Did You Know You Can Write These 17 Words On The Calculator?
Where were you the first time you learned you could spell words on a calculator? For most of us, the answer is an elementary or middle school math class. Maybe you had a friend who taught you the numbers to push to spell hello. Or, perhaps you were busy with homework and noticed the upside down numbers on your calculator looked like LOL. Before long you were probably trying all sorts of letter combinations trying to spell the longest (and silliest) possible words.
The extra fun thing about calculator words is that they’re one type of ambigrams. An ambigram is a word, number, or other figure that can be read upside down. To create and read a calculator word, you have to enter the corresponding numbers backwards, then flip the calculator upside down. When you do this, a 7 becomes an L, a 3 becomes an E, and suddenly, it’s a whole new world of words to explore. Here’s a look at some of the most classic and entertaining calculator words you may have forgotten about. Please note: this post includes some anatomy slang.
Or should we say 200? Some words become “calculator words” simply because they’re easy to write, and this is certainly one of them. Most of us know zoos as parklike areas where wild animals are on public display, but the word zoo can also mean “a place, activity, or group marked by chaos or unrestrained behavior.” For example, a math class where every student is busy writing secret messages on their calculators. Hey, we’re just kidding.
Multisyllable calculator words are a good way to dazzle everyone with your sizzling intellect. Case in point: if you type 372215 and flip it upside down, you get the word sizzle. This word originated in English as an imitation of the hissing sound sometimes heard during cooking, so it’s one calculator word that’s both an ambigram and an onomatopoeia.
If you’ve ever typed 8008 or 8008135 into your calculator, you aren’t alone. Boob and boobies are the quintessential, silly calculator words many people first learn in middle or high school. Boob is, of course, slang for a breast (or a foolish person—like the kind that types boob on a calculator). Like many words that make middle schoolers giggle, these ones are probably frowned upon in most math classes. The less we say about this one, the better.
Logotype isn’t possible to spell on a calculator, but its shortened form, logo, certainly is. Typing 0607 will give you this noun that means “a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.” Come to think of it, a brand name spelled out on a calculator could make a pretty cool logo.
If you’re a little bit obsessed with calculator words (or the number five), just input 553580. That’s how you spell obsess, which means “to occupy or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires of (a person); beset, trouble, or haunt persistently or abnormally.” The word comes from the Latin obsessus, a past participle of obsidēre, meaning “to occupy, frequent, besiege.”
You can laugh out loud or you can laugh on a calculator. 707 should get the message across. LOL is a ’90s internet abbreviation for “laugh out loud” or “laughing out loud.” These days, it’s less popular than a simple haha or a laughing emoji, but on a calculator it’s the clearest (and only) way to let someone know you appreciate their sense of humor.
The next word on the list is eggshell. That’s 77345663, for those trying to spell it at home. This word, which refers to the shell of a bird’s egg, a paint color, and even a type of paper, may not be the zaniest word you can think of, but if your goal is to type the longest calculator word, it is definitely a contender.
Sometimes a good calculator word can give you a serious case of the giggles. Other times, the word is literally giggle. You can create this word by punching in 376616. This word, which entered English in the 1500s, is likely related to the Dutch gigelen or the German gickeln. On a calculator, it’s ideal for people who really like the number six.
Here’s another quintessential calculator word that’s easy to learn. 07734 spells hello. Interestingly, it wouldn’t be possible to spell hello on a calculator if not for its modern form. The word evolved from hallo, a variant of hollo, which is itself a variant of the earlier Middle French hola, equivalent to “ahoy there.” There’s no great way to make the letter A on a calculator, so it’s a good thing language evolves.
It’s nice to have hobbies. Hobby comes from the Middle English hoby, which referred to a horse in the 13th century. From hoby evolved hobbyhorse, a children’s toy, which was later shortened to its modern form. Since the word hobby means “an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation,” practicing your calculator spelling could technically count as one. If you grab the nearest calculator and type the numbers 5318804, you’ll have both the word hobbies and a new hobby.
If you input 0637 on a calculator, you’ll get the name of a beloved classic toy. We know typing LEGO may not be as fun as playing with the trademarked LEGO construction toys, but it’s still pretty interesting, especially if you know where the LEGO name comes from. LEGO is an abbreviation of the Danish leg godt, which means “to play well.”
You can’t spell all of the US state names on a calculator, but you can spell Ohio. Just hit 0140. While you’re typing it, it might be fun to share a few fun Ohio facts, like the fact that its capital is Columbus, it’s abbreviated with the letters OH, and it’s bordered by five other states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Indiana.
It’s time for the ones and zeros to shine. Igloo can be spelled on a calculator by pressing 00761. First recorded in the mid-1800s, igloo comes from the Inuit word iglu, meaning “house.” In English, igloo doesn’t only describe dome-shaped structures. It’s also the word for “an excavation made by a seal in the snow over its breathing hole in the ice.”
Quick, what’s a six-letter calculator word that’s formed using at least three sixes? Goggle, or 376606, is the answer. Goggle is an interesting word because no one is 100% certain where it comes from. The word was first recorded in the 1300s and referred to movements of the eyes, such as bulging or rolling. It wasn’t until the 1700s that goggle began to refer to protective eye coverings.
The plural of lily is lilies, our next fun calculator word. Note that there is only one L in the middle of the word, so the correct way to input it on the calculator is 531717. A lily is, of course, a type of flowering plant, or it may refer to the fleur-de-lis, especially as the symbol of France. It’s one of the only flower names able to be spelled using a calculator.
Are you a 5508? That spells boss. You may be a boss in the literal sense, like a manager, or you might be a boss in the slang sense, which means “first-rate.” Believe it or not, the slang sense of the word isn’t just something the kids are saying. The first recorded use of boss to mean “excellent” occurred in the 1880s.
It’s almost time to hit the road, but not before we get to our final word: shoes. Footwear has certainly evolved since the ’90s and ’00s, when many of us were learning calculator words for the first time, but this five-letter word never goes out of style. In fact, shoe was first recorded in English before the year 900. All you need to do to spell this one is to hit 53045.
Copyright 2024, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
Where were you the first time you learned you could spell words on a calculator? For most of us, the answer is an elementary or middle school math class. Maybe you had a friend who taught you the numbers to push to spell hello. Or, perhaps you were busy with homework and noticed the upside down numbers on your calculator looked like LOL. Before long you were probably trying all sorts of letter combinations trying to spell the longest (and silliest) possible words.
The extra fun thing about calculator words is that they’re one type of ambigrams. An ambigram is a word, number, or other figure that can be read upside down. To create and read a calculator word, you have to enter the corresponding numbers backwards, then flip the calculator upside down. When you do this, a 7 becomes an L, a 3 becomes an E, and suddenly, it’s a whole new world of words to explore. Here’s a look at some of the most classic and entertaining calculator words you may have forgotten about. Please note: this post includes some anatomy slang.
Or should we say 200? Some words become “calculator words” simply because they’re easy to write, and this is certainly one of them. Most of us know zoos as parklike areas where wild animals are on public display, but the word zoo can also mean “a place, activity, or group marked by chaos or unrestrained behavior.” For example, a math class where every student is busy writing secret messages on their calculators. Hey, we’re just kidding.
Multisyllable calculator words are a good way to dazzle everyone with your sizzling intellect. Case in point: if you type 372215 and flip it upside down, you get the word sizzle. This word originated in English as an imitation of the hissing sound sometimes heard during cooking, so it’s one calculator word that’s both an ambigram and an onomatopoeia.
If you’ve ever typed 8008 or 8008135 into your calculator, you aren’t alone. Boob and boobies are the quintessential, silly calculator words many people first learn in middle or high school. Boob is, of course, slang for a breast (or a foolish person—like the kind that types boob on a calculator). Like many words that make middle schoolers giggle, these ones are probably frowned upon in most math classes. The less we say about this one, the better.
Logotype isn’t possible to spell on a calculator, but its shortened form, logo, certainly is. Typing 0607 will give you this noun that means “a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.” Come to think of it, a brand name spelled out on a calculator could make a pretty cool logo.
If you’re a little bit obsessed with calculator words (or the number five), just input 553580. That’s how you spell obsess, which means “to occupy or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires of (a person); beset, trouble, or haunt persistently or abnormally.” The word comes from the Latin obsessus, a past participle of obsidēre, meaning “to occupy, frequent, besiege.”
You can laugh out loud or you can laugh on a calculator. 707 should get the message across. LOL is a ’90s internet abbreviation for “laugh out loud” or “laughing out loud.” These days, it’s less popular than a simple haha or a laughing emoji, but on a calculator it’s the clearest (and only) way to let someone know you appreciate their sense of humor.
The next word on the list is eggshell. That’s 77345663, for those trying to spell it at home. This word, which refers to the shell of a bird’s egg, a paint color, and even a type of paper, may not be the zaniest word you can think of, but if your goal is to type the longest calculator word, it is definitely a contender.
Sometimes a good calculator word can give you a serious case of the giggles. Other times, the word is literally giggle. You can create this word by punching in 376616. This word, which entered English in the 1500s, is likely related to the Dutch gigelen or the German gickeln. On a calculator, it’s ideal for people who really like the number six.
Here’s another quintessential calculator word that’s easy to learn. 07734 spells hello. Interestingly, it wouldn’t be possible to spell hello on a calculator if not for its modern form. The word evolved from hallo, a variant of hollo, which is itself a variant of the earlier Middle French hola, equivalent to “ahoy there.” There’s no great way to make the letter A on a calculator, so it’s a good thing language evolves.
It’s nice to have hobbies. Hobby comes from the Middle English hoby, which referred to a horse in the 13th century. From hoby evolved hobbyhorse, a children’s toy, which was later shortened to its modern form. Since the word hobby means “an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation,” practicing your calculator spelling could technically count as one. If you grab the nearest calculator and type the numbers 5318804, you’ll have both the word hobbies and a new hobby.
If you input 0637 on a calculator, you’ll get the name of a beloved classic toy. We know typing LEGO may not be as fun as playing with the trademarked LEGO construction toys, but it’s still pretty interesting, especially if you know where the LEGO name comes from. LEGO is an abbreviation of the Danish leg godt, which means “to play well.”
You can’t spell all of the US state names on a calculator, but you can spell Ohio. Just hit 0140. While you’re typing it, it might be fun to share a few fun Ohio facts, like the fact that its capital is Columbus, it’s abbreviated with the letters OH, and it’s bordered by five other states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Indiana.
It’s time for the ones and zeros to shine. Igloo can be spelled on a calculator by pressing 00761. First recorded in the mid-1800s, igloo comes from the Inuit word iglu, meaning “house.” In English, igloo doesn’t only describe dome-shaped structures. It’s also the word for “an excavation made by a seal in the snow over its breathing hole in the ice.”
Quick, what’s a six-letter calculator word that’s formed using at least three sixes? Goggle, or 376606, is the answer. Goggle is an interesting word because no one is 100% certain where it comes from. The word was first recorded in the 1300s and referred to movements of the eyes, such as bulging or rolling. It wasn’t until the 1700s that goggle began to refer to protective eye coverings.
The plural of lily is lilies, our next fun calculator word. Note that there is only one L in the middle of the word, so the correct way to input it on the calculator is 531717. A lily is, of course, a type of flowering plant, or it may refer to the fleur-de-lis, especially as the symbol of France. It’s one of the only flower names able to be spelled using a calculator.
Are you a 5508? That spells boss. You may be a boss in the literal sense, like a manager, or you might be a boss in the slang sense, which means “first-rate.” Believe it or not, the slang sense of the word isn’t just something the kids are saying. The first recorded use of boss to mean “excellent” occurred in the 1880s.
It’s almost time to hit the road, but not before we get to our final word: shoes. Footwear has certainly evolved since the ’90s and ’00s, when many of us were learning calculator words for the first time, but this five-letter word never goes out of style. In fact, shoe was first recorded in English before the year 900. All you need to do to spell this one is to hit 53045.
Copyright 2024, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
Did You Know You Can Write These 17 Words On The Calculator?
Where were you the first time you learned you could spell words on a calculator? For most of us, the answer is an elementary or middle school math class. Maybe you had a friend who taught you the numbers to push to spell hello. Or, perhaps you were busy with homework and noticed the upside down numbers on your calculator looked like LOL. Before long you were probably trying all sorts of letter combinations trying to spell the longest (and silliest) possible words.
The extra fun thing about calculator words is that they’re one type of ambigrams. An ambigram is a word, number, or other figure that can be read upside down. To create and read a calculator word, you have to enter the corresponding numbers backwards, then flip the calculator upside down. When you do this, a 7 becomes an L, a 3 becomes an E, and suddenly, it’s a whole new world of words to explore. Here’s a look at some of the most classic and entertaining calculator words you may have forgotten about. Please note: this post includes some anatomy slang.
Or should we say 200? Some words become “calculator words” simply because they’re easy to write, and this is certainly one of them. Most of us know zoos as parklike areas where wild animals are on public display, but the word zoo can also mean “a place, activity, or group marked by chaos or unrestrained behavior.” For example, a math class where every student is busy writing secret messages on their calculators. Hey, we’re just kidding.
Multisyllable calculator words are a good way to dazzle everyone with your sizzling intellect. Case in point: if you type 372215 and flip it upside down, you get the word sizzle. This word originated in English as an imitation of the hissing sound sometimes heard during cooking, so it’s one calculator word that’s both an ambigram and an onomatopoeia.
If you’ve ever typed 8008 or 8008135 into your calculator, you aren’t alone. Boob and boobies are the quintessential, silly calculator words many people first learn in middle or high school. Boob is, of course, slang for a breast (or a foolish person—like the kind that types boob on a calculator). Like many words that make middle schoolers giggle, these ones are probably frowned upon in most math classes. The less we say about this one, the better.
Logotype isn’t possible to spell on a calculator, but its shortened form, logo, certainly is. Typing 0607 will give you this noun that means “a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.” Come to think of it, a brand name spelled out on a calculator could make a pretty cool logo.
If you’re a little bit obsessed with calculator words (or the number five), just input 553580. That’s how you spell obsess, which means “to occupy or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires of (a person); beset, trouble, or haunt persistently or abnormally.” The word comes from the Latin obsessus, a past participle of obsidēre, meaning “to occupy, frequent, besiege.”
You can laugh out loud or you can laugh on a calculator. 707 should get the message across. LOL is a ’90s internet abbreviation for “laugh out loud” or “laughing out loud.” These days, it’s less popular than a simple haha or a laughing emoji, but on a calculator it’s the clearest (and only) way to let someone know you appreciate their sense of humor.
The next word on the list is eggshell. That’s 77345663, for those trying to spell it at home. This word, which refers to the shell of a bird’s egg, a paint color, and even a type of paper, may not be the zaniest word you can think of, but if your goal is to type the longest calculator word, it is definitely a contender.
Sometimes a good calculator word can give you a serious case of the giggles. Other times, the word is literally giggle. You can create this word by punching in 376616. This word, which entered English in the 1500s, is likely related to the Dutch gigelen or the German gickeln. On a calculator, it’s ideal for people who really like the number six.
Here’s another quintessential calculator word that’s easy to learn. 07734 spells hello. Interestingly, it wouldn’t be possible to spell hello on a calculator if not for its modern form. The word evolved from hallo, a variant of hollo, which is itself a variant of the earlier Middle French hola, equivalent to “ahoy there.” There’s no great way to make the letter A on a calculator, so it’s a good thing language evolves.
It’s nice to have hobbies. Hobby comes from the Middle English hoby, which referred to a horse in the 13th century. From hoby evolved hobbyhorse, a children’s toy, which was later shortened to its modern form. Since the word hobby means “an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation,” practicing your calculator spelling could technically count as one. If you grab the nearest calculator and type the numbers 5318804, you’ll have both the word hobbies and a new hobby.
If you input 0637 on a calculator, you’ll get the name of a beloved classic toy. We know typing LEGO may not be as fun as playing with the trademarked LEGO construction toys, but it’s still pretty interesting, especially if you know where the LEGO name comes from. LEGO is an abbreviation of the Danish leg godt, which means “to play well.”
You can’t spell all of the US state names on a calculator, but you can spell Ohio. Just hit 0140. While you’re typing it, it might be fun to share a few fun Ohio facts, like the fact that its capital is Columbus, it’s abbreviated with the letters OH, and it’s bordered by five other states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Indiana.
It’s time for the ones and zeros to shine. Igloo can be spelled on a calculator by pressing 00761. First recorded in the mid-1800s, igloo comes from the Inuit word iglu, meaning “house.” In English, igloo doesn’t only describe dome-shaped structures. It’s also the word for “an excavation made by a seal in the snow over its breathing hole in the ice.”
Quick, what’s a six-letter calculator word that’s formed using at least three sixes? Goggle, or 376606, is the answer. Goggle is an interesting word because no one is 100% certain where it comes from. The word was first recorded in the 1300s and referred to movements of the eyes, such as bulging or rolling. It wasn’t until the 1700s that goggle began to refer to protective eye coverings.
The plural of lily is lilies, our next fun calculator word. Note that there is only one L in the middle of the word, so the correct way to input it on the calculator is 531717. A lily is, of course, a type of flowering plant, or it may refer to the fleur-de-lis, especially as the symbol of France. It’s one of the only flower names able to be spelled using a calculator.
Are you a 5508? That spells boss. You may be a boss in the literal sense, like a manager, or you might be a boss in the slang sense, which means “first-rate.” Believe it or not, the slang sense of the word isn’t just something the kids are saying. The first recorded use of boss to mean “excellent” occurred in the 1880s.
It’s almost time to hit the road, but not before we get to our final word: shoes. Footwear has certainly evolved since the ’90s and ’00s, when many of us were learning calculator words for the first time, but this five-letter word never goes out of style. In fact, shoe was first recorded in English before the year 900. All you need to do to spell this one is to hit 53045.
Copyright 2024, AAKKHRA, All Rights Reserved.
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