• Did You Know You Can Write These 17 Words On The Calculator?

    Where were you the first time you learned you could spell words on a calculator? For most of us, the answer is an elementary or middle school math class. Maybe you had a friend who taught you the numbers to push to spell hello. Or, perhaps you were busy with homework and noticed the upside down numbers on your calculator looked like LOL. Before long you were probably trying all sorts of letter combinations trying to spell the longest (and silliest) possible words.

    The extra fun thing about calculator words is that they’re one type of ambigrams. An ambigram is a word, number, or other figure that can be read upside down. To create and read a calculator word, you have to enter the corresponding numbers backwards, then flip the calculator upside down. When you do this, a 7 becomes an L, a 3 becomes an E, and suddenly, it’s a whole new world of words to explore. Here’s a look at some of the most classic and entertaining calculator words you may have forgotten about. Please note: this post includes some anatomy slang.


    Or should we say 200? Some words become “calculator words” simply because they’re easy to write, and this is certainly one of them. Most of us know zoos as parklike areas where wild animals are on public display, but the word zoo can also mean “a place, activity, or group marked by chaos or unrestrained behavior.” For example, a math class where every student is busy writing secret messages on their calculators. Hey, we’re just kidding.


    Multisyllable calculator words are a good way to dazzle everyone with your sizzling intellect. Case in point: if you type 372215 and flip it upside down, you get the word sizzle. This word originated in English as an imitation of the hissing sound sometimes heard during cooking, so it’s one calculator word that’s both an ambigram and an onomatopoeia.


    If you’ve ever typed 8008 or 8008135 into your calculator, you aren’t alone. Boob and boobies are the quintessential, silly calculator words many people first learn in middle or high school. Boob is, of course, slang for a breast (or a foolish person—like the kind that types boob on a calculator). Like many words that make middle schoolers giggle, these ones are probably frowned upon in most math classes. The less we say about this one, the better.


    Logotype isn’t possible to spell on a calculator, but its shortened form, logo, certainly is. Typing 0607 will give you this noun that means “a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.” Come to think of it, a brand name spelled out on a calculator could make a pretty cool logo.


    If you’re a little bit obsessed with calculator words (or the number five), just input 553580. That’s how you spell obsess, which means “to occupy or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires of (a person); beset, trouble, or haunt persistently or abnormally.” The word comes from the Latin obsessus, a past participle of obsidēre, meaning “to occupy, frequent, besiege.”


    You can laugh out loud or you can laugh on a calculator. 707 should get the message across. LOL is a ’90s internet abbreviation for “laugh out loud” or “laughing out loud.” These days, it’s less popular than a simple haha or a laughing emoji, but on a calculator it’s the clearest (and only) way to let someone know you appreciate their sense of humor.


    The next word on the list is eggshell. That’s 77345663, for those trying to spell it at home. This word, which refers to the shell of a bird’s egg, a paint color, and even a type of paper, may not be the zaniest word you can think of, but if your goal is to type the longest calculator word, it is definitely a contender.


    Sometimes a good calculator word can give you a serious case of the giggles. Other times, the word is literally giggle. You can create this word by punching in 376616. This word, which entered English in the 1500s, is likely related to the Dutch gigelen or the German gickeln. On a calculator, it’s ideal for people who really like the number six.


    Here’s another quintessential calculator word that’s easy to learn. 07734 spells hello. Interestingly, it wouldn’t be possible to spell hello on a calculator if not for its modern form. The word evolved from hallo, a variant of hollo, which is itself a variant of the earlier Middle French hola, equivalent to “ahoy there.” There’s no great way to make the letter A on a calculator, so it’s a good thing language evolves.


    It’s nice to have hobbies. Hobby comes from the Middle English hoby, which referred to a horse in the 13th century. From hoby evolved hobbyhorse, a children’s toy, which was later shortened to its modern form. Since the word hobby means “an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation,” practicing your calculator spelling could technically count as one. If you grab the nearest calculator and type the numbers 5318804, you’ll have both the word hobbies and a new hobby.


    If you input 0637 on a calculator, you’ll get the name of a beloved classic toy. We know typing LEGO may not be as fun as playing with the trademarked LEGO construction toys, but it’s still pretty interesting, especially if you know where the LEGO name comes from. LEGO is an abbreviation of the Danish leg godt, which means “to play well.”


    You can’t spell all of the US state names on a calculator, but you can spell Ohio. Just hit 0140. While you’re typing it, it might be fun to share a few fun Ohio facts, like the fact that its capital is Columbus, it’s abbreviated with the letters OH, and it’s bordered by five other states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Indiana.


    It’s time for the ones and zeros to shine. Igloo can be spelled on a calculator by pressing 00761. First recorded in the mid-1800s, igloo comes from the Inuit word iglu, meaning “house.” In English, igloo doesn’t only describe dome-shaped structures. It’s also the word for “an excavation made by a seal in the snow over its breathing hole in the ice.”


    Quick, what’s a six-letter calculator word that’s formed using at least three sixes? Goggle, or 376606, is the answer. Goggle is an interesting word because no one is 100% certain where it comes from. The word was first recorded in the 1300s and referred to movements of the eyes, such as bulging or rolling. It wasn’t until the 1700s that goggle began to refer to protective eye coverings.


    The plural of lily is lilies, our next fun calculator word. Note that there is only one L in the middle of the word, so the correct way to input it on the calculator is 531717. A lily is, of course, a type of flowering plant, or it may refer to the ​​fleur-de-lis, especially as the symbol of France. It’s one of the only flower names able to be spelled using a calculator.


    Are you a 5508? That spells boss. You may be a boss in the literal sense, like a manager, or you might be a boss in the slang sense, which means “first-rate.” Believe it or not, the slang sense of the word isn’t just something the kids are saying. The first recorded use of boss to mean “excellent” occurred in the 1880s.


    It’s almost time to hit the road, but not before we get to our final word: shoes. Footwear has certainly evolved since the ’90s and ’00s, when many of us were learning calculator words for the first time, but this five-letter word never goes out of style. In fact, shoe was first recorded in English before the year 900. All you need to do to spell this one is to hit 53045.

    Copyright 2024, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    Did You Know You Can Write These 17 Words On The Calculator? Where were you the first time you learned you could spell words on a calculator? For most of us, the answer is an elementary or middle school math class. Maybe you had a friend who taught you the numbers to push to spell hello. Or, perhaps you were busy with homework and noticed the upside down numbers on your calculator looked like LOL. Before long you were probably trying all sorts of letter combinations trying to spell the longest (and silliest) possible words. The extra fun thing about calculator words is that they’re one type of ambigrams. An ambigram is a word, number, or other figure that can be read upside down. To create and read a calculator word, you have to enter the corresponding numbers backwards, then flip the calculator upside down. When you do this, a 7 becomes an L, a 3 becomes an E, and suddenly, it’s a whole new world of words to explore. Here’s a look at some of the most classic and entertaining calculator words you may have forgotten about. Please note: this post includes some anatomy slang. zoo Or should we say 200? Some words become “calculator words” simply because they’re easy to write, and this is certainly one of them. Most of us know zoos as parklike areas where wild animals are on public display, but the word zoo can also mean “a place, activity, or group marked by chaos or unrestrained behavior.” For example, a math class where every student is busy writing secret messages on their calculators. Hey, we’re just kidding. sizzle Multisyllable calculator words are a good way to dazzle everyone with your sizzling intellect. Case in point: if you type 372215 and flip it upside down, you get the word sizzle. This word originated in English as an imitation of the hissing sound sometimes heard during cooking, so it’s one calculator word that’s both an ambigram and an onomatopoeia. boob If you’ve ever typed 8008 or 8008135 into your calculator, you aren’t alone. Boob and boobies are the quintessential, silly calculator words many people first learn in middle or high school. Boob is, of course, slang for a breast (or a foolish person—like the kind that types boob on a calculator). Like many words that make middle schoolers giggle, these ones are probably frowned upon in most math classes. The less we say about this one, the better. logo Logotype isn’t possible to spell on a calculator, but its shortened form, logo, certainly is. Typing 0607 will give you this noun that means “a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.” Come to think of it, a brand name spelled out on a calculator could make a pretty cool logo. obsess If you’re a little bit obsessed with calculator words (or the number five), just input 553580. That’s how you spell obsess, which means “to occupy or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires of (a person); beset, trouble, or haunt persistently or abnormally.” The word comes from the Latin obsessus, a past participle of obsidēre, meaning “to occupy, frequent, besiege.” LOL You can laugh out loud or you can laugh on a calculator. 707 should get the message across. LOL is a ’90s internet abbreviation for “laugh out loud” or “laughing out loud.” These days, it’s less popular than a simple haha or a laughing emoji, but on a calculator it’s the clearest (and only) way to let someone know you appreciate their sense of humor. eggshell The next word on the list is eggshell. That’s 77345663, for those trying to spell it at home. This word, which refers to the shell of a bird’s egg, a paint color, and even a type of paper, may not be the zaniest word you can think of, but if your goal is to type the longest calculator word, it is definitely a contender. giggle Sometimes a good calculator word can give you a serious case of the giggles. Other times, the word is literally giggle. You can create this word by punching in 376616. This word, which entered English in the 1500s, is likely related to the Dutch gigelen or the German gickeln. On a calculator, it’s ideal for people who really like the number six. hello Here’s another quintessential calculator word that’s easy to learn. 07734 spells hello. Interestingly, it wouldn’t be possible to spell hello on a calculator if not for its modern form. The word evolved from hallo, a variant of hollo, which is itself a variant of the earlier Middle French hola, equivalent to “ahoy there.” There’s no great way to make the letter A on a calculator, so it’s a good thing language evolves. hobbies It’s nice to have hobbies. Hobby comes from the Middle English hoby, which referred to a horse in the 13th century. From hoby evolved hobbyhorse, a children’s toy, which was later shortened to its modern form. Since the word hobby means “an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation,” practicing your calculator spelling could technically count as one. If you grab the nearest calculator and type the numbers 5318804, you’ll have both the word hobbies and a new hobby. LEGO If you input 0637 on a calculator, you’ll get the name of a beloved classic toy. We know typing LEGO may not be as fun as playing with the trademarked LEGO construction toys, but it’s still pretty interesting, especially if you know where the LEGO name comes from. LEGO is an abbreviation of the Danish leg godt, which means “to play well.” Ohio You can’t spell all of the US state names on a calculator, but you can spell Ohio. Just hit 0140. While you’re typing it, it might be fun to share a few fun Ohio facts, like the fact that its capital is Columbus, it’s abbreviated with the letters OH, and it’s bordered by five other states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Indiana. igloo It’s time for the ones and zeros to shine. Igloo can be spelled on a calculator by pressing 00761. First recorded in the mid-1800s, igloo comes from the Inuit word iglu, meaning “house.” In English, igloo doesn’t only describe dome-shaped structures. It’s also the word for “an excavation made by a seal in the snow over its breathing hole in the ice.” goggle Quick, what’s a six-letter calculator word that’s formed using at least three sixes? Goggle, or 376606, is the answer. Goggle is an interesting word because no one is 100% certain where it comes from. The word was first recorded in the 1300s and referred to movements of the eyes, such as bulging or rolling. It wasn’t until the 1700s that goggle began to refer to protective eye coverings. lilies The plural of lily is lilies, our next fun calculator word. Note that there is only one L in the middle of the word, so the correct way to input it on the calculator is 531717. A lily is, of course, a type of flowering plant, or it may refer to the ​​fleur-de-lis, especially as the symbol of France. It’s one of the only flower names able to be spelled using a calculator. boss Are you a 5508? That spells boss. You may be a boss in the literal sense, like a manager, or you might be a boss in the slang sense, which means “first-rate.” Believe it or not, the slang sense of the word isn’t just something the kids are saying. The first recorded use of boss to mean “excellent” occurred in the 1880s. shoes It’s almost time to hit the road, but not before we get to our final word: shoes. Footwear has certainly evolved since the ’90s and ’00s, when many of us were learning calculator words for the first time, but this five-letter word never goes out of style. In fact, shoe was first recorded in English before the year 900. All you need to do to spell this one is to hit 53045. Copyright 2024, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 963 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • “A Lot” vs. “Alot” vs. “Allot”: How Much Difference Is There Between Them?

    We use a lot … a lot. But ask someone to define a lot and they’ll probably start by saying “A lot means … a lot!” That’s because it’s so commonly used that it can be hard to think of how to explain it.

    A lot can seem like it should be a single word—and maybe one day the spelling alot will appear in this dictionary. But right now, the two-word spelling a lot is the one that’s recognized as standard. As for allot, it’s a different word altogether (even though it’s pronounced the same).

    Allot some time to learn why a lot is spelled the way it is, and we promise you’ll learn a lot more along the way (including how to know whether a lot is being used as a noun or an adverb).

    Quick summary

    A lot, which is often misspelled as alot, means “a large number or quantity” or “very much,” and it can be used as a noun or an adverb. Allot is a verb that means “to portion out” or “to set aside a share or portion of something, such as money or time, for a specific purpose.”

    What does a lot mean?

    As a noun, a lot means “a large number, quantity, or amount,” as in That’s a lot of cheese! or I only have a few hobbies, but my husband has a lot.

    As an adverb, a lot means “very much” or “a great deal,” as in I love you a lot, or “often,” as in I’ve been practicing a lot. It’s used as an adverb in the phrase Thanks a lot (which is the same as saying Thanks very much).

    Sometimes, it can be hard to tell whether a lot is being used as a noun or an adverb (making it hard to know what it’s supposed to mean). One way to tell is to remember that the noun use of a lot can be (and often is) paired with the word of and another noun. For example, in the sentence I had to study a lot for the test, the term a lot could refer to a lot of material, in which case it’s being used as a noun. However, if a lot is supposed to mean “often,” it’s being used as an adverb.

    A lot is probably misspelled as alot so commonly because we tend to think of it as functioning as a single word, but it’s really a combination of two: a (the extremely common indefinite article we use all the time, as in I have a cat and a dog) and lot (which, by itself, can mean “large number or quantity” or “great deal”).

    The word lots can mean the same thing as (and can be used interchangeably with) a lot, both as a noun, as in Lots of people were at the party, and as an adverb, as in I love you lots or I’ve been practicing lots. A lot is informal but very common, and lots is even more informal.

    A lot is very similar to other constructions like a ton (which can be used as a synonym of a lot) and a bit (which can be thought of as the opposite of a lot). Like a lot, both terms can also function as both nouns and adverbs: a bit of cheese (noun); back up a bit so you can be in the picture (adverb).

    What does allot mean?

    Allot is a verb that means “to divide out something into shares or portions,” as in His estate was allotted among his heirs.

    It can also mean “to dedicate or assign something, especially money or time, for a specific purpose,” as in We’re going to allot half of our budget for supplies or Please allot some time to review your work.

    The noun form is allotment, which can mean the same thing as portion.

    How to use a lot vs. alot vs. allot

    When to use a lot: when you’re talking about a large quantity of something or want to indicate that something happens or is done often or all the time. A lot is only ever used as a noun or an adverb.

    When to use alot: don’t. It’s a misspelling of a lot.

    When to use allot: when you’re talking about dividing something into portions or devoting a portion of time, money, or something else to a specific purpose. Allot is only ever used as a verb.

    Examples of a lot and allot used in a sentence

    Check out these examples to see how a lot and allot are commonly used in a sentence (sometimes even in the same one).

    - I like a lot of toppings on my pizza.
    - I have a lot, and I believe it’s my responsibility to help people who have very little.
    - I’ve been thinking a lot about this problem, and I think I have a solution.
    - The remaining shares have been allotted between you and your sister.
    - The residents at the meeting requested that we allot more money to the park project.
    - You’ll need to allot a lot of time to count the ballots—there are almost 500.

    Copyright 2024, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    “A Lot” vs. “Alot” vs. “Allot”: How Much Difference Is There Between Them? We use a lot … a lot. But ask someone to define a lot and they’ll probably start by saying “A lot means … a lot!” That’s because it’s so commonly used that it can be hard to think of how to explain it. A lot can seem like it should be a single word—and maybe one day the spelling alot will appear in this dictionary. But right now, the two-word spelling a lot is the one that’s recognized as standard. As for allot, it’s a different word altogether (even though it’s pronounced the same). Allot some time to learn why a lot is spelled the way it is, and we promise you’ll learn a lot more along the way (including how to know whether a lot is being used as a noun or an adverb). Quick summary A lot, which is often misspelled as alot, means “a large number or quantity” or “very much,” and it can be used as a noun or an adverb. Allot is a verb that means “to portion out” or “to set aside a share or portion of something, such as money or time, for a specific purpose.” What does a lot mean? As a noun, a lot means “a large number, quantity, or amount,” as in That’s a lot of cheese! or I only have a few hobbies, but my husband has a lot. As an adverb, a lot means “very much” or “a great deal,” as in I love you a lot, or “often,” as in I’ve been practicing a lot. It’s used as an adverb in the phrase Thanks a lot (which is the same as saying Thanks very much). Sometimes, it can be hard to tell whether a lot is being used as a noun or an adverb (making it hard to know what it’s supposed to mean). One way to tell is to remember that the noun use of a lot can be (and often is) paired with the word of and another noun. For example, in the sentence I had to study a lot for the test, the term a lot could refer to a lot of material, in which case it’s being used as a noun. However, if a lot is supposed to mean “often,” it’s being used as an adverb. A lot is probably misspelled as alot so commonly because we tend to think of it as functioning as a single word, but it’s really a combination of two: a (the extremely common indefinite article we use all the time, as in I have a cat and a dog) and lot (which, by itself, can mean “large number or quantity” or “great deal”). The word lots can mean the same thing as (and can be used interchangeably with) a lot, both as a noun, as in Lots of people were at the party, and as an adverb, as in I love you lots or I’ve been practicing lots. A lot is informal but very common, and lots is even more informal. A lot is very similar to other constructions like a ton (which can be used as a synonym of a lot) and a bit (which can be thought of as the opposite of a lot). Like a lot, both terms can also function as both nouns and adverbs: a bit of cheese (noun); back up a bit so you can be in the picture (adverb). What does allot mean? Allot is a verb that means “to divide out something into shares or portions,” as in His estate was allotted among his heirs. It can also mean “to dedicate or assign something, especially money or time, for a specific purpose,” as in We’re going to allot half of our budget for supplies or Please allot some time to review your work. The noun form is allotment, which can mean the same thing as portion. How to use a lot vs. alot vs. allot When to use a lot: when you’re talking about a large quantity of something or want to indicate that something happens or is done often or all the time. A lot is only ever used as a noun or an adverb. When to use alot: don’t. It’s a misspelling of a lot. When to use allot: when you’re talking about dividing something into portions or devoting a portion of time, money, or something else to a specific purpose. Allot is only ever used as a verb. Examples of a lot and allot used in a sentence Check out these examples to see how a lot and allot are commonly used in a sentence (sometimes even in the same one). - I like a lot of toppings on my pizza. - I have a lot, and I believe it’s my responsibility to help people who have very little. - I’ve been thinking a lot about this problem, and I think I have a solution. - The remaining shares have been allotted between you and your sister. - The residents at the meeting requested that we allot more money to the park project. - You’ll need to allot a lot of time to count the ballots—there are almost 500. Copyright 2024, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    0 ความคิดเห็น 0 การแบ่งปัน 673 มุมมอง 0 รีวิว
  • ชิ้นงานการถักโครเชต์ที่ผ่านมา ไม่เน้นสวยค่ะ เน้นฝึกจิต #hobbies #crochet #knitting #ammsarosha #แอ้มสโรชา
    ชิ้นงานการถักโครเชต์ที่ผ่านมา ไม่เน้นสวยค่ะ เน้นฝึกจิต #hobbies #crochet #knitting #ammsarosha #แอ้มสโรชา
    2 ความคิดเห็น 1 การแบ่งปัน 1072 มุมมอง 2 รีวิว
  • New Words We Created Because Of Coronavirus

    We’re rounding out 2020, and the coronavirus continues to shape our lives and language. While we once hoped we could toss the year’s coronacoinages out the door, that’s clearly not going to be the case right now: the coronavirus continues to surge to new levels.

    It seems like years (not months) ago that we learned our first COVID-19 terms, like social distancing and flatten the curve. We had to process so much, in so little time; we had to become experts about important differences: epidemic vs. pandemic, quarantine vs. isolation, and respirator vs. ventilators. The conversation continued with contagious vs. infectious and what antibodies do.

    Many of the words we’ve continued to add to our vocabularies address the ongoing nature of our situation. Maybe we long for the Before Times or have embraced cluttercore as we cope. The ups and downs of this life haven’t been easy (it’s a coronacoaster, to be honest), but the new vocabulary has helped us stay safe and informed during these scary times. And what better way to bring some welcome humor and humility to our lives in the bunker than some wordplay?

    Here’s our ongoing roundup of some of the new slang terms born of this unique, unprecedented time in modern life—a time of upheaval that some more jokingly call the coronapocalypse (corona apocalypse) or coronageddon (corona armageddon).

    the Before Times

    Are you walking around in a constant state of nostalgia? Then the term Before Times is for you. This humorous (and yes, dark) take on life pre-pandemic makes it clear that we’ve lived through an apocalyptic rupture point that separates old and new.

    The Before Times has long been a trope in science fiction, and linguist Ben Zimmer traces this specific phrase back to 1960s Star Trek, though some variations (beforetime) appear in early texts like the Bible.

    Example: Remember in the Before Times, when we packed together in movie theaters for a fun time? Seems like a different world now!


    Rona—often in the phrase the rona—is an informal shortening of coronavirus. Coronavirus is popularly shortened to corona, which was apparently further clipped to rona.

    Rona is often used as a playful or ironic way to refer to COVID-19, especially when commenting on more relatable, humorous challenges of social distancing during the pandemic.

    It is generally not meant, however, to be flippant about the very serious loss and disruption COVID-19 has wreaked—nor diminish the life-saving service of so many essential workers, from grocery clerks to nurses. It’s a bit of gallows humor.

    Some people have personified the virus as Miss Rona or Aunt Rona. And la rona (meant as “the rona”) has emerged in some Spanish-language contexts.

    Other informal shortenings? Just as coronavirus has been shortened to corona and rona, so quarantine has been shortened to quar—and even pandemic to panny.

    Example: Yeah, I don’t know about you, but homeschooling my kids during the rona ends up in a lot of Frozen 2.


    Cornteen is an intentional misspelling of quarantine, often used in ironic commentary on what it’s like to be at home during the coronavirus pandemic. It may have originated as an actual misspelling of quarantine. (Hey, quarantine wasn’t exactly a word most of us used every day until COVID-19.)

    Cornteen is occasionally used to joke about how quarantine is pronounced in various regional accents. Some people visually pun on cornteen by substituting the corn emoji, 🌽, for the corn- part of the word; others pun on the -teen to mean “teenager.”


    Life under the rona has meant that it’s even harder to peel our eyes away from our phones and computers, constantly refreshing our feeds for the latest news about the pandemic.

    At least there’s a word for that: doomscrolling, also doomscrolling. The term has been notably used—and popularized in part by her exhortations to a take a break from doing it—by Quartz reporter Karen K. Ho.

    Scrolling refers to scrolling down on our smartphones for the latest posts on social media. And doom … well, a lot of the news we’re seeing online feels full of gloom and doom.

    Example: I was up to 2 a.m. last night doomscrolling about coronavirus news in my state.

    A related slang term is doomsurfing, or compulsively surfing the internet for upsetting news.


    Staying up late, again? Waking up at 4am to doomscroll? Can’t remember your last good night of sleep? You’re not the only one. The term coronasomnia refers to—what else?—the insomnia that’s afflicting so many of us during the pandemic.

    Doctors and pharmacists have seen a measurable increase in the number of people suffering symptoms of insomnia or whose symptoms have worsened since the quarantine began. Some estimates suggest some 20 to 30 percent of the population—including children—may be impacted.

    One doctor coined the term “FED UP” to describe the worries of this stressful time. It stands for “financial stress, emotional stress, distance from others, unpredictability, and personal and professional concerns.” Yikes. Sounds like that’s another term for the dictionary.


    If you’re suffering from coronasomnia, you’ll likely understand this next word without much of an explanation.

    Coronacoaster is one of the many new COVID-inspired coinages that use corona (short for coronavirus) as a kind of combining form. It blends corona and rollercoaster to describe the emotional experience of life during the pandemic. Did you bake cookies and then sob like a baby while masking up for the 10,000th time? You’re on the coaster!

    Example: The coronacoaster has been exhausting this week. I started crying during my weekly family Zoom and couldn’t stop.


    The hilariously bad haircut we give ourselves under lockdown.

    This was one of the first coronacoinages out there—proving that sometimes we worry most about the little things … or that we’re all pretty vain.

    It feels like so long ago since we first heard this term, which only goes to show how slang changes as our experience of the pandemic changes.


    A “messy aesthetic,” especially in terms of embracing one’s books, knickknacks, and other stuff at home and sharing it on social media.

    While coronacut reminds us of our struggles during the earliest days of the pandemic, this term reflects the ongoing evolution of quarantine life.

    Cluttercore emerged as a maximalist, anti-Kondo approach in early 2020 before any lockdowns, but the pandemic really helped popularize the term. (As of October, videos with the hashtag #cluttercore had more than two million views.) This combining form blends clutter (“a disorderly heap or assemblage”) with -core, which names a kind of aesthetic, social movement, or lifestyle. Cluttercore is similar to terms like cottagecore, normcore, and gorpcore.

    “The pandemic has forced us to reevaluate what we have, make better use of objects and space … and also see their value, often for the first time,” says Jennifer Howard, author of Clutter: An Untidy History.


    A blend of COVID-19 and idiot, covidiot is a slang insult for someone who disregards healthy and safety guidelines about the novel coronavirus.

    Some signs of covidiocy are: not washing your hands regularly, hanging out in groups of people, standing within six feet of a stranger at the grocery, hoarding items like toilet paper and hand sanitizer all to yourself.

    Example: Don’t be a covidiot by visiting the beach today! It’s super crowded.


    The (very limited) group of people you see during self-isolation; one of the many slang terms that plays on quarantine.

    Whether you call it a germ pod, a COVID bubble, or your quaranteam, this is the group of people you voluntarily choose to socialize with or even live with during the quarantine. Basically, your pod chooses to isolate together, promising not to have close contact (within six feet) with anyone outside the pod. This form of contact clustering (yet another term used by epidemiologists to describe the situation) allows you to socialize while also staying safe.

    Quaranteam is a blend of quarantine and team, and sounds like quarantine—it’s a punning blend, as we’ve seen throughout this slideshow

    Example: Our quaranteam is going camping next weekend. We’re tired of all the binge-watching and baking.


    Another term for a covidiot. The wordplay, here, centers on the word moron.

    Example: My roommate is being such a moronavirus. He went down to the beach with a huge group of friends.

    Calling someone a covidiot or moronavirus is a form of quarantine shaming. That’s slang for publicly criticizing someone for not following health and safety guidelines (quarantine being a shorthand for policies in place requiring people to stay at home except where necessary in many places across the country and world).


    How do you take your quarantini? Dirty, dry? Shaken, stirred? Vodka, gin?

    Quarantini is a slang term for a cocktail people drink at home while under quarantine during—and because of—the coronavirus.

    The term is a blend of quarantine and martini, a cocktail made with gin or vodka and dry vermouth, usually served with a green olive or a twist of lemon peel.

    The original quarantini referred to a martini-like cocktail mixed with vitamin C-based dietary supplements—a concoction that predates the novel coronavirus.

    Quarantini has spread as a more general term for alcoholic beverages consumed at home during the pandemic.

    Example: Frozen pizza in the oven? Paw Patrol queued up? Think it’s time for a quarantini.


    The margarita answer to a quarantini—served with, what else, a Corona-brand beer.

    A margarita is a cocktail made of tequila, lime or lemon juice, and an orange-flavored liqueur, usually served in a salt-rimmed glass.

    virtual happy hour

    When someone might drink a quarantini or coronarita.

    Because many people are working from home to help, they are letting off steam at the end of a long day of doomscrolling by holding virtual happy hours over Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and other video conferencing or chat applications.

    Happy hour is a cocktail hour or longer period at a bar, during which drinks are served at reduced prices or with free snacks. It’s also used as a shorthand for drinks, generally with colleagues or friends, at the end of the workday, especially near the end of the work week.


    When you want to take your quarantini or coronita outside on a walk (not that we’re condoning that), then you’d have a walktail.

    With so many quarantining at home with nothing to do—and nowhere to drink with the bars closed—some people have taken to swigging while sauntering, according to a New York Times article that identified this new trend. A walktail combines the words walk and cocktail, and bar owners are reporting increased alcohol to-go sales as a result. People are drinking and walking their neighborhoods, walking their pets, or just hosting happy hours in the backyard.

    Now, readers, do keep in mind: almost everywhere in the US it’s illegal to carry an “open container,” so most people disguise their walktails in discreet containers. Or you can also go bold, like the woman who dressed up in her bridal gown to dance in the street.


    This one’s a more serious entry. When using Zoom or similar services, be wary of Zoom-bombing. This is when uninvited guests to a virtual meeting disrupt it with various obscene, violent, or offensive images or words.

    Bombing, here, is based on photobombing, or when people ruin a photograph by appearing in the image without the photographer’s knowledge, often in some dramatic or comical way.

    Zoom mom

    A demographic of moms who are constantly using Zoom.

    They used to be called soccer moms, but COVID-19 changed that. Now, these so-called Zoom moms are described as spending a lot of time using Zoom for work, their children’s schooling, or simply to chat with their friends who are also stuck at home. In a May 22 article, Zoom moms were identified as a potentially powerful voting bloc that could influence the 2020 elections.

    Example: If the updated back to school plans aren’t released soon, the Zoom moms may revolt.

    Zoom fatigue

    The exhaustion that sets in while living life over Zoom.

    Fatigue is a “weariness from bodily or mental exertion,” and people began to cling to the term Zoom fatigue pretty quickly in April. Experts note that this sense of exhaustion is a real phenomenon caused by the amount of information processed face-to-face on Zoom without any non-verbal cues. Conversations and meetings cause conflicting emotions, without allowing people to relax as they would in person.

    Zoom fatigue ties into the larger phenomenon of “pandemic fatigue”: months into the pandemic and we are feeling the emotional, social, and psychological toll even as we try to grasp the loss of our lives and livelihood.

    Zoom town

    A place where housing sales are booming due to buyers who work remotely and are willing to live farther from the office.

    Example: The realtor convinced us to look at several homes in a nearby Zoom town, and I couldn’t help but imagine an idyllic life in the suburbs—complete with backyard barbecues and a two-car garage.

    Competition for homes in Zoom towns in suburbs and areas surrounding city centers is heating up as workers embrace remote work and ditch their commutes. Prices in these areas are often lower than in tighter urban markets. Zoom town is a play on Zoom (which of course, can also mean “to move quickly”) and boom town, a noun meaning “a town that has grown very rapidly as a result of sudden prosperity.”

    quarantine and chill

    Netflix and chill, but for the coronavirus era.

    Quarantine and chill is used for various ways people are hunkering down and spending free time at home during the coronavirus, especially with a romantic partner while marathoning streaming services.

    Be careful when you search for quarantine and chill on social media, though: some people use the phrase when posting revealing selfies.

    Example: My hubby and I are in an epic tournament of Rummy 500. Winner each night gets to pick the movie. #Quarantineandchill

    coronials, quaranteens, coronababies

    When two people get really cozy while quarantine-and-chilling, they may, you know …

    Babies being conceived while people are cooped up at home during the coronavirus have been dubbed coronababies. And when these babies get older, they will become the quaranteens, a pun on quarantine and teen(ager).

    The hypothetical new generation of children conceived during COVID-19 has cleverly been crowned the coronials, a play on corona(virus) and millennials.


    The experience for other couples under COVID-19 quarantine may not be so snuggly. Being in extended isolation with loved ones can strain a relationship.

    Enter covidivorce, or divorces filed as a result of a couple’s experience during COVID-19.


    The experience of COVID-19 isn’t just taxing on couples who live together. People who are dating are also reconsidering their relationships during the pandemic—and sometimes zumping each other.

    A blend of dump and Zoom (the popular video service), zumping is when you break up with someone over a video conferencing service. At least they didn’t just text? (Hey, you can do better, anyways).

    turbo relationship

    While some people are breaking up over Zoom due to quarantining, sheltering in place means others are turbocharging their relationship.

    The quarantine required couples to face a tough choice: break up or, er, shack up. According to some therapists, many couples who sped up the traditional courtship to live together during these conditions are reporting positive relationships and strong levels of commitment.

    Turbo ultimately derives from a Latin word meaning “whirlwind”—and turbo relationships may certainly get people’s minds, and hearts, spinning?


    For some, quarantining at home during COVID-19 may result in a less movement—and more snacking—than they are used to.

    COVID-10, also referred to as the COVID-15 or even the COVID-19, is a riff on the numerals of COVID-19 and the freshman 15, an expression for the weight some people (are said to) gain during their first year of college. (Hey, gotta stock up on some supplies to help flatten the curve. And gotta take up delicious hobbies to stay engaged!)

    See also the German Coronaspeck, weight gained during the coronavirus pandemic, a play on Kummerspeck, or weight gained as a result of emotional eating.


    Coronavirus-compelled staycations, due to cancelled classes, shifts, and the like. It’s usually an ironic term—just ask parents working from home while teaching their kids.

    Example: My teen thinks he’s getting a coronacation since his school has moved online. Oh, wait until he sees how I am going to keep him busy with the Learning At Home resources.

    drive-by, drive-in

    So if you can’t take that dream vacation you’d always wanted … how about a drive-by birthday party instead?

    Social distancing has inspired a lot of creative adaptations for our celebrations—and equally unique terms for them. We’ve been introduced to drive-by graduations, weddings, and birthdays, as well as drive-in concerts and campaign rallies during the lead up to the election.

    Generally drive-in refers to “a place of business or public facility designed to accommodate patrons who sit in their automobiles.” The adjective is “relating to, or characteristic of such an establishment.” Drive-by is “occurring while driving past a person, object, etc.”

    Example: The four friends jumped in the car and barely made it to the drive-in concert on time.

    Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
    New Words We Created Because Of Coronavirus We’re rounding out 2020, and the coronavirus continues to shape our lives and language. While we once hoped we could toss the year’s coronacoinages out the door, that’s clearly not going to be the case right now: the coronavirus continues to surge to new levels. It seems like years (not months) ago that we learned our first COVID-19 terms, like social distancing and flatten the curve. We had to process so much, in so little time; we had to become experts about important differences: epidemic vs. pandemic, quarantine vs. isolation, and respirator vs. ventilators. The conversation continued with contagious vs. infectious and what antibodies do. Many of the words we’ve continued to add to our vocabularies address the ongoing nature of our situation. Maybe we long for the Before Times or have embraced cluttercore as we cope. The ups and downs of this life haven’t been easy (it’s a coronacoaster, to be honest), but the new vocabulary has helped us stay safe and informed during these scary times. And what better way to bring some welcome humor and humility to our lives in the bunker than some wordplay? Here’s our ongoing roundup of some of the new slang terms born of this unique, unprecedented time in modern life—a time of upheaval that some more jokingly call the coronapocalypse (corona apocalypse) or coronageddon (corona armageddon). the Before Times Are you walking around in a constant state of nostalgia? Then the term Before Times is for you. This humorous (and yes, dark) take on life pre-pandemic makes it clear that we’ve lived through an apocalyptic rupture point that separates old and new. The Before Times has long been a trope in science fiction, and linguist Ben Zimmer traces this specific phrase back to 1960s Star Trek, though some variations (beforetime) appear in early texts like the Bible. Example: Remember in the Before Times, when we packed together in movie theaters for a fun time? Seems like a different world now! rona Rona—often in the phrase the rona—is an informal shortening of coronavirus. Coronavirus is popularly shortened to corona, which was apparently further clipped to rona. Rona is often used as a playful or ironic way to refer to COVID-19, especially when commenting on more relatable, humorous challenges of social distancing during the pandemic. It is generally not meant, however, to be flippant about the very serious loss and disruption COVID-19 has wreaked—nor diminish the life-saving service of so many essential workers, from grocery clerks to nurses. It’s a bit of gallows humor. Some people have personified the virus as Miss Rona or Aunt Rona. And la rona (meant as “the rona”) has emerged in some Spanish-language contexts. Other informal shortenings? Just as coronavirus has been shortened to corona and rona, so quarantine has been shortened to quar—and even pandemic to panny. Example: Yeah, I don’t know about you, but homeschooling my kids during the rona ends up in a lot of Frozen 2. cornteen Cornteen is an intentional misspelling of quarantine, often used in ironic commentary on what it’s like to be at home during the coronavirus pandemic. It may have originated as an actual misspelling of quarantine. (Hey, quarantine wasn’t exactly a word most of us used every day until COVID-19.) Cornteen is occasionally used to joke about how quarantine is pronounced in various regional accents. Some people visually pun on cornteen by substituting the corn emoji, 🌽, for the corn- part of the word; others pun on the -teen to mean “teenager.” doomscrolling Life under the rona has meant that it’s even harder to peel our eyes away from our phones and computers, constantly refreshing our feeds for the latest news about the pandemic. At least there’s a word for that: doomscrolling, also doomscrolling. The term has been notably used—and popularized in part by her exhortations to a take a break from doing it—by Quartz reporter Karen K. Ho. Scrolling refers to scrolling down on our smartphones for the latest posts on social media. And doom … well, a lot of the news we’re seeing online feels full of gloom and doom. Example: I was up to 2 a.m. last night doomscrolling about coronavirus news in my state. A related slang term is doomsurfing, or compulsively surfing the internet for upsetting news. coronasomnia Staying up late, again? Waking up at 4am to doomscroll? Can’t remember your last good night of sleep? You’re not the only one. The term coronasomnia refers to—what else?—the insomnia that’s afflicting so many of us during the pandemic. Doctors and pharmacists have seen a measurable increase in the number of people suffering symptoms of insomnia or whose symptoms have worsened since the quarantine began. Some estimates suggest some 20 to 30 percent of the population—including children—may be impacted. One doctor coined the term “FED UP” to describe the worries of this stressful time. It stands for “financial stress, emotional stress, distance from others, unpredictability, and personal and professional concerns.” Yikes. Sounds like that’s another term for the dictionary. coronacoaster If you’re suffering from coronasomnia, you’ll likely understand this next word without much of an explanation. Coronacoaster is one of the many new COVID-inspired coinages that use corona (short for coronavirus) as a kind of combining form. It blends corona and rollercoaster to describe the emotional experience of life during the pandemic. Did you bake cookies and then sob like a baby while masking up for the 10,000th time? You’re on the coaster! Example: The coronacoaster has been exhausting this week. I started crying during my weekly family Zoom and couldn’t stop. coronacut The hilariously bad haircut we give ourselves under lockdown. This was one of the first coronacoinages out there—proving that sometimes we worry most about the little things … or that we’re all pretty vain. It feels like so long ago since we first heard this term, which only goes to show how slang changes as our experience of the pandemic changes. cluttercore A “messy aesthetic,” especially in terms of embracing one’s books, knickknacks, and other stuff at home and sharing it on social media. While coronacut reminds us of our struggles during the earliest days of the pandemic, this term reflects the ongoing evolution of quarantine life. Cluttercore emerged as a maximalist, anti-Kondo approach in early 2020 before any lockdowns, but the pandemic really helped popularize the term. (As of October, videos with the hashtag #cluttercore had more than two million views.) This combining form blends clutter (“a disorderly heap or assemblage”) with -core, which names a kind of aesthetic, social movement, or lifestyle. Cluttercore is similar to terms like cottagecore, normcore, and gorpcore. “The pandemic has forced us to reevaluate what we have, make better use of objects and space … and also see their value, often for the first time,” says Jennifer Howard, author of Clutter: An Untidy History. covidiot A blend of COVID-19 and idiot, covidiot is a slang insult for someone who disregards healthy and safety guidelines about the novel coronavirus. Some signs of covidiocy are: not washing your hands regularly, hanging out in groups of people, standing within six feet of a stranger at the grocery, hoarding items like toilet paper and hand sanitizer all to yourself. Example: Don’t be a covidiot by visiting the beach today! It’s super crowded. quaranteam The (very limited) group of people you see during self-isolation; one of the many slang terms that plays on quarantine. Whether you call it a germ pod, a COVID bubble, or your quaranteam, this is the group of people you voluntarily choose to socialize with or even live with during the quarantine. Basically, your pod chooses to isolate together, promising not to have close contact (within six feet) with anyone outside the pod. This form of contact clustering (yet another term used by epidemiologists to describe the situation) allows you to socialize while also staying safe. Quaranteam is a blend of quarantine and team, and sounds like quarantine—it’s a punning blend, as we’ve seen throughout this slideshow Example: Our quaranteam is going camping next weekend. We’re tired of all the binge-watching and baking. moronavirus Another term for a covidiot. The wordplay, here, centers on the word moron. Example: My roommate is being such a moronavirus. He went down to the beach with a huge group of friends. Calling someone a covidiot or moronavirus is a form of quarantine shaming. That’s slang for publicly criticizing someone for not following health and safety guidelines (quarantine being a shorthand for policies in place requiring people to stay at home except where necessary in many places across the country and world). quarantini How do you take your quarantini? Dirty, dry? Shaken, stirred? Vodka, gin? Quarantini is a slang term for a cocktail people drink at home while under quarantine during—and because of—the coronavirus. The term is a blend of quarantine and martini, a cocktail made with gin or vodka and dry vermouth, usually served with a green olive or a twist of lemon peel. The original quarantini referred to a martini-like cocktail mixed with vitamin C-based dietary supplements—a concoction that predates the novel coronavirus. Quarantini has spread as a more general term for alcoholic beverages consumed at home during the pandemic. Example: Frozen pizza in the oven? Paw Patrol queued up? Think it’s time for a quarantini. coronarita The margarita answer to a quarantini—served with, what else, a Corona-brand beer. A margarita is a cocktail made of tequila, lime or lemon juice, and an orange-flavored liqueur, usually served in a salt-rimmed glass. virtual happy hour When someone might drink a quarantini or coronarita. Because many people are working from home to help, they are letting off steam at the end of a long day of doomscrolling by holding virtual happy hours over Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and other video conferencing or chat applications. Happy hour is a cocktail hour or longer period at a bar, during which drinks are served at reduced prices or with free snacks. It’s also used as a shorthand for drinks, generally with colleagues or friends, at the end of the workday, especially near the end of the work week. walktail When you want to take your quarantini or coronita outside on a walk (not that we’re condoning that), then you’d have a walktail. With so many quarantining at home with nothing to do—and nowhere to drink with the bars closed—some people have taken to swigging while sauntering, according to a New York Times article that identified this new trend. A walktail combines the words walk and cocktail, and bar owners are reporting increased alcohol to-go sales as a result. People are drinking and walking their neighborhoods, walking their pets, or just hosting happy hours in the backyard. Now, readers, do keep in mind: almost everywhere in the US it’s illegal to carry an “open container,” so most people disguise their walktails in discreet containers. Or you can also go bold, like the woman who dressed up in her bridal gown to dance in the street. Zoom-bombing This one’s a more serious entry. When using Zoom or similar services, be wary of Zoom-bombing. This is when uninvited guests to a virtual meeting disrupt it with various obscene, violent, or offensive images or words. Bombing, here, is based on photobombing, or when people ruin a photograph by appearing in the image without the photographer’s knowledge, often in some dramatic or comical way. Zoom mom A demographic of moms who are constantly using Zoom. They used to be called soccer moms, but COVID-19 changed that. Now, these so-called Zoom moms are described as spending a lot of time using Zoom for work, their children’s schooling, or simply to chat with their friends who are also stuck at home. In a May 22 article, Zoom moms were identified as a potentially powerful voting bloc that could influence the 2020 elections. Example: If the updated back to school plans aren’t released soon, the Zoom moms may revolt. Zoom fatigue The exhaustion that sets in while living life over Zoom. Fatigue is a “weariness from bodily or mental exertion,” and people began to cling to the term Zoom fatigue pretty quickly in April. Experts note that this sense of exhaustion is a real phenomenon caused by the amount of information processed face-to-face on Zoom without any non-verbal cues. Conversations and meetings cause conflicting emotions, without allowing people to relax as they would in person. Zoom fatigue ties into the larger phenomenon of “pandemic fatigue”: months into the pandemic and we are feeling the emotional, social, and psychological toll even as we try to grasp the loss of our lives and livelihood. Zoom town A place where housing sales are booming due to buyers who work remotely and are willing to live farther from the office. Example: The realtor convinced us to look at several homes in a nearby Zoom town, and I couldn’t help but imagine an idyllic life in the suburbs—complete with backyard barbecues and a two-car garage. Competition for homes in Zoom towns in suburbs and areas surrounding city centers is heating up as workers embrace remote work and ditch their commutes. Prices in these areas are often lower than in tighter urban markets. Zoom town is a play on Zoom (which of course, can also mean “to move quickly”) and boom town, a noun meaning “a town that has grown very rapidly as a result of sudden prosperity.” quarantine and chill Netflix and chill, but for the coronavirus era. Quarantine and chill is used for various ways people are hunkering down and spending free time at home during the coronavirus, especially with a romantic partner while marathoning streaming services. Be careful when you search for quarantine and chill on social media, though: some people use the phrase when posting revealing selfies. Example: My hubby and I are in an epic tournament of Rummy 500. Winner each night gets to pick the movie. #Quarantineandchill coronials, quaranteens, coronababies When two people get really cozy while quarantine-and-chilling, they may, you know … Babies being conceived while people are cooped up at home during the coronavirus have been dubbed coronababies. And when these babies get older, they will become the quaranteens, a pun on quarantine and teen(ager). The hypothetical new generation of children conceived during COVID-19 has cleverly been crowned the coronials, a play on corona(virus) and millennials. covidivorce The experience for other couples under COVID-19 quarantine may not be so snuggly. Being in extended isolation with loved ones can strain a relationship. Enter covidivorce, or divorces filed as a result of a couple’s experience during COVID-19. zumping The experience of COVID-19 isn’t just taxing on couples who live together. People who are dating are also reconsidering their relationships during the pandemic—and sometimes zumping each other. A blend of dump and Zoom (the popular video service), zumping is when you break up with someone over a video conferencing service. At least they didn’t just text? (Hey, you can do better, anyways). turbo relationship While some people are breaking up over Zoom due to quarantining, sheltering in place means others are turbocharging their relationship. The quarantine required couples to face a tough choice: break up or, er, shack up. According to some therapists, many couples who sped up the traditional courtship to live together during these conditions are reporting positive relationships and strong levels of commitment. Turbo ultimately derives from a Latin word meaning “whirlwind”—and turbo relationships may certainly get people’s minds, and hearts, spinning? COVID-10 For some, quarantining at home during COVID-19 may result in a less movement—and more snacking—than they are used to. COVID-10, also referred to as the COVID-15 or even the COVID-19, is a riff on the numerals of COVID-19 and the freshman 15, an expression for the weight some people (are said to) gain during their first year of college. (Hey, gotta stock up on some supplies to help flatten the curve. And gotta take up delicious hobbies to stay engaged!) See also the German Coronaspeck, weight gained during the coronavirus pandemic, a play on Kummerspeck, or weight gained as a result of emotional eating. coronacation Coronavirus-compelled staycations, due to cancelled classes, shifts, and the like. It’s usually an ironic term—just ask parents working from home while teaching their kids. Example: My teen thinks he’s getting a coronacation since his school has moved online. Oh, wait until he sees how I am going to keep him busy with the Learning At Home resources. drive-by, drive-in So if you can’t take that dream vacation you’d always wanted … how about a drive-by birthday party instead? Social distancing has inspired a lot of creative adaptations for our celebrations—and equally unique terms for them. We’ve been introduced to drive-by graduations, weddings, and birthdays, as well as drive-in concerts and campaign rallies during the lead up to the election. Generally drive-in refers to “a place of business or public facility designed to accommodate patrons who sit in their automobiles.” The adjective is “relating to, or characteristic of such an establishment.” Drive-by is “occurring while driving past a person, object, etc.” Example: The four friends jumped in the car and barely made it to the drive-in concert on time. Copyright 2024, XAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
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