Paramahansa Yogananda and his "Self-Realization Fellowship" (SRF)
Apart from the man himself, and we really don't know too much about him, his books are a very different story, they are a central part of "century of the self" and other CIA mass mind control experiments. The great yogi talks about finding oneself... Hey it's great to know thyself, however this was really step number one in the evolution of identity politics and woke culture... We now live in a world of me me & more me... If people believe that one's true identity is their personality, they eventually become a walking zombie and obedience to globalist commands becomes their life goal. We see this today in Western culture, making war on anything that is outside of their own understanding of the world... This is what "century of the self" is all about.
Apart from the man himself, and we really don't know too much about him, his books are a very different story, they are a central part of "century of the self" and other CIA mass mind control experiments. The great yogi talks about finding oneself... Hey it's great to know thyself, however this was really step number one in the evolution of identity politics and woke culture... We now live in a world of me me & more me... If people believe that one's true identity is their personality, they eventually become a walking zombie and obedience to globalist commands becomes their life goal. We see this today in Western culture, making war on anything that is outside of their own understanding of the world... This is what "century of the self" is all about.
Paramahansa Yogananda and his "Self-Realization Fellowship" (SRF)
Apart from the man himself, and we really don't know too much about him, his books are a very different story, they are a central part of "century of the self" and other CIA mass mind control experiments. The great yogi talks about finding oneself... Hey it's great to know thyself, however this was really step number one in the evolution of identity politics and woke culture... We now live in a world of me me & more me... If people believe that one's true identity is their personality, they eventually become a walking zombie and obedience to globalist commands becomes their life goal. We see this today in Western culture, making war on anything that is outside of their own understanding of the world... This is what "century of the self" is all about.
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