SIBO... small intestine bacterial overgrowth

IBS... irritable bowel syndrome

Both of the terms are now used interchangeably because research has found that SIBO is often found in up to 60% of patients who are diagnosed with the more general term IBS.

Basically, SIBO comes from the new wave of research that has showed that in the majority of patients with IBS there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small bowel due to the dysfunction of the gut. This is why SIBO and IBS can often times mean the same thing.

IBS can also sometimes exist without SIBO. This is usually when someone has less severe symptoms and has food sensitivities or occasional bouts of constipation or diarrhea.

From my experience, in most cases the people who have SIBO often times have more severe digestive issues because of the overgrowth of bacteria which causes a lot of gas, bloating, and uncomfortable digestive symptoms.
SIBO... small intestine bacterial overgrowth IBS... irritable bowel syndrome Both of the terms are now used interchangeably because research has found that SIBO is often found in up to 60% of patients who are diagnosed with the more general term IBS. Basically, SIBO comes from the new wave of research that has showed that in the majority of patients with IBS there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small bowel due to the dysfunction of the gut. This is why SIBO and IBS can often times mean the same thing. IBS can also sometimes exist without SIBO. This is usually when someone has less severe symptoms and has food sensitivities or occasional bouts of constipation or diarrhea. From my experience, in most cases the people who have SIBO often times have more severe digestive issues because of the overgrowth of bacteria which causes a lot of gas, bloating, and uncomfortable digestive symptoms.
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