• นักวิจัยจาก Imec ที่เบลเยี่ยมได้พัฒนาวิธีการฝังเลเซอร์โดยตรงบนซิลิคอน ซึ่งเป็นความก้าวหน้าที่สำคัญสำหรับการลดต้นทุนและปรับปรุงชิปโฟโตนิกส์สำหรับการสื่อสารโทรคมนาคมและ AI ปกติแล้ว ซิลิคอนไม่สามารถสร้างแสงได้ดี จึงต้องใช้เลเซอร์ในการทำงาน ทีนักวิจัยจาก Imec ใช้วิธีการฝังเลเซอร์โดยตรงบนซิลิคอน โดยอาศัยการแกะสลักเป็นร่องรูปลูกศรลงบนแผ่นเวเฟอร์ซิลิคอน หลังจากนั้นพวกเขาจะใส่ Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) ลงในร่องดังกล่าว ซึ่ง GaAs นี้จะทำการสัมผัสกับซิลิคอนเฉพาะที่ด้านล่างของร่องเท่านั้น การวางตำแหน่งแบบนี้ทำให้ความบกพร่องของเลเซอร์ถูกกักเก็บไว้ในร่องและไม่กระจายไปยังวัสดุเลเซอร์ด้านบน

    เลเซอร์นี้ใช้ Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) ในโครงสร้าง diode p-i-n ที่ทำงานได้ที่อุณหภูมิห้องด้วยการฉีดไฟฟ้าต่อเนื่อง ซึ่งประหยัดพลังงานได้มาก นอกจากนี้ กระบวนการผลิตนี้ยังสามารถนำไปใช้ในเวเฟอร์ซิลิคอนขนาด 300 มิลลิเมตร โดยใช้เทคนิคการผลิต CMOS ที่มีอยู่แล้ว ทำให้มีความยืดหยุ่นในการผลิต

    เลเซอร์ที่พัฒนาขึ้นนี้มีความยาวคลื่น 1,020 นาโนเมตร ซึ่งสั้นกว่าที่ใช้ในโทรคมนาคม ทีมวิจัยกำลังพยายามขยายความยาวคลื่นและลดความบกพร่องใกล้กับการติดต่อไฟฟ้าเพื่อให้มีประสิทธิภาพมากขึ้น

    การพัฒนานี้อาจทำให้การสื่อสารโทรคมนาคมและการประมวลผล AI มีประสิทธิภาพมากขึ้นในอนาคต ซึ่งเป็นก้าวสำคัญในการปรับปรุงเทคโนโลยีโฟโตนิกส์

    นักวิจัยจาก Imec ที่เบลเยี่ยมได้พัฒนาวิธีการฝังเลเซอร์โดยตรงบนซิลิคอน ซึ่งเป็นความก้าวหน้าที่สำคัญสำหรับการลดต้นทุนและปรับปรุงชิปโฟโตนิกส์สำหรับการสื่อสารโทรคมนาคมและ AI ปกติแล้ว ซิลิคอนไม่สามารถสร้างแสงได้ดี จึงต้องใช้เลเซอร์ในการทำงาน ทีนักวิจัยจาก Imec ใช้วิธีการฝังเลเซอร์โดยตรงบนซิลิคอน โดยอาศัยการแกะสลักเป็นร่องรูปลูกศรลงบนแผ่นเวเฟอร์ซิลิคอน หลังจากนั้นพวกเขาจะใส่ Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) ลงในร่องดังกล่าว ซึ่ง GaAs นี้จะทำการสัมผัสกับซิลิคอนเฉพาะที่ด้านล่างของร่องเท่านั้น การวางตำแหน่งแบบนี้ทำให้ความบกพร่องของเลเซอร์ถูกกักเก็บไว้ในร่องและไม่กระจายไปยังวัสดุเลเซอร์ด้านบน เลเซอร์นี้ใช้ Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) ในโครงสร้าง diode p-i-n ที่ทำงานได้ที่อุณหภูมิห้องด้วยการฉีดไฟฟ้าต่อเนื่อง ซึ่งประหยัดพลังงานได้มาก นอกจากนี้ กระบวนการผลิตนี้ยังสามารถนำไปใช้ในเวเฟอร์ซิลิคอนขนาด 300 มิลลิเมตร โดยใช้เทคนิคการผลิต CMOS ที่มีอยู่แล้ว ทำให้มีความยืดหยุ่นในการผลิต เลเซอร์ที่พัฒนาขึ้นนี้มีความยาวคลื่น 1,020 นาโนเมตร ซึ่งสั้นกว่าที่ใช้ในโทรคมนาคม ทีมวิจัยกำลังพยายามขยายความยาวคลื่นและลดความบกพร่องใกล้กับการติดต่อไฟฟ้าเพื่อให้มีประสิทธิภาพมากขึ้น การพัฒนานี้อาจทำให้การสื่อสารโทรคมนาคมและการประมวลผล AI มีประสิทธิภาพมากขึ้นในอนาคต ซึ่งเป็นก้าวสำคัญในการปรับปรุงเทคโนโลยีโฟโตนิกส์ https://www.techradar.com/pro/like-a-field-plowed-prior-to-planting-researchers-want-to-grow-lasers-yes-lasers-on-material-commonly-found-in-sand
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 210 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • “Annual” vs.” Perennial”: What’s The Difference?

    Confused about annual vs. perennial plants? You’re not alone—it’s especially difficult to remember which is which because they sound like they might mean the same thing. To make matters worse, there’s also a third confusing term: biennial.

    Join us as we root out the differences and give examples of perennials, annuals, and biennials so you’ll always remember which is which.

    Quick summary

    Plants that live for only one growing season are called annuals. In contrast, plants that regrow on their own every season are called perennials. Plants that live for two growing seasons are called biennials.

    What are perennials?

    The word perennial is applied to a plant that lives for multiple growing seasons—at least more than two years. Perennials typically flower and bloom in the spring. Around autumn, the top part of the plant withers, but the root remains. The next spring, the root sends out a brand new shoot, and the cycle continues. In other words, planting perennials in a garden means that they don’t need to be replanted each year—they come back on their own (at least for three years).

    Perennials usually only bloom for a few weeks, and may take longer to fully mature. Popular perennials include daylilies, lilacs, and lavender, as well as most fruit trees, berry bushes, and herbs.

    What are annual plants?

    The word annual is applied to a plant that lives for only one growing season. Annuals typically flower and bloom in the spring and then wither and die around autumn. Unlike perennials, annuals do not regrow the next season—at least not from the same root. Instead, annuals must be replanted each year—or, in some cases, the seeds left behind may successfully sprout new plants.

    Annuals usually bloom the whole season, and their blooms are often more extravagant than perennials. Popular annuals include petunias, marigolds, zinnias, watermelons, corn, beans, and potatoes.

    What is a biennial plant?

    The term biennial is applied to a plant that lives for two growing seasons. The first season, the plant starts out small. The second season, it grows bigger and produces flowers. After this, the plant’s life cycle is complete, and it dies in the autumn just like an annual. Some well-known plants categorized as biennials include foxglove, pansies, poppies, forget-me-nots, and many vegetables, such as cabbage, beets, onions, and carrots.

    annual vs. perennial vs. biennial

    Here’s how you can remember the difference:

    - In general, the word perennial means “continuing” or “perpetual,” and perennials continue to regrow without being replanted.
    - The word annual means yearly, and annuals must be replanted every year.
    - The bi- in biennial means “two,” and biennials have a life cycle of two growing seasons.

    Although these terms could technically be applied to any plants, they’re especially used of flowering and culinary plants—the kind of plants commonly found in gardens and on farms.

    There is some overlap in what can be considered an annual versus a perennial. Some annuals can be perennials when planted in warmer climates, since there’s no frost to kill them, and some perennials are not capable of surviving the winter in colder climates. Certain flowers can also be annual in one variety and perennial in another.

    Examples of annual and perennial plants

    In this section, we’ll answer some of the most common questions about whether certain plants are annuals or perennials.

    Are mums perennials or annuals?

    Garden mums are typically treated as annuals, even though they can be perennials in the right climate. There are also hardier varieties of mums that are typically grown as perennials in many climates.

    Are dahlias perennials or annuals?

    Dahlias can be either, depending on the growing region. They are native to warm regions in Guatemala and Mexico. In colder climes, they are treated as annuals, but it’s possible to bring them back each year if the tubers are dug up and dried out in the winter.

    Are tulips perennials or annuals?

    Tulips are perennials. In certain climates, however, they may behave like annuals.

    Are hydrangeas perennials or annuals?

    Hydrangeas are perennials. Again, however, this is only true when grown in climates where they can survive the winter.

    Copyright 2025, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    “Annual” vs.” Perennial”: What’s The Difference? Confused about annual vs. perennial plants? You’re not alone—it’s especially difficult to remember which is which because they sound like they might mean the same thing. To make matters worse, there’s also a third confusing term: biennial. Join us as we root out the differences and give examples of perennials, annuals, and biennials so you’ll always remember which is which. Quick summary Plants that live for only one growing season are called annuals. In contrast, plants that regrow on their own every season are called perennials. Plants that live for two growing seasons are called biennials. What are perennials? The word perennial is applied to a plant that lives for multiple growing seasons—at least more than two years. Perennials typically flower and bloom in the spring. Around autumn, the top part of the plant withers, but the root remains. The next spring, the root sends out a brand new shoot, and the cycle continues. In other words, planting perennials in a garden means that they don’t need to be replanted each year—they come back on their own (at least for three years). Perennials usually only bloom for a few weeks, and may take longer to fully mature. Popular perennials include daylilies, lilacs, and lavender, as well as most fruit trees, berry bushes, and herbs. What are annual plants? The word annual is applied to a plant that lives for only one growing season. Annuals typically flower and bloom in the spring and then wither and die around autumn. Unlike perennials, annuals do not regrow the next season—at least not from the same root. Instead, annuals must be replanted each year—or, in some cases, the seeds left behind may successfully sprout new plants. Annuals usually bloom the whole season, and their blooms are often more extravagant than perennials. Popular annuals include petunias, marigolds, zinnias, watermelons, corn, beans, and potatoes. What is a biennial plant? The term biennial is applied to a plant that lives for two growing seasons. The first season, the plant starts out small. The second season, it grows bigger and produces flowers. After this, the plant’s life cycle is complete, and it dies in the autumn just like an annual. Some well-known plants categorized as biennials include foxglove, pansies, poppies, forget-me-nots, and many vegetables, such as cabbage, beets, onions, and carrots. annual vs. perennial vs. biennial Here’s how you can remember the difference: - In general, the word perennial means “continuing” or “perpetual,” and perennials continue to regrow without being replanted. - The word annual means yearly, and annuals must be replanted every year. - The bi- in biennial means “two,” and biennials have a life cycle of two growing seasons. Although these terms could technically be applied to any plants, they’re especially used of flowering and culinary plants—the kind of plants commonly found in gardens and on farms. There is some overlap in what can be considered an annual versus a perennial. Some annuals can be perennials when planted in warmer climates, since there’s no frost to kill them, and some perennials are not capable of surviving the winter in colder climates. Certain flowers can also be annual in one variety and perennial in another. Examples of annual and perennial plants In this section, we’ll answer some of the most common questions about whether certain plants are annuals or perennials. Are mums perennials or annuals? Garden mums are typically treated as annuals, even though they can be perennials in the right climate. There are also hardier varieties of mums that are typically grown as perennials in many climates. Are dahlias perennials or annuals? Dahlias can be either, depending on the growing region. They are native to warm regions in Guatemala and Mexico. In colder climes, they are treated as annuals, but it’s possible to bring them back each year if the tubers are dug up and dried out in the winter. Are tulips perennials or annuals? Tulips are perennials. In certain climates, however, they may behave like annuals. Are hydrangeas perennials or annuals? Hydrangeas are perennials. Again, however, this is only true when grown in climates where they can survive the winter. Copyright 2025, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 782 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • #NewYearResolution ✨️ 🎯 🎉
    ใกล้เทศกาล #ส่งท้ายปีเก่า ต้อนรับ #ปีใหม่ แล้ว
    ทบทวนสิ่งที่ทำและเตรียมรับมือในปีที่โลกมีความผันผวนสูงในทุกสภาวะ ทั้งอากาศ ความร้อน ฝุ่น โรคภัยไข้เจ็บ สงคราม ฯลฯ
    มาตั้ง NewYearResolution กันเถอะ
    3 mission
    #Planting 🌱🌳🌻🍀🌲🌺
    #SafeFoodsource 🥔🥕🍓🥬🧄🥦🌶🌽🍄‍🟫
    #SustainableLiving ♻️ 🏕 ♻️
    #Botanic #Essential
    #NewYearResolution ✨️ 🎯 🎉 ใกล้เทศกาล #ส่งท้ายปีเก่า ต้อนรับ #ปีใหม่ แล้ว ทบทวนสิ่งที่ทำและเตรียมรับมือในปีที่โลกมีความผันผวนสูงในทุกสภาวะ ทั้งอากาศ ความร้อน ฝุ่น โรคภัยไข้เจ็บ สงคราม ฯลฯ . มาตั้ง NewYearResolution กันเถอะ เริ่มต้นที่ตัวเราแล้วโลกก็จะเปลี่ยนเอง 3 mission #Planting 🌱🌳🌻🍀🌲🌺 #SafeFoodsource 🥔🥕🍓🥬🧄🥦🌶🌽🍄‍🟫 #SustainableLiving ♻️ 🏕 ♻️ . #ORGABOTAESSENCE #Botanic #Essential #Organic #Organism #Agrinature #naturalproduct #Agrinatureproduct #สมุนไพรไทย #natural #Herbal #Orgabotaessenceproducts #Thaitimes
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 1003 มุมมอง 67 0 รีวิว
  • What Are The Different Names For Our Moon?

    Over the moons

    The English word moon is very old and dates back to before the year 900. It originally comes from the Old English word mona and is related to the Latin mēnsis, meaning “month.” As you’ll soon see, this isn’t the only link between the moon and calendar months. In fact, different cultures had different nicknames for the moon to go with each month of the year, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. These nicknames were used to refer to the moon during an entire lunar phase cycle starting at either a full or new moon. For example, January’s moon might generally be called the Wolf Moon or the Full Wolf Moon, when specifically referring to the January full moon. When looking at lunar calendars, you will often find these common folk names still used to refer to the full moons throughout the year.

    full moon

    Before we get to that, though, let’s look at some terms that people have used to refer to the moon through the years.

    - full moon: The full moon is the phase of the moon in which the entire moon is visible thanks to sunlight. During this time, the moon looks like a bright, full circle in the night sky.

    - supermoon: A supermoon is a full moon that occurs when the moon is at or near its closest distance to Earth. Astronomers scientifically refer to this event as a perigean full moon.

    - micromoon: The term micromoon (or minimoon) is informally used as the opposite of a supermoon. Micromoon refers to a full moon that occurs when the moon is at its furthest point from Earth. In 2022, none of the full moons will be micromoons.

    - blood moon: The term blood moon is used to refer to the moon during a total lunar eclipse. During this time, the moon appears blood red or reddish-brown because the only light that hits the moon is reflected light from the Earth’s atmosphere.

    - blue moon: The term blue moon is informally used to refer to a second full moon that occurs during a single calendar month. This event is very rare—sadly, it won’t occur in 2022—and so the phrase once in a blue moon is used to refer to events that rarely happen.

    - harvest moon: The harvest moon is the full moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox. The autumnal equinox occurs around September 22 or 23, so the harvest moon will fall in either September or October.

    The moon has always fascinated us and has inspired a lot of different words and phrases that we use to refer to a wide variety of things. Now that we’ve covered this terminology, follow along for a list of unique names for each month’s full moon, starting with January’s Wolf Moon (or Frost Exploding Moon).

    January | Wolf Moon
    Full Moon Date in 2022: January 17

    The Old Farmer’s Almanac, a reference full of weather predictions and advice, has been published continuously since 1792 and has captured the old names used to refer to the different full moons throughout the year. According to the almanac, January’s Wolf Moon was named for the howling of wolves that was often heard during the month. People once thought wolves howled because they were hungry and on the hunt for prey–such as foolish moon gazers. Now, we know that wolves howl as a general form of communication, which means those howling wolves could have been talking about anything.

    Other traditional names for January’s moon are related to the harsh, cold winter weather one experiences in the Northern Hemisphere during January. These include names such as the Cold Moon, Frost Exploding Moon, Hard Moon, and Severe Moon.

    February | Snow Moon
    Full Moon Date in 2022: February 16

    Which leads us to February’s Snow Moon. This name was inspired by the snowfalls of February, which is statistically the snowiest month of the year on average in the United States.

    Besides the weather, other traditional names for the February Moon were inspired by animals or the difficulty of finding food during the winter. Some other traditional names include Bear Moon, Eagle Moon, Hungry Moon, and Raccoon Moon.

    March | Worm Moon
    Full Moon Date in 2022: March 18

    Worms? Yay! Yay? Worm Moon, the traditional name for the March moon was inspired by the emergence of earthworms and bugs from the soil and trees during the beginning of spring.

    Other traditional names for the March moon were typically inspired by the changing of the season or nature in general. Some of these names include the Crow Comes Back Moon, Sugar Moon, Strong Winds Moon, and Sore Eyes Moon.

    April | Pink Moon
    Full Moon Date in 2022: April 16

    Sadly, the moon doesn’t turn pink in April. No, this traditional name was inspired by the plant Phlox subulata, also known as moss pink, which is native to the central and eastern United States. The plant’s pink flowers usually bloom during April, which explains the nickname.

    Like the names of the March moon, the traditional names of April’s moon were often inspired by the transition from winter to spring. Some other traditional names of the April moon include the Breaking Ice Moon, Budding Moon of Plants and Shrubs, and Moon When the Ducks Come Back.

    May | Flower Moon
    Full Moon Date in 2022: May 16

    April showers bring May flowers and a flowery moon to go along with them! This traditional name for May’s moon was inspired by the many flowers that bud during the month. Even today, the month of May is still associated with flowers.

    Other traditional names for the May moon often reference flowers or the warm weather that allows them to grow. These names include Budding Moon, Leaf Budding Moon, Planting Moon, and Egg Laying Moon.

    In 2022, the first of two lunar eclipses will occur in May. Depending on where you live, it may be possible to see a blood moon when the lunar eclipse is visible during the night of May 15/May 16.

    June | Strawberry Moon
    Full Moon Date in 2022: June 14

    The tasty traditional name of June’s moon recognizes the fact that June was the time to harvest strawberries for many of the Indigenous Peoples of North America. This is still true even today as strawberries typically ripen during the transition from spring to summer, so June is the peak time to harvest strawberries in North America.

    Some traditional names for the June moon were based on the natural events associated with the spring-summer transition, such as Blooming Moon, Birth Moon, and Hatching Moon. Other traditional names were inspired by things people would eat and drink during the June marriage season, such as Mead Moon and Honey Moon.

    According to most metrics, June’s full moon will be the first of two supermoons that occur in 2022.

    July | Buck Moon
    Full Moon Date in 2022: July 13

    The traditional name of Buck Moon for the July moon was inspired by the word buck (“male deer”), because it had been observed that bucks’ antlers grow largest during this month. Modern research of the deer antler growth cycle supports this observation.

    Other traditional names of July’s moon were inspired by animals and plants commonly found in North America during the summer. These names include Salmon Moon, Berry Moon, and Raspberry Moon.

    According to most metrics, July’s full moon will be the second and last supermoon of 2022.

    August | Sturgeon Moon
    Full Moon Date in 2022: August 12

    The fishy name of August’s moon is named after the sturgeon, a general name for different types of large fish that can be found in North American lakes and rivers. August’s moon was named after sturgeon because these fish were most easily caught in August following their typical mating season. Today, many types of sturgeon are considered endangered, and sturgeon fishing is often prohibited or strictly regulated.

    Other traditional names for the August moon, such as Corn Moon, Ricing Moon, and Black Cherries Moon, are based on the harvesting of summer crops.

    September | Harvest Moon or Corn Moon
    Full Moon Date in 2022: September 10

    The traditional name of Harvest Moon is given to either the September or October moon, depending on which full moon occurs closer to the autumnal equinox. Because the September full moon is usually the closer one, it is more often referred to as the Harvest Moon. If it isn’t, then the name Corn Moon is used to refer to September’s moon. Either way, Harvest Moon and Corn Moon both refer to the fact that the late summer/early fall was the time when North American peoples would harvest important crops, like corn, that would get them through the winter.

    Other traditional names for the September moon such as Autumn Moon, Moon of Brown Leaves, and Falling Leaves Moon, reference the fact that September is the time when summer gives way to fall.

    In 2022, the September full moon is this year’s Harvest Moon, as it is the closest full moon to the autumnal equinox, which will occur on September 22.

    October | Hunter’s Moon or Harvest Moon
    Full Moon Date in 2022: October 9

    Traditionally, the full moon that follows the Harvest Moon is called the Hunter’s Moon. Because the harvest moon usually happens in September, the October moon is typically called the Hunter’s Moon. The name of this moon is thought to come from the practice of North American peoples engaging in hunting after the fields had been harvested and before the winter came. You can never be too prepared for winter, so hunters would gather meat before the winter weather would force animals (and the hunters) to seek shelter.

    Other traditional names for the October moon include Migrating Moon, Freezing Moon, and Ice Moon. These names reference the fact that October soon leads to winter and temperatures start to drop.

    November | Beaver Moon
    Full Moon Date in 2022: November 8

    The traditional name of the November moon comes from the beaver, a large rodent famous for building natural dams. November’s moon was named after this busy animal because November was a good time for North America peoples to hunt and trap beavers as they normally retreat to their lodges during this time.

    Other traditional names for the November moon, such as Digging Moon, Deer Rutting Moon, and Whitefish Moon, were inspired by other animals who are busy during November as they prepare for winter. The traditional names Frost Moon and Freezing Moon were also used to indicate that this moon often signaled that winter was fast approaching.

    In 2022, the second lunar eclipse will happen in November. Depending on where you live, the eclipse may appear as a blood moon when it occurs on the night of November 7/November 8.

    December | Cold Moon
    Full Moon Date in 2022: December 7

    Winter is in full swing—in the Northern Hemisphere, at least—by the time that December’s Cold Moon graces the sky. The explanation behind the traditional name for December’s moon shouldn’t be hard to figure out if you live in Canada or the northern United States and have had the “pleasure” of experiencing a frigid winter.

    Many other traditional names for the December moon reference the freezing winter weather, such as Hoar Frost Moon, Snow Moon, Moon of the Popping Trees, and Winter Maker Moon.

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    What Are The Different Names For Our Moon? Over the moons The English word moon is very old and dates back to before the year 900. It originally comes from the Old English word mona and is related to the Latin mēnsis, meaning “month.” As you’ll soon see, this isn’t the only link between the moon and calendar months. In fact, different cultures had different nicknames for the moon to go with each month of the year, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. These nicknames were used to refer to the moon during an entire lunar phase cycle starting at either a full or new moon. For example, January’s moon might generally be called the Wolf Moon or the Full Wolf Moon, when specifically referring to the January full moon. When looking at lunar calendars, you will often find these common folk names still used to refer to the full moons throughout the year. full moon Before we get to that, though, let’s look at some terms that people have used to refer to the moon through the years. - full moon: The full moon is the phase of the moon in which the entire moon is visible thanks to sunlight. During this time, the moon looks like a bright, full circle in the night sky. - supermoon: A supermoon is a full moon that occurs when the moon is at or near its closest distance to Earth. Astronomers scientifically refer to this event as a perigean full moon. - micromoon: The term micromoon (or minimoon) is informally used as the opposite of a supermoon. Micromoon refers to a full moon that occurs when the moon is at its furthest point from Earth. In 2022, none of the full moons will be micromoons. - blood moon: The term blood moon is used to refer to the moon during a total lunar eclipse. During this time, the moon appears blood red or reddish-brown because the only light that hits the moon is reflected light from the Earth’s atmosphere. - blue moon: The term blue moon is informally used to refer to a second full moon that occurs during a single calendar month. This event is very rare—sadly, it won’t occur in 2022—and so the phrase once in a blue moon is used to refer to events that rarely happen. - harvest moon: The harvest moon is the full moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox. The autumnal equinox occurs around September 22 or 23, so the harvest moon will fall in either September or October. The moon has always fascinated us and has inspired a lot of different words and phrases that we use to refer to a wide variety of things. Now that we’ve covered this terminology, follow along for a list of unique names for each month’s full moon, starting with January’s Wolf Moon (or Frost Exploding Moon). January | Wolf Moon Full Moon Date in 2022: January 17 The Old Farmer’s Almanac, a reference full of weather predictions and advice, has been published continuously since 1792 and has captured the old names used to refer to the different full moons throughout the year. According to the almanac, January’s Wolf Moon was named for the howling of wolves that was often heard during the month. People once thought wolves howled because they were hungry and on the hunt for prey–such as foolish moon gazers. Now, we know that wolves howl as a general form of communication, which means those howling wolves could have been talking about anything. Other traditional names for January’s moon are related to the harsh, cold winter weather one experiences in the Northern Hemisphere during January. These include names such as the Cold Moon, Frost Exploding Moon, Hard Moon, and Severe Moon. February | Snow Moon Full Moon Date in 2022: February 16 Which leads us to February’s Snow Moon. This name was inspired by the snowfalls of February, which is statistically the snowiest month of the year on average in the United States. Besides the weather, other traditional names for the February Moon were inspired by animals or the difficulty of finding food during the winter. Some other traditional names include Bear Moon, Eagle Moon, Hungry Moon, and Raccoon Moon. March | Worm Moon Full Moon Date in 2022: March 18 Worms? Yay! Yay? Worm Moon, the traditional name for the March moon was inspired by the emergence of earthworms and bugs from the soil and trees during the beginning of spring. Other traditional names for the March moon were typically inspired by the changing of the season or nature in general. Some of these names include the Crow Comes Back Moon, Sugar Moon, Strong Winds Moon, and Sore Eyes Moon. April | Pink Moon Full Moon Date in 2022: April 16 Sadly, the moon doesn’t turn pink in April. No, this traditional name was inspired by the plant Phlox subulata, also known as moss pink, which is native to the central and eastern United States. The plant’s pink flowers usually bloom during April, which explains the nickname. Like the names of the March moon, the traditional names of April’s moon were often inspired by the transition from winter to spring. Some other traditional names of the April moon include the Breaking Ice Moon, Budding Moon of Plants and Shrubs, and Moon When the Ducks Come Back. May | Flower Moon Full Moon Date in 2022: May 16 April showers bring May flowers and a flowery moon to go along with them! This traditional name for May’s moon was inspired by the many flowers that bud during the month. Even today, the month of May is still associated with flowers. Other traditional names for the May moon often reference flowers or the warm weather that allows them to grow. These names include Budding Moon, Leaf Budding Moon, Planting Moon, and Egg Laying Moon. In 2022, the first of two lunar eclipses will occur in May. Depending on where you live, it may be possible to see a blood moon when the lunar eclipse is visible during the night of May 15/May 16. June | Strawberry Moon Full Moon Date in 2022: June 14 The tasty traditional name of June’s moon recognizes the fact that June was the time to harvest strawberries for many of the Indigenous Peoples of North America. This is still true even today as strawberries typically ripen during the transition from spring to summer, so June is the peak time to harvest strawberries in North America. Some traditional names for the June moon were based on the natural events associated with the spring-summer transition, such as Blooming Moon, Birth Moon, and Hatching Moon. Other traditional names were inspired by things people would eat and drink during the June marriage season, such as Mead Moon and Honey Moon. According to most metrics, June’s full moon will be the first of two supermoons that occur in 2022. July | Buck Moon Full Moon Date in 2022: July 13 The traditional name of Buck Moon for the July moon was inspired by the word buck (“male deer”), because it had been observed that bucks’ antlers grow largest during this month. Modern research of the deer antler growth cycle supports this observation. Other traditional names of July’s moon were inspired by animals and plants commonly found in North America during the summer. These names include Salmon Moon, Berry Moon, and Raspberry Moon. According to most metrics, July’s full moon will be the second and last supermoon of 2022. August | Sturgeon Moon Full Moon Date in 2022: August 12 The fishy name of August’s moon is named after the sturgeon, a general name for different types of large fish that can be found in North American lakes and rivers. August’s moon was named after sturgeon because these fish were most easily caught in August following their typical mating season. Today, many types of sturgeon are considered endangered, and sturgeon fishing is often prohibited or strictly regulated. Other traditional names for the August moon, such as Corn Moon, Ricing Moon, and Black Cherries Moon, are based on the harvesting of summer crops. September | Harvest Moon or Corn Moon Full Moon Date in 2022: September 10 The traditional name of Harvest Moon is given to either the September or October moon, depending on which full moon occurs closer to the autumnal equinox. Because the September full moon is usually the closer one, it is more often referred to as the Harvest Moon. If it isn’t, then the name Corn Moon is used to refer to September’s moon. Either way, Harvest Moon and Corn Moon both refer to the fact that the late summer/early fall was the time when North American peoples would harvest important crops, like corn, that would get them through the winter. Other traditional names for the September moon such as Autumn Moon, Moon of Brown Leaves, and Falling Leaves Moon, reference the fact that September is the time when summer gives way to fall. In 2022, the September full moon is this year’s Harvest Moon, as it is the closest full moon to the autumnal equinox, which will occur on September 22. October | Hunter’s Moon or Harvest Moon Full Moon Date in 2022: October 9 Traditionally, the full moon that follows the Harvest Moon is called the Hunter’s Moon. Because the harvest moon usually happens in September, the October moon is typically called the Hunter’s Moon. The name of this moon is thought to come from the practice of North American peoples engaging in hunting after the fields had been harvested and before the winter came. You can never be too prepared for winter, so hunters would gather meat before the winter weather would force animals (and the hunters) to seek shelter. Other traditional names for the October moon include Migrating Moon, Freezing Moon, and Ice Moon. These names reference the fact that October soon leads to winter and temperatures start to drop. November | Beaver Moon Full Moon Date in 2022: November 8 The traditional name of the November moon comes from the beaver, a large rodent famous for building natural dams. November’s moon was named after this busy animal because November was a good time for North America peoples to hunt and trap beavers as they normally retreat to their lodges during this time. Other traditional names for the November moon, such as Digging Moon, Deer Rutting Moon, and Whitefish Moon, were inspired by other animals who are busy during November as they prepare for winter. The traditional names Frost Moon and Freezing Moon were also used to indicate that this moon often signaled that winter was fast approaching. In 2022, the second lunar eclipse will happen in November. Depending on where you live, the eclipse may appear as a blood moon when it occurs on the night of November 7/November 8. December | Cold Moon Full Moon Date in 2022: December 7 Winter is in full swing—in the Northern Hemisphere, at least—by the time that December’s Cold Moon graces the sky. The explanation behind the traditional name for December’s moon shouldn’t be hard to figure out if you live in Canada or the northern United States and have had the “pleasure” of experiencing a frigid winter. Many other traditional names for the December moon reference the freezing winter weather, such as Hoar Frost Moon, Snow Moon, Moon of the Popping Trees, and Winter Maker Moon. Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
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