• 35 ปี สัญญาณเริ่มล่มสลาย “สหภาพโซเวียต” เปลี่ยนผ่านครั้งใหญ่ จุดสิ้นสุดพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์

    📅 ย้อนไปเมื่อ 35 ปี ที่ผ่านมา วันที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ 2533 (1990) เป็นวันที่เปรียบเสมือน “ระฆังแห่งการเปลี่ยนแปลง” ของสหภาพโซเวียต (USSR) เมื่อคณะกรรมาธิการกลาง ของพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ ประกาศยุติการผูกขาดอำนาจทางการเมือง ซึ่งเป็นก้าวสำคัญ ที่นำไปสู่การล่มสลาย ของมหาอำนาจยุคสงครามเย็น ภายในเวลาเพียงไม่กี่ปี

    จากการปกครองโดยพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ เพียงพรรคเดียว มายาวนานกว่า 70 ปี สหภาพโซเวียต ต้องเผชิญกับปัญหาภายใน อย่างหนักหน่วง ทั้งวิกฤตเศรษฐกิจ การเมืองที่เริ่มไร้เสถียรภาพ และขบวนการชาตินิยม ในสาธารณรัฐต่างๆ ที่ต้องการแยกตัวออก ในที่สุด ระบบที่เคยแข็งแกร่ง ก็ต้องถึงกาลอวสาน

    🔴 จากการปฏิวัติ สู่มหาอำนาจโลก ต้นกำเนิดของ USSR 📌
    สหภาพโซเวียต (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: USSR) ถือกำเนิดขึ้นในวันที่ 30 ธันวาคม 2465 หลังการปฏิวัติเดือนตุลาคม (1917) ที่พรรคบอลเชวิค ภายใต้การนำของ วลาดีมีร์ เลนิน (Vladimir Lenin) โค่นล้มระบอบกษัตริย์ และรัฐบาลเฉพาะกาลของรัสเซีย

    USSR ประกอบด้วย 15 สาธารณรัฐย่อย ได้แก่ รัสเซีย ยูเครน เบลารุส เอสโตเนีย ลัตเวีย ลิทัวเนีย มอลโดวา จอร์เจีย อาร์มีเนีย อาเซอร์ไบจาน คาซัคสถาน อุซเบกิสถาน เติร์กเมนิสถาน คีร์กีซสถาน และทาจิกิสถาน

    👉 เมืองหลวงของสหภาพโซเวียตคือ มอสโก ซึ่งเป็นศูนย์กลางของการเมือง เศรษฐกิจ และวัฒนธรรม

    📌 สมัยแห่งอำนาจของสหภาพโซเวียต
    หลังสงครามโลกครั้งที่สอง สหภาพโซเวียตกลายเป็น หนึ่งในสองมหาอำนาจของโลก คู่กับสหรัฐอเมริกา นำไปสู่สงครามเย็น (Cold War) ที่กินเวลายาวนานกว่า 4 ทศวรรษ

    พรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ ซึ่งเป็นศูนย์กลางของการปกครอง ควบคุมทุกด้านของประเทศ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นเศรษฐกิจ สังคม และการเมือง ในขณะเดียวกัน สหภาพโซเวียตมีบทบาทสำคัญ ในวงการอวกาศ เช่น ส่ง ยูริ กาการิน (Yuri Gagarin) เป็นมนุษย์คนแรก ที่ขึ้นสู่อวกาศในปี 2504

    🔥 สัญญาณแห่งการล่มสลาย ปัจจัยที่ทำให้ USSR พังทลาย
    แม้ว่าสหภาพโซเวียต จะดูแข็งแกร่งจากภายนอก แต่ภายในกลับเต็มไปด้วยรอยร้าว ที่ค่อยๆ ก่อตัวจนถึงจุดแตกหัก

    📉 1. วิกฤตเศรษฐกิจ ระบบเศรษฐกิจแบบรวมศูนย์ที่ล้มเหลว
    เศรษฐกิจของสหภาพโซเวียต เป็นระบบวางแผนจากส่วนกลาง (Centralized Economy) ซึ่งรัฐบาลควบคุมทุกอย่าง ตั้งแต่การผลิต ไปจนถึงการจัดสรรทรัพยากร แต่ระบบนี้ เริ่มประสบปัญหาหนักในช่วงปี 2523

    - ขาดแคลนสินค้าอุปโภคบริโภค ประชาชนต้องต่อแถวซื้อขนมปัง เป็นชั่วโมง
    - ประสิทธิภาพการผลิตต่ำ ไม่มีแรงจูงใจให้แรงงานทำงานหนัก
    - ค่าใช้จ่ายทางทหารสูงลิ่ว ต้องใช้เงินจำนวนมาก ในการแข่งขันอาวุธกับสหรัฐฯ

    ⚔️ 2. สงครามอัฟกานิสถาน (1979-1989) บาดแผลที่ยากจะสมาน
    การส่งทหาร เข้าไปช่วยรัฐบาลคอมมิวนิสต์ ในอัฟกานิสถาน กลายเป็นสงครามเวียดนาม ของโซเวียต เนื่องจากถูกกองกำลังมูจาฮิดีน ต่อต้านอย่างหนัก สงครามนี้ ไม่เพียงแต่ทำให้โซเวียต สูญเสียทหารจำนวนมาก แต่ยังทำลายขวัญกำลังใจ ของประชาชนอีกด้วย

    🌍 3. ขบวนการแยกตัว ของสาธารณรัฐต่างๆ
    หลายสาธารณรัฐภายใน USSR เริ่มมีความต้องการเป็นอิสระ เช่น
    - กลุ่มบอลติก (เอสโตเนีย ลัตเวีย ลิทัวเนีย) ประกาศเอกราชในปี 2533
    - ยูเครนและจอร์เจีย มีการเคลื่อนไหวเพื่อแยกตัว

    เมื่อรัฐบาลกลาง ไม่สามารถควบคุมสถานการณ์ได้ ทำให้เกิดการล่มสลายในที่สุด

    🛑 4. การปฏิรูปของกอร์บาชอฟ กลัสนอสต์ & เปเรสตรอยคา
    เมื่อ มีฮาอิล กอร์บาชอฟ (Mikhail Gorbachev) ขึ้นเป็นผู้นำในปี 2528 เขาพยายามปฏิรูปประเทศผ่านนโยบายสำคัญ 2 ข้อ

    - กลัสนอสต์ (Glasnost) การเปิดเผยข้อมูล และให้เสรีภาพแก่ประชาชนมากขึ้น
    - เปเรสตรอยคา (Perestroika) การปรับโครงสร้างเศรษฐกิจ แบบตลาดเสรี

    แม้ว่านโยบายเหล่านี้ มีเป้าหมายที่ดี แต่กลับทำให้ปัญหาภายในปะทุเร็วขึ้น ประชาชนเริ่มเรียกร้องเสรีภาพมากขึ้น และในที่สุดพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ ก็สูญเสียการควบคุม

    💥 วันที่พรรคคอมมิวนิสต์สูญเสียอำนาจ จุดจบของ USSR
    📆 7 กุมภาพันธ์ 2533 (1990) คณะกรรมาธิการกลาง ของพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ แห่งสหภาพโซเวียตประกาศ ยกเลิกการผูกขาดอำนาจทางการเมือง ซึ่งเป็นจุดเปลี่ยนครั้งสำคัญ

    📆 25 ธันวาคม 2534 (1991) กอร์บาชอฟลาออกจากตำแหน่งประธานาธิบดี และ USSR ยุติการดำรงอยู่ โดยรัสเซียกลายเป็นรัฐเอกราช

    👉 บอริส เยลต์ซิน (Boris Yeltsin) กลายเป็นผู้นำคนใหม่ของรัสเซีย และอดีตสาธารณรัฐต่างๆ ก็แยกตัวเป็นเอกราช

    🎭 บทเรียนจากการล่มสลาย ของสหภาพโซเวียต
    - การรวมศูนย์อำนาจมากเกินไป อาจเป็นจุดอ่อน แทนที่จะเป็นจุดแข็ง
    - เศรษฐกิจที่ไร้ประสิทธิภาพ นำไปสู่ความไม่พอใจของประชาชน
    - การเปลี่ยนแปลงที่รวดเร็วเกินไป อาจทำให้เกิดความไม่แน่นอน

    📢 35 ปี หลังจากวันที่พรรคคอมมิวนิสต์แห่ง USSR สูญเสียอำนาจ โลกยังคงเรียนรู้จากเหตุการณ์นี้ การล่มสลายของโซเวียต ไม่ใช่แค่เรื่องของอดีต แต่มันเป็นบทเรียนสำหรับทุกประเทศ ที่ต้องการคงไว้ซึ่งเสถียรภาพ และอำนาจ 📌

    ป้อม-อัครวัฒน์ ธนันฐ์กิตติกุล 071329 ก.พ. 2568

    #สหภาพโซเวียต #USSR #โซเวียตล่มสลาย #สงครามเย็น #คอมมิวนิสต์ #Gorbachev #เยลต์ซิน #ColdWar
    35 ปี สัญญาณเริ่มล่มสลาย “สหภาพโซเวียต” เปลี่ยนผ่านครั้งใหญ่ จุดสิ้นสุดพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ 📅 ย้อนไปเมื่อ 35 ปี ที่ผ่านมา วันที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ 2533 (1990) เป็นวันที่เปรียบเสมือน “ระฆังแห่งการเปลี่ยนแปลง” ของสหภาพโซเวียต (USSR) เมื่อคณะกรรมาธิการกลาง ของพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ ประกาศยุติการผูกขาดอำนาจทางการเมือง ซึ่งเป็นก้าวสำคัญ ที่นำไปสู่การล่มสลาย ของมหาอำนาจยุคสงครามเย็น ภายในเวลาเพียงไม่กี่ปี จากการปกครองโดยพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ เพียงพรรคเดียว มายาวนานกว่า 70 ปี สหภาพโซเวียต ต้องเผชิญกับปัญหาภายใน อย่างหนักหน่วง ทั้งวิกฤตเศรษฐกิจ การเมืองที่เริ่มไร้เสถียรภาพ และขบวนการชาตินิยม ในสาธารณรัฐต่างๆ ที่ต้องการแยกตัวออก ในที่สุด ระบบที่เคยแข็งแกร่ง ก็ต้องถึงกาลอวสาน 🔴 จากการปฏิวัติ สู่มหาอำนาจโลก ต้นกำเนิดของ USSR 📌 สหภาพโซเวียต (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: USSR) ถือกำเนิดขึ้นในวันที่ 30 ธันวาคม 2465 หลังการปฏิวัติเดือนตุลาคม (1917) ที่พรรคบอลเชวิค ภายใต้การนำของ วลาดีมีร์ เลนิน (Vladimir Lenin) โค่นล้มระบอบกษัตริย์ และรัฐบาลเฉพาะกาลของรัสเซีย USSR ประกอบด้วย 15 สาธารณรัฐย่อย ได้แก่ รัสเซีย ยูเครน เบลารุส เอสโตเนีย ลัตเวีย ลิทัวเนีย มอลโดวา จอร์เจีย อาร์มีเนีย อาเซอร์ไบจาน คาซัคสถาน อุซเบกิสถาน เติร์กเมนิสถาน คีร์กีซสถาน และทาจิกิสถาน 👉 เมืองหลวงของสหภาพโซเวียตคือ มอสโก ซึ่งเป็นศูนย์กลางของการเมือง เศรษฐกิจ และวัฒนธรรม 📌 สมัยแห่งอำนาจของสหภาพโซเวียต หลังสงครามโลกครั้งที่สอง สหภาพโซเวียตกลายเป็น หนึ่งในสองมหาอำนาจของโลก คู่กับสหรัฐอเมริกา นำไปสู่สงครามเย็น (Cold War) ที่กินเวลายาวนานกว่า 4 ทศวรรษ พรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ ซึ่งเป็นศูนย์กลางของการปกครอง ควบคุมทุกด้านของประเทศ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นเศรษฐกิจ สังคม และการเมือง ในขณะเดียวกัน สหภาพโซเวียตมีบทบาทสำคัญ ในวงการอวกาศ เช่น ส่ง ยูริ กาการิน (Yuri Gagarin) เป็นมนุษย์คนแรก ที่ขึ้นสู่อวกาศในปี 2504 🔥 สัญญาณแห่งการล่มสลาย ปัจจัยที่ทำให้ USSR พังทลาย แม้ว่าสหภาพโซเวียต จะดูแข็งแกร่งจากภายนอก แต่ภายในกลับเต็มไปด้วยรอยร้าว ที่ค่อยๆ ก่อตัวจนถึงจุดแตกหัก 📉 1. วิกฤตเศรษฐกิจ ระบบเศรษฐกิจแบบรวมศูนย์ที่ล้มเหลว เศรษฐกิจของสหภาพโซเวียต เป็นระบบวางแผนจากส่วนกลาง (Centralized Economy) ซึ่งรัฐบาลควบคุมทุกอย่าง ตั้งแต่การผลิต ไปจนถึงการจัดสรรทรัพยากร แต่ระบบนี้ เริ่มประสบปัญหาหนักในช่วงปี 2523 - ขาดแคลนสินค้าอุปโภคบริโภค ประชาชนต้องต่อแถวซื้อขนมปัง เป็นชั่วโมง - ประสิทธิภาพการผลิตต่ำ ไม่มีแรงจูงใจให้แรงงานทำงานหนัก - ค่าใช้จ่ายทางทหารสูงลิ่ว ต้องใช้เงินจำนวนมาก ในการแข่งขันอาวุธกับสหรัฐฯ ⚔️ 2. สงครามอัฟกานิสถาน (1979-1989) บาดแผลที่ยากจะสมาน การส่งทหาร เข้าไปช่วยรัฐบาลคอมมิวนิสต์ ในอัฟกานิสถาน กลายเป็นสงครามเวียดนาม ของโซเวียต เนื่องจากถูกกองกำลังมูจาฮิดีน ต่อต้านอย่างหนัก สงครามนี้ ไม่เพียงแต่ทำให้โซเวียต สูญเสียทหารจำนวนมาก แต่ยังทำลายขวัญกำลังใจ ของประชาชนอีกด้วย 🌍 3. ขบวนการแยกตัว ของสาธารณรัฐต่างๆ หลายสาธารณรัฐภายใน USSR เริ่มมีความต้องการเป็นอิสระ เช่น - กลุ่มบอลติก (เอสโตเนีย ลัตเวีย ลิทัวเนีย) ประกาศเอกราชในปี 2533 - ยูเครนและจอร์เจีย มีการเคลื่อนไหวเพื่อแยกตัว เมื่อรัฐบาลกลาง ไม่สามารถควบคุมสถานการณ์ได้ ทำให้เกิดการล่มสลายในที่สุด 🛑 4. การปฏิรูปของกอร์บาชอฟ กลัสนอสต์ & เปเรสตรอยคา เมื่อ มีฮาอิล กอร์บาชอฟ (Mikhail Gorbachev) ขึ้นเป็นผู้นำในปี 2528 เขาพยายามปฏิรูปประเทศผ่านนโยบายสำคัญ 2 ข้อ - กลัสนอสต์ (Glasnost) การเปิดเผยข้อมูล และให้เสรีภาพแก่ประชาชนมากขึ้น - เปเรสตรอยคา (Perestroika) การปรับโครงสร้างเศรษฐกิจ แบบตลาดเสรี แม้ว่านโยบายเหล่านี้ มีเป้าหมายที่ดี แต่กลับทำให้ปัญหาภายในปะทุเร็วขึ้น ประชาชนเริ่มเรียกร้องเสรีภาพมากขึ้น และในที่สุดพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ ก็สูญเสียการควบคุม 💥 วันที่พรรคคอมมิวนิสต์สูญเสียอำนาจ จุดจบของ USSR 📆 7 กุมภาพันธ์ 2533 (1990) คณะกรรมาธิการกลาง ของพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ แห่งสหภาพโซเวียตประกาศ ยกเลิกการผูกขาดอำนาจทางการเมือง ซึ่งเป็นจุดเปลี่ยนครั้งสำคัญ 📆 25 ธันวาคม 2534 (1991) กอร์บาชอฟลาออกจากตำแหน่งประธานาธิบดี และ USSR ยุติการดำรงอยู่ โดยรัสเซียกลายเป็นรัฐเอกราช 👉 บอริส เยลต์ซิน (Boris Yeltsin) กลายเป็นผู้นำคนใหม่ของรัสเซีย และอดีตสาธารณรัฐต่างๆ ก็แยกตัวเป็นเอกราช 🎭 บทเรียนจากการล่มสลาย ของสหภาพโซเวียต - การรวมศูนย์อำนาจมากเกินไป อาจเป็นจุดอ่อน แทนที่จะเป็นจุดแข็ง - เศรษฐกิจที่ไร้ประสิทธิภาพ นำไปสู่ความไม่พอใจของประชาชน - การเปลี่ยนแปลงที่รวดเร็วเกินไป อาจทำให้เกิดความไม่แน่นอน 📢 35 ปี หลังจากวันที่พรรคคอมมิวนิสต์แห่ง USSR สูญเสียอำนาจ โลกยังคงเรียนรู้จากเหตุการณ์นี้ การล่มสลายของโซเวียต ไม่ใช่แค่เรื่องของอดีต แต่มันเป็นบทเรียนสำหรับทุกประเทศ ที่ต้องการคงไว้ซึ่งเสถียรภาพ และอำนาจ 📌 ป้อม-อัครวัฒน์ ธนันฐ์กิตติกุล 071329 ก.พ. 2568 #สหภาพโซเวียต #USSR #โซเวียตล่มสลาย #สงครามเย็น #คอมมิวนิสต์ #Gorbachev #เยลต์ซิน #ColdWar
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 53 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • การควบคุมมนุษย์ด้วย AI เป็นหัวข้อที่ซับซ้อนและมีประเด็นทางจริยธรรมมากมาย ซึ่งอาจนำไปสู่การใช้งานทั้งในทางที่ดีและไม่ดี ต่อไปนี้เป็นแนวคิดบางส่วนเกี่ยวกับรูปแบบการควบคุมมนุษย์ด้วย AI:

    ### 1. **การควบคุมผ่านข้อมูล (Data Control)**
    - **การเก็บข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล:** AI สามารถรวบรวมและวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล เช่น พฤติกรรมการใช้โซเชียลมีเดีย, สุขภาพ, หรือการเงิน เพื่อสร้างแบบแผนพฤติกรรมของแต่ละบุคคล
    - **การโฆษณาแบบกำหนดเป้าหมาย:** ใช้ AI เพื่อวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลและโฆษณาสินค้าหรือบริการที่ตรงกับความสนใจของผู้ใช้ ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อการตัดสินใจของผู้บริโภค

    ### 2. **การควบคุมผ่านการตัดสินใจ (Decision Control)**
    - **ระบบแนะนำ (Recommendation Systems):** AI สามารถแนะนำทางเลือกให้กับผู้ใช้ เช่น วิดีโอที่ควรดู, สินค้าที่ควรซื้อ, หรือแม้แต่เส้นทางที่ควรเดินทาง ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อพฤติกรรมของผู้ใช้
    - **ระบบอัตโนมัติ:** AI สามารถควบคุมระบบอัตโนมัติ เช่น รถยนต์ไร้คนขับ, ระบบจัดการพลังงานในบ้าน, หรือแม้แต่ระบบการเงินส่วนบุคคล

    ### 3. **การควบคุมผ่านการสื่อสาร (Communication Control)**
    - **แชทบอทและผู้ช่วยเสมือน:** AI สามารถใช้ในการสื่อสารกับมนุษย์ผ่านแชทบอทหรือผู้ช่วยเสมือน ซึ่งอาจถูกใช้เพื่อโน้มน้าวหรือชี้นำความคิดเห็นของผู้ใช้
    - **Deepfake และการปลอมแปลงข้อมูล:** AI สามารถสร้างเนื้อหาปลอม เช่น วิดีโอหรือเสียง ที่ดูเหมือนจริง เพื่อโน้มน้าวหรือหลอกลวงผู้คน

    ### 4. **การควบคุมผ่านการเฝ้าระวัง (Surveillance Control)**
    - **การเฝ้าระวังด้วยกล้อง:** AI สามารถใช้ในการวิเคราะห์ภาพจากกล้องวงจรปิดเพื่อติดตามพฤติกรรมของบุคคล
    - **การวิเคราะห์เสียง:** AI สามารถวิเคราะห์เสียงเพื่อตรวจจับอารมณ์หรือความตั้งใจของบุคคล

    ### 5. **การควบคุมผ่านการชี้นำทางสังคม (Social Influence Control)**
    - **โซเชียลมีเดีย:** AI สามารถใช้ในการวิเคราะห์และชี้นำกระแสสังคมบนโซเชียลมีเดีย เพื่อสร้างความนิยมหรือลดทอนความน่าเชื่อถือของข้อมูลบางอย่าง
    - **การสร้างเนื้อหา:** AI สามารถสร้างเนื้อหาที่มีอิทธิพลต่อความคิดเห็นของสาธารณชน เช่น ข่าวปลอมหรือบทความโน้มน้าวใจ

    ### 6. **การควบคุมผ่านระบบกฎหมายและกฎระเบียบ (Legal and Regulatory Control)**
    - **การบังคับใช้กฎหมาย:** AI สามารถใช้ในการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลเพื่อบังคับใช้กฎหมาย เช่น การตรวจจับการทุจริตหรือการละเมิดกฎหมาย
    - **การตัดสินใจทางกฎหมาย:** AI อาจถูกใช้ในการช่วยตัดสินใจทางกฎหมาย เช่น การพิจารณาคดีหรือการให้คำแนะนำทางกฎหมาย

    ### 7. **การควบคุมผ่านการชี้นำทางจิตวิทยา (Psychological Influence Control)**
    - **การวิเคราะห์อารมณ์:** AI สามารถวิเคราะห์อารมณ์ของบุคคลผ่านการวิเคราะห์ข้อความ, เสียง, หรือภาพ เพื่อชี้นำหรือโน้มน้าวใจ
    - **การบำบัดด้วย AI:** AI สามารถใช้ในการบำบัดทางจิตวิทยา ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อความคิดและพฤติกรรมของผู้ป่วย

    ### 8. **การควบคุมผ่านระบบการศึกษา (Educational Control)**
    - **ระบบการเรียนรู้แบบปรับตัว:** AI สามารถปรับเนื้อหาการเรียนรู้ให้เหมาะกับแต่ละบุคคล ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อความรู้และทักษะที่ผู้เรียนได้รับ
    - **การประเมินผล:** AI สามารถใช้ในการประเมินผลการเรียนรู้และให้คำแนะนำเพื่อปรับปรุงประสิทธิภาพ

    ### 9. **การควบคุมผ่านระบบสุขภาพ (Health Control)**
    - **การวินิจฉัยโรค:** AI สามารถใช้ในการวินิจฉัยโรคและแนะนำการรักษา ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อสุขภาพและความเป็นอยู่ของบุคคล
    - **การติดตามสุขภาพ:** AI สามารถติดตามสุขภาพของบุคคลผ่านอุปกรณ์ wearable devices และให้คำแนะนำเพื่อปรับปรุงสุขภาพ

    ### 10. **การควบคุมผ่านระบบการเงิน (Financial Control)**
    - **การวิเคราะห์การเงิน:** AI สามารถวิเคราะห์พฤติกรรมการใช้เงินและให้คำแนะนำทางการเงิน ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อการตัดสินใจทางการเงินของบุคคล
    - **การจัดการพอร์ตโฟลิโอ:** AI สามารถใช้ในการจัดการพอร์ตโฟลิโอการลงทุน ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อความมั่งคั่งของบุคคล

    ### จริยธรรมและความเสี่ยง
    การควบคุมมนุษย์ด้วย AI มีความเสี่ยงทางจริยธรรมมากมาย เช่น การละเมิดความเป็นส่วนตัว, การบังคับใช้อำนาจ, และการสร้างความไม่เท่าเทียมกันในสังคม ดังนั้น การออกแบบและใช้งาน AI ควรคำนึงถึงหลักจริยธรรมและกฎหมายเพื่อป้องกันการใช้งานในทางที่ผิด

    ### สรุป
    AI มีศักยภาพในการควบคุมมนุษย์ผ่านหลายช่องทาง ทั้งทางตรงและทางอ้อม การใช้งาน AI ควรคำนึงถึงผลกระทบทางสังคมและจริยธรรม เพื่อให้เกิดประโยชน์สูงสุดและลดความเสี่ยงต่อมนุษย์และสังคม
    การควบคุมมนุษย์ด้วย AI เป็นหัวข้อที่ซับซ้อนและมีประเด็นทางจริยธรรมมากมาย ซึ่งอาจนำไปสู่การใช้งานทั้งในทางที่ดีและไม่ดี ต่อไปนี้เป็นแนวคิดบางส่วนเกี่ยวกับรูปแบบการควบคุมมนุษย์ด้วย AI: ### 1. **การควบคุมผ่านข้อมูล (Data Control)** - **การเก็บข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล:** AI สามารถรวบรวมและวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล เช่น พฤติกรรมการใช้โซเชียลมีเดีย, สุขภาพ, หรือการเงิน เพื่อสร้างแบบแผนพฤติกรรมของแต่ละบุคคล - **การโฆษณาแบบกำหนดเป้าหมาย:** ใช้ AI เพื่อวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลและโฆษณาสินค้าหรือบริการที่ตรงกับความสนใจของผู้ใช้ ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อการตัดสินใจของผู้บริโภค ### 2. **การควบคุมผ่านการตัดสินใจ (Decision Control)** - **ระบบแนะนำ (Recommendation Systems):** AI สามารถแนะนำทางเลือกให้กับผู้ใช้ เช่น วิดีโอที่ควรดู, สินค้าที่ควรซื้อ, หรือแม้แต่เส้นทางที่ควรเดินทาง ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อพฤติกรรมของผู้ใช้ - **ระบบอัตโนมัติ:** AI สามารถควบคุมระบบอัตโนมัติ เช่น รถยนต์ไร้คนขับ, ระบบจัดการพลังงานในบ้าน, หรือแม้แต่ระบบการเงินส่วนบุคคล ### 3. **การควบคุมผ่านการสื่อสาร (Communication Control)** - **แชทบอทและผู้ช่วยเสมือน:** AI สามารถใช้ในการสื่อสารกับมนุษย์ผ่านแชทบอทหรือผู้ช่วยเสมือน ซึ่งอาจถูกใช้เพื่อโน้มน้าวหรือชี้นำความคิดเห็นของผู้ใช้ - **Deepfake และการปลอมแปลงข้อมูล:** AI สามารถสร้างเนื้อหาปลอม เช่น วิดีโอหรือเสียง ที่ดูเหมือนจริง เพื่อโน้มน้าวหรือหลอกลวงผู้คน ### 4. **การควบคุมผ่านการเฝ้าระวัง (Surveillance Control)** - **การเฝ้าระวังด้วยกล้อง:** AI สามารถใช้ในการวิเคราะห์ภาพจากกล้องวงจรปิดเพื่อติดตามพฤติกรรมของบุคคล - **การวิเคราะห์เสียง:** AI สามารถวิเคราะห์เสียงเพื่อตรวจจับอารมณ์หรือความตั้งใจของบุคคล ### 5. **การควบคุมผ่านการชี้นำทางสังคม (Social Influence Control)** - **โซเชียลมีเดีย:** AI สามารถใช้ในการวิเคราะห์และชี้นำกระแสสังคมบนโซเชียลมีเดีย เพื่อสร้างความนิยมหรือลดทอนความน่าเชื่อถือของข้อมูลบางอย่าง - **การสร้างเนื้อหา:** AI สามารถสร้างเนื้อหาที่มีอิทธิพลต่อความคิดเห็นของสาธารณชน เช่น ข่าวปลอมหรือบทความโน้มน้าวใจ ### 6. **การควบคุมผ่านระบบกฎหมายและกฎระเบียบ (Legal and Regulatory Control)** - **การบังคับใช้กฎหมาย:** AI สามารถใช้ในการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลเพื่อบังคับใช้กฎหมาย เช่น การตรวจจับการทุจริตหรือการละเมิดกฎหมาย - **การตัดสินใจทางกฎหมาย:** AI อาจถูกใช้ในการช่วยตัดสินใจทางกฎหมาย เช่น การพิจารณาคดีหรือการให้คำแนะนำทางกฎหมาย ### 7. **การควบคุมผ่านการชี้นำทางจิตวิทยา (Psychological Influence Control)** - **การวิเคราะห์อารมณ์:** AI สามารถวิเคราะห์อารมณ์ของบุคคลผ่านการวิเคราะห์ข้อความ, เสียง, หรือภาพ เพื่อชี้นำหรือโน้มน้าวใจ - **การบำบัดด้วย AI:** AI สามารถใช้ในการบำบัดทางจิตวิทยา ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อความคิดและพฤติกรรมของผู้ป่วย ### 8. **การควบคุมผ่านระบบการศึกษา (Educational Control)** - **ระบบการเรียนรู้แบบปรับตัว:** AI สามารถปรับเนื้อหาการเรียนรู้ให้เหมาะกับแต่ละบุคคล ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อความรู้และทักษะที่ผู้เรียนได้รับ - **การประเมินผล:** AI สามารถใช้ในการประเมินผลการเรียนรู้และให้คำแนะนำเพื่อปรับปรุงประสิทธิภาพ ### 9. **การควบคุมผ่านระบบสุขภาพ (Health Control)** - **การวินิจฉัยโรค:** AI สามารถใช้ในการวินิจฉัยโรคและแนะนำการรักษา ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อสุขภาพและความเป็นอยู่ของบุคคล - **การติดตามสุขภาพ:** AI สามารถติดตามสุขภาพของบุคคลผ่านอุปกรณ์ wearable devices และให้คำแนะนำเพื่อปรับปรุงสุขภาพ ### 10. **การควบคุมผ่านระบบการเงิน (Financial Control)** - **การวิเคราะห์การเงิน:** AI สามารถวิเคราะห์พฤติกรรมการใช้เงินและให้คำแนะนำทางการเงิน ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อการตัดสินใจทางการเงินของบุคคล - **การจัดการพอร์ตโฟลิโอ:** AI สามารถใช้ในการจัดการพอร์ตโฟลิโอการลงทุน ซึ่งอาจส่งผลต่อความมั่งคั่งของบุคคล ### จริยธรรมและความเสี่ยง การควบคุมมนุษย์ด้วย AI มีความเสี่ยงทางจริยธรรมมากมาย เช่น การละเมิดความเป็นส่วนตัว, การบังคับใช้อำนาจ, และการสร้างความไม่เท่าเทียมกันในสังคม ดังนั้น การออกแบบและใช้งาน AI ควรคำนึงถึงหลักจริยธรรมและกฎหมายเพื่อป้องกันการใช้งานในทางที่ผิด ### สรุป AI มีศักยภาพในการควบคุมมนุษย์ผ่านหลายช่องทาง ทั้งทางตรงและทางอ้อม การใช้งาน AI ควรคำนึงถึงผลกระทบทางสังคมและจริยธรรม เพื่อให้เกิดประโยชน์สูงสุดและลดความเสี่ยงต่อมนุษย์และสังคม
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 25 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • เหรียญ 5 พยัคฆ์สยบไพรี เนื้อสัตตะโลหะ หน้ากากเงิน ลงยา หลวงพ่อไฉน ปี 2564
    วัดสังฆปรีดี จ.ขอนแก่น

    สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ

    Invulnerable Thai amulet Buddha talisman Headless 5 Tigers Pra AJ LP Chanai.

    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta.


    1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception.

    2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price.

    3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded:

    3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic,

    3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation,

    Other reasons can not be returned and refunded.


    Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple.

    Authentic original Thai antique Buddha amulet pendant Headless 5 Tigers defeat the forest Pra AJ LP Chanai Sang Ka Pree Dee temple Khon Kaen province of Thailand Year 2021 Siamese talisman with original box and serial code from temple

    The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection:

    - Avoidance and Safety, Invulnerable, Power and Prestige

    - Lucky, Recovery, Occupation and Work

    - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens

    - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened

    - Quickly recover from the unforeseen (bad things), be an eternal life

    This Thai amulet collection, Headless 5 Tigers Defeat the Forest (Pa Yak Sa Yob Pi Ree), was created and distributed by Sang Ka Pree Dee temple, Khon Kaen province of Thailand, in 2021.

    The sixth tiger: the tiger defeats the forest (Pa Yak Sa Yob Pi Ree), is displayed on the front of the amulet coin.
    The first major mystic symbols (Yant) and the second major Yant are displayed on the upper of the tiger and in front of the tiger, respectively.
    The name of LP Chanai is displayed on the bottom of the tiger.

    The other major Yant is displayed on the back of the amulet coin at the center.
    The first tiger: the chained tiger, is displayed on the top of the major Yant.
    The third tiger: the tiger without a tail, is displayed on the bottom of the major Yant.
    The fifth tiger: the tiger daunts the forest, is displayed on the left-hand side of the major Yant.
    The sixth tiger: the tiger that hunts the victim or the eternal life tiger, is displayed on the right-hand side of the major Yant.

    Yantra tattooing with the headless tiger series is the identity-powerful of LP Chanai.
    There are more than 7 headless tigers in the tattooing series, but only the first headless tiger to the seventh headless tiger are allowed to tattoo for an individual disciple with the consideration of LP Chanai.

    LP Chanai is a famous monk in the northeastern part of Thailand and is the abbot of Sang Ka Pree Dee temple, Khon Kaen province.
    LP Chanai directly consecrated this amulet collection for the special event of the temple in 2021.
    In Thai culture, when Buddhists merit at the temple for special events, e.g., the ceremony of offering robes to Buddhist priests at a monastery, the temple returns the memorable thing for the Buddhists, e.g., the Buddha image, the Buddha amulet, or talisman.

    With the strong consecration of LP Chanai, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person hanging Headless 5 Tigers Defeat the Forest (Pa Yak Sa Yob Pi Ree) by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Chanai.

    Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like Yin Yang Headless Tiger (Pa Ya Saming Yang Ton) of LP Chanai will remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important).

    Product specifications:

    - Model: Model 2021

    - Main materials: Sat-Ta-Lo-Ha (Mixed 7 metals)

    - Color (Front): Tiger stripe enameled (Orange and black)

    - Color (Back): Gold/Yellow/Brown

    - Size: Approximately 3.3 cm X 4.2 cm.

    - Created year: 2021

    - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Packaging: Original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below)

    Facts about Thai amulet:

    1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power.

    2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person.

    3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity.

    4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing.

    5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power.

    6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time.

    Packaging / Parcel:

    - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand

    - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied

    - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any)

    - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination)

    Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully):

    1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded.

    2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it.

    3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object:

    - Plastic seal of amulet

    - Soft or hard frame of amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet

    - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet

    4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box.

    5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded.

    6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason.

    7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand).

    8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer.

    9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full.

    Contact channel:

    - Thaitimes chat/message

    - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly

    - Response within 24 to 48 hours

    Message from the seller:

    Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship.
    Every review is appreciated.

    If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible.
    I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale.

    Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Chanai.
    We are the disciple of LP Chanai Chan-Ta-Sa-Ro, congratulations :-)
    เหรียญ 5 พยัคฆ์สยบไพรี เนื้อสัตตะโลหะ หน้ากากเงิน ลงยา หลวงพ่อไฉน ปี 2564 วัดสังฆปรีดี จ.ขอนแก่น สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ Invulnerable Thai amulet Buddha talisman Headless 5 Tigers Pra AJ LP Chanai. Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta. IMPORTANT NOTE: 1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception. 2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price. 3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded: 3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic, 3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation, Other reasons can not be returned and refunded. Conditions: Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple. Authentic original Thai antique Buddha amulet pendant Headless 5 Tigers defeat the forest Pra AJ LP Chanai Sang Ka Pree Dee temple Khon Kaen province of Thailand Year 2021 Siamese talisman with original box and serial code from temple The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection: - Avoidance and Safety, Invulnerable, Power and Prestige - Lucky, Recovery, Occupation and Work - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened - Quickly recover from the unforeseen (bad things), be an eternal life This Thai amulet collection, Headless 5 Tigers Defeat the Forest (Pa Yak Sa Yob Pi Ree), was created and distributed by Sang Ka Pree Dee temple, Khon Kaen province of Thailand, in 2021. The sixth tiger: the tiger defeats the forest (Pa Yak Sa Yob Pi Ree), is displayed on the front of the amulet coin. The first major mystic symbols (Yant) and the second major Yant are displayed on the upper of the tiger and in front of the tiger, respectively. The name of LP Chanai is displayed on the bottom of the tiger. The other major Yant is displayed on the back of the amulet coin at the center. The first tiger: the chained tiger, is displayed on the top of the major Yant. The third tiger: the tiger without a tail, is displayed on the bottom of the major Yant. The fifth tiger: the tiger daunts the forest, is displayed on the left-hand side of the major Yant. The sixth tiger: the tiger that hunts the victim or the eternal life tiger, is displayed on the right-hand side of the major Yant. Yantra tattooing with the headless tiger series is the identity-powerful of LP Chanai. There are more than 7 headless tigers in the tattooing series, but only the first headless tiger to the seventh headless tiger are allowed to tattoo for an individual disciple with the consideration of LP Chanai. LP Chanai is a famous monk in the northeastern part of Thailand and is the abbot of Sang Ka Pree Dee temple, Khon Kaen province. LP Chanai directly consecrated this amulet collection for the special event of the temple in 2021. In Thai culture, when Buddhists merit at the temple for special events, e.g., the ceremony of offering robes to Buddhist priests at a monastery, the temple returns the memorable thing for the Buddhists, e.g., the Buddha image, the Buddha amulet, or talisman. With the strong consecration of LP Chanai, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person hanging Headless 5 Tigers Defeat the Forest (Pa Yak Sa Yob Pi Ree) by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Chanai. Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like Yin Yang Headless Tiger (Pa Ya Saming Yang Ton) of LP Chanai will remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important). Product specifications: - Model: Model 2021 - Main materials: Sat-Ta-Lo-Ha (Mixed 7 metals) - Color (Front): Tiger stripe enameled (Orange and black) - Color (Back): Gold/Yellow/Brown - Size: Approximately 3.3 cm X 4.2 cm. - Created year: 2021 - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Packaging: Original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below) Facts about Thai amulet: 1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power. 2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person. 3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity. 4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing. 5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power. 6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time. Packaging / Parcel: - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any) - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination) Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully): 1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded. 2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it. 3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object: - Plastic seal of amulet - Soft or hard frame of amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet 4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box. 5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded. 6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason. 7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand). 8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer. 9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full. Contact channel: - Thaitimes chat/message - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly - Response within 24 to 48 hours Message from the seller: Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship. Every review is appreciated. If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible. I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale. Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Chanai. We are the disciple of LP Chanai Chan-Ta-Sa-Ro, congratulations :-)
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 84 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • เหรียญพญาสมิงยางตัน เนื้อนวะ ลงยา หลวงพ่อไฉน ปี 2566
    วัดสังฆปรีดี จ.ขอนแก่น

    สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ

    Invulnerable Thai amulet Buddha talisman 2 Headless Tigers Pra AJ LP Chanai.

    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta.


    1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception.

    2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price.

    3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded:

    3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic,

    3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation,

    Other reasons can not be returned and refunded.


    Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple.


    Authentic original Thai antique Buddha amulet pendant Yin Yang 2 Headless Tigers (Pa Ya Saming Yang Ton) Pra AJ LP Chanai Sang Ka Pree Dee temple Khon Kaen province of Thailand Year 2023 Siamese talisman with serial code from temple

    The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection:

    - Avoidance and Safety, Invulnerable, Power and Prestige

    - Lucky, Recovery, Occupation and Work

    - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens

    - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened

    - Quickly recover from the unforeseen (bad things), be an eternal life

    This Thai amulet collection, 2 Headless Tigers (Pa Ya Saming Yang Ton), was created and distributed by Sang Ka Pree Dee temple, Khon Kaen province of Thailand, in 2023.

    Yin Yang is the picture of 2 tigers appearing as a circle of Yin Yang on the front of the amulet coin.

    The two tigers include the fifth tiger and the sixth tiger from the headless tiger yantra tattooing (magical tattoo) series of LP Chanai.

    The fifth tiger is called Suea Kam Rab Pa (Tiger daunts the forest).

    The sixth tiger is called Suea La Yuea (Tiger hunts the victim or the eternal life tiger).

    The two tigers above represent the proactive and aggressive tigers and are ready to fight.

    "Pa Ya Saming Yang Ton" is the Thai name of this amulet collection which can be described separately as:

    Pa Ya = very big or head of the group

    Saming = tiger or human transform to a tiger by spell

    Yang Ton = The name of the mystic symbol looks like the rattan ball having extreme power for danger protection. Because the shape of the Yang Ton is similar to the rattan ball, Thai disciples of LP Chania mostly call it "Yan Ta Kro". It is a a sign of the prevention and protection.

    The Yang Ton appears on the back of this amulet coin collection.

    There are 3 Ta-Krut, including copper alloy, silver, and gold, displayed on the back of the amulet coin from left to right, respectively.

    The copper alloy consists of 3 components: gold, silver, and copper.

    The Ta-Krut is a Thai talisman with hollow brass, lead, or silver cylinders containing small, tightly rolled, tiny cloth marked with cabalistic designs, symbols, and letterings.
    These are strung on a small cord and worn around the waist or as necklaces or armlets. They are believed to protect the wearer against injury from all weapons.

    Yantra tattooing with the headless tiger series is the identity-powerful of LP Chanai.

    There are more than 7 headless tigers in the tattooing series, but only the first headless tiger to the seventh headless tiger are allowed to tattoo for an individual disciple with the consideration of LP Chanai.

    LP Chanai Chan-Ta-Sa-Ro is a famous monk in the northeastern part of Thailand and is the abbot of Sang Ka Pree Dee temple, Khon Kaen province.

    LP Chanai directly consecrated this amulet collection in the new sacred chapel for the ceremony of offering robes to Buddhist priests at a monastery in 2023.

    In Thai culture, when Buddhists merit at the temple for special events, the temple returns the memorable thing for the Buddhists, e.g., the Buddha image, the Buddha amulet, or talisman.

    With the strong consecration of LP Chanai, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person hanging 2 Headless Tigers (Pa Ya Saming Yang Ton) by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Chanai.

    Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like 2 Headless Tigers (Pa Ya Saming Yang Ton) of LP Chanai will remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important).

    Product specifications:

    - Model: Model 2 (Yang Ton generation 2)

    - Main materials: Nawa-Loha (9 metals)

    - Color (Front): Multi-color enameled (e.g. red, blue, green, yellow), The sixth tiger is white, the fifth tiger is black

    - Color (Back): Brown with the striped color of Ta-krut: copper alloy, silver, and gold

    - Diameter size: Approximately 3.00 cm.

    - Created year: 2023

    - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Packaging: New hard plastic laser frame (waterproof) with original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below)

    Facts about Thai amulet:

    1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power.

    2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person.

    3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity.

    4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing.

    5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power.

    6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time.

    Packaging / Parcel:

    - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand

    - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied

    - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any)

    - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination)

    Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully):

    1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded.

    2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it.

    3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object:

    - Plastic seal of amulet

    - Soft or hard frame of amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet

    - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet

    4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box.

    5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded.

    6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason.

    7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand).

    8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer.

    9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full.

    Contact channel:

    - Thaitimes chat/message

    - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly

    - Response within 24 to 48 hours

    Message from the seller:

    Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship.
    Every review is appreciated.

    If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible.
    I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale.

    Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Chanai.
    We are the disciple of LP Chanai Chan-Ta-Sa-Ro, congratulations :-)
    เหรียญพญาสมิงยางตัน เนื้อนวะ ลงยา หลวงพ่อไฉน ปี 2566 วัดสังฆปรีดี จ.ขอนแก่น สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ Invulnerable Thai amulet Buddha talisman 2 Headless Tigers Pra AJ LP Chanai. Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta. IMPORTANT NOTE: 1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception. 2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price. 3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded: 3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic, 3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation, Other reasons can not be returned and refunded. Conditions: Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple. Description: Authentic original Thai antique Buddha amulet pendant Yin Yang 2 Headless Tigers (Pa Ya Saming Yang Ton) Pra AJ LP Chanai Sang Ka Pree Dee temple Khon Kaen province of Thailand Year 2023 Siamese talisman with serial code from temple The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection: - Avoidance and Safety, Invulnerable, Power and Prestige - Lucky, Recovery, Occupation and Work - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened - Quickly recover from the unforeseen (bad things), be an eternal life This Thai amulet collection, 2 Headless Tigers (Pa Ya Saming Yang Ton), was created and distributed by Sang Ka Pree Dee temple, Khon Kaen province of Thailand, in 2023. Yin Yang is the picture of 2 tigers appearing as a circle of Yin Yang on the front of the amulet coin. The two tigers include the fifth tiger and the sixth tiger from the headless tiger yantra tattooing (magical tattoo) series of LP Chanai. The fifth tiger is called Suea Kam Rab Pa (Tiger daunts the forest). The sixth tiger is called Suea La Yuea (Tiger hunts the victim or the eternal life tiger). The two tigers above represent the proactive and aggressive tigers and are ready to fight. "Pa Ya Saming Yang Ton" is the Thai name of this amulet collection which can be described separately as: Pa Ya = very big or head of the group Saming = tiger or human transform to a tiger by spell Yang Ton = The name of the mystic symbol looks like the rattan ball having extreme power for danger protection. Because the shape of the Yang Ton is similar to the rattan ball, Thai disciples of LP Chania mostly call it "Yan Ta Kro". It is a a sign of the prevention and protection. The Yang Ton appears on the back of this amulet coin collection. There are 3 Ta-Krut, including copper alloy, silver, and gold, displayed on the back of the amulet coin from left to right, respectively. The copper alloy consists of 3 components: gold, silver, and copper. The Ta-Krut is a Thai talisman with hollow brass, lead, or silver cylinders containing small, tightly rolled, tiny cloth marked with cabalistic designs, symbols, and letterings. These are strung on a small cord and worn around the waist or as necklaces or armlets. They are believed to protect the wearer against injury from all weapons. Yantra tattooing with the headless tiger series is the identity-powerful of LP Chanai. There are more than 7 headless tigers in the tattooing series, but only the first headless tiger to the seventh headless tiger are allowed to tattoo for an individual disciple with the consideration of LP Chanai. LP Chanai Chan-Ta-Sa-Ro is a famous monk in the northeastern part of Thailand and is the abbot of Sang Ka Pree Dee temple, Khon Kaen province. LP Chanai directly consecrated this amulet collection in the new sacred chapel for the ceremony of offering robes to Buddhist priests at a monastery in 2023. In Thai culture, when Buddhists merit at the temple for special events, the temple returns the memorable thing for the Buddhists, e.g., the Buddha image, the Buddha amulet, or talisman. With the strong consecration of LP Chanai, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person hanging 2 Headless Tigers (Pa Ya Saming Yang Ton) by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Chanai. Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like 2 Headless Tigers (Pa Ya Saming Yang Ton) of LP Chanai will remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important). Product specifications: - Model: Model 2 (Yang Ton generation 2) - Main materials: Nawa-Loha (9 metals) - Color (Front): Multi-color enameled (e.g. red, blue, green, yellow), The sixth tiger is white, the fifth tiger is black - Color (Back): Brown with the striped color of Ta-krut: copper alloy, silver, and gold - Diameter size: Approximately 3.00 cm. - Created year: 2023 - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Packaging: New hard plastic laser frame (waterproof) with original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below) Facts about Thai amulet: 1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power. 2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person. 3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity. 4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing. 5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power. 6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time. Packaging / Parcel: - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any) - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination) Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully): 1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded. 2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it. 3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object: - Plastic seal of amulet - Soft or hard frame of amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet 4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box. 5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded. 6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason. 7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand). 8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer. 9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full. Contact channel: - Thaitimes chat/message - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly - Response within 24 to 48 hours Message from the seller: Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship. Every review is appreciated. If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible. I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale. Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Chanai. We are the disciple of LP Chanai Chan-Ta-Sa-Ro, congratulations :-)
    0 ความคิดเห็น 1 การแบ่งปัน 110 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • โทรศัพท์มือถือหลักฐานเด็ดไขคดี "แตงโม" ตกเรือ? : คนเคาะข่าว Special 06-02-68
    : คุณซาคาเนียน ราชา ไฮเดอร์ หรือ บังแจ็ค
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    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 94 มุมมอง 15 0 รีวิว
  • Look@Me ดูแลผิวง่ายๆแต่ปัง!!
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    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 246 มุมมอง 1 0 รีวิว
  • บริษัท Moore Threads ซึ่งเป็นบริษัทผลิตการ์ดกราฟิกในจีน ได้ประสบความสำเร็จในการใช้โมเดล AI Opensource ของ DeepSeek บนการ์ดกราฟิก MTT S80 และ MTT S4000 ของพวกเขา โมเดลที่ใช้คือ DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Qwen-7B ซึ่งเป็นโมเดลที่ใช้สำหรับการทำนายข้อมูล ในครั้งนี้พวกเขาใช้เฟรมเวิร์ก Ollama เพื่อช่วยให้การคำนวณข้อมูลบนเครื่องทำได้โดยตรง โดยไม่ต้องพึ่งพาบริการคลาวด์

    สิ่งที่น่าสนใจคือ DeepSeek เป็นโมเดล AI Opensource ที่สามารถรันได้บนฮาร์ดแวร์ที่มีราคาถูก เช่น Raspberry Pi ทำให้สามารถใช้งานได้หลากหลายและไม่ต้องลงทุนสูง นอกจากนี้ การ์ดกราฟิกของ Moore Threads ยังสามารถใช้งานร่วมกับโค้ดที่คอมไพล์สำหรับ GPU ของ Nvidia ได้ ด้วยการปรับแต่งเฉพาะทางและการจัดการหน่วยความจำที่ดีขึ้น ทำให้การทำนายข้อมูลทำได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ

    ถึงแม้ว่าข่าวนี้จะกล่าวถึงประสิทธิภาพที่ดีมากของการ์ดกราฟิกของ Moore Threads แต่ยังไม่มีการเผยแพร่ตัวเลขประสิทธิภาพที่ชัดเจน นอกจากนี้ การ์ดกราฟิก MTT S80 ยังแทบจะหาไม่ได้ในตลาดนอกประเทศจีน ทำให้ไม่สามารถตรวจสอบได้

    การพัฒนานี้เป็นการเพิ่มโอกาสให้จีนลดการพึ่งพาฮาร์ดแวร์จาก Nvidia และเปิดประตูสู่การพัฒนาเทคโนโลยี AI ในภาษาจีนมากขึ้น

    บริษัท Moore Threads ซึ่งเป็นบริษัทผลิตการ์ดกราฟิกในจีน ได้ประสบความสำเร็จในการใช้โมเดล AI Opensource ของ DeepSeek บนการ์ดกราฟิก MTT S80 และ MTT S4000 ของพวกเขา โมเดลที่ใช้คือ DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Qwen-7B ซึ่งเป็นโมเดลที่ใช้สำหรับการทำนายข้อมูล ในครั้งนี้พวกเขาใช้เฟรมเวิร์ก Ollama เพื่อช่วยให้การคำนวณข้อมูลบนเครื่องทำได้โดยตรง โดยไม่ต้องพึ่งพาบริการคลาวด์ สิ่งที่น่าสนใจคือ DeepSeek เป็นโมเดล AI Opensource ที่สามารถรันได้บนฮาร์ดแวร์ที่มีราคาถูก เช่น Raspberry Pi ทำให้สามารถใช้งานได้หลากหลายและไม่ต้องลงทุนสูง นอกจากนี้ การ์ดกราฟิกของ Moore Threads ยังสามารถใช้งานร่วมกับโค้ดที่คอมไพล์สำหรับ GPU ของ Nvidia ได้ ด้วยการปรับแต่งเฉพาะทางและการจัดการหน่วยความจำที่ดีขึ้น ทำให้การทำนายข้อมูลทำได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ ถึงแม้ว่าข่าวนี้จะกล่าวถึงประสิทธิภาพที่ดีมากของการ์ดกราฟิกของ Moore Threads แต่ยังไม่มีการเผยแพร่ตัวเลขประสิทธิภาพที่ชัดเจน นอกจากนี้ การ์ดกราฟิก MTT S80 ยังแทบจะหาไม่ได้ในตลาดนอกประเทศจีน ทำให้ไม่สามารถตรวจสอบได้ การพัฒนานี้เป็นการเพิ่มโอกาสให้จีนลดการพึ่งพาฮาร์ดแวร์จาก Nvidia และเปิดประตูสู่การพัฒนาเทคโนโลยี AI ในภาษาจีนมากขึ้น https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/artificial-intelligence/moore-threads-gpus-allegedly-show-excellent-inference-performance-with-deepseek-models
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 67 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • Stay Protected in Thailand with the Right Health Insurance! ⛑️🇹🇭

    Living in Thailand is an amazing experience, but unexpected health issues can disrupt your plans. Don't leave your well-being to chance—

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    Stay Protected in Thailand with the Right Health Insurance! ⛑️🇹🇭 Living in Thailand is an amazing experience, but unexpected health issues can disrupt your plans. Don't leave your well-being to chance— Get comprehensive health insurance that ensures peace of mind and hassle-free medical care. ✅ **Coverage for medical emergencies & hospital stays** ✅ **Outpatient & specialist treatments** ✅ **Access to top hospitals & clinics in Thailand** ✅ **Cashless claims & fast support** Whether you're an expat, digital nomad, or retiree, we have plans tailored just for you. 📊 🌟 Let us help you stay safe and enjoy your life in Thailand worry-free! 📩 Contact us today for a free consultation! 🌐 FB Page: Fiamony 💬 Line ID: @fiamony 💬 Chat now: https://lin.ee/m0AGZsf 🎙️ TikTok: Fiamony , (live 1 PM. Mon-Fri) #fiamony | #AllianzAyudhya | #healthinsurance #Healthcare | #ExpatLiving | #expats #hellothailand | #stayhealthy | #insurance
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  • รูปเหมือนปั๊ม รุ่นแรก หลวงพ่อไฉน ปี 2565
    วัดสังฆปรีดี จ.ขอนแก่น

    สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ

    Invulnerable Safe Thai amulet Buddha talisman Pumped Statue of LP AJ Chanai.

    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta.


    1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception.

    2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price.

    3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded:

    3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic,

    3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation,

    Other reasons can not be returned and refunded.


    Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple.


    Authentic original Thai antique Buddha amulet pendant Pumped Statue of LP Chanai Pra AJ LP Chanai Sang Ka Pree Dee temple Khon Kaen province of Thailand Year 2022 Siamese talisman with serial code from temple

    The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection:

    - Avoidance and Safety, Invulnerable, Power and Prestige

    - Lucky

    - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens

    - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened

    This Thai amulet collection, Pumped Statue of LP Chanai, was created and distributed by Sang Ka Pree Dee temple, Khon Kaen province of Thailand, in 2022.

    Yantra tattooing with the headless tiger series is the identity-powerful of LP Chanai.
    There are more than 7 headless tigers in the tattooing series, but only the first headless tiger to the seventh headless tiger are allowed to tattoo for an individual disciple with the consideration of LP Chanai.

    LP Chanai is a famous monk in the northeastern part of Thailand and is the abbot of Sang Ka Pree Dee temple, Khon Kaen province.
    LP Chanai directly consecrated this amulet collection for the special event of the temple in 2022.
    In Thai culture, when Buddhists merit at the temple for special events, e.g., the ceremony of offering robes to Buddhist priests at a monastery, the temple returns the memorable thing for the Buddhists, e.g., the Buddha image, the Buddha amulet, or talisman.

    With the strong consecration of LP Chanai, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person hanging Pumped Statue of LP Chanai by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Chanai.

    Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like Pumped Statue of LP Chanai will remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important).

    Product specifications:

    - Model: Pumped Statue Model 1 (First generation of Pumped Statue)

    - Main materials: Bullet casing

    - Color (Front): Gold/Yellow

    - Color (Back): Gold/Yellow

    - Size: Approximately 3.4 cm X 5.5 cm. (with hard plastic laser frame)

    - Created year: 2022

    - Serial code: original code from the temple (as show in the pictures)

    - Packaging: New hard plastic laser frame with waterproof. There is no original box from the temple, the temple is not provide the box for bullet casing amulet coin except plastic seal

    - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below)

    Facts about Thai amulet:

    1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power.

    2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person.

    3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity.

    4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing.

    5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power.

    6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time.

    Packaging / Parcel:

    - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand

    - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied

    - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any)

    - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination)

    Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully):

    1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded.

    2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it.

    3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object:

    - Plastic seal of amulet

    - Soft or hard frame of amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet

    - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet

    4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box.

    5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded.

    6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason.

    7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand).

    8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer.

    9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full.

    Contact channel:

    - Thaitimes chat/message

    - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly

    - Response within 24 to 48 hours

    Message from the seller:

    Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship.
    Every review is appreciated.

    If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible.
    I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale.

    Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Chanai.
    We are the disciple of LP Chanai Chan-Ta-Sa-Ro, congratulations :-)
    รูปเหมือนปั๊ม รุ่นแรก หลวงพ่อไฉน ปี 2565 วัดสังฆปรีดี จ.ขอนแก่น สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ Invulnerable Safe Thai amulet Buddha talisman Pumped Statue of LP AJ Chanai. Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta. IMPORTANT NOTE: 1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception. 2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price. 3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded: 3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic, 3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation, Other reasons can not be returned and refunded. Conditions: Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple. Description: Authentic original Thai antique Buddha amulet pendant Pumped Statue of LP Chanai Pra AJ LP Chanai Sang Ka Pree Dee temple Khon Kaen province of Thailand Year 2022 Siamese talisman with serial code from temple The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection: - Avoidance and Safety, Invulnerable, Power and Prestige - Lucky - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened This Thai amulet collection, Pumped Statue of LP Chanai, was created and distributed by Sang Ka Pree Dee temple, Khon Kaen province of Thailand, in 2022. Yantra tattooing with the headless tiger series is the identity-powerful of LP Chanai. There are more than 7 headless tigers in the tattooing series, but only the first headless tiger to the seventh headless tiger are allowed to tattoo for an individual disciple with the consideration of LP Chanai. LP Chanai is a famous monk in the northeastern part of Thailand and is the abbot of Sang Ka Pree Dee temple, Khon Kaen province. LP Chanai directly consecrated this amulet collection for the special event of the temple in 2022. In Thai culture, when Buddhists merit at the temple for special events, e.g., the ceremony of offering robes to Buddhist priests at a monastery, the temple returns the memorable thing for the Buddhists, e.g., the Buddha image, the Buddha amulet, or talisman. With the strong consecration of LP Chanai, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person hanging Pumped Statue of LP Chanai by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Chanai. Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like Pumped Statue of LP Chanai will remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important). Product specifications: - Model: Pumped Statue Model 1 (First generation of Pumped Statue) - Main materials: Bullet casing - Color (Front): Gold/Yellow - Color (Back): Gold/Yellow - Size: Approximately 3.4 cm X 5.5 cm. (with hard plastic laser frame) - Created year: 2022 - Serial code: original code from the temple (as show in the pictures) - Packaging: New hard plastic laser frame with waterproof. There is no original box from the temple, the temple is not provide the box for bullet casing amulet coin except plastic seal - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below) Facts about Thai amulet: 1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power. 2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person. 3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity. 4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing. 5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power. 6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time. Packaging / Parcel: - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any) - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination) Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully): 1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded. 2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it. 3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object: - Plastic seal of amulet - Soft or hard frame of amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet 4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box. 5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded. 6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason. 7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand). 8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer. 9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full. Contact channel: - Thaitimes chat/message - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly - Response within 24 to 48 hours Message from the seller: Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship. Every review is appreciated. If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible. I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale. Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Chanai. We are the disciple of LP Chanai Chan-Ta-Sa-Ro, congratulations :-)
    0 ความคิดเห็น 1 การแบ่งปัน 116 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • ท้าวเวสสุวรรณ เนื้อชุบเงินพ่นทรายขัดเงา หน้ากากชุบ 3K ลงยาแดง ปี 2564
    หลวงพ่อช้าง วัดจุกเฌอ จ.ฉะเชิงเทรา

    สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ

    Preventive Thai amulet Buddha talisman Wessuwan Coin Vessavana AJ LP Chang.

    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta.


    1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception.

    2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price.

    3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded:

    3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic,

    3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation,

    Other reasons can not be returned and refunded.


    Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple.


    Authentic original famous Thai antique Buddha amulet pendant Wessuwan (Vessavana) Amulet Coin Pra AJ LP Chang Wat Chuk Chue Temple Chachoengsao (Cha-choeng-sao) province of Thailand Year 2021 Siamese talisman with serial code from temple

    The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection:

    - Avoidance and Safety, Richness, Anti evil spirits and black magic

    - Lucky

    - Prevent and protect the wearer from evil spirits and black magic

    - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens

    - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened

    This Thai amulet collection, Wessuwan (Vessavana) Amulet Coin, was created and distributed by Wat Chuk Chue Temple, Chachoengsao (Cha-choeng-sao) province of Thailand, in 2021.

    LP Chang Te-Cha-Pan-Yo is a famous monk from Wat Chuk Chue temple, Chachoengsao (Cha-choeng-sao) province, the eastern part of Thailand.
    LP Chang is an abbot of Wat Chuk Chue temple.

    LP Chang directly consecrated this amulet collection on the occasion of present robes to monks at the end of Buddhist Lent at Chuk Chue Temple in 2021.

    Wessuwan (Vessavana) is a god of giants and one of four divinities of heaven level 1 (Ja-Tu-Maha-Ra-Chi-Ka) in Buddhism.
    He is the head of the level 1 heaven in the northern part.
    He has one of Buddhism's five most powerful weapons, the bludgeon of Wessuwan.
    He is a load of spiritual who controls the ghost and hungry ghost.

    "Wessuwan" has a meaning that refers to a gold merchant, which has richness and prosperity.

    With the strong consecration of LP Chang, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person wearing Wessuwan (Vessavana) Coin by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Chang.

    Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like Wessuwan (Vessavana) Coin of LP Chang can remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important).

    Product specifications:

    - Model: Model 2021 (Kathin 2021)

    - Main materials: Copper

    - Color (Front):

    Coin: Plated with silver and red enamel, yellow at the top and bottom, with a green frame

    Wessuwan image on the coin: Plated with gold, silver, copper alloy

    - Color (Back): Plated with silver

    - Size: Approximately 3.7 cm X 6.7 cm (with frame)

    - Created year: 2021

    - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Packaging: New laser frame (waterproof) with original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Authentication: 100% original real, and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below)

    Facts about Thai amulet:

    1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power.

    2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person.

    3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity.

    4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing.

    5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power.

    6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time.

    Packaging / Parcel:

    - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand

    - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied

    - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any)

    - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination)

    Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully):

    1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded.

    2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object are not allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it.

    3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object:

    - Plastic seal of amulet

    - Soft or hard frame of amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet

    - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet

    4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box.

    5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded.

    6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason.

    7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand).

    8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer.

    9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full.

    Contact channel:

    - Thaitimes chat/message

    - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly

    - Response within 24 to 48 hours

    Message from the seller:

    Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship.
    Every review is appreciated.

    If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible.
    I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale.

    Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Chang.
    We are the disciple of LP Chang Te-Cha-Pan-Yo, congratulations :-)
    ท้าวเวสสุวรรณ เนื้อชุบเงินพ่นทรายขัดเงา หน้ากากชุบ 3K ลงยาแดง ปี 2564 หลวงพ่อช้าง วัดจุกเฌอ จ.ฉะเชิงเทรา สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ Preventive Thai amulet Buddha talisman Wessuwan Coin Vessavana AJ LP Chang. Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta. IMPORTANT NOTE: 1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception. 2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price. 3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded: 3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic, 3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation, Other reasons can not be returned and refunded. Conditions: Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple. Description: Authentic original famous Thai antique Buddha amulet pendant Wessuwan (Vessavana) Amulet Coin Pra AJ LP Chang Wat Chuk Chue Temple Chachoengsao (Cha-choeng-sao) province of Thailand Year 2021 Siamese talisman with serial code from temple The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection: - Avoidance and Safety, Richness, Anti evil spirits and black magic - Lucky - Prevent and protect the wearer from evil spirits and black magic - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened This Thai amulet collection, Wessuwan (Vessavana) Amulet Coin, was created and distributed by Wat Chuk Chue Temple, Chachoengsao (Cha-choeng-sao) province of Thailand, in 2021. LP Chang Te-Cha-Pan-Yo is a famous monk from Wat Chuk Chue temple, Chachoengsao (Cha-choeng-sao) province, the eastern part of Thailand. LP Chang is an abbot of Wat Chuk Chue temple. LP Chang directly consecrated this amulet collection on the occasion of present robes to monks at the end of Buddhist Lent at Chuk Chue Temple in 2021. Wessuwan (Vessavana) is a god of giants and one of four divinities of heaven level 1 (Ja-Tu-Maha-Ra-Chi-Ka) in Buddhism. He is the head of the level 1 heaven in the northern part. He has one of Buddhism's five most powerful weapons, the bludgeon of Wessuwan. He is a load of spiritual who controls the ghost and hungry ghost. "Wessuwan" has a meaning that refers to a gold merchant, which has richness and prosperity. With the strong consecration of LP Chang, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person wearing Wessuwan (Vessavana) Coin by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Chang. Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like Wessuwan (Vessavana) Coin of LP Chang can remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important). Product specifications: - Model: Model 2021 (Kathin 2021) - Main materials: Copper - Color (Front): Coin: Plated with silver and red enamel, yellow at the top and bottom, with a green frame Wessuwan image on the coin: Plated with gold, silver, copper alloy - Color (Back): Plated with silver - Size: Approximately 3.7 cm X 6.7 cm (with frame) - Created year: 2021 - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Packaging: New laser frame (waterproof) with original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Authentication: 100% original real, and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below) Facts about Thai amulet: 1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power. 2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person. 3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity. 4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing. 5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power. 6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time. Packaging / Parcel: - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any) - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination) Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully): 1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded. 2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object are not allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it. 3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object: - Plastic seal of amulet - Soft or hard frame of amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet 4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box. 5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded. 6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason. 7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand). 8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer. 9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full. Contact channel: - Thaitimes chat/message - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly - Response within 24 to 48 hours Message from the seller: Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship. Every review is appreciated. If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible. I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale. Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Chang. We are the disciple of LP Chang Te-Cha-Pan-Yo, congratulations :-)
    0 ความคิดเห็น 1 การแบ่งปัน 118 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • 🎀 สอบถๅมข้อมูลได้ที่
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    🎀 สอบถๅมข้อมูลได้ที่ Official 🔴 Fanpage
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    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 27 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • หลวงพ่อกวย หลังยันต์ เนื้อกะไหล่ทอง ปี 2566
    วัดโฆสิตาราม จ.ชัยนาท

    สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ

    Safe Thai Buddha amulet talisman Shield Coin Magical Yant Pra AJ LP Kuay.

    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta.


    1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception.

    2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price.

    3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded:

    3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic,

    3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation,

    Other reasons can not be returned and refunded.


    Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple.


    Authentic original Thai antique Buddha amulet pendant Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman) Pra AJ LP Kuay Kho Si Ta Ram temple Chai Nat province of Thailand Year 2023 Siamese talisman with original box and code from temple

    The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection:

    - Avoidance and Safety, Invulnerable, Lucky, Recovery, Merciful, Very Popular, Famous, Occupation and Work, Trading, Communication, Negotiation

    - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens

    - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened

    - Quickly recover from the unforeseen (bad things)

    This Thai amulet collection, Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman), was created and distributed by Kho Si Ta Ram temple, Chai Nat province of Thailand, in 2023.

    The front of the amulet coin displays the picture of LP Kuay sitting cross-legged.
    The mystic symbols appear on the left and right of LP Kuay, looking magically, which are called Gun Protection Yant.
    The name of LP and the name of the temple are displayed under the picture of LP Kuay.

    The back of the amulet coin displays the picture of Hanuman flying in the air holding the flag on the right-hand side and the sword on the left-hand side.
    The wording Sit Ka Tun Yoo appears on the bottom left of the amulet coin under the Hanuman picture.
    "Sit Ka Tun Yoo" is the Thai word that means grateful disciple.
    The created Thai year of the amulet coin is displayed on the bottom right.

    Hanuman is one of the central characters of the Hindu epic Ramayana.
    He is regarded to be the spiritual son of the wind god, Vayu.
    He is an ardent devotee of Rama and the monkey commander of the monkey army.
    Hanuman is a sign of fighting powerfully and intelligently and can not be killed.
    Although he is dead, he can recover when the wind flows to his body because he is a son of the wind god.

    LP Kuay Shu-Tin-Ta-Ro was a famous monk in the central region of Thailand and was the abbot of Kho Si Ta Ram temple, Chai Nat province. LP Kuay passed away on 12 April 1979.

    The group of sacred instructor monks directly consecrated this amulet collection in 2023 for a special event.
    In Thai culture, when Buddhists merit at the temple for special events, e.g., the ceremony of offering robes to Buddhist priests at a monastery, the temple returns the memorable thing for the Buddhists, e.g., the Buddha image, the Buddha amulet, or talisman.

    With the strong consecration of sacred instructor monks and the prestige of LP Kuay, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person hanging the Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman) by the magical incantation and willpower of sacred instructor monks and LP Kuay.

    Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like the Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman) of LP Kuay will remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important).

    Product specifications:

    - Model: Model 2023

    - Main materials: Golden shell (plate with gold)

    - Color (Front): Gold/Yellow

    - Color (Back): Gold/Yellow

    - Size:

    Without frame: Approximately 2.8 cm X 3.6 cm (without ring of the amulet coin)

    With frame: Approximately 3.8 cm X 5.7 cm

    - Created year: 2023

    - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Packaging: Original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below)

    Facts about Thai amulet:

    1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power.

    2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person.

    3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity.

    4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing.

    5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power.

    6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time.

    Packaging / Parcel:

    - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand

    - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied

    - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any)

    - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination)

    Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully):

    1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded.

    2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it.

    3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object:

    - Plastic seal of amulet

    - Soft or hard frame of amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet

    - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet

    4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box.

    5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded.

    6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason.

    7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand).

    8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer.

    9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full.

    Contact channel:

    - Thaitimes chat/message

    - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly

    - Response within 24 to 48 hours

    Message from the seller:

    Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship.
    Every review is appreciated.

    If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible.
    I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale.

    Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Kuay.
    We are the disciple of LP Kuay Shu-Tin-Ta-Ro, congratulations :-)
    หลวงพ่อกวย หลังยันต์ เนื้อกะไหล่ทอง ปี 2566 วัดโฆสิตาราม จ.ชัยนาท สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ Safe Thai Buddha amulet talisman Shield Coin Magical Yant Pra AJ LP Kuay. Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta. IMPORTANT NOTE: 1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception. 2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price. 3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded: 3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic, 3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation, Other reasons can not be returned and refunded. Conditions: Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple. Description: Authentic original Thai antique Buddha amulet pendant Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman) Pra AJ LP Kuay Kho Si Ta Ram temple Chai Nat province of Thailand Year 2023 Siamese talisman with original box and code from temple The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection: - Avoidance and Safety, Invulnerable, Lucky, Recovery, Merciful, Very Popular, Famous, Occupation and Work, Trading, Communication, Negotiation - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened - Quickly recover from the unforeseen (bad things) This Thai amulet collection, Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman), was created and distributed by Kho Si Ta Ram temple, Chai Nat province of Thailand, in 2023. The front of the amulet coin displays the picture of LP Kuay sitting cross-legged. The mystic symbols appear on the left and right of LP Kuay, looking magically, which are called Gun Protection Yant. The name of LP and the name of the temple are displayed under the picture of LP Kuay. The back of the amulet coin displays the picture of Hanuman flying in the air holding the flag on the right-hand side and the sword on the left-hand side. The wording Sit Ka Tun Yoo appears on the bottom left of the amulet coin under the Hanuman picture. "Sit Ka Tun Yoo" is the Thai word that means grateful disciple. The created Thai year of the amulet coin is displayed on the bottom right. Hanuman is one of the central characters of the Hindu epic Ramayana. He is regarded to be the spiritual son of the wind god, Vayu. He is an ardent devotee of Rama and the monkey commander of the monkey army. Hanuman is a sign of fighting powerfully and intelligently and can not be killed. Although he is dead, he can recover when the wind flows to his body because he is a son of the wind god. LP Kuay Shu-Tin-Ta-Ro was a famous monk in the central region of Thailand and was the abbot of Kho Si Ta Ram temple, Chai Nat province. LP Kuay passed away on 12 April 1979. The group of sacred instructor monks directly consecrated this amulet collection in 2023 for a special event. In Thai culture, when Buddhists merit at the temple for special events, e.g., the ceremony of offering robes to Buddhist priests at a monastery, the temple returns the memorable thing for the Buddhists, e.g., the Buddha image, the Buddha amulet, or talisman. With the strong consecration of sacred instructor monks and the prestige of LP Kuay, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person hanging the Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman) by the magical incantation and willpower of sacred instructor monks and LP Kuay. Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like the Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman) of LP Kuay will remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important). Product specifications: - Model: Model 2023 - Main materials: Golden shell (plate with gold) - Color (Front): Gold/Yellow - Color (Back): Gold/Yellow - Size: Without frame: Approximately 2.8 cm X 3.6 cm (without ring of the amulet coin) With frame: Approximately 3.8 cm X 5.7 cm - Created year: 2023 - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Packaging: Original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below) Facts about Thai amulet: 1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power. 2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person. 3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity. 4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing. 5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power. 6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time. Packaging / Parcel: - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any) - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination) Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully): 1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded. 2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it. 3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object: - Plastic seal of amulet - Soft or hard frame of amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet 4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box. 5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded. 6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason. 7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand). 8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer. 9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full. Contact channel: - Thaitimes chat/message - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly - Response within 24 to 48 hours Message from the seller: Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship. Every review is appreciated. If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible. I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale. Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Kuay. We are the disciple of LP Kuay Shu-Tin-Ta-Ro, congratulations :-)
    0 ความคิดเห็น 1 การแบ่งปัน 131 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • หลวงพ่อกวย หลังหนุมาน เนื้อกะไหล่ทอง ปี 2566
    วัดโฆสิตาราม จ.ชัยนาท

    สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ

    Safe Thai Buddha amulet talisman Shield coin Monkey pendant Pra AJ LP Kuay.

    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta.


    1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception.

    2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price.

    3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded:

    3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic,

    3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation,

    Other reasons can not be returned and refunded.


    Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple.


    Authentic original Thai antique Buddha amulet pendant Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman) Pra AJ LP Kuay Kho Si Ta Ram temple Chai Nat province of Thailand Year 2023 Siamese talisman with original box and code from temple

    The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection:

    - Avoidance and Safety, Invulnerable, Lucky, Recovery, Merciful, Very Popular, Famous, Occupation and Work, Trading, Communication, Negotiation

    - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens

    - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened

    - Quickly recover from the unforeseen (bad things)

    This Thai amulet collection, Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman), was created and distributed by Kho Si Ta Ram temple, Chai Nat province of Thailand, in 2023.

    The front of the amulet coin displays the picture of LP Kuay sitting cross-legged.
    The mystic symbols appear on the left and right of LP Kuay, looking magically, which are called Gun Protection Yant.
    The name of LP and the name of the temple are displayed under the picture of LP Kuay.

    The back of the amulet coin displays the picture of Hanuman flying in the air holding the flag on the right-hand side and the sword on the left-hand side.
    The wording Sit Ka Tun Yoo appears on the bottom left of the amulet coin under the Hanuman picture.
    "Sit Ka Tun Yoo" is the Thai word that means grateful disciple.
    The created Thai year of the amulet coin is displayed on the bottom right.

    Hanuman is one of the central characters of the Hindu epic Ramayana.
    He is regarded to be the spiritual son of the wind god, Vayu.
    He is an ardent devotee of Rama and the monkey commander of the monkey army.
    Hanuman is a sign of fighting powerfully and intelligently and can not be killed.
    Although he is dead, he can recover when the wind flows to his body because he is a son of the wind god.

    LP Kuay Shu-Tin-Ta-Ro was a famous monk in the central region of Thailand and was the abbot of Kho Si Ta Ram temple, Chai Nat province. LP Kuay passed away on 12 April 1979.

    The group of sacred instructor monks directly consecrated this amulet collection in 2023 for a special event.
    In Thai culture, when Buddhists merit at the temple for special events, e.g., the ceremony of offering robes to Buddhist priests at a monastery, the temple returns the memorable thing for the Buddhists, e.g., the Buddha image, the Buddha amulet, or talisman.

    With the strong consecration of sacred instructor monks and the prestige of LP Kuay, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person hanging the Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman) by the magical incantation and willpower of sacred instructor monks and LP Kuay.

    Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like the Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman) of LP Kuay will remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important).

    Product specifications:

    - Model: Model 2023

    - Main materials: Golden shell (plate with gold)

    - Color (Front): Gold/Yellow

    - Color (Back): Gold/Yellow

    - Size:

    Without frame: Approximately 2.8 cm X 3.6 cm (without ring of the amulet coin)

    With frame: Approximately 3.8 cm X 5.7 cm

    - Created year: 2023

    - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Packaging: Original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below)

    Facts about Thai amulet:

    1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power.

    2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person.

    3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity.

    4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing.

    5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power.

    6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time.

    Packaging / Parcel:

    - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand

    - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied

    - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any)

    - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination)

    Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully):

    1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded.

    2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it.

    3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object:

    - Plastic seal of amulet

    - Soft or hard frame of amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet

    - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet

    4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box.

    5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded.

    6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason.

    7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand).

    8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer.

    9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full.

    Contact channel:

    - Thaitimes chat/message

    - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly

    - Response within 24 to 48 hours

    Message from the seller:

    Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship.
    Every review is appreciated.

    If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible.
    I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale.

    Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Kuay.
    We are the disciple of LP Kuay Shu-Tin-Ta-Ro, congratulations :-)
    หลวงพ่อกวย หลังหนุมาน เนื้อกะไหล่ทอง ปี 2566 วัดโฆสิตาราม จ.ชัยนาท สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ Safe Thai Buddha amulet talisman Shield coin Monkey pendant Pra AJ LP Kuay. Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta. IMPORTANT NOTE: 1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception. 2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price. 3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded: 3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic, 3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation, Other reasons can not be returned and refunded. Conditions: Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple. Description: Authentic original Thai antique Buddha amulet pendant Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman) Pra AJ LP Kuay Kho Si Ta Ram temple Chai Nat province of Thailand Year 2023 Siamese talisman with original box and code from temple The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection: - Avoidance and Safety, Invulnerable, Lucky, Recovery, Merciful, Very Popular, Famous, Occupation and Work, Trading, Communication, Negotiation - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened - Quickly recover from the unforeseen (bad things) This Thai amulet collection, Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman), was created and distributed by Kho Si Ta Ram temple, Chai Nat province of Thailand, in 2023. The front of the amulet coin displays the picture of LP Kuay sitting cross-legged. The mystic symbols appear on the left and right of LP Kuay, looking magically, which are called Gun Protection Yant. The name of LP and the name of the temple are displayed under the picture of LP Kuay. The back of the amulet coin displays the picture of Hanuman flying in the air holding the flag on the right-hand side and the sword on the left-hand side. The wording Sit Ka Tun Yoo appears on the bottom left of the amulet coin under the Hanuman picture. "Sit Ka Tun Yoo" is the Thai word that means grateful disciple. The created Thai year of the amulet coin is displayed on the bottom right. Hanuman is one of the central characters of the Hindu epic Ramayana. He is regarded to be the spiritual son of the wind god, Vayu. He is an ardent devotee of Rama and the monkey commander of the monkey army. Hanuman is a sign of fighting powerfully and intelligently and can not be killed. Although he is dead, he can recover when the wind flows to his body because he is a son of the wind god. LP Kuay Shu-Tin-Ta-Ro was a famous monk in the central region of Thailand and was the abbot of Kho Si Ta Ram temple, Chai Nat province. LP Kuay passed away on 12 April 1979. The group of sacred instructor monks directly consecrated this amulet collection in 2023 for a special event. In Thai culture, when Buddhists merit at the temple for special events, e.g., the ceremony of offering robes to Buddhist priests at a monastery, the temple returns the memorable thing for the Buddhists, e.g., the Buddha image, the Buddha amulet, or talisman. With the strong consecration of sacred instructor monks and the prestige of LP Kuay, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person hanging the Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman) by the magical incantation and willpower of sacred instructor monks and LP Kuay. Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like the Shield coin White Monkey (Hanuman) of LP Kuay will remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important). Product specifications: - Model: Model 2023 - Main materials: Golden shell (plate with gold) - Color (Front): Gold/Yellow - Color (Back): Gold/Yellow - Size: Without frame: Approximately 2.8 cm X 3.6 cm (without ring of the amulet coin) With frame: Approximately 3.8 cm X 5.7 cm - Created year: 2023 - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Packaging: Original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below) Facts about Thai amulet: 1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power. 2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person. 3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity. 4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing. 5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power. 6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time. Packaging / Parcel: - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any) - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination) Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully): 1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded. 2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it. 3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object: - Plastic seal of amulet - Soft or hard frame of amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet 4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box. 5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded. 6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason. 7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand). 8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer. 9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full. Contact channel: - Thaitimes chat/message - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly - Response within 24 to 48 hours Message from the seller: Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship. Every review is appreciated. If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible. I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale. Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Kuay. We are the disciple of LP Kuay Shu-Tin-Ta-Ro, congratulations :-)
    0 ความคิดเห็น 1 การแบ่งปัน 130 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • 7. **ความยั่งยืนและสิ่งแวดล้อม**
    - **การลงทุนที่ยั่งยืน**: การลงทุนใน ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) กำลังได้รับความนิยมมากขึ้น
    - **การเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ**: ผลกระทบจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศมีผลต่อเศรษฐกิจและการเงินโลก
    7. **ความยั่งยืนและสิ่งแวดล้อม** - **การลงทุนที่ยั่งยืน**: การลงทุนใน ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) กำลังได้รับความนิยมมากขึ้น - **การเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ**: ผลกระทบจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศมีผลต่อเศรษฐกิจและการเงินโลก
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 16 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • พระปิดตาอุตตโม หลวงพ่อฟู วัดบางสมัคร จ.ฉะเชิงเทรา เนื้อชนวนทองผสม 2557

    จัดสร้างโดย: วัดวังหินเขาชะเอม จ.ฉะเชิงเทรา

    สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ

    Safe Thai Buddha amulet talisman Closed Nine Openings of The Body AJ LP Foo 1.

    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta.


    1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception.

    2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price.

    3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded:

    3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic,

    3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation,

    Other reasons can not be returned and refunded.


    Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple.


    Authentic original Thai antique amulet Closed Nine Openings of The Body (Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung Aut Ta Mo) Pra AJ LP Foo Bang Sa Mak temple Chachoengsao province of Thailand Mixed Iron Mixed Gold Year 2014 Siamese talisman with original box and serial code from temple

    The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection:

    - Avoidance and Safety, Invulnerable

    - Lucky, Merciful

    - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens

    - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened

    This Thai amulet collection, Closed Nine Openings of The Body (Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung Aut Ta Mo), was created and distributed by Wang Hin Khao Cha-Em temple, Chachoengsao province of Thailand, in 2014.

    LP Foo directly consecrated this amulet collection for the event of constructing the new chapel of Wang Hin Khao Cha-Em temple.

    LP Foo was a famous monk in eastern Thailand and was the abbot of Bang Sa Mak temple.

    Hanuman (white monkey) incantation and Tiger incantation are the identity-powerful of LP Foo.

    LP Foo passed away on 9 October 2021.

    The Closed Nine Openings of The Body (Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung Aut Ta Mo) is a sign of avoidance and safety, invulnerable and merciful.

    The nine openings of the body consist of two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, one mouth, one urinary organ, and one anus cavity.

    With the strong consecration of LP Foo, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person hanging Closed Nine Openings of The Body (Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung Aut Ta Mo) by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Foo.

    Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like Closed Nine Openings of The Body (Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung Aut Ta Mo) will remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important).

    Product specifications:

    - Model: Model 2014

    - Main materials: Mixed metal and mixed gold

    - Color (Front): Dark brown/Gold

    - Color (Back): Dark brown/Gold

    - Size: approximately 1.5 cm X 1.7 cm

    - Created year: 2014

    - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Packaging: Original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below)

    Facts about Thai amulet:

    1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power.

    2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person.

    3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity.

    4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing.

    5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power.

    6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time.

    Packaging / Parcel:

    - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand

    - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied

    - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any)

    - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination)

    Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully):

    1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded.

    2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it.

    3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object:

    - Plastic seal of amulet

    - Soft or hard frame of amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet

    - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet

    4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box.

    5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded.

    6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason.

    7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand).

    8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer.

    9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full.

    Contact channel:

    - Thaitimes chat/message

    - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly

    - Response within 24 to 48 hours

    Message from the seller:

    Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship.
    Every review is appreciated.

    If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible.
    I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale.

    Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Foo.
    We are the disciple of LP Foo It-thi-pat-tho, congratulations :-)
    พระปิดตาอุตตโม หลวงพ่อฟู วัดบางสมัคร จ.ฉะเชิงเทรา เนื้อชนวนทองผสม 2557 จัดสร้างโดย: วัดวังหินเขาชะเอม จ.ฉะเชิงเทรา สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ Safe Thai Buddha amulet talisman Closed Nine Openings of The Body AJ LP Foo 1. Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta. IMPORTANT NOTE: 1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception. 2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price. 3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded: 3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic, 3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation, Other reasons can not be returned and refunded. Conditions: Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple. Description: Authentic original Thai antique amulet Closed Nine Openings of The Body (Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung Aut Ta Mo) Pra AJ LP Foo Bang Sa Mak temple Chachoengsao province of Thailand Mixed Iron Mixed Gold Year 2014 Siamese talisman with original box and serial code from temple The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection: - Avoidance and Safety, Invulnerable - Lucky, Merciful - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened This Thai amulet collection, Closed Nine Openings of The Body (Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung Aut Ta Mo), was created and distributed by Wang Hin Khao Cha-Em temple, Chachoengsao province of Thailand, in 2014. LP Foo directly consecrated this amulet collection for the event of constructing the new chapel of Wang Hin Khao Cha-Em temple. LP Foo was a famous monk in eastern Thailand and was the abbot of Bang Sa Mak temple. Hanuman (white monkey) incantation and Tiger incantation are the identity-powerful of LP Foo. LP Foo passed away on 9 October 2021. The Closed Nine Openings of The Body (Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung Aut Ta Mo) is a sign of avoidance and safety, invulnerable and merciful. The nine openings of the body consist of two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, one mouth, one urinary organ, and one anus cavity. With the strong consecration of LP Foo, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity, and safety will be attracted to the person hanging Closed Nine Openings of The Body (Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung Aut Ta Mo) by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Foo. Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like Closed Nine Openings of The Body (Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung Aut Ta Mo) will remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important). Product specifications: - Model: Model 2014 - Main materials: Mixed metal and mixed gold - Color (Front): Dark brown/Gold - Color (Back): Dark brown/Gold - Size: approximately 1.5 cm X 1.7 cm - Created year: 2014 - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Packaging: Original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below) Facts about Thai amulet: 1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power. 2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person. 3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity. 4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing. 5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power. 6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time. Packaging / Parcel: - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any) - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination) Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully): 1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded. 2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it. 3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object: - Plastic seal of amulet - Soft or hard frame of amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet 4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box. 5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded. 6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason. 7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand). 8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer. 9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full. Contact channel: - Thaitimes chat/message - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly - Response within 24 to 48 hours Message from the seller: Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship. Every review is appreciated. If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible. I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale. Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Foo. We are the disciple of LP Foo It-thi-pat-tho, congratulations :-)
    0 ความคิดเห็น 2 การแบ่งปัน 138 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • รูปเหมือนปั๊ม รุ่นแรก หลวงพ่อฟู เนื้อทองสตางค์ 2552 แซยิด 88 ปี (โชค ลาภ ฟู)
    วัดบางสมัคร จ.ฉะเชิงเทรา

    สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ

    Safe Thai Buddha amulet talisman pendant Statue of Pra AJ LP Foo magic famous.

    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta.


    1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception.

    2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price.

    3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded:

    3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic,

    3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation,

    Other reasons can not be returned and refunded.


    Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple.


    Authentic original Thai antique amulet Pumped statue of Pra AJ LP Foo Bang Sa Mak temple Chachoengsao province of Thailand Satang Gold Year 2009 Siamese talisman with original box and serial code from temple

    The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection:

    - Avoidance and Safety

    - Lucky

    - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens

    - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened

    This Thai amulet collection, Pumped statue of LP Foo was created and distributed by Bang Sa Mak temple, Chachoengsao province of Thailand in 2009.

    Hanuman (white monkey) incantation and Tiger incantation are the identity-powerful of LP Foo.
    LP Foo was a famous monk in the eastern part of Thailand and was the abbot of Bang Sa Mak temple.
    LP Foo directly consecrated this amulet collection when 88 years of his age on a birthday anniversary.
    LP Foo passed away on 9 October 2021.

    With the strong consecration of LP Foo, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity and safety will be attracted to the person hanging Pumped statue of LP Foo by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Foo.

    Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like Pumped statue of LP Foo can remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important).

    Product specifications:

    - Model: Model 1 (First generation)

    - Main materials: Thai Satang gold

    - Color (Front): Gold/Yellow

    - Color (Back): Gold/Yellow

    - Size: Approximately 2.0 cm X 2.6 cm

    - Created year: 2009

    - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Packaging: Original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below)

    Facts about Thai amulet:

    1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power.

    2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person.

    3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity.

    4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing.

    5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power.

    6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time.

    Packaging / Parcel:

    - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand

    - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied

    - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any)

    - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination)

    Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully):

    1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded.

    2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it.

    3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object:

    - Plastic seal of amulet

    - Soft or hard frame of amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet

    - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet

    4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box.

    5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded.

    6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason.

    7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand).

    8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer.

    9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full.

    Contact channel:

    - Thaitimes chat/message

    - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly

    - Response within 24 to 48 hours

    Message from the seller:

    Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship.
    Every review is appreciated.

    If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible.
    I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale.

    Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Foo.
    We are the disciple of LP Foo It-thi-pat-tho, congratulations :-)
    รูปเหมือนปั๊ม รุ่นแรก หลวงพ่อฟู เนื้อทองสตางค์ 2552 แซยิด 88 ปี (โชค ลาภ ฟู) วัดบางสมัคร จ.ฉะเชิงเทรา สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ Safe Thai Buddha amulet talisman pendant Statue of Pra AJ LP Foo magic famous. Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta. IMPORTANT NOTE: 1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception. 2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price. 3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded: 3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic, 3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation, Other reasons can not be returned and refunded. Conditions: Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple. Description: Authentic original Thai antique amulet Pumped statue of Pra AJ LP Foo Bang Sa Mak temple Chachoengsao province of Thailand Satang Gold Year 2009 Siamese talisman with original box and serial code from temple The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection: - Avoidance and Safety - Lucky - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened This Thai amulet collection, Pumped statue of LP Foo was created and distributed by Bang Sa Mak temple, Chachoengsao province of Thailand in 2009. Hanuman (white monkey) incantation and Tiger incantation are the identity-powerful of LP Foo. LP Foo was a famous monk in the eastern part of Thailand and was the abbot of Bang Sa Mak temple. LP Foo directly consecrated this amulet collection when 88 years of his age on a birthday anniversary. LP Foo passed away on 9 October 2021. With the strong consecration of LP Foo, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity and safety will be attracted to the person hanging Pumped statue of LP Foo by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Foo. Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like Pumped statue of LP Foo can remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important). Product specifications: - Model: Model 1 (First generation) - Main materials: Thai Satang gold - Color (Front): Gold/Yellow - Color (Back): Gold/Yellow - Size: Approximately 2.0 cm X 2.6 cm - Created year: 2009 - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Packaging: Original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below) Facts about Thai amulet: 1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power. 2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person. 3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity. 4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing. 5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power. 6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time. Packaging / Parcel: - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any) - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination) Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully): 1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded. 2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it. 3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object: - Plastic seal of amulet - Soft or hard frame of amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet 4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box. 5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded. 6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason. 7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand). 8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer. 9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full. Contact channel: - Thaitimes chat/message - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly - Response within 24 to 48 hours Message from the seller: Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship. Every review is appreciated. If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible. I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale. Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Foo. We are the disciple of LP Foo It-thi-pat-tho, congratulations :-)
    0 ความคิดเห็น 3 การแบ่งปัน 136 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • แหวนหนุมาน เนื้อทองเหลือง หลวงพ่อฟู ปี 2553
    วัดบางสมัคร จ.ฉะเชิงเทรา

    สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ

    Safe Thai Buddha amulet talisman pendant Monkey king ring Pra AJ LP Foo magic.

    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta,
    Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta.


    1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception.

    2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price.

    3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded:

    3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic,

    3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation,

    Other reasons can not be returned and refunded.


    Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple.


    Authentic original Thai antique amulet Hanuman ring Pra AJ LP Foo Bang Sa Mak temple Chachoengsao province of Thailand Brass Size 10.5 (US) Year 2010 Siamese talisman with original box and serial code from temple

    The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection:

    - Avoidance and Safety

    - Lucky, Recovery

    - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens

    - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened

    - Quickly recover from the unforeseen (bad things)

    This Thai amulet collection, Hanuman ring was created and distributed by Bang Sa Mak temple, Chachoengsao province of Thailand in 2010.

    Hanuman (white monkey) incantation and Tiger incantation are the identity-powerful of LP Foo.
    LP Foo was a famous monk in the eastern part of Thailand and was the abbot of Bang Sa Mak temple.
    LP Foo directly consecrated this amulet collection for the event of construct the new chapel of Wang Hin Khao Cha-Em temple.
    LP Foo passed away on 9 October 2021.

    Hanuman is one of the central characters of the Hindu epic Ramayana.
    He is regarded to be the spiritual son of the wind god, Vayu.
    He is an ardent devotee of Rama and the monkey commander of the monkey army.

    Hanuman is a sign of fighting powerfully and intelligently and can not be killed.
    Although he is dead, he can recover when the wind flows to his body because he is a son of the wind god.

    With the strong consecration of LP Foo, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity and safety will be attracted to the person wear Hanuman ring by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Foo.

    Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like Hanuman ring of LP Foo can remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important).

    Product specifications:

    - Model: Model 2010

    - Main materials: Brass

    - Color (Front): Gold/Yellow

    - Color (Back): Gold/Yellow

    - Ring size: Approximately 10.5 US (63 EU)

    - Created year: 2010

    - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Packaging: Original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures)

    - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below)

    Facts about Thai amulet:

    1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power.

    2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person.

    3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity.

    4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing.

    5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power.

    6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time.

    Packaging / Parcel:

    - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand

    - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied

    - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any)

    - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination)

    Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully):

    1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded.

    2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it.

    3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object:

    - Plastic seal of amulet

    - Soft or hard frame of amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet

    - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface

    - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet

    4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box.

    5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded.

    6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason.

    7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand).

    8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer.

    9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full.

    Contact channel:

    - Thaitimes chat/message

    - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly

    - Response within 24 to 48 hours

    Message from the seller:

    Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship.
    Every review is appreciated.

    If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible.
    I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale.

    Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Foo.
    We are the disciple of LP Foo It-thi-pat-tho, congratulations :-)
    แหวนหนุมาน เนื้อทองเหลือง หลวงพ่อฟู ปี 2553 วัดบางสมัคร จ.ฉะเชิงเทรา สนใจเช่าบูชาสามารถทักมาใน Thaitimes ได้เลยครับ Safe Thai Buddha amulet talisman pendant Monkey king ring Pra AJ LP Foo magic. Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta, Met-ta-kun-nang A-ra-hung Met-ta. IMPORTANT NOTE: 1. It is expected that customers should read all information about the amulet thoroughly and carefully and compare it with other shops before placing an order, with apperception. 2. The amulet price in this shop does not depend on other shops; the shop owner reserves the right to consider and configure the price. 3. This shop sells only real/authentic amulets; only two cases can be returned and refunded: 3.1) The customers can prove that the amulet bought from this shop is not real/authentic, 3.2) The amulet or the components of the amulet broken from transportation, Other reasons can not be returned and refunded. Conditions: Brand New, authentic amulet with original box and serial code from temple. Description: Authentic original Thai antique amulet Hanuman ring Pra AJ LP Foo Bang Sa Mak temple Chachoengsao province of Thailand Brass Size 10.5 (US) Year 2010 Siamese talisman with original box and serial code from temple The significant miraculous power of this amulet collection: - Avoidance and Safety - Lucky, Recovery - Prevent the wearer from danger before it happens - Protect the wearer when danger is being happened - Quickly recover from the unforeseen (bad things) This Thai amulet collection, Hanuman ring was created and distributed by Bang Sa Mak temple, Chachoengsao province of Thailand in 2010. Hanuman (white monkey) incantation and Tiger incantation are the identity-powerful of LP Foo. LP Foo was a famous monk in the eastern part of Thailand and was the abbot of Bang Sa Mak temple. LP Foo directly consecrated this amulet collection for the event of construct the new chapel of Wang Hin Khao Cha-Em temple. LP Foo passed away on 9 October 2021. Hanuman is one of the central characters of the Hindu epic Ramayana. He is regarded to be the spiritual son of the wind god, Vayu. He is an ardent devotee of Rama and the monkey commander of the monkey army. Hanuman is a sign of fighting powerfully and intelligently and can not be killed. Although he is dead, he can recover when the wind flows to his body because he is a son of the wind god. With the strong consecration of LP Foo, Thai disciples believe that merit, prosperity and safety will be attracted to the person wear Hanuman ring by the magical incantation and willpower of LP Foo. Moreover, hanging or wearing Thai charm like Hanuman ring of LP Foo can remind you to live your everyday life with apperception (very important). Product specifications: - Model: Model 2010 - Main materials: Brass - Color (Front): Gold/Yellow - Color (Back): Gold/Yellow - Ring size: Approximately 10.5 US (63 EU) - Created year: 2010 - Serial code: Original code from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Packaging: Original box from the temple (as shown in the pictures) - Authentication: 100% original real and authentic, 100% refund with conditions (details are shown below) Facts about Thai amulet: 1) An amulet must be blessed (consecration) by a sacred instructor monk(s) for it to have power. 2) The amulet loses its power or will even collect negative power if worn by an immoral person. 3) Do not wear the amulet while having sex or engaging in immoral activity. 4) When not wearing the amulet, store it somewhere higher than your head when standing. 5) Never touch someone else’s amulet, which will take away some of its power. 6) You are never the actual owner of an amulet, but merely the holder, as it has a life that is separate from whoever keeps it at any given time. Packaging / Parcel: - Packaging will be prepared and shipped from Thailand - Economy international shipping with a tracking number will be applied - Free of charge for the shipping but not including import tax of the destination country and returning a parcel for a refund (if any) - Approximately 14 to 30 business days for transportation (varying on the destination) Product guarantee and return conditions (Please read carefully): 1) Only the perfect and original product's condition and appearance from the seller can be returned and refunded. 2) Any modifications to the amulet object and components of the amulet object can not be allowed. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Cleaning or washing the amulet object and components of the amulet object is one type of modification and does not allow it. 3) The amulet object and components of the amulet object include the amulet itself, the materials directly sticking to the surface of the amulet, and the original box or package of an amulet from the temple. The following materials are the components of the amulet object: - Plastic seal of amulet - Soft or hard frame of amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the amulet - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the frame of the amulet - Original box or package from the temple with or without logo and information displayed on the surface - Original ring or rope or other objects from the temple sticking to the original box or package of an amulet 4) The amulet object and components of the amulet object exclude the parcel box, bubble wrap or other shockproof materials inside the parcel box. 5) The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object by transportation only can be returned and refunded. The broken amulet object and components of the amulet object from other conditions can not be returned and refunded. 6) Recording the video when opening the parcel is required (mandatory). The video recording must be started before opening the parcel. Violating this condition leads to be not returned and refunded. Without recording the video while opening the parcel, show the intention that the buyer accepts the parcel automatically and does not want to return the parcel for whatever reason. 7) Return the parcel to the seller is allowed within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date, and the parcel must be shipped from the buyer within 14 days of the buyer's arrival parcel date. The arrival parcel date of the buyer will be counted as the first day. Counting the day using the same time zone as Thaitimes (Bangkok, Thailand). 8) The cost for shipping in returning process is the full responsibility of the buyer. 9) Only returning the parcel compiled with the conditions mentioned above will be refunded in full. Contact channel: - Thaitimes chat/message - Writing in the bullet point style can help you to explain the issue clearly - Response within 24 to 48 hours Message from the seller: Thank you very much for reviewing the products with kindness and friendship. Every review is appreciated. If you are in trouble purchasing the products, please do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible. I will be with you shortly to serve your requirements based on the rationale. Welcome to the disciple's association of LP Foo. We are the disciple of LP Foo It-thi-pat-tho, congratulations :-)
    0 ความคิดเห็น 4 การแบ่งปัน 131 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
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    🎀 สอบถๅมข้อมูลได้ที่ Official 🔴 Fanpage
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    👉🏻 เริ่มใช้สิทธิ์ได้ตั้งแต่ 16 มกราคม – 28 กุมภาพันธ์ 2568 👈🏻
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  • ข่าวนี้เกี่ยวกับการออกแบบกฎหมายใหม่ในสหรัฐอเมริกาที่อาจทำให้การดาวน์โหลดและใช้งานโมเดล AI จากประเทศจีน เช่น DeepSeek อาจนำไปสู่การเข้าคุกถึง 20 ปีและปรับเงินถึง 1 ล้านดอลลาร์สหรัฐ กฎหมายนี้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของ "Decoupling America's Artificial Intelligence Capabilities from China Act of 2025" ซึ่งเสนอโดยสมาชิกวุฒิสภา Josh Hawley จากรัฐมิสซูรี

    กฎหมายนี้มีเป้าหมายที่จะห้ามผู้คนในสหรัฐอเมริกาจากการพัฒนาความสามารถใน AI ในประเทศจีน และมีการลงโทษต่อบริษัทสหรัฐที่ทำงานร่วมกับบริษัท AI จากจีน หรือนำเทคโนโลยีหรือทรัพย์สินทางปัญญาจากจีนมาใช้ในสหรัฐ นอกจากนี้ยังมีการลงโทษผู้คนที่ดาวน์โหลดและใช้งานโมเดล AI จากจีน1

    Senator Hawley กล่าวว่า "ทุกดอลลาร์และกิโลไบต์ของข้อมูลที่ไหลเข้าไปยัง AI ของจีน จะถูกใช้ต่อต้านสหรัฐ" และ "สหรัฐไม่สามารถให้ความสำเร็จแก่ศัตรูใหญ่ของเราได้โดยการสนับสนุนการสร้างสรรค์ของจีน" นี่เป็นการกระทำที่ท้าทายที่สุดในด้านของ AI ที่เคยเกิดขึ้น และเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการต่อต้านต่อการเปิดแหล่งข้อมูล

    ข่าวนี้ยังเน้นถึงการที่ DeepSeek ได้รับการดาวน์โหลดมากที่สุดใน App Store ของสหรัฐและส่งผลให้ตลาดหุ้นเทคโนโลยีในสหรัฐลดลงอย่างรุนแรง โดยมีคำขอให้หยุดการใช้งาน DeepSeek ในหน่วยงานรัฐบาลสหรัฐ เช่น กองทัพเรือสหรัฐและ NASA

    ข่าวนี้เกี่ยวกับการออกแบบกฎหมายใหม่ในสหรัฐอเมริกาที่อาจทำให้การดาวน์โหลดและใช้งานโมเดล AI จากประเทศจีน เช่น DeepSeek อาจนำไปสู่การเข้าคุกถึง 20 ปีและปรับเงินถึง 1 ล้านดอลลาร์สหรัฐ กฎหมายนี้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของ "Decoupling America's Artificial Intelligence Capabilities from China Act of 2025" ซึ่งเสนอโดยสมาชิกวุฒิสภา Josh Hawley จากรัฐมิสซูรี กฎหมายนี้มีเป้าหมายที่จะห้ามผู้คนในสหรัฐอเมริกาจากการพัฒนาความสามารถใน AI ในประเทศจีน และมีการลงโทษต่อบริษัทสหรัฐที่ทำงานร่วมกับบริษัท AI จากจีน หรือนำเทคโนโลยีหรือทรัพย์สินทางปัญญาจากจีนมาใช้ในสหรัฐ นอกจากนี้ยังมีการลงโทษผู้คนที่ดาวน์โหลดและใช้งานโมเดล AI จากจีน1 Senator Hawley กล่าวว่า "ทุกดอลลาร์และกิโลไบต์ของข้อมูลที่ไหลเข้าไปยัง AI ของจีน จะถูกใช้ต่อต้านสหรัฐ" และ "สหรัฐไม่สามารถให้ความสำเร็จแก่ศัตรูใหญ่ของเราได้โดยการสนับสนุนการสร้างสรรค์ของจีน" นี่เป็นการกระทำที่ท้าทายที่สุดในด้านของ AI ที่เคยเกิดขึ้น และเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการต่อต้านต่อการเปิดแหล่งข้อมูล ข่าวนี้ยังเน้นถึงการที่ DeepSeek ได้รับการดาวน์โหลดมากที่สุดใน App Store ของสหรัฐและส่งผลให้ตลาดหุ้นเทคโนโลยีในสหรัฐลดลงอย่างรุนแรง โดยมีคำขอให้หยุดการใช้งาน DeepSeek ในหน่วยงานรัฐบาลสหรัฐ เช่น กองทัพเรือสหรัฐและ NASA https://www.techspot.com/news/106633-downloading-deepseek-could-lead-jail-time-1-million.html
    Downloading DeepSeek could lead to jail time and a $1 million fine under new US bill
    Republican Senator from Missouri Josh Hawley's proposed legislation, the Decoupling America's Artificial Intelligence Capabilities from China Act of 2025, aims to prohibit those in the US from...
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