Technology is not the answer for everything
Faster internet will not make peoples lives better now
With 5g you can start to manipulate DNA
It’s not good for corrupt government or corporations to have 5g
Why give corporations that power?.. Because you can penetrate the DNA with those waves
Why do government now give corporations the power to do anything they want ?
It’s globalism, When corporations control government, Or when government is a big corporation, Government should be run for the benefit of the people
In Thailand people are brainwashed by so many commercials.. The 5g is for the corporations
No good doctor is going to operate on the Internet.. That’s only for cheap health care
In China they will control the people better with 5g.. The people in Hong Kong fighting against that.. In Hong Kong the people have no future
Social Credit Scores!... They use 5g to check everybody in the internet.. Can take your money away on the internet in China now.. They want the same in Thailand
ASEAN will demand that system soon 😤😤😤
Thai people need to wake up
Where is the sustainability economy?
Technology is not the answer for everything
Faster internet will not make peoples lives better now
With 5g you can start to manipulate DNA
It’s not good for corrupt government or corporations to have 5g
Why give corporations that power?.. Because you can penetrate the DNA with those waves
Why do government now give corporations the power to do anything they want ?
It’s globalism, When corporations control government, Or when government is a big corporation, Government should be run for the benefit of the people
In Thailand people are brainwashed by so many commercials.. The 5g is for the corporations
No good doctor is going to operate on the Internet.. That’s only for cheap health care
In China they will control the people better with 5g.. The people in Hong Kong fighting against that.. In Hong Kong the people have no future
Social Credit Scores!... They use 5g to check everybody in the internet.. Can take your money away on the internet in China now.. They want the same in Thailand
ASEAN will demand that system soon 😤😤😤
Thai people need to wake up
Where is the sustainability economy?
Technology is not the answer for everything
Faster internet will not make peoples lives better now
With 5g you can start to manipulate DNA
It’s not good for corrupt government or corporations to have 5g
Why give corporations that power?.. Because you can penetrate the DNA with those waves
Why do government now give corporations the power to do anything they want ?
It’s globalism, When corporations control government, Or when government is a big corporation, Government should be run for the benefit of the people
In Thailand people are brainwashed by so many commercials.. The 5g is for the corporations
No good doctor is going to operate on the Internet.. That’s only for cheap health care
In China they will control the people better with 5g.. The people in Hong Kong fighting against that.. In Hong Kong the people have no future
Social Credit Scores!... They use 5g to check everybody in the internet.. Can take your money away on the internet in China now.. They want the same in Thailand
ASEAN will demand that system soon 😤😤😤
Thai people need to wake up
Where is the sustainability economy?