    As you might have guessed, pragma is related to pragmatic, a word that is all about practicality.

    Original Greek: ϕιλαυτία (philautía)

    Philautia is self-love. No, not that kind. Philautia refers to how a person views themselves and how they feel about their own body and mind.

    The modern equivalent of philautia would be something like self-esteem (good) or hubris (bad). People with high self-esteem, pride in themselves, or a positive body image practice a healthy version of philautia. Of course, philautia has a dark side, too. Egomaniacal narcissists who think they are better than everybody else are also an example of philautia, but not in a healthy way. The duality of philautia just goes to show that love, even self-love, can often get pretty complicated.

    Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    Greek Words For Love That Will Make Your Heart Soar What is love? People have had a hard time answering that question for a lot longer than you might think. In Ancient Greece, love was a concept pondered over by some of history’s most famous philosophers, including Plato and Aristotle. Greek philosophers attempted to explain love rationally and often categorized the different kinds of love people could feel. Because we love them so much, we brought together some Greek words—and a Latin one, for good measure—for the different kinds of love you might find out there. eros Original Greek: ἔρως (érōs) Eros is physical love or sexual desire. Eros is the type of love that involves passion, lust, and/or romance. Examples of eros would be the love felt between, well, lovers. Eros is the sensual love between people who are sexually attracted to each other. In the Bible, eros was synonymous with “marital love” because husbands and wives were supposed to be the only people having sex. Eros was also the name of a love god in Greek mythology—better known by his Roman name, Cupid—and was the guy responsible for shooting magic arrows at people to make them fall in love. The word eros is still used in psychology today to refer to sexual desire or the libido. The words erotic and erogenous, which both have to do with sexual desire or arousal, are derived from eros. philia Original Greek: ϕιλία (philía) Philia is affectionate love. Philia is the type of love that involves friendship. Philia is the kind of love that strong friends feel toward each other. However, it doesn’t stop there. The Greek philosopher Plato thought that philia was an even greater love than eros and that the strongest loving relationships were ones where philia led to eros: a “friends become lovers” situation. Our concept of platonic love—love that isn’t based on physical attraction—comes from this Platonic philosophy. The word philia is related to the word philosophy through the combining form philo-. Philia itself is the source of the combining forms -philia, -phile, and -phily, all three of which are used to indicate a figurative love or affinity for something. agape Original Greek: ἀγάπη (agápē) Agape is often defined as unconditional, sacrificial love. Agape is the kind of love that is felt by a person willing to do anything for another, including sacrificing themselves, without expecting anything in return. Philosophically, agape has also been defined as the selfless love that a person feels for strangers and humanity as a whole. Agape is the love that allows heroic people to sacrifice themselves to save strangers they have never met. Did you know ... ? Agape is a major term in the Christian Bible, which is why it is often defined as “Christian love.” In the New Testament, agape is the word used to describe the love that God has for humanity and the love humanity has for God. Agape was also the love that Jesus Christ felt for humanity, which explains why he was willing to sacrifice himself. storge Original Greek: στοργή (storgé) Storge is familial love. Storge is the natural love that family members have for one another. Of all of the types of love, storge might be the easiest to understand. It is the type of love that parents feel toward their children and vice versa. Storge also describes the love that siblings feel towards each other, and the love felt by even more distant kin relationships, such as a grandparent for a grandchild or an uncle toward a niece. mania Original Greek: μανία (manía) Mania is obsessive love. Mania is the kind of “love” that a stalker feels toward their victim. As a type of love, mania is not good, and the Greeks knew this as well as we do. Mania is excessive love that reaches the point of obsession or madness. Mania describes what a jilted lover feels when they are extremely jealous of a rival or the unhealthy obsession that can result from mental illness. The Greek mania is the source of the English word mania and similar words like maniac and manic. It is also the source of the combining form -mania, which is often used in words that refer to obsessive behavior such as pyromania and egomania. ludus Original Latin: Bucking the trend, the word ludus comes from Latin rather than Greek. In Latin, lūdus means “game” or “play,” which fits with the type of love it refers to. One possible Greek equivalent is the word ερωτοτροπία, meaning “courtship.” Ludus is playful, noncommittal love. Ludus covers things like flirting, seduction, and casual sex. Ludus means “play” or “game” in Latin, and that pretty much explains what ludus is: love as a game. When it comes to ludus, a person is not looking for a committed relationship. People who are after ludus are just looking to have fun or view sex as a prize to be won. A “friends with benefits” situation would be an example of a relationship built on ludus: neither partner is interested in commitment. Of course, ludus may eventually result in eros—and hopefully not mania—if feelings of passion or romance emerge during the relationship. The Latin lūdus is related to the playful words ludic and ludicrous. pragma Original Greek: πράγμα (prágma) Pragma is practical love. Pragma is love based on duty, obligation, or logic. Pragma is the unsexy love that you might find in the political, arranged marriages throughout history. This businesslike love is seen in relationships where practicality takes precedence over sex and romance. For example, two people may be in a relationship because of financial reasons or because they have more to lose by breaking up than staying together. Pragma may even involve a person tolerating or ignoring their partner’s infidelity, as was common in politically motivated royal marriages in much of world history. Pragma may not sound all that great to many, but it is possible for pragma to coexist alongside other types of love, such as ludus or even eros. As you might have guessed, pragma is related to pragmatic, a word that is all about practicality. philautia Original Greek: ϕιλαυτία (philautía) Philautia is self-love. No, not that kind. Philautia refers to how a person views themselves and how they feel about their own body and mind. The modern equivalent of philautia would be something like self-esteem (good) or hubris (bad). People with high self-esteem, pride in themselves, or a positive body image practice a healthy version of philautia. Of course, philautia has a dark side, too. Egomaniacal narcissists who think they are better than everybody else are also an example of philautia, but not in a healthy way. The duality of philautia just goes to show that love, even self-love, can often get pretty complicated. Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
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  • 🌲✨ Dive into the world of wooden abstract art! Here’s a glimpse of my latest creation, where nature meets imagination. Each piece tells a story through the textures and grains of the wood. Swipe to see the details up close! #WoodArt #AbstractArt #ArtInNature
    🌲✨ Dive into the world of wooden abstract art! Here’s a glimpse of my latest creation, where nature meets imagination. Each piece tells a story through the textures and grains of the wood. Swipe to see the details up close! #WoodArt #AbstractArt #ArtInNature
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    "🎉 Festival Spotlight 🎉 Experience the color and excitement of [Festival Name] through our latest photo and video coverage. From the traditional dances to the elaborate costumes, immerse yourself in this cultural celebration. 📸💃"
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  • 🖍️รวมหัวข้อใน stopthaicontrol.com
    👉ความจริงของ โควิด-19 (ฉบับเต็ม)
    👉วาระ | Social Credit System (Vaccine Passport) | ระบบทาส ควบคุมประชากรโลก ด้วยเทคโนโลยี
    👉บทความที่ 1: การล้างสมองมวลชน | ใครครองสื่อ?
    👉อ.ทวีสุข ธรรมศักดิ์ |ตระกูล Rothschild เบื้องหลังแนวคิดการปกครองโลก
    👉ความลับของวัคซีน mRNA (ฉบับที่ 1)
    👉ความลับของวัคซีน mRNA (ฉบับที่ 2)
    👉“PCR ควรถูกนำไปทิ้งโดยทันที” – ดร. สุจริต ภักดี
    👉PCR – ผลิกตัวเลขผู้ติดเชื้อเท็จ​
    👉ศาสตราจารย์ นพ. สุจริต ภักดี | วัคซีนในเด็ก 1/2
    👉ศาสตราจารย์ นพ. สุจริต ภักดี | วัคซีนในเด็ก 2/2
    👉รวมคลิป ศาสตราจารย์ ดร. สุจริต ภักดี
    👉แพทย์จุฬาฯ ออกโรงแล้วเตือนภัยวัคซีน
    👉นพ.อรรถพล สุคนธาภิรมย์ ณ พัทลุง | การหลอกลวงเรื่อง ‘วัคซีน’
    👉ความจริงของโควิด 19 – นพ. อรรถพล สุคนธาภิรมย์ ณ พัทลุง
    👉นพ. อรรถพล สุคนธาภิรมย์ ณ พัทลุง – เทคนิคการหลอกลวงทางจิตวิทยา
    👉ข้อเท็จจริง mRNA – นพ. อรรถพล สุคนธาภิรมย์ ณ พัทลุง
    👉ยาฉีดไฟเซอร์ที่เอามาฉีดให้เด็กอายุ 5-11 ปียังอยู่ระหว่างการทดลองไม่สามารถกันการติดเชื้อได้ไม่มีข้อมูลว่ากัน MIS-C ได้
    👉คำแนะนำสำหรับผู้ปกครอง จากผู้สร้าง mRNA
    👉Pandemic Baby – เด็กยุคใหม่ที่ คุณพ่อ คุณแม่ฉีด mRNA วัคซีน
    👉David Icke | โครงสร้างการควบคุมรัฐบาลทั่วโลก
    👉A Timeline To Tyranny
    👉ไทม์ไลน์ สู่ทรราช
    👉ADE ที่เกิดจากวัคซีน คืออะไร?​ (สำคัญ)
    👉มาตรการโควิด ทำให้มีผู้เสียชีวิต เพิ่มมากขึ้น
    👉CDC ยอมรับผู้ที่ฉีดวัคซีน มีความเสียงโรคสูง
    👉เสียงของพ่อ : เรื่องความยุติธรรม
    👉เข้าใจโควิด | รักษาถูก คนรอดชีวิต
    👉สิทธิบัตรการควบคุมจิตประสาท Mind Control – US Patent 601732 A
    👉ไต้หวันระงับฉีดเข็ม 2 วัคซีนโควิด ‘ไฟเซอร์’ เด็ก 12-17 ปี กังวลเสี่ยงหัวใจอักเสบ
    👉ทุจริตใน FDA
    👉“ความบังเอิญ” ของการหัวใจวายในนักกิฬา/ดารา ทั่วโลก ปีนี้
    👉นักวิทยาศาสตร์วิศวกรรม ‘Magneto’ โปรตีนที่สามารถควบคุมสมองและพฤติกรรมคนจากระยะไกลได้
    👉นิทานว่าด้วย สุนัขบ้าโควิด กับยามประจำหมู่บ้าน
    👉ความรู้โดยแพทย์ – ทุกสิ่งทุกอย่าง ตั้งต้นที่ “ความกลัว”
    👉วัคซีนในเด็ก โดยคุณแม่ที่เป็นแพทย์
    👉องค์การอาหารและยา FDA หลุดแสดงผลข้างเคียงไม่พึงประสงค์ของวัคซีนโควิด-19 ในสไลด์โชว์
    👉แจ้งเตือนการเปิดเผยข้อมูลความเสี่ยง วัคซีนโควิด-19 สามารถทำให้อาการของโรคร้ายแรงขึ้นจากภาวะ Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)
    👉ฉีดแล้วบาดเจ็บ? ฟ้องร้องที่นี้
    👉เครือข่ายผสานภูมิปัญญารับมือ COVID-19
    และ https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../%e0%b8%9a%e0%b8%97%e0%b8.../
    👉CDC ยอมรับคนที่ฉีดกำลังมีอาการรุนแรง
    👉สิทธิบัตร WO/2020/060606 – “ระบบ สกุลเงินดิจิตอล โดยใช้ข้อมูลกิจกรรมของร่างกาย”
    👉วัคซีนอันตรายต่อเด็ก มากกว่า โควิด 7 เท่า
    👉ออสเตรเลีย ไม่เอาวัคซีน
    👉ลอนดอน เดินกระบวนเสรีภาพ 24 กรกฎาคม 2021
    👉เตรียมตัวก่อนฉีดวัคซีน (ต้องรู้อะไรบ้าง)
    👉FACT CHECKED: สรุป mRNA เปลี่ยน DNA มนุษย์หรือไม่?
    👉CEO ของมอเดอร์น่า – เราใช้เวลา 2 วันในการพัฒนาวัคซีน
    👉สถิติทางการ: ฉีดวัคซีนโควิด 19 แท้ง 82%
    👉พ.ญ. เชลลีย์ โคล สูตินรีแพทย์ – วัคซีนเป็นภัยต่อสตรีมีครรภ์
    👉มอเดอร์น่า มีวัคซีนโควิดก่อนโรคระบาด
    👉CDC | ศูนย์ควบคุมและป้องกันโรค (คลิปสั้น)
    👉สื่อ รัฐบาล | ใครเป็นคนควบคุมข้อมูล และ ความคิดของเรา? (คลิปสั้น)
    👉วิธีการหลอกลวงของสื่อและการตรวจสอบข้อเท็จจริง | Fact Check (คลิปสั้น)
    👉จอห์น ดี. ร็อกเกอะเฟลเลอร์ – การเกิดของยาขนาดใหญ่ บิกฟาร์ม่า (คลิปสั้น)​
    👉 | แผนโรคระบาดใหญ่ – (เวอร์ชั่นเต็ม)
    👉บิล เกตส์ ตัวจริงคือใคร? | Plandemic (คลิปสั้น)
    👉ความจริงของ องค์การอนามัยโลก WHO
    👉คลิปหลุด ความลับแตก – วัคซีน mRNA เปลี่ยนพันธุกรรมมนุษย์
    👉ได้ยินแต่ไม่ฟัง – การประชุมของ FDA การอนุมัติ กฏหมายวัคซีนฉุกเฉิน
    👉วัคซีน mRNA เปลี่ยนแปลงพันธุกรรมมนุษย์?
    👉สตรี 4,000 คนรายงานปัญหาประจำเดือน หลังรับวัคซีน
    👉คุณหมอ วิชัย เอกทักษิณ: วิธีการป้องกันการติดเชื้อ
    👉การประชุมของ FDA การอนุมัติ กฏหมายวัคซีนฉุกเฉิน
    👉David Icke – อะไรอยู่ในวัคซีน?
    👉ดร. แอนดริว คอฟแมน – ข้อความถึงผู้เดินกระบวน 24/7/2021 ลอนดอน
    👉ดร. ไรเนอร์ ฟูเอลมิช – โควิด อาชญากรรมที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในโลก
    👉น.พ. ปีเตอร์ แม็คคัลลูห์ พูดถึงการเสียชีวิตจากวัคซีน
    👉นี้คือการเมืองในวงการแพทย์​ – ดร. ฮอดคินสัน พูดถึงโควิด
    👉ดร. ไมค์ ยีดัน – นี้คือโอกาสสุดท้าย
    👉เราถูกล้างสมอง (นี่คือวิธีที่พวกเขาทำ) – Dr. Vernon Coleman
    👉ศาสตราจารย์ สุจริต ภักดี – Over Reaction และ Immune Dependent Enhancement
    👉แม่เหล็กในวัคซีน ตกลงมันจริงหรือไม่?
    👉การสอบสวนสถิติโควิด (ซับไทย)
    👉คลิปแอนนีเมชั่น วันซีน mRNA
    👉นักวิทยาศาสตร์สเปนพบ ‘กราฟีนออกไซด์’ ในวัคซีน
    👉อัตราการรอดของพวกเราคือ 99.9%
    👉บิล เกตส์: วัคซีนเพื่อลดประชากรโลก
    👉ข่าวดีและข่าวหนักใจบางส่วนจาก ศาสตราจารย์ สุจริต ภักดี
    👉บิล เกตส์ ”วัคซีนใหม่สามารถลดประชากร 10-15%”
    👉การสอบสวนสถิติโควิด (ซับไทย)
    👉คุณหมอ วิชัย แสดงความคิดเห็นเรื่องการฉีดวัคซีน
    👉วัคซีนไม่เปลี่ยนแปลงพันธุกรรมมนุษย์ จริงหรือไม่?
    👉Dr. Stoian Alexov – ประธาน สมาคมพยาธิวิทยา ประเทศ บัลแกเรีย
    น้องใหม่วิทยาลัยอายุ 19 ปีเสียชีวิตจากปัญหาหัวใจหนึ่งเดือนหลังจากฉีด👉วัคซีน Moderna ครั้งที่สอง
    👉คุณพ่อ: ชีวิต ‘ไม่เหมือนเดิม’ สำหรับนักเรียนอายุ 21 ปี ‘ล้ามเนื้อหัวใจตาย’ หลังฉีด Moderna เข็มที่สอง
    👉แคนาดา: คลินิกป๊อปอัพแจกไอศกรีมให้เด็กเพื่อรับวัคซีนโควิด | ไม่ต้องได้รับอนุญาตจากผู้ปกครอง
    👉วัยรุ่นคอนเนตทิคัต 18 คนเข้ารับการรักษาในโรงพยาบาลเนื่องจากปัญหาหัวใจหลังได้รับวัคซีน COVID ทำเนียบขาวกล่าวว่าคนหนุ่มสาวยังควรฉีด
    👉ก่อนที่จะฉีด ‘วัคซีนโควิด’ ลูกชายของเธอเป็นนักกีฬาที่มีสุขภาพดี แต่ตอนนี้เขา ‘เดินแทบไม่ได้’ คุณแม่กล่าว
    👉ลิซ่าชอว์ผู้จัดรายการ BBC เสียชีวิตหลังได้รับ “วัคซีน”
    👉CDC ตรวจสอบปัญหาหัวใจในวัยรุ่นหลังฉีดวัคซีน COVID
    👉CDC ตรวจสอบรายงานปัญหาหัวใจ ‘อ่อน’ ในวัยรุ่น หลังได้รับวัคซีน COVID
    👉อัปเดตครั้งที่ 17 เกี่ยวกับปฏิกิริยาที่ไม่พึงประสงค์ต่อวัคซีนโควิดที่ออกโดยรัฐบาลสหราชอาณาจักร / MHRA
    👉แพทย์ในสหราชอาณาจักรส่งจดหมายเปิดผนึกถึง ‘หน่วยงานกำกับดูแล’ ของปลอมโดยเน้นย้ำถึงข้อกังวลอย่างหนักเกี่ยวกับข้อเสนอที่จะให้เด็ก ๆ ได้รับวัคซีน ‘โควิด -19’
    👉เบื้องหลังของ PCR เครื่องตรวจโควิด|ดร. สุจริต ภักดี – “PCR ควรถูกนำไปทิ้งโดยทันที”
    👉It’s Here: First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination | Attorney Interview
    👉Dr. Kaufman Explains The PCR Test And Why It’s Not Suitable For Covid 19 Testing
    👉Dr. Michael Yeadon, PHD Former Chief Scientist of Pfizer
    👉Proof That RT-PCR Test Doesn’t Test For Covid 19
    👉German Medical Professional For Humanity to Oust CV19 Globalist Sinister Agenda
    👉Let’s Open Our Eyes
    👉Who Controls The Media
    👉UNMASKING THE LIES OF COVID-19 – THE PCR TEST Unmasking The Lies of Covid 19 – The PCR Test by Dr. Kaufman.
    👉Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD | How The RE-PCR Covid 19 Test Works
    👉A Manufactured Illusion: Dr. David Martin with Dr. Reiner Fuellmuch, July 2021
    👉PCR test from the inventor himself.
    👉David Icke: PCR Test With Dr. Andrew Kaufman
    👉Cellular and molecular biologist Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. – WHY PCR TESTING IS A BAD IDEA
    👉Dr. Lorraine Day: It’s time to be candid! Covid is nothing.
    👉Dr. Roger Hodkinson on Covid Hoax: “UTTERLY RIDICULOUS… IT’S SIMPLY OUTRAGEOUS!”
    👉Dr. Francis Boyle: ‘Bioweapon’ mRNA Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Code
    👉Dr. Mike Yeadon: Government are using a Covid -19 Test with undeclared False Positive Rates
    👉Zero Evidence That Covid Fulfills KOCH’S 4 Germ Theory Postulates – Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Sayer Ji
    👉Crimes Against Humanity – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
    👉Over Reaction และ Immune Dependent Enhancement
    👉Dr. med. Thomas Binder, Internist and Cardiologist (FMH), Switzerland
    👉Dr. Fabio Franchi, Former Dirigente Medico (M.D) in an Infectious Disease Ward, specialized in “Infectious Diseases”
    👉Dr. Lidiya Angelova – PhD in microbiology
    👉Dr. Paul McSheehy (BSc, PhD), Biochemist & Industry Pharmacologist, Loerrach, Germany
    👉Dr. Kevin McKernan, BS Emory University, Chief Scientific Officer
    👉Dr. Clare Craig MA, (Cantab) BM, BCh (Oxon), FRCPath, United Kingdom
    👉P. Borger (MSc, PhD)- Molecular Genetics Expert. Science writer and author.
    👉Elon Musk
    👉 AgendaLegal EvidencesProtestRT-PCR TestVaccineVirus Isolation
    The Truth of Covid-19
    👉Dorian Yates – Six Time Mr. Olympia Winner
    👉Dave Rubin – American political commentator, YouTube personality, and talk show host.
    👉General Robert S. Spalding III – Special Assistant To The U.S. Air Force Vice Chief Of Staff
    👉Dr. Judy Mikovits
    👉Charlie Kirk – Founder Of Turning Point USA
    ข้อมูลโดย อดิเทพ จาวลาห์
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PETRELLA PREFERS DEATH OVER THE COVID-19 VACCINE – PAY ATTENTION! https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../dr-petrella-prefers.../ 👉Dr. Mike Yeadon: Government are using a Covid -19 Test with undeclared False Positive Rates https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../dr-mike-yeadon.../ 👉Zero Evidence That Covid Fulfills KOCH’S 4 Germ Theory Postulates – Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Sayer Ji https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../zero-evidence-that-covid.../ 👉Crimes Against Humanity – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../crimes-against-humanity.../ 👉Over Reaction และ Immune Dependent Enhancement https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../over-reaction-%e0%b9%81.../ 👉Dr. med. Thomas Binder, Internist and Cardiologist (FMH), Switzerland https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../dr-med-thomas-binder.../ 👉Dr. Fabio Franchi, Former Dirigente Medico (M.D) in an Infectious Disease Ward, specialized in “Infectious Diseases” https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../dr-fabio-franchi-former.../ 👉Dr. Lidiya Angelova – PhD in microbiology https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../dr-lidiya-angelova-phd.../ 👉Dr. Paul McSheehy (BSc, PhD), Biochemist & Industry Pharmacologist, Loerrach, Germany https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../dr-paul-mcsheehy-bsc-phd.../ 👉Dr. Kevin McKernan, BS Emory University, Chief Scientific Officer https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../dr-kevin-mckernan-bs.../ 👉Dr. Clare Craig MA, (Cantab) BM, BCh (Oxon), FRCPath, United Kingdom https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../dr-clare-craig-ma-cantab.../ 👉P. Borger (MSc, PhD)- Molecular Genetics Expert. Science writer and author. https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../p-borger-msc-phd.../ 👉Elon Musk https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../%e0%b8%aa%e0.../elon-musk/ 👉 AgendaLegal EvidencesProtestRT-PCR TestVaccineVirus Isolation The Truth of Covid-19 https://stopthaicontrol.com/travel/the-truth-of-covid-19/ 👉Dorian Yates – Six Time Mr. Olympia Winner https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../dorian-yates-six-time-mr.../ 👉Dave Rubin – American political commentator, YouTube personality, and talk show host. https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../%e0%b8%aa%e0.../dave-rubin/ 👉General Robert S. Spalding III – Special Assistant To The U.S. Air Force Vice Chief Of Staff https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../general-robert-s.../ 👉Dr. Judy Mikovits https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../%e0%b9.../dr-judy-mikovits/ 👉Charlie Kirk – Founder Of Turning Point USA https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../charlie-kirk-founder-of.../ 👉สนับสนุนเวปไซด์ https://stopthaicontrol.com/.../%e0%b8%aa%e0%b8%99%e0%b8.../ ข้อมูลโดย อดิเทพ จาวลาห์
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    Kolkata Fatafat has always been a pulse-pounding lottery game, and 2024 is bringing even more excitement to the table. Known for its rapid draws and the thrill of immediate results, Fatafat keeps participants on their toes as they wait for their numbers to be announced. This year, the game continues to captivate players with its fast-paced format and substantial prize opportunities. In 2024, Kolkata Fatafat has rolled out some intriguing updates that are set to heighten the excitement. The revised prize structures and newly introduced features are designed to provide more chances for winning and enhance the overall gaming experience. The quick draw system remains a highlight, offering instant gratification and the rush of seeing results unfold in real-time. Whether you're a veteran player or someone new to the lottery scene, Kolkata Fatafat offers a unique blend of thrill and opportunity. Participating in this year’s draws could be a fantastic way to experience the buzz and maybe even score a big win. Keep an eye on the latest results and news to stay up-to-date. Here’s to hoping that 2024 brings plenty of luck and excitement to all players. Enjoy the game and good luck! https://ffkolkata.org/
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  • Many people using stevia for over ten years, and this brand from New Roots company is the best...

    Some other brands do contain small amounts of sugar or other sweet chemical such as aspartame

    Stevia is good, however you do have to be careful what brand you choose

    Some natural doctors do say that people who are addicted to sugar, because the sugar addiction is going long time, when the person switches to stevia they can still have insulin increase when using stevia, but this is only because the body is trained to raise insulin from a sweet taste, otherwise I would not worry about Stevia too much I think if you can find a good brand, this is a very healthy and safe product,

    Use the stevia carefully, don't use Stevia to make food crazy sweet, this is not a sugar, a very small amount of stevia can take some of the bitter taste away from tea or the sour taste away from lemon juice

    If person uses too much stevia for making food crazy sweet, some liver and kidney damage may result, is best to use this product intelligently
    If a person is looking for energy boost from sugar...

    I recommend testing MCT oil, Medium Chain Triglyceride...

    This will provide a much better and healthier energy boost than sugar
    MCT oil is a common part of the ketogenic diet plan, and starting the ketogenic diet is difficult, sometimes a little bit unpleasant, however when a person achieve ketosis , the results are very good, however is very easy to break or stop the ketosis, if person makes diet mistake and eats more than 6 grams of carbohydrates with high GI (Glycemic Index)... the ketosis will stop quickly, usually in 1 hour, and ketosis will not start again for 3 to 5 days... and this transition time can be unpleasant

    Diet mistakes usually happen when person is walking by a bakery and sees some beautiful sweet cake or cookie, and the person thinks... I can have 1 or 2 cookies 😂 and everything will be okay

    The internet is full of was very much information about ketogenic diet, and most of the information is low quality, ketogenic diet is about keep the insulin levels low and this makes the good health

    Too many ketogenic diet websites are selling products, or selling memberships, and not giving good quality ketogenic diet information

    When a person achieve ketosis, they don't need website memberships or too many special diet products

    When starting ketogenic diet, there is a detox phase, and this can go for 30 to 60 days where the person is very strongly detoxing and not feeling too good, however when the detox is complete, the results are very good

    I show you this photo of 2 MCT oil products, the brain octane formula is very good, MCT is extracted with no chemicals such as hexane, and the person can feel energy increase

    The other product from Nutiva company out of Singapore, this MCT oil is half the price, and is of lower quality, I'm not sure if they use hexane for extracting MCT, however I use combination both products, in the morning 1 teaspoon brain octane, + 1 teaspoon Nutiva MCT, this combination works well and can save some money

    And more money can be saved, and Better Health achieved if ketogenic plan is going together with intermittent fasting, meaning the person eats food only one time a day, no more 3 meals a day, that that's crazy too much stomach work for any person... and not providing more energy than one high-quality meal every day
    Many people using stevia for over ten years, and this brand from New Roots company is the best... Some other brands do contain small amounts of sugar or other sweet chemical such as aspartame Stevia is good, however you do have to be careful what brand you choose Some natural doctors do say that people who are addicted to sugar, because the sugar addiction is going long time, when the person switches to stevia they can still have insulin increase when using stevia, but this is only because the body is trained to raise insulin from a sweet taste, otherwise I would not worry about Stevia too much I think if you can find a good brand, this is a very healthy and safe product, Use the stevia carefully, don't use Stevia to make food crazy sweet, this is not a sugar, a very small amount of stevia can take some of the bitter taste away from tea or the sour taste away from lemon juice If person uses too much stevia for making food crazy sweet, some liver and kidney damage may result, is best to use this product intelligently If a person is looking for energy boost from sugar... I recommend testing MCT oil, Medium Chain Triglyceride... This will provide a much better and healthier energy boost than sugar MCT oil is a common part of the ketogenic diet plan, and starting the ketogenic diet is difficult, sometimes a little bit unpleasant, however when a person achieve ketosis , the results are very good, however is very easy to break or stop the ketosis, if person makes diet mistake and eats more than 6 grams of carbohydrates with high GI (Glycemic Index)... the ketosis will stop quickly, usually in 1 hour, and ketosis will not start again for 3 to 5 days... and this transition time can be unpleasant Diet mistakes usually happen when person is walking by a bakery and sees some beautiful sweet cake or cookie, and the person thinks... I can have 1 or 2 cookies 😂 and everything will be okay The internet is full of was very much information about ketogenic diet, and most of the information is low quality, ketogenic diet is about keep the insulin levels low and this makes the good health Too many ketogenic diet websites are selling products, or selling memberships, and not giving good quality ketogenic diet information When a person achieve ketosis, they don't need website memberships or too many special diet products When starting ketogenic diet, there is a detox phase, and this can go for 30 to 60 days where the person is very strongly detoxing and not feeling too good, however when the detox is complete, the results are very good I show you this photo of 2 MCT oil products, the brain octane formula is very good, MCT is extracted with no chemicals such as hexane, and the person can feel energy increase The other product from Nutiva company out of Singapore, this MCT oil is half the price, and is of lower quality, I'm not sure if they use hexane for extracting MCT, however I use combination both products, in the morning 1 teaspoon brain octane, + 1 teaspoon Nutiva MCT, this combination works well and can save some money And more money can be saved, and Better Health achieved if ketogenic plan is going together with intermittent fasting, meaning the person eats food only one time a day, no more 3 meals a day, that that's crazy too much stomach work for any person... and not providing more energy than one high-quality meal every day
    0 Comments 0 Shares 267 Views 0 Reviews
  • I am cooking the purple sweet potato, the cooking smell is similar to normal sweet potato, but there is much more "Earth Garden" smell to the purple sweet potato..

    In Europe, Canada, cost of food going up...and with all food being expensive, value is very important, the purple sweet potato is very healthy choice... It has much potassium, and can be resistant carbohydrate if refrigerated overnight...

    Purple sweet potato in resistant carbohydrate form, can make more ATP in the body than probably any other food...

    ATP is the energy for everything, including the immune system.

    Before you order, make sure sweet potatoes are not imported from Japan

    Carbohydrates are converted to resistant carbohydrates, don't release sugar in the small intestine, instead sugar is slowly released in the large intestine together with high fibre, and the large intestine bacteria are converting nutrients essential for the production of ATP in the mitochondria
    I am cooking the purple sweet potato, the cooking smell is similar to normal sweet potato, but there is much more "Earth Garden" smell to the purple sweet potato.. In Europe, Canada, cost of food going up...and with all food being expensive, value is very important, the purple sweet potato is very healthy choice... It has much potassium, and can be resistant carbohydrate if refrigerated overnight... Purple sweet potato in resistant carbohydrate form, can make more ATP in the body than probably any other food... ATP is the energy for everything, including the immune system. Before you order, make sure sweet potatoes are not imported from Japan Carbohydrates are converted to resistant carbohydrates, don't release sugar in the small intestine, instead sugar is slowly released in the large intestine together with high fibre, and the large intestine bacteria are converting nutrients essential for the production of ATP in the mitochondria
    0 Comments 0 Shares 211 Views 0 Reviews
  • Before eating any Bean, I do a test

    Bean on the left did not make sprouts,

    The bean on the right, that one Sprout very nicely

    If I have to eat restaurant food, usually I do not trust restaurant cooking beans

    This is for any Bean

    Before cooking, overnight stay in the water, in the morning change the water

    This removes some of the lectin, that is anti nutrient and can make stomach problem

    And for me, I have to see the bean sprout, if I don't see Sprout, I do not eat the bean,

    In Europe, North America, if the bean do not Sprout, that means glyphosate or irradiation, or some other industrial process

    This photo I remember very well, I try azuki beans from a different company,

    That was first time with this company, and I notice 40% beans don't sprout, and I'm thinking oh, they will be okay because I am cooking the beans

    After the cooking, I'm eating the beans, and feeling very bad the next day

    Usually I'd like to see 90 to 95% of the beans sprouted

    Also, when cooking beans, they should be sprouted for sure, that way you get much more energy from the food

    However on the Keto Plan, there is no more beans

    🤔The Matrix...

    There is no Bean😉
    Before eating any Bean, I do a test Bean on the left did not make sprouts, The bean on the right, that one Sprout very nicely If I have to eat restaurant food, usually I do not trust restaurant cooking beans This is for any Bean Before cooking, overnight stay in the water, in the morning change the water This removes some of the lectin, that is anti nutrient and can make stomach problem And for me, I have to see the bean sprout, if I don't see Sprout, I do not eat the bean, In Europe, North America, if the bean do not Sprout, that means glyphosate or irradiation, or some other industrial process This photo I remember very well, I try azuki beans from a different company, That was first time with this company, and I notice 40% beans don't sprout, and I'm thinking oh, they will be okay because I am cooking the beans After the cooking, I'm eating the beans, and feeling very bad the next day Usually I'd like to see 90 to 95% of the beans sprouted Also, when cooking beans, they should be sprouted for sure, that way you get much more energy from the food However on the Keto Plan, there is no more beans 🤔The Matrix... There is no Bean😉
    0 Comments 0 Shares 194 Views 0 Reviews
  • วิธีเช็คคุณภาพของน้ำมันมะกอกแท้หรือเทียม...


    How do you know if your olive oil is really olive oil and not a substitute? Is there a test?

    Or follow this steps:

    Get yourself a laser that has a violet or green light. A laser, though, always works best.

    Point the source of light to a glass containing the oil you want to test. The cointainer must be colourless.

    If it really is extra virgin oil, you will see something like that... Real true olive oil will show green laser turning orange color inside the real olive oil, if it is fake olive oil the green laser color will not change it will remain green...
    วิธีเช็คคุณภาพของน้ำมันมะกอกแท้หรือเทียม... https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-know-if-your-olive-oil-is-really-olive-oil-and-not-a-substitute-Is-there-a-test How do you know if your olive oil is really olive oil and not a substitute? Is there a test? Or follow this steps: Get yourself a laser that has a violet or green light. A laser, though, always works best. Point the source of light to a glass containing the oil you want to test. The cointainer must be colourless. If it really is extra virgin oil, you will see something like that... Real true olive oil will show green laser turning orange color inside the real olive oil, if it is fake olive oil the green laser color will not change it will remain green...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 125 Views 0 Reviews
  • Oregano Oil Benefits Immune System and Fights Infection

    One of the primary phenols in oregano oil is carvacrol, proven to be effective against murine norovirus, which triggers gastroenteritis

    A combination of essential oils, including oregano oil, was found to be at least as effective as medication in stemming intestinal bacterial overgrowth...

    SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) this condition is very common in Western Nation people, and can stop ketosis, it's basically the wrong bacteria growing in the wrong place.

    Oregano oil is effective against bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

    Oil from a reputable manufacturer is recommended because some choose to sell adulterated products. Full strength oregano oil should not be used because it irritates your skin and mucus membranes
    Oregano Oil Benefits Immune System and Fights Infection One of the primary phenols in oregano oil is carvacrol, proven to be effective against murine norovirus, which triggers gastroenteritis A combination of essential oils, including oregano oil, was found to be at least as effective as medication in stemming intestinal bacterial overgrowth... SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) this condition is very common in Western Nation people, and can stop ketosis, it's basically the wrong bacteria growing in the wrong place. Oregano oil is effective against bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Oil from a reputable manufacturer is recommended because some choose to sell adulterated products. Full strength oregano oil should not be used because it irritates your skin and mucus membranes
    0 Comments 0 Shares 155 Views 0 Reviews
  • 😊🙏

    Egg is very important for controlling B vitamins. The egg have protein and enzymes, This makes the body have good balance with. B vitamins, if body having problem with too much B vitamin. , sleep will be a problem and feeling tired is a problem.😊

    Eggs Are Good for Your Cholesterol


    Eggs convert small LDL particles to large particles

    In the study, people with Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes ate 12, eight or two eggs per week for a year, after which a series of tests showed no negative health consequences whatsoever

    The 113 milligrams of choline (nearly 25% of your Daily Reference Intake or DRI)

    4 eggs in one day is 100% Choline needed every day.


    The Importance of Melatonin for Optimal Health


    Melatonin is also an important energy hormone and a potent antioxidant that appears to play an important role in cancer prevention. It also benefits your brain, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal health, and has been shown to boost immune function

    Melatonin helps protect your mitochondria, which generate energy inside your cells. Melatonin appears to be the most powerful antioxidant in this regard, as it has the ability to enter into your mitochondria. It also recharges glutathione


    Everyone Have a good day, please Take good care. Drink water and stay healthy.😊🙏♥️🙏
    😊🙏 Egg is very important for controlling B vitamins. The egg have protein and enzymes, This makes the body have good balance with. B vitamins, if body having problem with too much B vitamin. , sleep will be a problem and feeling tired is a problem.😊 Eggs Are Good for Your Cholesterol https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/05/21/eggs-are-good-for-your-cholesterol.aspx Eggs convert small LDL particles to large particles In the study, people with Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes ate 12, eight or two eggs per week for a year, after which a series of tests showed no negative health consequences whatsoever The 113 milligrams of choline (nearly 25% of your Daily Reference Intake or DRI) 4 eggs in one day is 100% Choline needed every day. --------------------- The Importance of Melatonin for Optimal Health https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/02/06/melatonin-for-sleep.aspx Melatonin is also an important energy hormone and a potent antioxidant that appears to play an important role in cancer prevention. It also benefits your brain, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal health, and has been shown to boost immune function Melatonin helps protect your mitochondria, which generate energy inside your cells. Melatonin appears to be the most powerful antioxidant in this regard, as it has the ability to enter into your mitochondria. It also recharges glutathione ------------------ Everyone Have a good day, please Take good care. Drink water and stay healthy.😊🙏♥️🙏
    0 Comments 0 Shares 186 Views 0 Reviews
  • Liquid vitamin D3+K2 ... That's a good one because the D3 receptor is a "Dual" receptor... Meaning the 2 vitamins D3+K2 have to be together at the receptor site

    If person is on the low cholesterol plan and not getting much sunshine...
    6,000 - 8,000 IU should be sufficient, and there are some people who take much more than that... About the low cholesterol... With sunshine on the skin, D3 is produced from cholesterol under the skin, if person get the sunburn easily, that generally means they are not eating healthy fats and have lower cholesterol... If person eating healthy fats, and no problem with sunshine and sunburn, then smaller amount D3+K2 3,000 - 5,000 IU should be sufficient.

    Instead of capsules, I would recommend small bottle liquid vitamin D3+K2, take with eye dropper... And save some money, particularly if taking larger doses such as 3,000 - 6,000 IU

    Vitamin D very important, vitamin D3 is the best formula...

    And making vitamin D from sunshine on the skin... this involves cholesterol, and many people are following crazy doctors advice about low cholesterol diet.. when a person's cholesterol is low sunshine on the skin will make sunburn and only little bit vitamin D... Healthy diet with healthy fat, this lets sunshine on the skin make vitamin D and not much risk of sunburn.

    Any vitamin D is better than nothing...

    However if recovery from sickness is important, vitamin D should be liquid D3 + K2

    This is important text for all patients infected with covid-19, to stop sickness from going for very long time patient should be taking vitamin B1 benfotiamine everyday, in addition to vitamin D3+K2 with magnesium bisglycinate, quercetin with Zinc+Copper and selenium, vitamin C... That's to correct or prevent basic vitamin deficiencies. Taking herbal medications is recommended to improve immune system and raise energy levels.🙏😌
    The vitamin D dosage...

    Formula should be vitamin D3, that is absolutely for sure.

    And the dosage is 8,000 to 12,000 IU everyday...

    Vitamin d3 will not be metabolized if there is magnesium deficiency, as a precaution person should be taking at least 400 mg magnesium per day, if blood test shows magnesium deficiency, increase up to 800 or 900 per day until blood test shows good magnesium levels.🥰
    Liquid vitamin D3+K2 ... That's a good one because the D3 receptor is a "Dual" receptor... Meaning the 2 vitamins D3+K2 have to be together at the receptor site If person is on the low cholesterol plan and not getting much sunshine... 6,000 - 8,000 IU should be sufficient, and there are some people who take much more than that... About the low cholesterol... With sunshine on the skin, D3 is produced from cholesterol under the skin, if person get the sunburn easily, that generally means they are not eating healthy fats and have lower cholesterol... If person eating healthy fats, and no problem with sunshine and sunburn, then smaller amount D3+K2 3,000 - 5,000 IU should be sufficient. Instead of capsules, I would recommend small bottle liquid vitamin D3+K2, take with eye dropper... And save some money, particularly if taking larger doses such as 3,000 - 6,000 IU Vitamin D very important, vitamin D3 is the best formula... And making vitamin D from sunshine on the skin... this involves cholesterol, and many people are following crazy doctors advice about low cholesterol diet.. when a person's cholesterol is low sunshine on the skin will make sunburn and only little bit vitamin D... Healthy diet with healthy fat, this lets sunshine on the skin make vitamin D and not much risk of sunburn. Any vitamin D is better than nothing... However if recovery from sickness is important, vitamin D should be liquid D3 + K2 This is important text for all patients infected with covid-19, to stop sickness from going for very long time patient should be taking vitamin B1 benfotiamine everyday, in addition to vitamin D3+K2 with magnesium bisglycinate, quercetin with Zinc+Copper and selenium, vitamin C... That's to correct or prevent basic vitamin deficiencies. Taking herbal medications is recommended to improve immune system and raise energy levels.🙏😌 The vitamin D dosage... Formula should be vitamin D3, that is absolutely for sure. And the dosage is 8,000 to 12,000 IU everyday... Vitamin d3 will not be metabolized if there is magnesium deficiency, as a precaution person should be taking at least 400 mg magnesium per day, if blood test shows magnesium deficiency, increase up to 800 or 900 per day until blood test shows good magnesium levels.🥰
    0 Comments 0 Shares 238 Views 0 Reviews
  • วัคซีนไม่ช่วยป้องกันการเกิดลองโควิด
    5 กันยายน 2024
    ศ นพ ธีระวัฒน์ เหมะจุฑา

    อาการของลองโควิด (long covid) เป็นอาการที่เกิดขึ้นหลังจากที่ติดเชื้อไปแล้วไม่ว่าจะรุนแรงหรืออาการน้อยนิดก็ตาม
    และปรากฏได้หลังจากที่ฉีดวัคซีนไปแล้วโดยเรียกกันว่าเป็นลองวัคซีน หรือ ลองแวกซ์ (long vax) และอาการดำเนินต่อเนื่องยาวนานกว่าสามเดือนและทอดยาวเป็นปี

    • ระบบหัวใจและการหายใจ (cardiorespiratory) เหนื่อยแม้กระทั่งเวลาจะเดิน ยังเดินไม่ไหว ชีพจรและความดันผันผวน สูงลิบสลับกับต่ำเตี้ย จนกระทั่งเป็นลม ต้องนอนหรือนั่งเอนอนตลอดอาการในข้อนี้ ตรวจด้วยเครื่องมือและวิธีการต่างๆกลับไม่พบหรือหาสาเหตุไม่ได้ และในที่สุดถูกส่งไปรักษากับจิตแพทย์
    • ระบบสมองและประสาท รวมจิตอารมณ์ (neuropsychiatric) ทั้งสมองเสื่อม ความจำสั้นเลอะเลือน การนอนผิดปกติ อารมณ์หดหู่ ไปจนกระทั่งถึงอาการกระตุก มีโรคลมชักเกิดขึ้นใหม่ เป็นต้น และเกิดความบกพร่องทางฮอร์โมนการควบคุมประจำเดือน ความต้องการทางเพศจนกระทั่งถึงความล้มเหลวของการมีเพศสัมพันธ์ และภาวะอสุจิน้อยลงหรือผิดปกติ ทั้งนี้มีส่วนของการทำลายที่ระบบสืบพันธุ์โดยตรงด้วยเช่น ลูกอัณฑะ รังไข่ ความแปรปรวนทางด้านฮอร์โมนยังเกิดกับการควบคุมฮอร์โมนที่มาจากสมองส่งมายังต่อมไร้ท่อต่างๆ แต่ทั้งนี้ยังมีกลไกของการแพ้ภูมิตนเองทำให้เกิดเบาหวาน ที่ดื้ออินซูลิน จนกระทั่งถึงกลไกการทำลายตับอ่อนที่ผลิตอินซูลิน
    • ระบบเส้นประสาทกล้ามเนื้อ (neuromuscular) ทั้งชา เจ็บแสบ คัน ตามแขนขาและบริเวณส่วนต่างๆของร่างกาย และ/หรือ มีกล้ามเนื้ออ่อนแรงหรือตะคริว ตามมือแขนขา และส่วนต่างๆของร่างกายแม้กระทั่งใบหน้า
    • ภาวะอักเสบง่าย (proinflammatory) เกิดผื่นตุ่มหนองผมร่วง ปวดข้อเส้นเอ็นกล้ามเนื้อ การอักเสบยังรวมไปถึงลูกตาเปลือกตาหนังตา เจ็บแสบริมฝีปาก กระพุงแก้ม ลิ้นลำคอ ทั้งนี้เกิดจากระบบภูมิคุ้มกันแปรปรวนเพิ่มสูงมากไปทำร้ายตัวเอง และระบบป้องกันเชื้อโรค ไม่ว่า จะเป็นไวรัสแบคทีเรียก็ตาม และที่ควบคุม เชื้อที่ซ่อนอยู่บกพร่องไม่ว่าจะเป็น เริม งูสวัด
    • ความผิดปกติของระบบหลอดเลือดหัวใจ สมอง และทั่วร่างกาย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นหลอดเลือดดำหรือแดงก็ตาม เกิดเลือดหนืดข้นผนังหลอดเลือดอักเสบ และกระทบกล้ามเนื้อหัวใจ ก่อให้เกิดเส้นเลือดตันหรือแตกโดยเฉพาะสมอง และกล้ามเนื้อหัวใจผิดปกติ หัวใจวายหรือ ทำให้ขัดขวางจังหวะการเต้นของหัวใจเกิดเสียชีวิตกระทันหันทั้งทั้งที่อายุน้อยแข็งแรงสมบูรณ์ไม่มีโรคประจำตัวก็ตามและถ้าสูงวัยและมีโรคประจำตัวด้วยจะยิ่งง่าย เข้าไปอีก
    • ความผิดปกติของการทำงานระบบทางเดินอาหาร เกิดลำไส้หงุดหงิด ท้องผูกอย่างรุนแรง สลับท้องเสีย เป็นผลจากการควบคุม จากสมองผ่านระบบประสาทลงมาอย่างกระเพาะอาหารและลำไส้

    วัคซีนโควิดที่ใช้นั้น มีวัตถุประสงค์ที่จะป้องกันการติดเชื้อ การแพร่เชื้อ และการอาการหนัก เข้าโรงพยาบาลหรือลดอัตราตาย แต่ทั้งหมดนี้ได้รับการยืนยันและเผยแพร่ทั่วไปแล้วว่าไม่สามารถป้องกันได้ (รายละเอียดได้มีการเผยแพร่ก่อนหน้านี้)
    อย่างไรก็ตามยังมีจุดประสงค์ที่จะสามารถลดอาการของลองโควิด ที่จะเกิด ตามมาและสามารถทอดยาวได้เป็นปี
    การศึกษานี้รายงานใน วารสาร open Forum Infectious Diseases ซึ่งเป็นวารสารทางการของ สมาคมโรคติดเชื้อของอเมริกา (IDSA) และ สมาคม HIV เป็น accepted manuscript แล้ว ในเดือน กันยายนนี้
    จากคณะทำงาน Mayo Clinic
    สาระสำคัญนั้นอยู่ที่การรายงานก่อนหน้านี้พบว่าการฉีดวัคซีนนั้นสามารถลดอัตราที่จะเกิดลองโควิดได้ แต่ข้อจำกัดก็คือรายงานเหล่านี้เป็นการสืบจากอาการสอบถาม ซึ่งอาจทำให้คลาดเคลื่อน แต่การศึกษานี้เป็นการยืนยันจากแพทย์ที่ได้ทำการวินิจฉัยวิเคราะห์และมีบันทึก ทางการแพทย์เป็นอิเล็กทรอนิกส์เรคคอร์ด
    การวิเคราะห์นี้ทำจากข้อมูลของผู้ที่ได้รับการยืนยันว่าติดโควิดจำนวนทั้งหมด 41,000 ราย และใช้โมเดลทางสถิติ multi variable logistic regression เพื่อประเมินความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างการฉีดวัคซีนและภาวะการเกิดลอง โควิด ทั้งนี้โดยการควบคุมตัวแปรทั้งหมด เช่นอายุ เพศเชื้อชาติ และโรคประจำตัวที่มีอยู่แล้ว
    ทั้งนี้ผลการศึกษาสามารถยืนยันและสรุปได้ชัดเจนว่าไม่มีความแตกต่างในการเกิดภาวะ ลองโควิด หรือที่เรียกอีกชื่อในทางการแพทย์ post acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) ในระหว่างกลุ่มที่ไม่เคยได้รับวัคซีนเลย กลุ่มที่ได้รับวัคซีน mRNA สองเข็มและกลุ่มที่ได้รับวัคซีนมากกว่าสองเข็ม

    และต่างกับรายงานก่อนหน้านี้อย่างชัดเจนที่สรุปว่าภาวะลองโควิดนั้น ขึ้นอยู่กับสุขภาพหรือโรคประจำตัวก่อนที่ได้รับวัคซีน
    ทั้งนี้ปรากฏว่า ผู้ติดเชื้อทั้งหมดจะมี 6.9% ที่พัฒนาการเกิดภาวะ ลองโควิด
    และประการที่สำคัญยังพบว่าการฉีดวัคซีนนั้นไม่ป้องกันภาวะการเกิดลองโควิด ไม่ว่าเชื้อที่แพร่กระจายในขณะนั้นจะเป็นสายพันธุ์ใดก็ตาม ทั้ง อัลฟ่า เดลต้า และโอไมครอน
    แต่มีข้อสังเกตว่าในสายพันธุ์โอไมครอนนั้นจะเกิดภาวะลองโควิด ต่ำกว่า
    ดังนั้น สามารถที่จะได้หลักฐานข้อมูลว่าวัคซีนนั้นน่าจะไม่สามารถป้องกันการติด การแพร่ การพัฒนาการเกิดอาการหนัก รวมทั้งไม่สามารถป้องกันการเกิดลอง โควิดด้วย
    และที่สำคัญก็คือตัววัคซีนเองนั้นยังทำให้เกิดภาวะลอง วัคซีนได้โดยมีอาการเหมือนกับลองโควิดทุกประการ

    Open Forum Infectious Diseases is published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the HIV Medicine Association.

    The study, led by Dr. Melanie D. Swift and her team at Mayo Clinic, analyzed data from over 41,000 patients who tested positive for COVID.
    Researchers used multivariable logistic regression models to evaluate the correlation between vaccination status and long COVID, controlling for factors such as age, sex, race, and comorbidity index.

    According to the study, “No difference in the development of diagnosed PASC was observed between unvaccinated patients, those vaccinated with 2 doses of an mRNA vaccine, and those with >2 doses.”

    In contrast to earlier studies that relied on symptom surveys to assess long COVID risk, this study used electronic health records to track medically diagnosed cases of long COVID.
    “Most studies using symptom surveys found an association between pre-infection vaccination status and PASC symptoms, but studies of medically attended PASC are less common and have reported conflicting findings,” the study explained.
    The researchers found that approximately 6.9% of the patients developed long COVID, with no significant protection offered by the vaccine.

    the study noted that the risk of developing long COVID was lower for those infected during the Omicron variant period.
    However, “No interaction was found between vaccination status and predominant circulating SARS-CoV-2 variant (p=0.79).”

    วัคซีนไม่ช่วยป้องกันการเกิดลองโควิด 5 กันยายน 2024 ศ นพ ธีระวัฒน์ เหมะจุฑา ที่ปรึกษาวิทยาลัยการแพทย์แผนตะวันออก มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต อาการของลองโควิด (long covid) เป็นอาการที่เกิดขึ้นหลังจากที่ติดเชื้อไปแล้วไม่ว่าจะรุนแรงหรืออาการน้อยนิดก็ตาม และปรากฏได้หลังจากที่ฉีดวัคซีนไปแล้วโดยเรียกกันว่าเป็นลองวัคซีน หรือ ลองแวกซ์ (long vax) และอาการดำเนินต่อเนื่องยาวนานกว่าสามเดือนและทอดยาวเป็นปี โดยออกมาในรูปแบบของ • ระบบหัวใจและการหายใจ (cardiorespiratory) เหนื่อยแม้กระทั่งเวลาจะเดิน ยังเดินไม่ไหว ชีพจรและความดันผันผวน สูงลิบสลับกับต่ำเตี้ย จนกระทั่งเป็นลม ต้องนอนหรือนั่งเอนอนตลอดอาการในข้อนี้ ตรวจด้วยเครื่องมือและวิธีการต่างๆกลับไม่พบหรือหาสาเหตุไม่ได้ และในที่สุดถูกส่งไปรักษากับจิตแพทย์ • ระบบสมองและประสาท รวมจิตอารมณ์ (neuropsychiatric) ทั้งสมองเสื่อม ความจำสั้นเลอะเลือน การนอนผิดปกติ อารมณ์หดหู่ ไปจนกระทั่งถึงอาการกระตุก มีโรคลมชักเกิดขึ้นใหม่ เป็นต้น และเกิดความบกพร่องทางฮอร์โมนการควบคุมประจำเดือน ความต้องการทางเพศจนกระทั่งถึงความล้มเหลวของการมีเพศสัมพันธ์ และภาวะอสุจิน้อยลงหรือผิดปกติ ทั้งนี้มีส่วนของการทำลายที่ระบบสืบพันธุ์โดยตรงด้วยเช่น ลูกอัณฑะ รังไข่ ความแปรปรวนทางด้านฮอร์โมนยังเกิดกับการควบคุมฮอร์โมนที่มาจากสมองส่งมายังต่อมไร้ท่อต่างๆ แต่ทั้งนี้ยังมีกลไกของการแพ้ภูมิตนเองทำให้เกิดเบาหวาน ที่ดื้ออินซูลิน จนกระทั่งถึงกลไกการทำลายตับอ่อนที่ผลิตอินซูลิน • ระบบเส้นประสาทกล้ามเนื้อ (neuromuscular) ทั้งชา เจ็บแสบ คัน ตามแขนขาและบริเวณส่วนต่างๆของร่างกาย และ/หรือ มีกล้ามเนื้ออ่อนแรงหรือตะคริว ตามมือแขนขา และส่วนต่างๆของร่างกายแม้กระทั่งใบหน้า • ภาวะอักเสบง่าย (proinflammatory) เกิดผื่นตุ่มหนองผมร่วง ปวดข้อเส้นเอ็นกล้ามเนื้อ การอักเสบยังรวมไปถึงลูกตาเปลือกตาหนังตา เจ็บแสบริมฝีปาก กระพุงแก้ม ลิ้นลำคอ ทั้งนี้เกิดจากระบบภูมิคุ้มกันแปรปรวนเพิ่มสูงมากไปทำร้ายตัวเอง และระบบป้องกันเชื้อโรค ไม่ว่า จะเป็นไวรัสแบคทีเรียก็ตาม และที่ควบคุม เชื้อที่ซ่อนอยู่บกพร่องไม่ว่าจะเป็น เริม งูสวัด • ความผิดปกติของระบบหลอดเลือดหัวใจ สมอง และทั่วร่างกาย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นหลอดเลือดดำหรือแดงก็ตาม เกิดเลือดหนืดข้นผนังหลอดเลือดอักเสบ และกระทบกล้ามเนื้อหัวใจ ก่อให้เกิดเส้นเลือดตันหรือแตกโดยเฉพาะสมอง และกล้ามเนื้อหัวใจผิดปกติ หัวใจวายหรือ ทำให้ขัดขวางจังหวะการเต้นของหัวใจเกิดเสียชีวิตกระทันหันทั้งทั้งที่อายุน้อยแข็งแรงสมบูรณ์ไม่มีโรคประจำตัวก็ตามและถ้าสูงวัยและมีโรคประจำตัวด้วยจะยิ่งง่าย เข้าไปอีก • ความผิดปกติของการทำงานระบบทางเดินอาหาร เกิดลำไส้หงุดหงิด ท้องผูกอย่างรุนแรง สลับท้องเสีย เป็นผลจากการควบคุม จากสมองผ่านระบบประสาทลงมาอย่างกระเพาะอาหารและลำไส้ วัคซีนโควิดที่ใช้นั้น มีวัตถุประสงค์ที่จะป้องกันการติดเชื้อ การแพร่เชื้อ และการอาการหนัก เข้าโรงพยาบาลหรือลดอัตราตาย แต่ทั้งหมดนี้ได้รับการยืนยันและเผยแพร่ทั่วไปแล้วว่าไม่สามารถป้องกันได้ (รายละเอียดได้มีการเผยแพร่ก่อนหน้านี้) อย่างไรก็ตามยังมีจุดประสงค์ที่จะสามารถลดอาการของลองโควิด ที่จะเกิด ตามมาและสามารถทอดยาวได้เป็นปี การศึกษานี้รายงานใน วารสาร open Forum Infectious Diseases ซึ่งเป็นวารสารทางการของ สมาคมโรคติดเชื้อของอเมริกา (IDSA) และ สมาคม HIV เป็น accepted manuscript แล้ว ในเดือน กันยายนนี้ จากคณะทำงาน Mayo Clinic สาระสำคัญนั้นอยู่ที่การรายงานก่อนหน้านี้พบว่าการฉีดวัคซีนนั้นสามารถลดอัตราที่จะเกิดลองโควิดได้ แต่ข้อจำกัดก็คือรายงานเหล่านี้เป็นการสืบจากอาการสอบถาม ซึ่งอาจทำให้คลาดเคลื่อน แต่การศึกษานี้เป็นการยืนยันจากแพทย์ที่ได้ทำการวินิจฉัยวิเคราะห์และมีบันทึก ทางการแพทย์เป็นอิเล็กทรอนิกส์เรคคอร์ด การวิเคราะห์นี้ทำจากข้อมูลของผู้ที่ได้รับการยืนยันว่าติดโควิดจำนวนทั้งหมด 41,000 ราย และใช้โมเดลทางสถิติ multi variable logistic regression เพื่อประเมินความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างการฉีดวัคซีนและภาวะการเกิดลอง โควิด ทั้งนี้โดยการควบคุมตัวแปรทั้งหมด เช่นอายุ เพศเชื้อชาติ และโรคประจำตัวที่มีอยู่แล้ว ทั้งนี้ผลการศึกษาสามารถยืนยันและสรุปได้ชัดเจนว่าไม่มีความแตกต่างในการเกิดภาวะ ลองโควิด หรือที่เรียกอีกชื่อในทางการแพทย์ post acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) ในระหว่างกลุ่มที่ไม่เคยได้รับวัคซีนเลย กลุ่มที่ได้รับวัคซีน mRNA สองเข็มและกลุ่มที่ได้รับวัคซีนมากกว่าสองเข็ม และต่างกับรายงานก่อนหน้านี้อย่างชัดเจนที่สรุปว่าภาวะลองโควิดนั้น ขึ้นอยู่กับสุขภาพหรือโรคประจำตัวก่อนที่ได้รับวัคซีน ทั้งนี้ปรากฏว่า ผู้ติดเชื้อทั้งหมดจะมี 6.9% ที่พัฒนาการเกิดภาวะ ลองโควิด และประการที่สำคัญยังพบว่าการฉีดวัคซีนนั้นไม่ป้องกันภาวะการเกิดลองโควิด ไม่ว่าเชื้อที่แพร่กระจายในขณะนั้นจะเป็นสายพันธุ์ใดก็ตาม ทั้ง อัลฟ่า เดลต้า และโอไมครอน แต่มีข้อสังเกตว่าในสายพันธุ์โอไมครอนนั้นจะเกิดภาวะลองโควิด ต่ำกว่า ดังนั้น สามารถที่จะได้หลักฐานข้อมูลว่าวัคซีนนั้นน่าจะไม่สามารถป้องกันการติด การแพร่ การพัฒนาการเกิดอาการหนัก รวมทั้งไม่สามารถป้องกันการเกิดลอง โควิดด้วย และที่สำคัญก็คือตัววัคซีนเองนั้นยังทำให้เกิดภาวะลอง วัคซีนได้โดยมีอาการเหมือนกับลองโควิดทุกประการ Open Forum Infectious Diseases is published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the HIV Medicine Association. The study, led by Dr. Melanie D. Swift and her team at Mayo Clinic, analyzed data from over 41,000 patients who tested positive for COVID. Researchers used multivariable logistic regression models to evaluate the correlation between vaccination status and long COVID, controlling for factors such as age, sex, race, and comorbidity index. According to the study, “No difference in the development of diagnosed PASC was observed between unvaccinated patients, those vaccinated with 2 doses of an mRNA vaccine, and those with >2 doses.” In contrast to earlier studies that relied on symptom surveys to assess long COVID risk, this study used electronic health records to track medically diagnosed cases of long COVID. “Most studies using symptom surveys found an association between pre-infection vaccination status and PASC symptoms, but studies of medically attended PASC are less common and have reported conflicting findings,” the study explained. The researchers found that approximately 6.9% of the patients developed long COVID, with no significant protection offered by the vaccine. the study noted that the risk of developing long COVID was lower for those infected during the Omicron variant period. However, “No interaction was found between vaccination status and predominant circulating SARS-CoV-2 variant (p=0.79).” chrome://external-file/Ofae495.pdf
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  • Words That Come From Mandarin Or Cantonese

    Think you only speak English? Think again. While you may not be fluent or able to write in another language, the fact is that English consists largely of words we’ve borrowed from other languages. In fact, about 80 percent of the English language is made up of these loanwords.

    It’s amazing really to think of how many languages you speak on a daily basis without even realizing it. Take Chinese, for example. While China may seem a world away in terms of distance, there are plenty of words we use from the country’s languages regularly.

    In China, two of the major forms of Chinese spoken are Mandarin and Cantonese. Mandarin is the official language of mainland China, spoken primarily in the north as well as in Singapore and Taiwan. Cantonese, on the other hand, is spoken primarily in southern China, including Hong Kong. Not surprisingly, the English language borrows from both. Let’s take a look at some of the words English ultimately owes to Chinese, along one etymological pathway or another.


    As American as this condiment may seem, the word apparently comes from the Chinese language. Via the Malay kəchap (“fish sauce”), ketchup is believed to derive from two Chinese forms: kéjāp (Guangdong) and ke-tsiap (Xiamen). The literal Chinese translation is “eggplant juice.” Hmm, so when did tomato get mixed up in it?


    Whether or not ketchup on tofu sounds tasty is up to you, but the word for this healthy, soybean-based food also comes to us from China. It comes into English from Japanese (tōfu), which is itself heavily indebted to the Chinese language. The old Chinese word dòufu combines dòu, meaning “bean” and fǔ, meaning “turn sour, ferment.”

    Shih Tzu

    Sweet little Shih Tzu puppies are a popular breed in the United States now, but they used to be considered pets of nobility in China. Their name is shīzi gǒu, which comes from shīzi meaning “lion” and gǒu, meaning “dog.” They are Shih Tzus, hear them roar … or bark.


    You may say you’re gung-ho about something—be it for the latest Netflix series or a new project at work—if you’re really excited about it. While the term was used as a Marine training slogan in the mid–1900s in the United States, it stems from the Mandarin phrase gōng hé, which is the abbreviated name of the Chinese Cooperative Society, meaning “work together.”


    If you kowtow to your boss or your bossy sister-in-law, you’re deferring to them or letting them have their way. The word stems from the Cantonese word kòutóu, which means to “ knock (one’s) head,” but we don’t recommend ever kowtowing to anyone that hard.


    Ah, if only we could all be tycoons. Defined as “a person of great wealth, influence, or power,” the word tycoon comes from the Japanese word taikun, which is equivalent to the Chinese words dà, meaning “great” and jūn, meaning “prince.” Similar in sound, but less enviable, is the word typhoon, which also ultimately comes from Chinese. It’s akin to the word dàfēng meaning, “great wind,” which, in turn, was altered by association with the Greek word tȳphôn, meaning “violent wind.”


    Yes, a yen is a Japanese coin, whose name comes from the name of the Chinese currency, yuan. But in this case we’re talking about the definition that refers to “a desire or craving” for something, which comes from Chinese. As in, I have a yen for some ice cream. It comes from the Chinese word yáhn, which is akin to yǐn, meaning “craving, addiction.”

    yin and yang

    You may tell your soulmate, “You are the yin to my yang,” which, to take a line from the movie Jerry Mcguire, means they complete you. Yin and yang stem from the word yīn-yáng, which combines yin meaning “feminine” and yang, meaning “male genitals.” It describes the Chinese belief that two principles—one related to the moon, shade, and femininity, and the other to daylight, sun, and male genitals— interact with one another to determine destinies.


    You probably hear this phrase most often used as a toast these days, as drinkers clink glasses and proclaim, “Chin, chin!” But it’s also a noun for all that lighthearted party prattle, defined as “polite and ceremonious speech” or “light conversation; chitchat.” However you choose to use it, know that it comes from the Chinese word qǐng-qǐng, meaning “please-please,” which was itself used as a toast and greeting.

    So, the next time you put some ketchup on your hot dog, or get gung-ho about eating healthy and buy some tofu in bulk, take a second to recognize how these words came to be. Maybe it will make you hungry to learn more about these languages … or just hungry for some Chinese food.

    In any case, digging into the origins of the words that make up the English language is endlessly fascinating and gives us a better understanding of what we’re saying.

    How many of these words did you know had Chinese origins?

    Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    Words That Come From Mandarin Or Cantonese Think you only speak English? Think again. While you may not be fluent or able to write in another language, the fact is that English consists largely of words we’ve borrowed from other languages. In fact, about 80 percent of the English language is made up of these loanwords. It’s amazing really to think of how many languages you speak on a daily basis without even realizing it. Take Chinese, for example. While China may seem a world away in terms of distance, there are plenty of words we use from the country’s languages regularly. In China, two of the major forms of Chinese spoken are Mandarin and Cantonese. Mandarin is the official language of mainland China, spoken primarily in the north as well as in Singapore and Taiwan. Cantonese, on the other hand, is spoken primarily in southern China, including Hong Kong. Not surprisingly, the English language borrows from both. Let’s take a look at some of the words English ultimately owes to Chinese, along one etymological pathway or another. ketchup As American as this condiment may seem, the word apparently comes from the Chinese language. Via the Malay kəchap (“fish sauce”), ketchup is believed to derive from two Chinese forms: kéjāp (Guangdong) and ke-tsiap (Xiamen). The literal Chinese translation is “eggplant juice.” Hmm, so when did tomato get mixed up in it? tofu Whether or not ketchup on tofu sounds tasty is up to you, but the word for this healthy, soybean-based food also comes to us from China. It comes into English from Japanese (tōfu), which is itself heavily indebted to the Chinese language. The old Chinese word dòufu combines dòu, meaning “bean” and fǔ, meaning “turn sour, ferment.” Shih Tzu Sweet little Shih Tzu puppies are a popular breed in the United States now, but they used to be considered pets of nobility in China. Their name is shīzi gǒu, which comes from shīzi meaning “lion” and gǒu, meaning “dog.” They are Shih Tzus, hear them roar … or bark. gung-ho You may say you’re gung-ho about something—be it for the latest Netflix series or a new project at work—if you’re really excited about it. While the term was used as a Marine training slogan in the mid–1900s in the United States, it stems from the Mandarin phrase gōng hé, which is the abbreviated name of the Chinese Cooperative Society, meaning “work together.” kowtow If you kowtow to your boss or your bossy sister-in-law, you’re deferring to them or letting them have their way. The word stems from the Cantonese word kòutóu, which means to “ knock (one’s) head,” but we don’t recommend ever kowtowing to anyone that hard. tycoon Ah, if only we could all be tycoons. Defined as “a person of great wealth, influence, or power,” the word tycoon comes from the Japanese word taikun, which is equivalent to the Chinese words dà, meaning “great” and jūn, meaning “prince.” Similar in sound, but less enviable, is the word typhoon, which also ultimately comes from Chinese. It’s akin to the word dàfēng meaning, “great wind,” which, in turn, was altered by association with the Greek word tȳphôn, meaning “violent wind.” yen Yes, a yen is a Japanese coin, whose name comes from the name of the Chinese currency, yuan. But in this case we’re talking about the definition that refers to “a desire or craving” for something, which comes from Chinese. As in, I have a yen for some ice cream. It comes from the Chinese word yáhn, which is akin to yǐn, meaning “craving, addiction.” yin and yang You may tell your soulmate, “You are the yin to my yang,” which, to take a line from the movie Jerry Mcguire, means they complete you. Yin and yang stem from the word yīn-yáng, which combines yin meaning “feminine” and yang, meaning “male genitals.” It describes the Chinese belief that two principles—one related to the moon, shade, and femininity, and the other to daylight, sun, and male genitals— interact with one another to determine destinies. chin-chin You probably hear this phrase most often used as a toast these days, as drinkers clink glasses and proclaim, “Chin, chin!” But it’s also a noun for all that lighthearted party prattle, defined as “polite and ceremonious speech” or “light conversation; chitchat.” However you choose to use it, know that it comes from the Chinese word qǐng-qǐng, meaning “please-please,” which was itself used as a toast and greeting. So, the next time you put some ketchup on your hot dog, or get gung-ho about eating healthy and buy some tofu in bulk, take a second to recognize how these words came to be. Maybe it will make you hungry to learn more about these languages … or just hungry for some Chinese food. In any case, digging into the origins of the words that make up the English language is endlessly fascinating and gives us a better understanding of what we’re saying. How many of these words did you know had Chinese origins? Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
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  • New Words We Created Because Of Coronavirus

    We’re rounding out 2020, and the coronavirus continues to shape our lives and language. While we once hoped we could toss the year’s coronacoinages out the door, that’s clearly not going to be the case right now: the coronavirus continues to surge to new levels.

    It seems like years (not months) ago that we learned our first COVID-19 terms, like social distancing and flatten the curve. We had to process so much, in so little time; we had to become experts about important differences: epidemic vs. pandemic, quarantine vs. isolation, and respirator vs. ventilators. The conversation continued with contagious vs. infectious and what antibodies do.

    Many of the words we’ve continued to add to our vocabularies address the ongoing nature of our situation. Maybe we long for the Before Times or have embraced cluttercore as we cope. The ups and downs of this life haven’t been easy (it’s a coronacoaster, to be honest), but the new vocabulary has helped us stay safe and informed during these scary times. And what better way to bring some welcome humor and humility to our lives in the bunker than some wordplay?

    Here’s our ongoing roundup of some of the new slang terms born of this unique, unprecedented time in modern life—a time of upheaval that some more jokingly call the coronapocalypse (corona apocalypse) or coronageddon (corona armageddon).

    the Before Times

    Are you walking around in a constant state of nostalgia? Then the term Before Times is for you. This humorous (and yes, dark) take on life pre-pandemic makes it clear that we’ve lived through an apocalyptic rupture point that separates old and new.

    The Before Times has long been a trope in science fiction, and linguist Ben Zimmer traces this specific phrase back to 1960s Star Trek, though some variations (beforetime) appear in early texts like the Bible.

    Example: Remember in the Before Times, when we packed together in movie theaters for a fun time? Seems like a different world now!


    Rona—often in the phrase the rona—is an informal shortening of coronavirus. Coronavirus is popularly shortened to corona, which was apparently further clipped to rona.

    Rona is often used as a playful or ironic way to refer to COVID-19, especially when commenting on more relatable, humorous challenges of social distancing during the pandemic.

    It is generally not meant, however, to be flippant about the very serious loss and disruption COVID-19 has wreaked—nor diminish the life-saving service of so many essential workers, from grocery clerks to nurses. It’s a bit of gallows humor.

    Some people have personified the virus as Miss Rona or Aunt Rona. And la rona (meant as “the rona”) has emerged in some Spanish-language contexts.

    Other informal shortenings? Just as coronavirus has been shortened to corona and rona, so quarantine has been shortened to quar—and even pandemic to panny.

    Example: Yeah, I don’t know about you, but homeschooling my kids during the rona ends up in a lot of Frozen 2.


    Cornteen is an intentional misspelling of quarantine, often used in ironic commentary on what it’s like to be at home during the coronavirus pandemic. It may have originated as an actual misspelling of quarantine. (Hey, quarantine wasn’t exactly a word most of us used every day until COVID-19.)

    Cornteen is occasionally used to joke about how quarantine is pronounced in various regional accents. Some people visually pun on cornteen by substituting the corn emoji, 🌽, for the corn- part of the word; others pun on the -teen to mean “teenager.”


    Life under the rona has meant that it’s even harder to peel our eyes away from our phones and computers, constantly refreshing our feeds for the latest news about the pandemic.

    At least there’s a word for that: doomscrolling, also doomscrolling. The term has been notably used—and popularized in part by her exhortations to a take a break from doing it—by Quartz reporter Karen K. Ho.

    Scrolling refers to scrolling down on our smartphones for the latest posts on social media. And doom … well, a lot of the news we’re seeing online feels full of gloom and doom.

    Example: I was up to 2 a.m. last night doomscrolling about coronavirus news in my state.

    A related slang term is doomsurfing, or compulsively surfing the internet for upsetting news.


    Staying up late, again? Waking up at 4am to doomscroll? Can’t remember your last good night of sleep? You’re not the only one. The term coronasomnia refers to—what else?—the insomnia that’s afflicting so many of us during the pandemic.

    Doctors and pharmacists have seen a measurable increase in the number of people suffering symptoms of insomnia or whose symptoms have worsened since the quarantine began. Some estimates suggest some 20 to 30 percent of the population—including children—may be impacted.

    One doctor coined the term “FED UP” to describe the worries of this stressful time. It stands for “financial stress, emotional stress, distance from others, unpredictability, and personal and professional concerns.” Yikes. Sounds like that’s another term for the dictionary.


    If you’re suffering from coronasomnia, you’ll likely understand this next word without much of an explanation.

    Coronacoaster is one of the many new COVID-inspired coinages that use corona (short for coronavirus) as a kind of combining form. It blends corona and rollercoaster to describe the emotional experience of life during the pandemic. Did you bake cookies and then sob like a baby while masking up for the 10,000th time? You’re on the coaster!

    Example: The coronacoaster has been exhausting this week. I started crying during my weekly family Zoom and couldn’t stop.


    The hilariously bad haircut we give ourselves under lockdown.

    This was one of the first coronacoinages out there—proving that sometimes we worry most about the little things … or that we’re all pretty vain.

    It feels like so long ago since we first heard this term, which only goes to show how slang changes as our experience of the pandemic changes.


    A “messy aesthetic,” especially in terms of embracing one’s books, knickknacks, and other stuff at home and sharing it on social media.

    While coronacut reminds us of our struggles during the earliest days of the pandemic, this term reflects the ongoing evolution of quarantine life.

    Cluttercore emerged as a maximalist, anti-Kondo approach in early 2020 before any lockdowns, but the pandemic really helped popularize the term. (As of October, videos with the hashtag #cluttercore had more than two million views.) This combining form blends clutter (“a disorderly heap or assemblage”) with -core, which names a kind of aesthetic, social movement, or lifestyle. Cluttercore is similar to terms like cottagecore, normcore, and gorpcore.

    “The pandemic has forced us to reevaluate what we have, make better use of objects and space … and also see their value, often for the first time,” says Jennifer Howard, author of Clutter: An Untidy History.


    A blend of COVID-19 and idiot, covidiot is a slang insult for someone who disregards healthy and safety guidelines about the novel coronavirus.

    Some signs of covidiocy are: not washing your hands regularly, hanging out in groups of people, standing within six feet of a stranger at the grocery, hoarding items like toilet paper and hand sanitizer all to yourself.

    Example: Don’t be a covidiot by visiting the beach today! It’s super crowded.


    The (very limited) group of people you see during self-isolation; one of the many slang terms that plays on quarantine.

    Whether you call it a germ pod, a COVID bubble, or your quaranteam, this is the group of people you voluntarily choose to socialize with or even live with during the quarantine. Basically, your pod chooses to isolate together, promising not to have close contact (within six feet) with anyone outside the pod. This form of contact clustering (yet another term used by epidemiologists to describe the situation) allows you to socialize while also staying safe.

    Quaranteam is a blend of quarantine and team, and sounds like quarantine—it’s a punning blend, as we’ve seen throughout this slideshow

    Example: Our quaranteam is going camping next weekend. We’re tired of all the binge-watching and baking.


    Another term for a covidiot. The wordplay, here, centers on the word moron.

    Example: My roommate is being such a moronavirus. He went down to the beach with a huge group of friends.

    Calling someone a covidiot or moronavirus is a form of quarantine shaming. That’s slang for publicly criticizing someone for not following health and safety guidelines (quarantine being a shorthand for policies in place requiring people to stay at home except where necessary in many places across the country and world).


    How do you take your quarantini? Dirty, dry? Shaken, stirred? Vodka, gin?

    Quarantini is a slang term for a cocktail people drink at home while under quarantine during—and because of—the coronavirus.

    The term is a blend of quarantine and martini, a cocktail made with gin or vodka and dry vermouth, usually served with a green olive or a twist of lemon peel.

    The original quarantini referred to a martini-like cocktail mixed with vitamin C-based dietary supplements—a concoction that predates the novel coronavirus.

    Quarantini has spread as a more general term for alcoholic beverages consumed at home during the pandemic.

    Example: Frozen pizza in the oven? Paw Patrol queued up? Think it’s time for a quarantini.


    The margarita answer to a quarantini—served with, what else, a Corona-brand beer.

    A margarita is a cocktail made of tequila, lime or lemon juice, and an orange-flavored liqueur, usually served in a salt-rimmed glass.

    virtual happy hour

    When someone might drink a quarantini or coronarita.

    Because many people are working from home to help, they are letting off steam at the end of a long day of doomscrolling by holding virtual happy hours over Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and other video conferencing or chat applications.

    Happy hour is a cocktail hour or longer period at a bar, during which drinks are served at reduced prices or with free snacks. It’s also used as a shorthand for drinks, generally with colleagues or friends, at the end of the workday, especially near the end of the work week.


    When you want to take your quarantini or coronita outside on a walk (not that we’re condoning that), then you’d have a walktail.

    With so many quarantining at home with nothing to do—and nowhere to drink with the bars closed—some people have taken to swigging while sauntering, according to a New York Times article that identified this new trend. A walktail combines the words walk and cocktail, and bar owners are reporting increased alcohol to-go sales as a result. People are drinking and walking their neighborhoods, walking their pets, or just hosting happy hours in the backyard.

    Now, readers, do keep in mind: almost everywhere in the US it’s illegal to carry an “open container,” so most people disguise their walktails in discreet containers. Or you can also go bold, like the woman who dressed up in her bridal gown to dance in the street.


    This one’s a more serious entry. When using Zoom or similar services, be wary of Zoom-bombing. This is when uninvited guests to a virtual meeting disrupt it with various obscene, violent, or offensive images or words.

    Bombing, here, is based on photobombing, or when people ruin a photograph by appearing in the image without the photographer’s knowledge, often in some dramatic or comical way.

    Zoom mom

    A demographic of moms who are constantly using Zoom.

    They used to be called soccer moms, but COVID-19 changed that. Now, these so-called Zoom moms are described as spending a lot of time using Zoom for work, their children’s schooling, or simply to chat with their friends who are also stuck at home. In a May 22 article, Zoom moms were identified as a potentially powerful voting bloc that could influence the 2020 elections.

    Example: If the updated back to school plans aren’t released soon, the Zoom moms may revolt.

    Zoom fatigue

    The exhaustion that sets in while living life over Zoom.

    Fatigue is a “weariness from bodily or mental exertion,” and people began to cling to the term Zoom fatigue pretty quickly in April. Experts note that this sense of exhaustion is a real phenomenon caused by the amount of information processed face-to-face on Zoom without any non-verbal cues. Conversations and meetings cause conflicting emotions, without allowing people to relax as they would in person.

    Zoom fatigue ties into the larger phenomenon of “pandemic fatigue”: months into the pandemic and we are feeling the emotional, social, and psychological toll even as we try to grasp the loss of our lives and livelihood.

    Zoom town

    A place where housing sales are booming due to buyers who work remotely and are willing to live farther from the office.

    Example: The realtor convinced us to look at several homes in a nearby Zoom town, and I couldn’t help but imagine an idyllic life in the suburbs—complete with backyard barbecues and a two-car garage.

    Competition for homes in Zoom towns in suburbs and areas surrounding city centers is heating up as workers embrace remote work and ditch their commutes. Prices in these areas are often lower than in tighter urban markets. Zoom town is a play on Zoom (which of course, can also mean “to move quickly”) and boom town, a noun meaning “a town that has grown very rapidly as a result of sudden prosperity.”

    quarantine and chill

    Netflix and chill, but for the coronavirus era.

    Quarantine and chill is used for various ways people are hunkering down and spending free time at home during the coronavirus, especially with a romantic partner while marathoning streaming services.

    Be careful when you search for quarantine and chill on social media, though: some people use the phrase when posting revealing selfies.

    Example: My hubby and I are in an epic tournament of Rummy 500. Winner each night gets to pick the movie. #Quarantineandchill

    coronials, quaranteens, coronababies

    When two people get really cozy while quarantine-and-chilling, they may, you know …

    Babies being conceived while people are cooped up at home during the coronavirus have been dubbed coronababies. And when these babies get older, they will become the quaranteens, a pun on quarantine and teen(ager).

    The hypothetical new generation of children conceived during COVID-19 has cleverly been crowned the coronials, a play on corona(virus) and millennials.


    The experience for other couples under COVID-19 quarantine may not be so snuggly. Being in extended isolation with loved ones can strain a relationship.

    Enter covidivorce, or divorces filed as a result of a couple’s experience during COVID-19.


    The experience of COVID-19 isn’t just taxing on couples who live together. People who are dating are also reconsidering their relationships during the pandemic—and sometimes zumping each other.

    A blend of dump and Zoom (the popular video service), zumping is when you break up with someone over a video conferencing service. At least they didn’t just text? (Hey, you can do better, anyways).

    turbo relationship

    While some people are breaking up over Zoom due to quarantining, sheltering in place means others are turbocharging their relationship.

    The quarantine required couples to face a tough choice: break up or, er, shack up. According to some therapists, many couples who sped up the traditional courtship to live together during these conditions are reporting positive relationships and strong levels of commitment.

    Turbo ultimately derives from a Latin word meaning “whirlwind”—and turbo relationships may certainly get people’s minds, and hearts, spinning?


    For some, quarantining at home during COVID-19 may result in a less movement—and more snacking—than they are used to.

    COVID-10, also referred to as the COVID-15 or even the COVID-19, is a riff on the numerals of COVID-19 and the freshman 15, an expression for the weight some people (are said to) gain during their first year of college. (Hey, gotta stock up on some supplies to help flatten the curve. And gotta take up delicious hobbies to stay engaged!)

    See also the German Coronaspeck, weight gained during the coronavirus pandemic, a play on Kummerspeck, or weight gained as a result of emotional eating.


    Coronavirus-compelled staycations, due to cancelled classes, shifts, and the like. It’s usually an ironic term—just ask parents working from home while teaching their kids.

    Example: My teen thinks he’s getting a coronacation since his school has moved online. Oh, wait until he sees how I am going to keep him busy with the Learning At Home resources.

    drive-by, drive-in

    So if you can’t take that dream vacation you’d always wanted … how about a drive-by birthday party instead?

    Social distancing has inspired a lot of creative adaptations for our celebrations—and equally unique terms for them. We’ve been introduced to drive-by graduations, weddings, and birthdays, as well as drive-in concerts and campaign rallies during the lead up to the election.

    Generally drive-in refers to “a place of business or public facility designed to accommodate patrons who sit in their automobiles.” The adjective is “relating to, or characteristic of such an establishment.” Drive-by is “occurring while driving past a person, object, etc.”

    Example: The four friends jumped in the car and barely made it to the drive-in concert on time.

    Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    New Words We Created Because Of Coronavirus We’re rounding out 2020, and the coronavirus continues to shape our lives and language. While we once hoped we could toss the year’s coronacoinages out the door, that’s clearly not going to be the case right now: the coronavirus continues to surge to new levels. It seems like years (not months) ago that we learned our first COVID-19 terms, like social distancing and flatten the curve. We had to process so much, in so little time; we had to become experts about important differences: epidemic vs. pandemic, quarantine vs. isolation, and respirator vs. ventilators. The conversation continued with contagious vs. infectious and what antibodies do. Many of the words we’ve continued to add to our vocabularies address the ongoing nature of our situation. Maybe we long for the Before Times or have embraced cluttercore as we cope. The ups and downs of this life haven’t been easy (it’s a coronacoaster, to be honest), but the new vocabulary has helped us stay safe and informed during these scary times. And what better way to bring some welcome humor and humility to our lives in the bunker than some wordplay? Here’s our ongoing roundup of some of the new slang terms born of this unique, unprecedented time in modern life—a time of upheaval that some more jokingly call the coronapocalypse (corona apocalypse) or coronageddon (corona armageddon). the Before Times Are you walking around in a constant state of nostalgia? Then the term Before Times is for you. This humorous (and yes, dark) take on life pre-pandemic makes it clear that we’ve lived through an apocalyptic rupture point that separates old and new. The Before Times has long been a trope in science fiction, and linguist Ben Zimmer traces this specific phrase back to 1960s Star Trek, though some variations (beforetime) appear in early texts like the Bible. Example: Remember in the Before Times, when we packed together in movie theaters for a fun time? Seems like a different world now! rona Rona—often in the phrase the rona—is an informal shortening of coronavirus. Coronavirus is popularly shortened to corona, which was apparently further clipped to rona. Rona is often used as a playful or ironic way to refer to COVID-19, especially when commenting on more relatable, humorous challenges of social distancing during the pandemic. It is generally not meant, however, to be flippant about the very serious loss and disruption COVID-19 has wreaked—nor diminish the life-saving service of so many essential workers, from grocery clerks to nurses. It’s a bit of gallows humor. Some people have personified the virus as Miss Rona or Aunt Rona. And la rona (meant as “the rona”) has emerged in some Spanish-language contexts. Other informal shortenings? Just as coronavirus has been shortened to corona and rona, so quarantine has been shortened to quar—and even pandemic to panny. Example: Yeah, I don’t know about you, but homeschooling my kids during the rona ends up in a lot of Frozen 2. cornteen Cornteen is an intentional misspelling of quarantine, often used in ironic commentary on what it’s like to be at home during the coronavirus pandemic. It may have originated as an actual misspelling of quarantine. (Hey, quarantine wasn’t exactly a word most of us used every day until COVID-19.) Cornteen is occasionally used to joke about how quarantine is pronounced in various regional accents. Some people visually pun on cornteen by substituting the corn emoji, 🌽, for the corn- part of the word; others pun on the -teen to mean “teenager.” doomscrolling Life under the rona has meant that it’s even harder to peel our eyes away from our phones and computers, constantly refreshing our feeds for the latest news about the pandemic. At least there’s a word for that: doomscrolling, also doomscrolling. The term has been notably used—and popularized in part by her exhortations to a take a break from doing it—by Quartz reporter Karen K. Ho. Scrolling refers to scrolling down on our smartphones for the latest posts on social media. And doom … well, a lot of the news we’re seeing online feels full of gloom and doom. Example: I was up to 2 a.m. last night doomscrolling about coronavirus news in my state. A related slang term is doomsurfing, or compulsively surfing the internet for upsetting news. coronasomnia Staying up late, again? Waking up at 4am to doomscroll? Can’t remember your last good night of sleep? You’re not the only one. The term coronasomnia refers to—what else?—the insomnia that’s afflicting so many of us during the pandemic. Doctors and pharmacists have seen a measurable increase in the number of people suffering symptoms of insomnia or whose symptoms have worsened since the quarantine began. Some estimates suggest some 20 to 30 percent of the population—including children—may be impacted. One doctor coined the term “FED UP” to describe the worries of this stressful time. It stands for “financial stress, emotional stress, distance from others, unpredictability, and personal and professional concerns.” Yikes. Sounds like that’s another term for the dictionary. coronacoaster If you’re suffering from coronasomnia, you’ll likely understand this next word without much of an explanation. Coronacoaster is one of the many new COVID-inspired coinages that use corona (short for coronavirus) as a kind of combining form. It blends corona and rollercoaster to describe the emotional experience of life during the pandemic. Did you bake cookies and then sob like a baby while masking up for the 10,000th time? You’re on the coaster! Example: The coronacoaster has been exhausting this week. I started crying during my weekly family Zoom and couldn’t stop. coronacut The hilariously bad haircut we give ourselves under lockdown. This was one of the first coronacoinages out there—proving that sometimes we worry most about the little things … or that we’re all pretty vain. It feels like so long ago since we first heard this term, which only goes to show how slang changes as our experience of the pandemic changes. cluttercore A “messy aesthetic,” especially in terms of embracing one’s books, knickknacks, and other stuff at home and sharing it on social media. While coronacut reminds us of our struggles during the earliest days of the pandemic, this term reflects the ongoing evolution of quarantine life. Cluttercore emerged as a maximalist, anti-Kondo approach in early 2020 before any lockdowns, but the pandemic really helped popularize the term. (As of October, videos with the hashtag #cluttercore had more than two million views.) This combining form blends clutter (“a disorderly heap or assemblage”) with -core, which names a kind of aesthetic, social movement, or lifestyle. Cluttercore is similar to terms like cottagecore, normcore, and gorpcore. “The pandemic has forced us to reevaluate what we have, make better use of objects and space … and also see their value, often for the first time,” says Jennifer Howard, author of Clutter: An Untidy History. covidiot A blend of COVID-19 and idiot, covidiot is a slang insult for someone who disregards healthy and safety guidelines about the novel coronavirus. Some signs of covidiocy are: not washing your hands regularly, hanging out in groups of people, standing within six feet of a stranger at the grocery, hoarding items like toilet paper and hand sanitizer all to yourself. Example: Don’t be a covidiot by visiting the beach today! It’s super crowded. quaranteam The (very limited) group of people you see during self-isolation; one of the many slang terms that plays on quarantine. Whether you call it a germ pod, a COVID bubble, or your quaranteam, this is the group of people you voluntarily choose to socialize with or even live with during the quarantine. Basically, your pod chooses to isolate together, promising not to have close contact (within six feet) with anyone outside the pod. This form of contact clustering (yet another term used by epidemiologists to describe the situation) allows you to socialize while also staying safe. Quaranteam is a blend of quarantine and team, and sounds like quarantine—it’s a punning blend, as we’ve seen throughout this slideshow Example: Our quaranteam is going camping next weekend. We’re tired of all the binge-watching and baking. moronavirus Another term for a covidiot. The wordplay, here, centers on the word moron. Example: My roommate is being such a moronavirus. He went down to the beach with a huge group of friends. Calling someone a covidiot or moronavirus is a form of quarantine shaming. That’s slang for publicly criticizing someone for not following health and safety guidelines (quarantine being a shorthand for policies in place requiring people to stay at home except where necessary in many places across the country and world). quarantini How do you take your quarantini? Dirty, dry? Shaken, stirred? Vodka, gin? Quarantini is a slang term for a cocktail people drink at home while under quarantine during—and because of—the coronavirus. The term is a blend of quarantine and martini, a cocktail made with gin or vodka and dry vermouth, usually served with a green olive or a twist of lemon peel. The original quarantini referred to a martini-like cocktail mixed with vitamin C-based dietary supplements—a concoction that predates the novel coronavirus. Quarantini has spread as a more general term for alcoholic beverages consumed at home during the pandemic. Example: Frozen pizza in the oven? Paw Patrol queued up? Think it’s time for a quarantini. coronarita The margarita answer to a quarantini—served with, what else, a Corona-brand beer. A margarita is a cocktail made of tequila, lime or lemon juice, and an orange-flavored liqueur, usually served in a salt-rimmed glass. virtual happy hour When someone might drink a quarantini or coronarita. Because many people are working from home to help, they are letting off steam at the end of a long day of doomscrolling by holding virtual happy hours over Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and other video conferencing or chat applications. Happy hour is a cocktail hour or longer period at a bar, during which drinks are served at reduced prices or with free snacks. It’s also used as a shorthand for drinks, generally with colleagues or friends, at the end of the workday, especially near the end of the work week. walktail When you want to take your quarantini or coronita outside on a walk (not that we’re condoning that), then you’d have a walktail. With so many quarantining at home with nothing to do—and nowhere to drink with the bars closed—some people have taken to swigging while sauntering, according to a New York Times article that identified this new trend. A walktail combines the words walk and cocktail, and bar owners are reporting increased alcohol to-go sales as a result. People are drinking and walking their neighborhoods, walking their pets, or just hosting happy hours in the backyard. Now, readers, do keep in mind: almost everywhere in the US it’s illegal to carry an “open container,” so most people disguise their walktails in discreet containers. Or you can also go bold, like the woman who dressed up in her bridal gown to dance in the street. Zoom-bombing This one’s a more serious entry. When using Zoom or similar services, be wary of Zoom-bombing. This is when uninvited guests to a virtual meeting disrupt it with various obscene, violent, or offensive images or words. Bombing, here, is based on photobombing, or when people ruin a photograph by appearing in the image without the photographer’s knowledge, often in some dramatic or comical way. Zoom mom A demographic of moms who are constantly using Zoom. They used to be called soccer moms, but COVID-19 changed that. Now, these so-called Zoom moms are described as spending a lot of time using Zoom for work, their children’s schooling, or simply to chat with their friends who are also stuck at home. In a May 22 article, Zoom moms were identified as a potentially powerful voting bloc that could influence the 2020 elections. Example: If the updated back to school plans aren’t released soon, the Zoom moms may revolt. Zoom fatigue The exhaustion that sets in while living life over Zoom. Fatigue is a “weariness from bodily or mental exertion,” and people began to cling to the term Zoom fatigue pretty quickly in April. Experts note that this sense of exhaustion is a real phenomenon caused by the amount of information processed face-to-face on Zoom without any non-verbal cues. Conversations and meetings cause conflicting emotions, without allowing people to relax as they would in person. Zoom fatigue ties into the larger phenomenon of “pandemic fatigue”: months into the pandemic and we are feeling the emotional, social, and psychological toll even as we try to grasp the loss of our lives and livelihood. Zoom town A place where housing sales are booming due to buyers who work remotely and are willing to live farther from the office. Example: The realtor convinced us to look at several homes in a nearby Zoom town, and I couldn’t help but imagine an idyllic life in the suburbs—complete with backyard barbecues and a two-car garage. Competition for homes in Zoom towns in suburbs and areas surrounding city centers is heating up as workers embrace remote work and ditch their commutes. Prices in these areas are often lower than in tighter urban markets. Zoom town is a play on Zoom (which of course, can also mean “to move quickly”) and boom town, a noun meaning “a town that has grown very rapidly as a result of sudden prosperity.” quarantine and chill Netflix and chill, but for the coronavirus era. Quarantine and chill is used for various ways people are hunkering down and spending free time at home during the coronavirus, especially with a romantic partner while marathoning streaming services. Be careful when you search for quarantine and chill on social media, though: some people use the phrase when posting revealing selfies. Example: My hubby and I are in an epic tournament of Rummy 500. Winner each night gets to pick the movie. #Quarantineandchill coronials, quaranteens, coronababies When two people get really cozy while quarantine-and-chilling, they may, you know … Babies being conceived while people are cooped up at home during the coronavirus have been dubbed coronababies. And when these babies get older, they will become the quaranteens, a pun on quarantine and teen(ager). The hypothetical new generation of children conceived during COVID-19 has cleverly been crowned the coronials, a play on corona(virus) and millennials. covidivorce The experience for other couples under COVID-19 quarantine may not be so snuggly. Being in extended isolation with loved ones can strain a relationship. Enter covidivorce, or divorces filed as a result of a couple’s experience during COVID-19. zumping The experience of COVID-19 isn’t just taxing on couples who live together. People who are dating are also reconsidering their relationships during the pandemic—and sometimes zumping each other. A blend of dump and Zoom (the popular video service), zumping is when you break up with someone over a video conferencing service. At least they didn’t just text? (Hey, you can do better, anyways). turbo relationship While some people are breaking up over Zoom due to quarantining, sheltering in place means others are turbocharging their relationship. The quarantine required couples to face a tough choice: break up or, er, shack up. According to some therapists, many couples who sped up the traditional courtship to live together during these conditions are reporting positive relationships and strong levels of commitment. Turbo ultimately derives from a Latin word meaning “whirlwind”—and turbo relationships may certainly get people’s minds, and hearts, spinning? COVID-10 For some, quarantining at home during COVID-19 may result in a less movement—and more snacking—than they are used to. COVID-10, also referred to as the COVID-15 or even the COVID-19, is a riff on the numerals of COVID-19 and the freshman 15, an expression for the weight some people (are said to) gain during their first year of college. (Hey, gotta stock up on some supplies to help flatten the curve. And gotta take up delicious hobbies to stay engaged!) See also the German Coronaspeck, weight gained during the coronavirus pandemic, a play on Kummerspeck, or weight gained as a result of emotional eating. coronacation Coronavirus-compelled staycations, due to cancelled classes, shifts, and the like. It’s usually an ironic term—just ask parents working from home while teaching their kids. Example: My teen thinks he’s getting a coronacation since his school has moved online. Oh, wait until he sees how I am going to keep him busy with the Learning At Home resources. drive-by, drive-in So if you can’t take that dream vacation you’d always wanted … how about a drive-by birthday party instead? Social distancing has inspired a lot of creative adaptations for our celebrations—and equally unique terms for them. We’ve been introduced to drive-by graduations, weddings, and birthdays, as well as drive-in concerts and campaign rallies during the lead up to the election. Generally drive-in refers to “a place of business or public facility designed to accommodate patrons who sit in their automobiles.” The adjective is “relating to, or characteristic of such an establishment.” Drive-by is “occurring while driving past a person, object, etc.” Example: The four friends jumped in the car and barely made it to the drive-in concert on time. Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
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  • อมรบตอบคำถามผ่านหลักสูตรทั้ง7หลักสูตร ได้คิวอาร์รับรองผลการผ่านอบรมและตอบบททดสอบเรียบร้อยครับ ชั่วโมงเศษๆ ห้ามลักไก่มีคำถามทดสอบกลางหลักสูตรอบรมแต่ละครั้งด้วย สนุกดีครับ ไม่ยากขอแค่มีเวลา,สมาธิ,สติ ในการรับฟังและ ตอบคำถามทดสอบเก็บคะแนน
    - บัตรประชาชนของผู้ต่อใบขับขี่

    - ใบขับขี่เดิม

    - ใบรับรองแพทย์

    - ผลการอบรมใบขับขี่ออนไลน์.
    #Test operating system
    อมรบตอบคำถามผ่านหลักสูตรทั้ง7หลักสูตร ได้คิวอาร์รับรองผลการผ่านอบรมและตอบบททดสอบเรียบร้อยครับ ชั่วโมงเศษๆ ห้ามลักไก่มีคำถามทดสอบกลางหลักสูตรอบรมแต่ละครั้งด้วย สนุกดีครับ ไม่ยากขอแค่มีเวลา,สมาธิ,สติ ในการรับฟังและ ตอบคำถามทดสอบเก็บคะแนน - บัตรประชาชนของผู้ต่อใบขับขี่ - ใบขับขี่เดิม - ใบรับรองแพทย์ - ผลการอบรมใบขับขี่ออนไลน์. #Test operating system
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq6j9CS7C5g

    Install MacOS Sonoma 14 on VMware Desktop PC

    1. MacOS Sonoma ISO file :
    2. auto-unlocker 2.0.1 :
    3. VMware Workstation 17 Player.....

    สำหรับ CPU intel ไม่ต้องแก้ใน X:\Documents\Virtual Machines\macOS 14.vmx นะครับ

    สำหรับ AMD ให้แก้ไขได้ (ตามในคลิป VDO แจ้งไว้)
    smc.version = "0"
    cpuid.0.eax = "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:1011"
    cpuid.0.ebx = "0111:0101:0110:1110:0110:0101:0100:0111"
    cpuid.0.ecx = "0110:1100:0110:0101:0111:0100:0110:1110"
    cpuid.0.edx = "0100:1001:0110:0101:0110:1110:0110:1001"
    cpuid.1.eax = "0000:0000:0000:0001:0000:0110:0111:0001"
    cpuid.1.ebx = "0000:0010:0000:0001:0000:1000:0000:0000"
    cpuid.1.ecx = "1000:0010:1001:1000:0010:0010:0000:0011"
    cpuid.1.edx = "0000:0111:1000:1011:1111:1011:1111:1111"

    Test Ok....................
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq6j9CS7C5g Install MacOS Sonoma 14 on VMware Desktop PC 1. MacOS Sonoma ISO file : https://www.mediafire.com/file/vku90kjifs1fmu0/macOS%20Sonoma%20ISO%20by%20techrechard.com.iso 2. auto-unlocker 2.0.1 : https://github.com/paolo-projects/auto-unlocker/releases 3. VMware Workstation 17 Player..... ------------------------- สำหรับ CPU intel ไม่ต้องแก้ใน X:\Documents\Virtual Machines\macOS 14.vmx นะครับ สำหรับ AMD ให้แก้ไขได้ (ตามในคลิป VDO แจ้งไว้) AMD ONLY smc.version = "0" cpuid.0.eax = "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:1011" cpuid.0.ebx = "0111:0101:0110:1110:0110:0101:0100:0111" cpuid.0.ecx = "0110:1100:0110:0101:0111:0100:0110:1110" cpuid.0.edx = "0100:1001:0110:0101:0110:1110:0110:1001" cpuid.1.eax = "0000:0000:0000:0001:0000:0110:0111:0001" cpuid.1.ebx = "0000:0010:0000:0001:0000:1000:0000:0000" cpuid.1.ecx = "1000:0010:1001:1000:0010:0010:0000:0011" cpuid.1.edx = "0000:0111:1000:1011:1111:1011:1111:1111" ------------------------- Test Ok....................
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  • Test #4
    เก็บตกจากเมื่อวานที่เป็นตลาด OTC สัญญาณได้บอกกดsellถึง 3 ครั้ง แต่ผมเลือกที่จะกดสวนทางสัญญาณ เพราะตัวตลาดที่แนวโน้มที่จะกลับตัวขึ้นมากกว่าลงไปต่อ

    สนใจเปิดตลาด ได้ที่ลิ้งค์นี้ :

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    Test #4 เก็บตกจากเมื่อวานที่เป็นตลาด OTC สัญญาณได้บอกกดsellถึง 3 ครั้ง แต่ผมเลือกที่จะกดสวนทางสัญญาณ เพราะตัวตลาดที่แนวโน้มที่จะกลับตัวขึ้นมากกว่าลงไปต่อ สนใจเปิดตลาด ได้ที่ลิ้งค์นี้ : https://bit.ly/3yGZQIk สนใจอยากมีสัญญาณไว้ใช้ควบคู่กับตลาด ได้ที่ลิ้งค์นี้ : https://bit.ly/3XcslXW ติดต่อสอบถาม Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/share/GQisYtSEj8PMDFry/?mibextid=qi2Omg Twitter : https://x.com/Weskee62
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  • Test #3
    ตลาดโลกปิดทุกวันเสาร์-อาทิตย์ เลยเป็นวันของตลาด OTC แต่ว่าก็ยังมีสัญญาณไว้ให้มาเทรดกับตลาด OTC โดยเฉพาะ ดังนั้นจึงสามารถหาจังหวะในการเทรดได้อย่างสะดวก

    สนใจเปิดตลาด ได้ที่ลิ้งค์นี้ :

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    Test #3 ตลาดโลกปิดทุกวันเสาร์-อาทิตย์ เลยเป็นวันของตลาด OTC แต่ว่าก็ยังมีสัญญาณไว้ให้มาเทรดกับตลาด OTC โดยเฉพาะ ดังนั้นจึงสามารถหาจังหวะในการเทรดได้อย่างสะดวก สนใจเปิดตลาด ได้ที่ลิ้งค์นี้ : https://bit.ly/3yGZQIk สนใจอยากมีสัญญาณไว้ใช้ควบคู่กับตลาด ได้ที่ลิ้งค์นี้ : https://bit.ly/3XcslXW ติดต่อสอบถาม Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/share/GQisYtSEj8PMDFry/?mibextid=qi2Omg Twitter : https://x.com/Weskee62
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